Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi! Joining again, back on clomid days 3-7 , currently 2 dpo
Hi everyone

Welcome Pinkee and GL to you xx

Thanks for everyone's support this past week! Yesterday the weird pain in my right ovary area was soooooo bad at one stage I was doubled up and nauseous. But we had a function which we couldn't easily cancel so I took an (over)dose of pain killers and went out anyway. As the evening progressed, the pain then abated. Also took an OPK yesterday and not even a shadow of a line so I couldn't have been ovulating. Didn't take temps this morning but I'm sure tomorrow it will still be in the low ranges. Don't know what the heck that was! Maybe an immature follicle rupturing? But an unusual amount of pain?? I need a portable ultrasound.........

Girly as for the temps adjuster - I used it last month and it gave me very accurate readings. I even tested it out one day by taking my temp at 4 am upon first waking, and then at 5h30 (normal time) again (after trying to sleep a bit again). The temp adjuster adjusted the 4 am reading to exactly what it was when I measured it again at 5h30. So for me at least it worked perfectly. I used the same one as the link that K4th provided.

Have a happy week everyone. Be strong in your 2ww's Nimbec, K4th and Buttercup; and hope you ovulate soon Girly hun! Thinking of everyone else! I'm studying for my final exam which is 19 Nov, and entering my last week and a half of hectic work for the year :).

:dust: all!
hi ladies :flower: haven't been able to log in her for a few days as OH has been on the pc most nights, they need an app for phones right?!

hoping to ask for a bit of advice - do the other ladies here get quite a lot of pain during ovulation? :wacko: I'm a bit concerned and scarring myself a little bit that maybe I've got a cyst or something... I've had it the last 2 times around ovulation though. It's quite painful, feels like a bloated/trapped wind kind of pain in my lower pelvis, around my ovaries and womb area at times. Like a lot of pressure. It kind of hurts a bit to pass a BM (sorry if TMI!) like there's a bit of pressure on my bowel too. I had a bit of back ache last couple days too but could be coincidence. I got a positive OPK today and yesterday and the same thing happened the last 2 months around ov time. .. It's like the kind of pain you get when you have bad trapped wind and you feel like you need to stick a pin in your belly and it will let the air out.. does that make sense?!?! lol but except it's in my pelvis.

Fern I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time lately :hugs: are you feeling better now? (hope so xxx)
How is everyone doing this month so much to catch up on!

Afm af showed yesterday and I have never been so happy for her to show up! Although the tww went extremely ast thos month since their was no stressing about the possibility of being preggo. Now I'm ready to get this month started and praying that this cycle of clomid goes better than the last! Oh and I got my report back from the massive cyst that caused me to lose my ovary and it turns out it was only partially a corpus luteum cyst from ovulation. Most of it was actually a benign turmor growing inside my ovary! Definitely glad that I got it taken care of and it wasn't anything serious. :)
Morning ladies

Welcome back Mommasboys! Hope you have a fab month!

Hi there Lace&Pearls - I can view and post on my smartphone; I just went to the website and clicked on mobile view. Where are you now in your cycle?

So my temps have risen a little and it appears that I might have ovulated on Saturday when I had those horrible pains? Weird! And the OPK did not even have the slightest line on it! So confused. Have never had so much pain when ovulating before (to answer your question lace&pearls). Going in for b/w next Monday to see if I actually did ovulate. Also my bbs started getting sensitive yesterday already (possibly 1dpo) which is also really weird! Just want to have this laparoscopy over and done with and then I can stop worrying about late ovulation etc., as this month's nonsense will now probably interfere with the planned operation.

Oh well. Feeling OK, spoke to dr's office and the nurse sounded like she will help me shift my surgery to a later date and help me get the progesterone b/w done so that helps. Funeral is tomorrow but I can't go because I can't take time off work right now. So just taking things one day at a time and remembering to be grateful for everything we have.
Fern - if you ov'd on sat your opk could have been positive on fri or even thurs. We're you testing everyday? Did you dtd around ov? I hope this is your month hun & you don't need the op etc. :hugs: sorry you can't get to the funeral - I'm sure you'll be there in mind & spirit if not in body.

:hi: pinkee - wishing you a lucky month!!

Lace&pearls - if it happens every month I'd just think that's what you experience when you ov. Maybe a hot water bottle would help? As if ttc isn't hard enough though without having to worry about extra ov pain!

Mommasboys - good to see you back here!! Glad they sorted out that cyst - doesn't sound like it was entirely clomid related after all!! Are they monitoring you this month? Good luck!!

