Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi ladies
I 'may' be joining u again soon- my ex has asked to talk to me in person this week about the possibility of being a donor so I guess all hope is not lost yet. But I don't want to count on it.
I totally get what u mean about hearing others are pregnant, I was heartbroken in a way when I heard about my sister, I think it was the fact that she hadn't really wanted a baby. But after a few days of avoiding her I realised I can't change things & that I need to be happy for her & support her. But it is initially gut wrenching when u hear of it.
I've too felt inadequate at times for having fertility problems & I think I took it for granted that I fell so easily on the clomid the first time. But don't give up hope any of you it worked for me x
Hi Ladies

welcome to all the new ladies:flower:

Sorry i've been quiet i'm exhausted :( worked all weekend and all today too so have had no break plus its hard in work at the moment! No news here bfn 13dpo AF will be here tomorrow for sure. We think we are going to do IVF next....i am not allowd any more clomid as you aer only allowd 12 lots in a life time and i've had those BUT ladies it did work for me with my first i caught on my 5th round of 50mg so please don't give up hope!! My head isn't in a great place either as i'm not 100% sure we should be spending on IVF its a huge amount of i'm very confused as to whether i should just accept being a mummy to one gorgeous lil boy!

Hearing about other pregnancys is gutting its literally like someone has kicked you in the guts. Its so hard to deal with but i agree after time you learn to be happy for them as well as super jealous - your not alone with that i think we all feel it!

K4th have you finished the clomid yet? can't be many more tabs?

I'll keep popping in to see how u all get on but i'm currently not on anything whilst waiting to start IVF which may take a few months. Best of luck to you all!!!
Hello Ladies!

I've read over as many of your posts as I could and I'm very sorry for everyone who has experienced a loss and for those who are just having a hard time lately. It's weird to think that for those of us who spend years TTC the world actually keeps turning. Bad things and good things just keep happening.

I just had a HSG test on Thursday and apparently everything looks great! OH has had a sperm analysis and that looks good as well. So I will be starting 50mg of clomid after AF shows. Unfortunately, I haven't O'd yet and I think the HSG test probably pushed it back a few days later than normal which means AF will also be late:( Normally it'd be a good thing that I haven't O'd yet but I've kind of written off this cycle cuz I just keep looking ahead to the clomid cycle next month! So excited.

Hope everyone else has good luck on clomid!!
Hi laullypop that's what we are here for! So sorry you think it's not working. Sadly I know the next steps as that is where I'm at today!

They will try 150mg very occasionally 200mg but the next step is to try either femera or injections, injections are much stronger and work in a diff way but you need more monitoring and costs about £150 per cycle here in the uk. You can do these with natural sex or have iui or opt for IVF. If you do iui route they will do an hsg to check tubes are open.

Try not to worry Hun just yet as sometimes it takes a few rounds to build up in your body and fx it may have worked. Are you under a specialist or gp? (((Hugs)))

As for me I'm on a downer 12dpo stark white bfn and a face full of spots and af cramps to go with it! :( we have to decide by tomorrow what we do next - this was cycle 15 I'm not allowd any more clomid and options are iui or IVF. IVF is so expensive £3500 for one round £5k for 2 but have to pay upfront no gaurentees iui is £1000 a go with a less chance of working UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly so upset here I thought this was my month! :( off to work now as well :( :( catch up later sorry for negativity!

Thank you nimbec :hugs: I'm under a specialist she has referred for the lap dye test and ovarian drilling because the waiting list is so long - she said just in case clomid doesn't work for me. But not sure what to expect with that.

I'm so so sorry it hasn't worked for you :nope: :hugs:

Hi laullypop that's what we are here for! So sorry you think it's not working. Sadly I know the next steps as that is where I'm at today!

They will try 150mg very occasionally 200mg but the next step is to try either femera or injections, injections are much stronger and work in a diff way but you need more monitoring and costs about £150 per cycle here in the uk. You can do these with natural sex or have iui or opt for IVF. If you do iui route they will do an hsg to check tubes are open.

Try not to worry Hun just yet as sometimes it takes a few rounds to build up in your body and fx it may have worked. Are you under a specialist or gp? (((Hugs)))

As for me I'm on a downer 12dpo stark white bfn and a face full of spots and af cramps to go with it! :( we have to decide by tomorrow what we do next - this was cycle 15 I'm not allowd any more clomid and options are iui or IVF. IVF is so expensive £3500 for one round £5k for 2 but have to pay upfront no gaurentees iui is £1000 a go with a less chance of working UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly so upset here I thought this was my month! :( off to work now as well :( :( catch up later sorry for negativity!
I agree, it's so hard but everything will work out! Don't give up:hugs:

Hi ladies
I 'may' be joining u again soon- my ex has asked to talk to me in person this week about the possibility of being a donor so I guess all hope is not lost yet. But I don't want to count on it.
I totally get what u mean about hearing others are pregnant, I was heartbroken in a way when I heard about my sister, I think it was the fact that she hadn't really wanted a baby. But after a few days of avoiding her I realised I can't change things & that I need to be happy for her & support her. But it is initially gut wrenching when u hear of it.
I've too felt inadequate at times for having fertility problems & I think I took it for granted that I fell so easily on the clomid the first time. But don't give up hope any of you it worked for me x
Lots of luck, Sweetpea:flower:

Hello Ladies!

