Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Fern81 so dose clomid increase estrogen??? And good luck to you too. :flower:
Fern81 so dose clomid increase estrogen??? And good luck to you too. :flower:

Yes; but indirectly. Clomid blocks the estrogen receptors in your brain, which fools your brain into thinking that there is not enough estrogen in your body. That sets a series of events into motion for the body to produce more estrogen. Firstly the brain produces more FSH, a hormone which in turn stimulates your follicles to grow. Then these growing follicles (inside which the egg cells are formed), secrete estrogen. The brain also produces more LH, which will peak just before ovulation. (LH is the hormone that you test for with OPK's). So the more clomid you take, the more your estrogen receptors are blocked, and the more your brain stimulates the follicles on your ovaries to grow and in turn they secrete more estrogen. Phew!
In theory anyway. Many women are resistant to clomid's effects. Also; because your estrogen receptors are blocked for a while, some women may experience that their bodies don't respond to the available estrogen for that time and this may cause dry CM and a thin uterine lining. But again, this doesn't happen for everyone.

Our bodies are so complicated!! :)
Fern- I think I'm just going to go natural for awhile unless my FS strongly suggests something. I think I'll still temp, still debating that, but it would be nice to know if I keep ovulating even after clomid. And it looks better for if/when I have to go back to the FS.
Thanks Fern! :) Sure is complicated... my Gynae think that I may have ovulated once this year in June 2014 because it was my shortest cycle at 34 days! So metformin must be helping a bit..
Hi ladies

MrsMcCurdy - well hun at least you know that the best thing for your situation will happen right now! *trust* :). Will you still be ttc without the clomid? Or will you be taking a break until next year? Of course there is still hope that the temps go back up... And awesome that you had an ovulatory cycle! :happydance:

SarahLou - I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous last cycle but I took the tablets at night and then only felt bad for about an hour in the morning after. Also had some hot flushes and painful ovaries (not this cycle though but I didn't ovulate) The emotions and sensitivity can probably be ascribed to higher levels of estrogen? So those sound good! Keep us updated and GL hun!

How is everyone else? Buttercup and K4th are you guys feeling better?

Girly how is the week progressing at work?

AFM - no ttc news but the diet is going great :) Having green smoothies daily and banting like a pro. And we managed to book a short camping holiday at a nature reserve by the ocean in December, (even on this short notice) so I am very happy. Maybe getting away from work and studies & all this stress will help me ovulate in the next few cycles! :thumbup: Still thinking of ditching the clomid next cycle after the lap&dye and trying "au naturel" with just the supplements. But will decide that I get there.

xxxx :flower::hugs:

Hi Fern,

I'm doing ok, just tired. Good to hear diet is going well. I'm doing this 9 day detox. One of my co workers lost 12lbs in 2 weeks, so I'm giving it a try, I'm thinking it can't hurt.

I love short getaways, I hope you can enjoy, distress and rejuvenate!:happydance:

Thinking of you and sending positive energy your way, my friend!
Fern work has been um ok ish!! I came home crying the last 2 nights and tonight drove 70 miles to meet my husband just for a hug and meal then 70 miles back home. I found out my colleague doesn't appear to ever be coming back now but will be paid for a year sick pay so they haven't got the money to pay anyone to cover and that means I going to have to take on this workload every day. I am looking for new jobs already!!!

I am trying not to stress to give my body the best chance but I don't know it is hard.

I am CD9 now and have been getting creamy/watery cm for the last 3 days. Just a little bit but defo not stretchy so not fertile. I think it is a good sign as I didn't get any last cycle on clomid. I hope I get EWCM this cycle!!

I have also been getting some sharp pains in left ovary and painful cramps on and off at different times in womb area. The cramps I didn't get last time and not sure what they are.

I am feeling hopeful and positive this cycle but I know how much it will crush me if I don't even ovulate again this cycle. Fingers crossed though.

I am glad the diet is going well Fern and yes it must be good for your body to not be under the exam and work stress now. Similar to me with the stress lol.
Can any of you Ladies help please?

