Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Thanks for caring ladies! You're all awesome! I plan on testing Thursday the 6th if AF hasn't showed. I'm 7dpo now and that would make it 14dpo!! This so crazy!! This the most normal/healthy/actually-O'd chart I've ever had!!!!! So exciting!!!
But even if I don't get a bfp this month I will have accomplished a major feat.
And either way I am very grateful! Partly because I have a minor predicament, I have the chance to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic in July 2015. If I get pregnant in this month or the next 1 or 2 I wouldn't be able to fly. I have a heart for the DR and want to go back so bad but I also want a baby! So as of right now it's up to God on which it is. Feels so conflicting though, wanting both but only one or the other atm.
Thinking of you all and SOMEONE better get a bfp this month!!!
Buttercup - I also think 14 mm at 11dpo is not bad, they can still grow and be up to 20mm on Sunday! Really thinking of you hun this past month was hectic I think for all of us, with all our bfn's! I pray for all you guys and really hope that you get good news on Sunday. Lots of hugs!!!!!!! Sorry that you are still feeling so down. xxxxxxx

K4th am I seeing a + opk on your chart??

MrsMcCurdy - wow you are such a true inspiration for "letting go and letting God"! I am going to say a special prayer for you and your situation with the possible mission and possible baby. What work do you do? Your chart does look awesome and I am so happy for you that you can feel like "things" are normalizing. I hope you get your BFP! But as you said it's in God's hands!

Girly123 - shame so you can't really just take off hey! Well I agree let's hope that the break that you're on right now makes a world of difference xx
Thank you fern! Means a lot! I work at a grocery store part time and running a biz with hubby the rest of the time. So I stay busy but also flexible for things like mission trips. But the mission trip is thru a friends church that we started going to and they're doing it thru 1 Nation 1 Day. Anyway, rabbit trail. Lol
Hey fern - very eagle eyed of you to spot my opk on my chart!! I had a very nearly positive opk at noon but it was smu & my pcos can sometimes throw them off. Just did another and it's slightly less positive but way WAY darker than this time yesterday. I think I might get a true positive later tonight or tomorrow but put +ive on my chart to spur me into getting on with business lol.

Last try on clomid.....
Morning ladies

Does my bbt's seem flat? The one high day (22 Oct) was a day where I didn't sleep and was awake and stressed very early (exam day!) and also I left the thermometer in a bit long? Compared to last month's crazy ups and downs I don't know if this is normal? I did start temping vag this time around, could that be the cause of the more stable readings?

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. K4th I'm holding thumbs that you ovulate and that this is the last cycle that you will need!

I'm so grateful that I have a father who is still alive and who obviously loves me very much. Mine phoned this morning to say lots of kind things (after I told them about the fertility treatment on Wednesday). It means a lot to me because he is not really comfortable talking about such personal things :)

O yes - those of you who celebrate the halloween holiday I hope you have a lot of fun and enjoy all the choccies, sweets and gingerbread skeletons :)!!!
Fern your chart looks nice and stable to me and yes it could be more accurate if you are doing it vag now. I wouldn't worry about it not looking right.

I was thinking last night and there is something I haven't really told anyone that I can't get out of my head. Months ago, back in about April I decided to get a psychic reading. Now I don't believe in psychics at all and I did it as a bit of entertainment and curiosity than anything. Any how at the time when I got the reading I thought straight away well this is a load of rubbish as the dates don't even add up. She said I would ovulate in November from a cycle that starts in October for a baby born in August. At the time I was like a cycle in October does not mean a baby in August and she even said 14th august. Dates don't add up.

However we are now here and my cycle this time has started in October and it is late enough the baby would be due in August (although earlier than 14th but could be late) and I will be ovulating in November if I ovulate.

So now I am wondering what are the chances and could it be right and this is my month.

I have so much hope pinned on it when it is something I don't believe in and I can't make any sense of it in my head.

I did think last night if this cycle doesn't work I would feel like it is never meant to be and give up completely. I would have all hope taken from me as nothing seems to make me ovulate. However then I thought ideally I have always wanted a September baby and if it worked the next cycle in December then it would be due in September and maybe that would be fate.

I am just rambling and thinking aloud sorry ladies. Can't get all of this off my mind as just want it more than anything xx
Morning ladies

Does my bbt's seem flat? The one high day (22 Oct) was a day where I didn't sleep and was awake and stressed very early (exam day!) and also I left the thermometer in a bit long? Compared to last month's crazy ups and downs I don't know if this is normal? I did start temping vag this time around, could that be the cause of the more stable readings?