I'm 9dpo and despite knowing the chances are very slim this month (oh and i spent more time arguing than bd-ing around ov :( ) I can't help getting my hopes up a little. Gonna be in for a big disappointment. I usually start spotting at 10 or 11 dpo so not long to wait now.
Hi Ladies :flower:

Thought i'd pop in and say hi! I have been lurking but really trying to get my head in a better place PAH! easier said than done! So i'm now 5dpo and seem to be taken over by ttc thoughts again - i may be a little better but in many ways i'm worse as i feel this is my last chance. Interestingly my hubby said the other day that maybe we could do IVF January lets just go with the flow and see how we feel.....i don't think i had realised how much he also wanted another...nor did he until we decided no IVF. Anyhow its still no at the moment and will be for the foreseeable as i can't move on thinking maybe!

K4th I really hope you get a nice surprise! I know the feeling all to well of getting hopes up even though the realistic side of me knows its unlikely - sadly its a part of our brain I don't think we will ever be able to control :hugs: I'm pleased to read you are now getting some help and feeling a little more positive. I'm sorry you have been rowing with your other half, sadly the only real times we row is over ttc its such an emotional roller coaster!

Pinkee Fx for you!

Lace & Pearls this happens to me every month so much so that sometimes it makes me sick literally head down the loo job - i do have a cyst but they say its not that causing the pain unless it ruptures so i just have very strong O on clomid. Sorry you are having pain! :(

Mommasboys great to hear you are back on the ttc train! Fx for you & its great news that it wasn't totally clomid related.

Fern sometimes ladies with pcos don't get pos opk's you have pcos? Also i agree with what K4th said it could have been much earlier you got the pos or even in an afternoon or a time you didn't test....fx you get cross hairs! Did you BD around then anyway? I'm also so sorry for your loss :(

Hi to the other ladies, hope you are all ok?! I can't believe this is cycle 3 on this thread and still no BFP - someone has to get one this time!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone - I'm lurking just not on all the time as trying not to obsess!
hi ladies :flower: haven't been able to log in her for a few days as OH has been on the pc most nights, they need an app for phones right?!

hoping to ask for a bit of advice - do the other ladies here get quite a lot of pain during ovulation? :wacko: I'm a bit concerned and scarring myself a little bit that maybe I've got a cyst or something... I've had it the last 2 times around ovulation though. It's quite painful, feels like a bloated/trapped wind kind of pain in my lower pelvis, around my ovaries and womb area at times. Like a lot of pressure. It kind of hurts a bit to pass a BM (sorry if TMI!) like there's a bit of pressure on my bowel too. I had a bit of back ache last couple days too but could be coincidence. I got a positive OPK today and yesterday and the same thing happened the last 2 months around ov time. .. It's like the kind of pain you get when you have bad trapped wind and you feel like you need to stick a pin in your belly and it will let the air out.. does that make sense?!?! lol but except it's in my pelvis.

Fern I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time lately :hugs: are you feeling better now? (hope so xxx)

I've had some of same feelings. If it becomes overwhelming I would definitely speak with your nurse or doctor, just to be safe!
Thanks for the advice ladies.

No I actually didn't test every day, stopped around CD 16. I thought this month was a bust after no positive tests and also no ovulation around the expected CD14-16 (and OPKing every day is too expensive for me!) I just did the one test again this Saturday. Thought that I would at least see a faint line because last month when I ovulated the line became progressively darker until O-day and then progressively lighter. But I suppose I could just have missed a surge (IF I did ovulate!) We dtd 3 days prior and again that evening... Couldn't manage eod because we are both working very long hours currently. So maybe there is a chance, although we didn't use preseed because "I'm not ovulating so why waste it" :dohh:. Instead we used cheap lubricant which obviously can have a somewhat spermicidal effect/sperm inhibition (tmi :)) Oh well we will see.

Will actually be happy if I don't need the op because I am very scared of anaesthesia!

K4th and Nimbec - I agree! Even when making the decision not to concentrate so much on ttc anymore and trying to accept that it might never happen; there is always a little bit of hope each month. I'm thinking of you ladies xxxxx

It has been interesting to read how many of you have very bad pains and feel sick around ovulation time. So then it is not abnormal! Maybe I'm just not used to feeling anything much around O time and was just used to bad AF pain. Oh by the way Nimbec my Dr says I definitely don't have pcos (according to b/w) but I'm not sure I agree with her.

Well I will keep my eyes open for someone's bfp which statistically HAS to make an appearance soon! xxxxx
Hi ladies :hi:

Can anyone help me please im panicing. Yesterday I was CD 11 and took an ovulaiton test.. but the lines are pink on these and are not the darkest one.. even the control line not as dark as some ive seen on here.

CD 10 I had a funny twinge/pull pain in my left pelvic area, was bearable but didn't last long.