My side affects after finishing my clomid yesterday have changed. I'm cd 7 and be cd 8 tomorrow and I'm getting a sharp pinching cramp in my left pelvic side. Broke out in painful spots on my face and my breasts are more sensitive and feel big and firm is this normal? :cry:
Yeah, I'd say that's probably normal as long as it's not excruciating pain and you have to stop daily work. My first cycle on clomid I had nausea, hot flashes, break outs everywhere on my body, mood swings, light headed, cramps, the whole bit. What's odd is that I didn't ovulate on that cycle(50mg) and had almost no symptoms this time and O'd(100mg). Very strang how our bodies work. Hope it gets better for you!
Can any of you Ladies help please?

My side affects after finishing my clomid yesterday have changed. I'm cd 7 and be cd 8 tomorrow and I'm getting a sharp pinching cramp in my left pelvic side. Broke out in painful spots on my face and my breasts are more sensitive and feel big and firm is this normal? :cry:

That's sounds about right. I broke out like a teen my 1st month on Clomid.
Hi Ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy the rest of your day!
I have been getting a pinching feeling in my left ovary a lot and a tiny bit in my right today. I am CD10 today and it started about CD6 (last clomid pill). I keep thinking it is either my follicles growing ready to release an egg or a cyst forming or growing. I pray it is the first sooooo much.

As long as it isn't really bad pain you should be ok.

Fingers crossed for ovulation for both of us soon.

My hubby is back tomorrow and so far no ovulation. I should hopefully be able to BD fri, sun, wed, fri, sun. Assuming I can persuade him to do the loooonnngggg drive back home just to BD on wed haha.

That means we should be covered as it will be CD11, 13, 16, 18, 20.

If I haven't ovulated by then it is unlikely the clomid will make me so we shall see xx
So AF showed up with vengeance today. Really heavy, really bad, feeling sick, the whole ten yards... I'm definitely out this month. But one month closer to the Dominican Republic!
Will be interesting to see how this month plays out without taking clomid. Good luck to all you ladies about to ovulate or waiting to test!!
So AF showed up with vengeance today. Really heavy, really bad, feeling sick, the whole ten yards... I'm definitely out this month. But one month closer to the Dominican Republic!
Will be interesting to see how this month plays out without taking clomid. Good luck to all you ladies about to ovulate or waiting to test!!

So sorry AF appeared, feel better soon!
Hi ladies

MrsMcCurdy - sorry AF showed up hun. At least you have a lot to look forward to and bfp might still happen in the future! I have heard of many cases where ladies get their bfp's after stopping clomid.

Buttercup - how is the detox going? And how are you feeling? I have lost a steady 200-400g each day so far. Shrinking rapidly and pleased with it :)

Girly - aw hun I really hope you find a less stressful and demanding job soon. Last cycle I took herbal tranquilizers every day (valerian root) and also exercised more, am convinced it helped me ovulate! And there were a few days school holiday with less students for me, so I didn't work that hard and had less stress... Hopefully the break that you just had will also make a difference in your cycle :)

SarahLou - I just blame everything on clomid. My skin has actually looked horrible since stopping b/c though...

K4th how is the 2ww treating you? Are you OK hun?

My DH's best friend passed away a few days ago. Such a shock. We are very sad that he is gone and it just slammed home the fact that we should enjoy life while we can because it is over too soon. The last few days I have been more grateful than ever that I have DH's companionship and I'm not even that feeling that sad about being infertile (my sadness about our dear friend and the poor fiancee that he left behind is too much I suppose). Feeling very tired and very ready to finish work and exams in 2 weeks.......

Hi ladies

MrsMcCurdy - sorry AF showed up hun. At least you have a lot to look forward to and bfp might still happen in the future! I have heard of many cases where ladies get their bfp's after stopping clomid.