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. K4th I'm holding thumbs that you ovulate and that this is the last cycle that you will need!

I'm so grateful that I have a father who is still alive and who obviously loves me very much. Mine phoned this morning to say lots of kind things (after I told them about the fertility treatment on Wednesday). It means a lot to me because he is not really comfortable talking about such personal things :)

O yes - those of you who celebrate the halloween holiday I hope you have a lot of fun and enjoy all the choccies, sweets and gingerbread skeletons :)!!!

According to my doctor,vag temping is more stable than oral but you can't switch during the same cycle. What's odd is mine temp is on the flat side too this month, I'm thinking it's because I haven't ovulated yet.:shrug:

It's truly a blessing to have your parents and their support :hugs:
Good day ladies,

Today is cd12 and I feel about the same - not as sad, so I guess a wee bit better.

I noticed something this morning: I had a little stretchy ewcm so I guess I'm ovulating or about to start ovulating soon but my appt is on Sunday (cd14) for u/s and trigger that evening but my IUI won't happen before Tuesday. I am so confused. I hope the trigger shot doesn't through things off:wacko:

On Thursday I guess my follies weren't where the doctor wanted to be so he told me to come back on Sunday for another u/s. Last month I triggered on cd12 and IUI was on cd14. This month I'm a little behind. If all looks well on Sunday, I'll trigger on cd14 and IUI probably on cd16. Either way we're bd'ing eod.

Have a lovely day and best of luck to all!
Fern - your chart looks good to me hun. I think vag temping is supposed to be more stable. Mine are usually ok but are up and down ATM. I have a sore throat & a headache though so think I'm coming down with something :(

Buttercup - are you doing natural bd as well as iui? Clomid can mess up ewcm so I wouldn't worry about the trigger being messed up - but if be covering my bases too lol!

Well I got a peak on my cbfm yesterday but oh & I had a big row last night so no dtd yesterday :cry: I'm gutted. I think the stress of ttc "on demand" is getting to him. Also, I've joined a gym to try to focus on something else but it means I'm asking him to do more at home. It just all got to him & we argued about housework, parenting, feeling down. I hadn't realised how badly he has been affected by all of this while I've been so low. Equally I'm really angry we missed the peak day. Urgh!
Hi ladies

Buttercup - Since starting clomid I have also noticed EWCM when I'm not ovulating (not a lot of it though). As I understand it, it is because of stimulated follicles which then produce more estrogen than our bodies are used to, which in turn can stimulate the formation of EWCM earlier in the cycle. Hun FXED!!!! for your appointment tomorrow. I really hope you have some nice fat follies and that you can trigger. Will be keeping my eyes open for your news!

K4th - sorry that you and DH are fighting and I hope you can get it sorted out!!! Hopefully you didn't miss your window. Men sometimes just don't get that we need time for ourselves as well and can't just spend all our energy on the home/family. Good for you for joining a gym and I do hope that you guys can come to an arrangement which will suit you both. GL!!! And take care of yourself with the cold/flu coming on!

Girly123 - I can't really comment on the psychic as I do not believe in them at all. Maybe I can advise you not to put your hope and faith for such an emotional and stressful situation as ttc in the hands/words of a total stranger who doesn't know your medical history, etc. But of course that is for your own discretion! Hope you can find peace in this stressful journey hun!

Braven - hope you are well and that AF doesn't keep you waiting! Thinking of you today :)

MrsMcCurdy - are you symptom spotting yet :)? I really wish that you can be the first BFP in a string of BFP's for this thread! x

Me - still don't think I am going to ovulate; just hope AF arrives in time so that we can do the lap&dye on the 20th as planned! If not then we have to try and apply for another date with the medical insurance urggghhhh they might not approve the procedure then; so full of nonsense. Grateful for - my job that I really love! Had a great morning at work today.

Have a fab weekend ladies xxxxxx
Well cramps are in full effect, feels like this cycle is going to be a doozy! AF hasn't officially started but sure to be today or tomorrow with these cramps. That would be a 28 or 29 day cycle. Interesting! That doesn't usually happen.
Hi ladies:flower:

Sorry i have not been around. Its been a particually difficult time here. We have decided that we are not doing the IVF January ..well not at all for the forseable. The financial strain of it had already caused arguements and the emotional toll of this ttc has caused no end of rows and difficulties. Without ttc we are a very happy family unit, we never row and have lots of laughs so i made the decision that we have to focus on what we have now. obviously i'm gutted and its taken a while to get used too as there is no way it will accidentally happen as i don't O alone :cry: Seems everywhere i look there is pregnant women, ivf on the bbc news, adverts & people asking when no2 is coming along....its like twisting the knife. BUT i will get through this and already life is 100% better at home without the worry of the IVF. There is always this cycle of pos opk yet but after this it is the end of my ttc journey.

