Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi everyone, I'm back from my hols so thought I would give a quick update with my second clomid cycle (100mg). I'm on cd23 and had No positive opks yet and I don't 'feel' like I have ovulated :( temps have been crazy, with travelling I think I may just dismiss my temps this month and they are fluctuating so much!

Honestly, this month is killing me. I know it's early days and there are people who have done this for longer but I just feel my options are disappearing the more time goes on. I try to stay positive for so long but it's like I don't know how to at the moment.

Does anyone know what happens if clomid doesn't work even at 150mg?

Sorry for the rant I really hope I haven't offended anyone xxxx
Hi laullypop that's what we are here for! So sorry you think it's not working. Sadly I know the next steps as that is where I'm at today!

They will try 150mg very occasionally 200mg but the next step is to try either femera or injections, injections are much stronger and work in a diff way but you need more monitoring and costs about £150 per cycle here in the uk. You can do these with natural sex or have iui or opt for IVF. If you do iui route they will do an hsg to check tubes are open.

Try not to worry Hun just yet as sometimes it takes a few rounds to build up in your body and fx it may have worked. Are you under a specialist or gp? (((Hugs)))

As for me I'm on a downer 12dpo stark white bfn and a face full of spots and af cramps to go with it! :( we have to decide by tomorrow what we do next - this was cycle 15 I'm not allowd any more clomid and options are iui or IVF. IVF is so expensive £3500 for one round £5k for 2 but have to pay upfront no gaurentees iui is £1000 a go with a less chance of working UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly so upset here I thought this was my month! :( off to work now as well :( :( catch up later sorry for negativity!
Hi laullypop that's what we are here for! So sorry you think it's not working. Sadly I know the next steps as that is where I'm at today!

They will try 150mg very occasionally 200mg but the next step is to try either femera or injections, injections are much stronger and work in a diff way but you need more monitoring and costs about £150 per cycle here in the uk. You can do these with natural sex or have iui or opt for IVF. If you do iui route they will do an hsg to check tubes are open.

Try not to worry Hun just yet as sometimes it takes a few rounds to build up in your body and fx it may have worked. Are you under a specialist or gp? (((Hugs)))

As for me I'm on a downer 12dpo stark white bfn and a face full of spots and af cramps to go with it! :( we have to decide by tomorrow what we do next - this was cycle 15 I'm not allowd any more clomid and options are iui or IVF. IVF is so expensive £3500 for one round £5k for 2 but have to pay upfront no gaurentees iui is £1000 a go with a less chance of working UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly so upset here I thought this was my month! :( off to work now as well :( :( catch up later sorry for negativity!

Thank you nimbec :hugs: I'm under a specialist she has referred for the lap dye test and ovarian drilling because the waiting list is so long - she said just in case clomid doesn't work for me. But not sure what to expect with that.

I'm so so sorry it hasn't worked for you :nope: :hugs:
Hi ladies, may I join in? I'm so happy to find this thread! I'm currently on cd26 and 10dpo. Not many symptoms other than a sore breasts, feeling a little weepy and dizziness/headaches. July was my first month on Clomid but we had to hold off on August due to abnormal genetics bw, since then my husband has had bw and everything is ok, so we don't need genetic counseling. Although I didn't use Clomid this month we still bd'd. Do if if no BFP I will be starting another 100mg clomid cycle on cd3 for 5 days.
Good luck to all! x
Hi there lovely ladies I hope this week will be a good one with lotsa hope and maybe some good news for someone! Thinking of all of u; nice to know there is support from people who are going through the same thing.
Is everyone on the thread from the UK?
Buttercup- good luck fxd you get your BFP are you being monitored at all? x

Fern81- what month of clomid are you on? I think most of us are from the uk. x
Laullypop - this is hard for all of us :hugs: every month is another we didn't want to face. You haven't offended - rant away when you need to :thumbup: hope ov isn't too far away now!

Nimbec - sorry you saw another bfn. Why do you need to decide your next steps by tomorrow? Do you have to let someone know? I really don't know what I'd choose between ivf & iui. Both seem so expensive. What is your cm like on clomid? Is there a chance the spermies aren't getting to the right place? Have you thought any more about your op? I'm still hoping for you - but sorry to hear you think you might be out hun :hugs:

Hi buttercup - good luck this cycle!!

Hi fern - I'm from the uk. Think quite a few of us are. Where are you from? Are you on a clomid cycle now? Where are you up to? I'm taking my first clomid this evening to kick start this cycle.
I have finished with my first ever course of Clomid; took 50mg. Currently on CD 29 and waiting for AF (I don't think I ovulated). This is the first time in my life that I have started seeking medical help to conceive even though I have NEVER been pregnant before (not for lack of trying!). So am nervous and feel a bit clueless still.... every time I glance at Google or TTC forums I learn something new and it just seems that all of these things can get so complicated and overwhelming!