Andyway I took clomid CD 2-6 at 50mg as I have PCOS. And since yesterday (CD11) Had cm that looks clear (Can see through it) and is very watery, there is a lot of it too and I don't normally produce much cm naturally anyway, even OH noticed it whilest beding.. sorry tmi :blush:

And today at CD 12 had cramping on and off for about and hour and an ache/pulling pain behind my belly botton and its stopped now but till have the cm :shrug:

Can anyone look at my ovualtion test please? And please excuse our wall not decorated yet... :dohh:


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Hiya Sarah lou! Don't think your opk is quite positive, but it's close! Are you temping to confirm ov? The twinges could be a nice big juicy egg growing so fx'd you get a positive soon!!!
Hi there :hi:

No I dont do temping because I always forget to do it :shrug:

I dont think I will ovulate this time then because all the ones I done after this are worse negatives even today! :cry:

In the image the third one down is the one I just posted for CD 11 and the three below it are also CD 11. The bottom two are today CD 12 Oh and please ignore the liquid on the picture I didnt shut the lid on my hand lotion last night and it leaked out..

Im just going give up ladies I just can do this anymore... I just want a chance to be a mum even if I can only have one baby I will be happy. I been wanting a baby for four years now


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Hi there :hi:

No I dont do temping because I always forget to do it :shrug:

I dont think I will ovulate this time then because all the ones I done after this are worse negatives even today! :cry:

In the image the third one down is the one I just posted for CD 11 and the three below it are also CD 11. The bottom two are today CD 12 Oh and please ignore the liquid on the picture I didnt shut the lid on my hand lotion last night and it leaked out..

Im just going give up ladies I just can do this anymore... I just want a chance to be a mum even if I can only have one baby I will be happy. I been wanting a baby for four years now

I'd say you are pretty close to the big O. Just continue to bd eod, if possible.

Good luck!
Girls vote time please. I just went to the loo and got soooo much EWCM, more than I have ever had before. I am CD14 today. I BD with my hubby last night so less than 24 hours ago.

The vote is do we BD tonight? But it would be in the car as hubby is away with army and I just happened to be in the area so met for dinner. Hubby is majorly against it!!

Or do I hope and pray last night was enough as he wont be home until earliest wed night, so CD16?

Help!!!!! And if tonight in car give me ways to convince my husband!!!!!
Hi SarahLou

You can still ovulate 10 days after the last clomid tablet or even later! Don't give up on ovulation for this month yet :)

I set an alarm clock for my temping each morning. Temping made a huge difference for me. I am still quite confused with my weirdly behaving body (no two months have been the same since starting ttc again) but temping has definitely helped.

GL hun!!
thanks for your replies ladies :flower: I really appreciate it x the pain is much better today so I think it must have something to do with Ovulation. (I don't remember getting this before?) seems like some of you may have experienced similar too xxx

nimbec it's so hard not to think about it sometimes isn't it but it osunds like you and your husband are on the same page at least xxx

Girly - do you use OPKs? x

Sarahlou - cd 12 seems quite early to me? I don't ovulate until cd 18 - 20 so don't give up just yet x also if your urine is dilute that doesn't always help x

Hope everyone is ok :hugs: thinking of you all xxx
Sarah lou - earliest I've ovulated is cd15 on clomid - more usually it's cd 20+ Not saying it can't happen early, but it certainly can happen later too. Keep doing those opks - it's disheartening but when you get that positive it will be worth it!! You can do this :hugs:

Girly - hmmmm tough one!! I think the idea is to get his swimmers into your ewcm for "storage" lol! But ewcm can last 3-4 days before ov. Personally I probably wouldn't go for it in the car - but I would jump on him the second he gets home weds!! Good luck deciding that one though :)

Lace&pearls - glad you feel better today. Do you have pcos? I heard somewhere that normal ovaries are like peaches and a ripe egg can be released gently but pcos ovaries can be like glass. Much harder for that egg to pop out. Maybe it's that? Or something like that? Anyway - glad it's gone for this month :flower:
Girls vote time please. I just went to the loo and got soooo much EWCM, more than I have ever had before. I am CD14 today. I BD with my hubby last night so less than 24 hours ago.

The vote is do we BD tonight? But it would be in the car as hubby is away with army and I just happened to be in the area so met for dinner. Hubby is majorly against it!!

Or do I hope and pray last night was enough as he wont be home until earliest wed night, so CD16?

Help!!!!! And if tonight in car give me ways to convince my husband!!!!!

I agree with K4th!

my doctor says bd eod (every other day) as it gives the "boys" a chance to build back up. I say pray really hard last night was enough but I can understand both points as you want to cover all bases to increase your chances.

If you really want to, then you'll have to seduce him:winkwink:

Good luck to you hun!
I didn't want to force him so we decided not to but made an agreement that if my temp doesn't seem to rise at all tomorrow morning, so it looks at though I haven't ovulated today, then he will drive all the way home tomorrow night for the night. I agreed that was fair enough. So he may be home Tuesday and if not Wednesday. We will see which.

The EWCM seems to have gone, didn't last long at all lol. Silly body!!!! X

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