I wish you all good luck!! I will pop in from time to time to see how you are all doing but at the moment its all a bit raw and i need to think about other things such as focusing on riding and looking for a new horse maybe :0 or a puppy lol!!

Sorry I haven't addressed you all individually but i am thinking of you all & someone just has to get that bfp this time! :hugs::hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: to you nimbec.

I can understand both the heartache this decision must be causing you and the reasoning behind it. I really hope you can focus on other things & be truly happy with what you have. I think you & your hubby have made a really difficult decision. I really do wish wonderful things for you and wish I could give you a really big hug.

:flower: :hugs:
Hi ladies

Nimbec I'm glad to hear that you are doing OK and that you have been able to make a decision. At the end of the day we only have one life so each of us must decide what is the best way for us to spend it!

These past few cycles with me getting waaaayyyyy too focused on ttc failures, and this past week where DH and I have tried to get out of the funk and back to a happy place; have placed things back into perspective for us. I have always said that I refuse to be defined by my childless status, and that I will live life fully with the things that we do have. I have totally lost track of that, and am glad to have been able to step back and rediscover myself. As I have mentioned before, we started thinking about going to a fertility specialist next year but now we decided to definitely not spend any more money and heartbreak on ttc. We will still do the operation and SA as planned, and maybe 2 more clomid cycles (I have about 3 opk's left) but that's it. No more doctors, no more expensive u/s and bloodwork, no more supplements, nothing. At least for the forseeable future. I mean I am definitely not going to ovulate this month (today's OPK did not even have a slight line on it and I can't feel my ovaries doing anything) and this after wasting a lot of money that we don't have on dr's appointments. All that happened this month was that I learned that my dr is an idiot, that I have become too focused on the (impossible) dream of having a child, and that DH and I need to appreciate what we have now and make the most of it. So definitely won't be trying anymore next year. Just ntnp. It's too depressing. We have decided to go on a short beach holiday in December and I'm even thinking of maybe skipping the clomid next month so that I can lose weight for the beach easier (the clomid really made me pack on fat but not ovulate so why bother!).

Even though we can't have children we both really love my sister's daughter and spend time with her very often. DH dotes on her and he reminded me that at least we have her to spoil and cuddle and that is something to be grateful for!

Anyway I'm rambling on.

Soooooo, Buttercup how was your appointment? How are those follies doing?? K4th are you feeling OK? Girly are you going back to work this week? And MrsMcCurdy are you counting the sleeps till Thursday yet? :)

Thinking of all of you ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxx And I'm still praying for all of us! Have also made peace with the fact that since I am praying so hard for a miracle & that we might have peace & love in our lives, that I should just trust in God who knows best!!!

Hey fern :hi: I wish I could gain your perspective. I too am getting totally consumed but I can't seem to find myself to take that step back :( I really admire you ( & you nimbec) for giving it a go.

Afm - still arguing with hubby so dtd on day of positive opk (thurs) but no other times & I'm pretty sure I ov'd last night. I know sperm could technically survive that long, but it's doubtful without any ewcm after thurs. It went sticky again. I can't temp to check ov either as I'm stuck in bed with a fever, sore throat, headache & feeling sick.

Hope everyone else is having a WAY better weekend than I am!

Buttercup - how did today's scan go?

Fern - your chart looks good to me hun. I think vag temping is supposed to be more stable. Mine are usually ok but are up and down ATM. I have a sore throat & a headache though so think I'm coming down with something :(

Buttercup - are you doing natural bd as well as iui? Clomid can mess up ewcm so I wouldn't worry about the trigger being messed up - but if be covering my bases too lol!

Well I got a peak on my cbfm yesterday but oh & I had a big row last night so no dtd yesterday :cry: I'm gutted. I think the stress of ttc "on demand" is getting to him. Also, I've joined a gym to try to focus on something else but it means I'm asking him to do more at home. It just all got to him & we argued about housework, parenting, feeling down. I hadn't realised how badly he has been affected by all of this while I've been so low. Equally I'm really angry we missed the peak day. Urgh!