Sorry 'bout the dumb question about everyone's location, was using the mobile website and all your locations are clearly visible now that I'm using the laptop lol... Was asking coz many of the products and services mentioned on the thread so far are not easily available in my country and I might have to make due with alternatives.

Laullypop I agree that it is soooo very frustrating when our bodies just don't do what they are supposed to do even when we are taking meds and doing all the right things :( Really hope that the current clomid treatment works for you!!!!!

I am a bit clueless abt what I should do if AF does indeed arrive... my doctor only gave me a prescription for 50mg for 3 months (so have 2 months left) and a referral for 1 day21 blood test (which I did this month) with no other instructions.

Ladies in ur experience, is it possible to ovulate on the same dose of clomid when that dose had previously been ineffective? And how big of an influence does stress have on ovulation?

Baby dust and good wishes to all *****
Hi K4th we crossed posts :)

I'm from South Africa, just finished first whole clomid cycle and waiting.......waiting...... CD29......... haven't poas yet....... don't think anything is brewing in the womb area!!! :(
Good luck with your new cycle! May it be the last :)
Fern - if you haven't ovulated your day 21 blood test should show it. Have you contacted your dr to find out your results? If AF arrives (& I hope it doesn't!!) you should start taking the clomid again on whichever cycle day you were told to. HOWEVER if your dr says you didn't ov on your blood test then he/she may want to change your dose. & if AF hasn't arrived by cd 37 you should take a pregnancy test & if it's a bfn go back to the dr again.

Hope that helps & really hope you don't need that advice because something IS "brewing in your womb" - LOVE that phrase!!!! :)
Hi everyone
Welcome to the new ladies I hope u gain good support from this thread- I started it & sadly now am going to be leaving it as AF started today, so I am officially out (although I kind of knew that when I was still getting bfn on a FRER 2 days ago). Although I'm obviously gutted I had prepared myself for this & I feel relieved in a strange kind of way as the past 2 weeks had been sheer hell.
I know my ex won't agree to being a donor so I'm not sure where I go from here, but I'm going to try & stay positive & focus on the future. Clomid worked for me once & I have to believe it will again & I will have another opportunity sometime if it's meant to be.
I'm so sorry to those who are out this month & are being faced with difficult decisions. Nature can be cruel but I truly appreciate what a miracle my son was & I will never take him for granted. We will all get there eventually ladies I promise.
Lots of love & baby dust to you all xxxxx
Hi Ladies do you mind if I join in? I have been ttc Since Dec. 2009 with 3 MC's since 2010. I found out last year that I have two blood clotting disorders that keep causing the MC's so now we know what to do to keep me pregnant but it takes me a year to two years to actually conceive. After over a year of trying since my last MC I finally decided to go back to the doctor and she has put me on 50mg of Clomid CD 3-7. I am currently on CD 12 and patiently waiting for O to happen so we can see if the clomid works along with my baby asprin daily for my clotting disorder. Fx that it will not take months of taking Clomid to get pregnant because the side affects are horrible! Fx for all you ladies to get you BFP this month!
Fern - if you haven't ovulated your day 21 blood test should show it. Have you contacted your dr to find out your results? If AF arrives (& I hope it doesn't!!) you should start taking the clomid again on whichever cycle day you were told to. HOWEVER if your dr says you didn't ov on your blood test then he/she may want to change your dose. & if AF hasn't arrived by cd 37 you should take a pregnancy test & if it's a bfn go back to the dr again.

Hope that helps & really hope you don't need that advice because something IS "brewing in your womb" - LOVE that phrase!!!! :)

Thx K4th.
Yep I did contact my doctor abt the day 21 bloods and her receptionist told me that the doc just made a note on my results saying "didn't ovulate", no other info as to how to proceed further. Aggravating really coz she is so fully booked that there is a month waiting list to see her. So I'll just wait patiently for nasty old AF to show her ugly face again and then maybe phone the dr to hear if she can't just write a script for a higher dose of clomid for next month hehe can only hope! Otherwise continue with the 2 repeat scripts for 50mg that I have.
Frustrating when medical practitioners are so vague regarding treatment. I honestly didn't even know that the day 21 tests were supposed to test for ovulation until I started reading these threads urghhhh (she told me they were just to test for pcos; but never mentioned that some of the tests were for ovulation as well!!!)

Thanks again for the advice, patience and support for the clueless :cry:

Sorry Unicorn abt your bad news. Hope that you meet a wonderful man who deserves to be the father of your next miracle!!! All the best!:hugs:
I just found out today that yet another one of my friends is 10wks pregnant. After 1 month of trying. As much as I am super happy for her it's just very hard. I'm on my 3rd round of clomid and I am doubtful that it is going to work..