Buttercup - how is the detox going? And how are you feeling? I have lost a steady 200-400g each day so far. Shrinking rapidly and pleased with it :)

Girly - aw hun I really hope you find a less stressful and demanding job soon. Last cycle I took herbal tranquilizers every day (valerian root) and also exercised more, am convinced it helped me ovulate! And there were a few days school holiday with less students for me, so I didn't work that hard and had less stress... Hopefully the break that you just had will also make a difference in your cycle :)

SarahLou - I just blame everything on clomid. My skin has actually looked horrible since stopping b/c though...

K4th how is the 2ww treating you? Are you OK hun?

My DH's best friend passed away a few days ago. Such a shock. We are very sad that he is gone and it just slammed home the fact that we should enjoy life while we can because it is over too soon. The last few days I have been more grateful than ever that I have DH's companionship and I'm not even that feeling that sad about being infertile (my sadness about our dear friend and the poor fiancee that he left behind is too much I suppose). Feeling very tired and very ready to finish work and exams in 2 weeks.......



I am doing ok, could be better but it is what it is.

Sorry for your loss, death of a loved one or a close friend always helps puts things into perspective.

Congrats on you success with your diet.

Be well and have a wonderful weekend!
:hi: all

I'm just waiting out the tww so I can get on with my femara cycle next time around. Very little chance we caught with only bd-ing the once so trying not to think about it. I've actually joined a gym, started a stress control "course" and am beginning to move out from under the grey cloud! It's a good feeling!!

Still thinking of all you lovely ladies!!! Hope those with cramps in ovaries ovulate soon & others in tww find it flies by.

& :hugs: fern - losing people suddenly is devastating. Hold your oh a little closer tonight.
Have got sharp pressure pain in right ovary area..... also backache..... either I'm ovulating late or have developed a cyst :( both of which bugger up my plans for lap & dye 20 nov :(! Will do opk later.... if no lh surge and if pain doesn't abate I will have to go to the ER and pay cash cause my insurance doesn't cover emergencies unless I get admitted to hospital. I am very upset!
Fern so sorry for your loss. My husbands father died totally unexpected 9 months ago and we are still in disbelief really. It is such a hard thing to come to terms with when someone so close dies. I understand the whole fertility doesn't seem as important when something like that happens though. Huge hugs. Also I pray the pain eases for you and in a difficult time maybe your body is ovulating. I hope it isn't a silly cyst.

K4th good luck with your tww and I am glad you are starting to feel better with this stress management course and going to the gym etc.

Buttercup how is the detox/diet going? I really hope it works for you. I would love to loose weight but I struggle (as we all do) and don't have the will power at times to resist something yummy after a hard day at work. I wish I did lol. However this week I have lost 2 pounds which isn't bad so will continue to just be more careful with what I am eating.

Hubby came home last night so got to BD last night and then he wanted it again as soon as we woke up lmao. So now I am hoping I ovulate today or tomorrow lol. Can always hope.

I was wondering what your girls thought or have found with the bbt adjusters online? Today I didn't set alarm as I needed a lie in after a hard week at work so woke up at 9:40. I took my temp but I know when I take it late it is higher and not accurate. So I used bbt adjuster and it put it down to a much more reasonable temp. I have used the adjuster before and it seems to be quite accurate but I was wondering your opinions? X
Fern :hugs: I hope this cycle works out to somehow bring you good news :hugs:

Girly - I've never used temp adjusters much. I usually just skipped temps if I woke early/late BUT I used one a couple of times this month. I started because nimbec said she used it often & it never messed her chart up. Seems to have worked ok for me too. This is the link she recommended

Hope you're not waiting to much longer for the big O :)
Have got sharp pressure pain in right ovary area..... also backache..... either I'm ovulating late or have developed a cyst :( both of which bugger up my plans for lap & dye 20 nov :(! Will do opk later.... if no lh surge and if pain doesn't abate I will have to go to the ER and pay cash cause my insurance doesn't cover emergencies unless I get admitted to hospital. I am very upset!

Oh Fern, I'm sorry you are experiencing discomfort. If it persists definitely seek medical care. I hope and pray is won't come to that. Try to stay calm and relax. I am praying for you, my friend! xo

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