Hi K4th,
It's so hard when things are tense at home, it makes me miserable. TTC puts pressure on things and can make things so awkward at times. I hope and pray that things get better for you soon!:hugs:

Yes, I'm doing natural bd'ing as well as iui. I asked my doctor this morning and he said Clomid and Ovidrel can throw things off. I trigger tonight and nervous last month I felt horrible on iui day. I had bad headache and nauseous for 2 days.

keeping my fx'd for you!! xx
CD 1 for me. Here's to this cycle and having some luck with femara. I'll call the RE tomorrow and tell them I started but I already have an appointment on Tuesday. I'm so glad that cycle is over. I'm super surprised I actually had a 29 day cycle. My lp was 14 days, as it has been. So clomid didn't change my lp any but it did make me "ovulate" early, albeit immature follicles.

Also hugs to all the ladies feeling down right now and hi to everyone else!
I'm glad you have some peace fern. Trying to leave it up to God and not taking total control has been somewhat hard for me but feels better emotionally now. I am however still counting down the days til I can test!! I've had very sore nipples, not really boobs which is odd. Also having some cramps. Either of which could be chalked up to clomid side effects or AF coming I guess. Oh, and feeling so cold all the time and I know weather is changing but even when I should be cozy at home I'm still cold.
Fern I also admire you for taking that step back from it all. I am not at that stage but I can imagine it could quickly get to that and I don't know if I could. Well done that is a big decision to make. Enjoy your hubby and get planning that break away.

I am back to work tomorrow. My colleague has been signed off another week arghhh which makes work a nightmare tomorrow!!!! I am dreading it and really starting to think I should go to the Dr myself about the stress I am feeling. Hate being stressed and I am feeling it with the thought of going back. I love my job soooo much it is just the two workloads constantly that is doing me in and the unexpected every day is he in work, isn't he, is he in next week, yes, no arghhh!!!

Rant over lol. A good nights sleep and then it begins.

My hubby is away he left the early hours this morning and won't be back until I am CD11 so I am praying I don't ovulate before that. Fingers crossed please xxx
Hi ladies

Nimbec I'm glad to hear that you are doing OK and that you have been able to make a decision. At the end of the day we only have one life so each of us must decide what is the best way for us to spend it!

These past few cycles with me getting waaaayyyyy too focused on ttc failures, and this past week where DH and I have tried to get out of the funk and back to a happy place; have placed things back into perspective for us. I have always said that I refuse to be defined by my childless status, and that I will live life fully with the things that we do have. I have totally lost track of that, and am glad to have been able to step back and rediscover myself. As I have mentioned before, we started thinking about going to a fertility specialist next year but now we decided to definitely not spend any more money and heartbreak on ttc. We will still do the operation and SA as planned, and maybe 2 more clomid cycles (I have about 3 opk's left) but that's it. No more doctors, no more expensive u/s and bloodwork, no more supplements, nothing. At least for the forseeable future. I mean I am definitely not going to ovulate this month (today's OPK did not even have a slight line on it and I can't feel my ovaries doing anything) and this after wasting a lot of money that we don't have on dr's appointments. All that happened this month was that I learned that my dr is an idiot, that I have become too focused on the (impossible) dream of having a child, and that DH and I need to appreciate what we have now and make the most of it. So definitely won't be trying anymore next year. Just ntnp. It's too depressing. We have decided to go on a short beach holiday in December and I'm even thinking of maybe skipping the clomid next month so that I can lose weight for the beach easier (the clomid really made me pack on fat but not ovulate so why bother!).

Even though we can't have children we both really love my sister's daughter and spend time with her very often. DH dotes on her and he reminded me that at least we have her to spoil and cuddle and that is something to be grateful for!

Anyway I'm rambling on.

Soooooo, Buttercup how was your appointment? How are those follies doing?? K4th are you feeling OK? Girly are you going back to work this week? And MrsMcCurdy are you counting the sleeps till Thursday yet? :)

Thinking of all of you ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxx And I'm still praying for all of us! Have also made peace with the fact that since I am praying so hard for a miracle & that we might have peace & love in our lives, that I should just trust in God who knows best!!!


Hi Fern!
My appointment was better than last week, follies did grow, trigger tonight and iui scheduled for Tuesday. I'm nervous about how I will feel after trigger because last month was rough. I hard horrible headache, nausea and down right crankiness. I'm just taking one small step at a time. BD'ing has been uncomfortable and somewhat painful, this didn't happen the other cycles. I'm sure if I were overstimulated my doctor would've saw it when I had u/s this morning:shrug:

I truly admire your strength :hugs:, as I've decided not to allow ttc to consume me as we have many things to be grateful for. I am praying for you and remember you are not alone!

Have a wonderful evening, my dear! xoxo

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