I just want my rainbow baby!
Unicornwish - I'm so sorry hun :hugs: I don't know what else to say. I was really hoping for you. I wish you all the best & hope you find someone who treats you well & will be a wonderful father. We're still here if you want to talk/rant :hugs: :hugs:

Hi mommasboys - you're more than welcome here! Sorry for your losses. I hope the clomid works to get you a good ov. I have a blood disorder too - sounds like the opposite of yours though - my blood doesn't clot well at all - aspirin could possibly lead to some very serious bleeding/bruising. Hope you get that bfp very soon!

Fern - if I were you I'd take the clomid but get yourself on that waiting list to see the dr again. A month is a long time!!

Misscassie - other pregnancies can be so soul destroying. Especially if it's someone you will see often. I can't even watch things on TV if there's a pregnant woman in it. I turned off a cooking show the other day because one of the chefs was pregnant. I can't bear it. Here's hoping we can all get our rainbow babies :flower:
@Fern81, thanks for the welcome and I'm in the US. It's really frustrating when doctors drag their feet or don't follow up like they should. I would definitely ask for a prescription for increased dose, surely doesn't hurt. I did ovulate in clomid I think my # was a 12 which isn't bad but I hear it should've been higher but the nurse said it was good... Who knows! If no BFP this month I plan to ask doctor if I should continue timed intercourse or move on to IUI.

@laullypop, last cycle I was being monitored but I didn't take clomid this cycle due to abnormal genetic bw results. Since then, hubby has had bw and all is well genetic counseling isn't needed

@ unicornwish, I'm sorry abot the news and hope and pray things work out for you soon! x

@Mommasboys2 & MissCassie good luck! x

@K4th, I had turn the news off because I heard Kate Middleton, the Queen is expecting and while I'm so happy for her and her family, I couldn't help but feel down about myself. I hope and pray our time is coming very soon!

I'm so very happy I found this thread.. Well have a wonderful day ladies!! x
Buttercup- that's good news! Hopefully clomid will work for you xx

Misscassie- it's an awful feeling when someone close to you gets pregnant. It really hits you when you see it happening to others. Such mixed emotions. xx

Good luck to everyone hopefully we see some Bfps soon xxx
Buttercup - see ur 4 days till testing? I'm also gonna test on Friday if nothing's happened yet, my cycle is normally abt 30 days and no AF yet, no cramps, no pms, nothing just stressing abt work and next month's clomid. (Today CD30). (In fact I'm starting to get worried that I'm not even gonna have a period and that I will need Provera again. Feels like all the female parts of my body are non-functional).

So Buttercup PLEASE let us know if you do get your BFP!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with u ladies (MissCassie, K4th, Laully) that hearing abt someone else's pregnancy can be super hard!!! My sister has pcos and conceived the first MONTH after she went off bc (without any chemical help!) and now wants to try for #2. Although I love her even more than I love DH, my emotions will be in TURMOIL if she falls pregnant again and I don't :(
But if someone on this thread manages to conceive on clomid please let us know... or let me know in private if u don't want to post.... because it just gives me HOPE that clomid and super awesome support threads do work :)
Thanks for all your support ladies it really means a lot :flower:.

It makes it very hard when 2 of my best friends have conceived within the first month of trying. And 1 is due in December and the other in march. And now the 3rd it's killing me. I'm feeling quite inadequate and when I talk to them about the struggle with Infertility they just don't get it. As much as they are being supportive it's just not the same.

Also my sister conceived with clomid twice so I know it is possible and clomid does work. Just I guess some people it takes a lot longer.

Wishing everyone the best of luck and lots of baby dust.
fern81, I will surely let you know, although I feel like my symptoms could be that AF is on her way. My body plays lots of tricks so it's hard to not over analyze things. As much as I try not to, I'm stressed about work and hoping for a BFP and healthy 9mnths
Good luck Hun!

Buttercup - see ur 4 days till testing? I'm also gonna test on Friday if nothing's happened yet, my cycle is normally abt 30 days and no AF yet, no cramps, no pms, nothing just stressing abt work and next month's clomid. (Today CD30). (In fact I'm starting to get worried that I'm not even gonna have a period and that I will need Provera again. Feels like all the female parts of my body are non-functional).

So Buttercup PLEASE let us know if you do get your BFP!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with u ladies (MissCassie, K4th, Laully) that hearing abt someone else's pregnancy can be super hard!!! My sister has pcos and conceived the first MONTH after she went off bc (without any chemical help!) and now wants to try for #2. Although I love her even more than I love DH, my emotions will be in TURMOIL if she falls pregnant again and I don't :(
But if someone on this thread manages to conceive on clomid please let us know... or let me know in private if u don't want to post.... because it just gives me HOPE that clomid and super awesome support threads do work :)

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