I've read over as many of your posts as I could and I'm very sorry for everyone who has experienced a loss and for those who are just having a hard time lately. It's weird to think that for those of us who spend years TTC the world actually keeps turning. Bad things and good things just keep happening.

I just had a HSG test on Thursday and apparently everything looks great! OH has had a sperm analysis and that looks good as well. So I will be starting 50mg of clomid after AF shows. Unfortunately, I haven't O'd yet and I think the HSG test probably pushed it back a few days later than normal which means AF will also be late:( Normally it'd be a good thing that I haven't O'd yet but I've kind of written off this cycle cuz I just keep looking ahead to the clomid cycle next month! So excited.

Hope everyone else has good luck on clomid!!
Hi ladies
I 'may' be joining u again soon- my ex has asked to talk to me in person this week about the possibility of being a donor so I guess all hope is not lost yet. But I don't want to count on it.
I totally get what u mean about hearing others are pregnant, I was heartbroken in a way when I heard about my sister, I think it was the fact that she hadn't really wanted a baby. But after a few days of avoiding her I realised I can't change things & that I need to be happy for her & support her. But it is initially gut wrenching when u hear of it.
I've too felt inadequate at times for having fertility problems & I think I took it for granted that I fell so easily on the clomid the first time. But don't give up hope any of you it worked for me x

Best of luck!! :hugs:
Feeling a little nervous about tomorrow, i am really hoping my folies have done what they need to and have grown.. if not i will be devastated :(
Thanks miss cassie & I really hope your follies have grown, so many people are struggling it's not fair :(
I've only had the disappointment of getting bfn from one clomid cycle (but I did ovulate according to my chart). There were a couple of cycles two years ago but I couldn't get my timing for BD right so I don't really count those. My first cycle clomid I conceived so I can't imagine how difficult it must be when you feel you are running out of options. I'm lucky enough it seems to make me ovulate but if I keep getting bfn anyway I don't know what I would do as I know they will only prescribe a limited amount of cycles. I don't think I ever ovulate on my own.
Just hoping & praying for everyone x
Hi ladies wow so there are a few things happening...

Me - CD 31 and NOTHING happening 'cept slightly sensitive BBs. Waiting impatiently :). Bought a HPT but haven't felt like looking at a BFN yet so haven't taken it. The shop assistant told me yesterday "It will happen for you Ma'am" when I went to pay for the test. It's a huge and busy store and she recognized me and my predictable purchase. Just goes to show how many times I have been there to buy tests :$ Feel like laughing and crying a bit.

MissCassie GL! Let us know how those little nests are progressing!

Nimbec - I think stress is really a huge factor re infertility issues. I also have tons of stress (working 2 jobs and trying to finish my degree before end of the year, also some marriage issues) and my doctor told me she thinks the reason why I don't ovulate is largely stress related and I need to stress less. Easier said than done. I try to excercise when I have time and also pray more often; but it's not as if we can just quit our jobs hey? Hope that your job cuts u some slack so that ur body can stress less and make more babies!

Unicorn - just after PM'ed u I saw ur new post :) GL!! and keep us posted!

Sweetpea - I'm also waiting for nasty old AF, will be so relieved when the "darling" shows up so that I can just start my next round of Clomid.... So fx'ed it just happens quickly for both of us!

Mommasboys - haven't heard anything in a while but thinking of U

Buttercup - try to think of something else for the next 3 days lol what useless advice :)

K4th - how's the new Clomid treating u? Hopefully not to many bad SE!

Laullypop - what's news??

And anyone else that I haven't mentioned lotsa baby dust and hopeful wishes :)
On a related note:

Anyone here on a special fertility diet that u would like to share???

If interested, Google the Harvard nurses' fertility diet; informative study done on thousands of nurses and the foods that influenced their fertility levels.

Also a friend of mine with pcos had horrible SE to all chemical treatments. She hadn't had a period in 3 years and couldn't take the SE anymore so decided to try the "1st Personal Diet" where the clinician analyses the hormone levels in ur blood and works out a diet specifically for ur issues; specific foods eaten in specific combinations to sort out hormonal issues. She had her 1st normal period the very month that she started eating acc to those guidelines and her pcos is more or less under control now without taking any meds. I think the service should be available in most developed countries; check out their website.

So I'm interested in any other fertility diet tips and to hear if any of u are on a specific diet for ttc reasons? I'm trying to follow the broad guidelines of the Harvard study at the moment but also trying not to eat too many carbs/sugar. I only eat a small amount of carbs over weekends and the rest of my carbs come from loads and loads of veggies.

Hi there
My story ttc for 2.5 years had all tests done tubes clear etc diognosed with pco partner is fine to prescribed clomid 50 mg once a day on day 2-6 9 felt odd plenty cramps like a was going to start af.. back ache on day 10+ headaches for the last 2 weeks I'm now on cd 22 ,cramping like im going to start af ,nausea really bad today don't want to eat which is strange for me lol .I also have blue veins on show on my chest ?can't say I've noticed these before ... I don't know the cycle length as always been irregular ...any one else gone though this xx
I struggle on the carbs/sugar issue. I crave it especially when I'm stressed or feeling down.

Thanks for sharing, I'm going to look into this. My RE thinks it's so easy to cut carbs and sugar but it's not for me. I've lost only 8 freaking lbs:shrug:

On a related note:

Anyone here on a special fertility diet that u would like to share???

If interested, Google the Harvard nurses' fertility diet; informative study done on thousands of nurses and the foods that influenced their fertility levels.

Also a friend of mine with pcos had horrible SE to all chemical treatments. She hadn't had a period in 3 years and couldn't take the SE anymore so decided to try the "1st Personal Diet" where the clinician analyses the hormone levels in ur blood and works out a diet specifically for ur issues; specific foods eaten in specific combinations to sort out hormonal issues. She had her 1st normal period the very month that she started eating acc to those guidelines and her pcos is more or less under control now without taking any meds. I think the service should be available in most developed countries; check out their website.

So I'm interested in any other fertility diet tips and to hear if any of u are on a specific diet for ttc reasons? I'm trying to follow the broad guidelines of the Harvard study at the moment but also trying not to eat too many carbs/sugar. I only eat a small amount of carbs over weekends and the rest of my carbs come from loads and loads of veggies.

Oh nimbec :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: so sorry this wasn't your month. Has AF arrived? What will you do about ivf vs your operation? I'm on my third tablet today - two more to go!!

Misscassie - hope your follie scan went well today. I'm hoping you're too "busy" to update us!!!

Unicornwish - I'd love nothing more than for you to be able to stay with us!! Just be careful hun - don't underestimate the emotional impact using your ex as a donor could have :hugs:

Fern - I'm having zero side effects right now. I did 100mg last cycle and saw some weird extra lines around things when I took the clomid. But I'm back on 50mg this month and nothing much happening on the outside (I'm hoping plenty is happening on the inside!!)

Hi terri & good luck!!

Diet wise I'm doing the food doctor everyday diet this month. The idea is five small meals a day with lots of protein to keep the gi valure low. This "should" keep insulin steady & craving to a minimum. I'm doing it because I suspect I'm insulin resistant but because I'm a lean pcos-er, my gynae won't give me metformin :growlmad:
Hi Terri
I haven't had any of those side effects with clomid just WEIGHT GAIN!!!, struggling with acne (yuck) and headaches.
If I were sign spotting I would have done a HPT by now if I had the SE that ur having :) Unfortunately Clomid can apparently mimic early pregnancy signs so not even the nausea is a dead giveaway.

GL and let us know what is happening!
K4th why back on 50mg? Because of the visual SE?
Hi Fern81,

I forgot to add this earlier * I'm out of it today, lol*.

I'm right there with you. My boobs are sore but I'm also cranky, ugh! And I'm stressed at work too!
I checked out the Harvard fertility diet and it seems doable:) although I don't like whole milk, lol! I didn't realize how close in cycles we are.

Oh and the clerks at the pharmacy recognize me too. At first it felt awkward but oh well, lol

On a related note:

Anyone here on a special fertility diet that u would like to share???

If interested, Google the Harvard nurses' fertility diet; informative study done on thousands of nurses and the foods that influenced their fertility levels.

Also a friend of mine with pcos had horrible SE to all chemical treatments. She hadn't had a period in 3 years and couldn't take the SE anymore so decided to try the "1st Personal Diet" where the clinician analyses the hormone levels in ur blood and works out a diet specifically for ur issues; specific foods eaten in specific combinations to sort out hormonal issues. She had her 1st normal period the very month that she started eating acc to those guidelines and her pcos is more or less under control now without taking any meds. I think the service should be available in most developed countries; check out their website.

So I'm interested in any other fertility diet tips and to hear if any of u are on a specific diet for ttc reasons? I'm trying to follow the broad guidelines of the Harvard study at the moment but also trying not to eat too many carbs/sugar. I only eat a small amount of carbs over weekends and the rest of my carbs come from loads and loads of veggies.

So my appointment has been a little disappointing. My largest folie was only 10mm and I'm on cd13 so I am going back next Wednesday and I will be CD19. They better grow more!! But I am very doubtful.

I spoke about iui and we are doubtful that would even work. Because I have a huge ovulation issue. So I think I'm just going to save up and do ivf. So after this cycle I am going to he out and just lose some weight and who knows I may get a BFP naturally.
MissCassie I'm sorry your appointment was disappointing but don't give up, all is not lost, hopefully those follies grow and u get better results next week:hugs::hugs:

So my appointment has been a little disappointing. My largest folie was only 10mm and I'm on cd13 so I am going back next Wednesday and I will be CD19. They better grow more!! But I am very doubtful.

I spoke about iui and we are doubtful that would even work. Because I have a huge ovulation issue. So I think I'm just going to save up and do ivf. So after this cycle I am going to he out and just lose some weight and who knows I may get a BFP naturally.

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