Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi ladies

Thank you all for your kindness. Obviously we still REALLY want to have a child! And still going to "officially try" for 2 more cycles after this one (meaning we will use the preseed, fancy supplements etc until they run out, and will probably use clomid for the next 2 cycles). If we get extra money in some miraculous way then we might reconsider the fertility specialist but I don't see that happening. We just both needed to make peace (again) with the fact that it will probably never happen for us, it's just been so long. I will never totally give up hope but from next year it will have to be "not trying, not preventing". And in the meantime appreciate that we can just sleep late on weekends, leave to go watch a movie or go out whenever without worries about a sitter, I can continue my postgrad studies next year and we can both focus on building up our respective businesses, etc. (That's obviously second prize to having a family but if that's all we can get we will damn well enjoy it).

Buttercup - how are you feeling after the trigger? I'm so happy that you got your good news and that it's all systems go for the month!!! And are you still going for iui on Tuesday?

K4th - yay for CH's!!!! Hope you are feeling much better x

MrsMcCurdy - your chart looks awesome and I can't wait for Thursday for you to test lol.

Girly123 - awwww hun I really hope things are OK at work! All the best for a good cycle and timely ovulation!!

Braven - have you started with the tablets? GL with your appointment tomorrow :)

AFM - really praying that AF arrives on time and that I can still have the laparoscopy as planned on the 20th. Other than that; since we have decided to try to book a short beach holiday (if we can still find accommodation at this late stage), I just have to try and make time to prepare diet meals for myself! Soooooo.... starting a green smoothie detox today ("SkinnyMs" recipes). Will then slowly incorporate proteins and healthy fats back into my diet over the course of the week. Planning on the "banting diet" with lots of green veg added. And will start to exercise super hard the moment that I have recovered from the laparoscopy; with light exercise in the meantime as I have been doing. :happydance:

I always feel better when I have a plan lol even though my plans keep changing! That is the plan for the moment though and I really hope I can keep to it! :)

Have a good week everyone!
Hi Ladies

Thank you for your kind words!! Its not easy BUT in a way i feel slightly relieved that a final decision has been made.

Fern i think you are incredibly brave and have a lot of strength! I so hope it happens for you soon & you have a lovely unexpected surprize!!

K4th i understand how you are feeling, it was me honestly only a few weeks ago and then i think a massive reality check hit me - it was totally consuming my life & making me miserable plus the added worry of money just tipped us over the you the rows where appearing and i feared even more that it could damage what we already have. Obviously i have this round left & a nhs appt on the 6th Nov - if they can offer anything i will do it but i've made a concious deciion to step right back from it and feel qite liberated for it. I really hope you can find a way to be happy through this process its bloody mean!!!!!!!

Good luck for iui buttercup!

Good luck to everyone - i will be lurking but probably not posting and hoping someone gets a pos!!
Mrsmccurdy - sore nipples were my only symptom when I got my :bfp: with dd. really hope it's a good sign for you!!

Braven - which days are you doing femara? Hope you respond brilliantly to it this month.

Buttercup - hope you're not having any side effects from the trigger.

Fern - I was messing around with temps on ff when you must have spotted crosshairs. Lol - not there yet but caught red handed being obsessed :blush: I understand what you're getting at - you want a child more than anything but aren't willing to lose focus on everything else you have as the cost of perusing that. I really hope that clomid works for you. And don't give up on ov-ing this month. My first month on clomid I was very crampy - the next two I had zero ov symptoms but it did happen! It was a little later each month but still worked - keep doing this opks :)

Nimbec - I think we're approaching breaking point. Oh is really struggling. I'm hoping I can talk him into trying the femara for three months & if that doesn't work then we'll take a break. I don't want to lose him whilst chasing something that might never happen :( I can already imagine the relief that making that decision would give us. I hope that this is your month or that the NHS can maybe suggest something. It's unlikely that private companies would use medication off label, but the NHS gave me femera so it might be worth asking about? Even on unmonitored cycles? I hope you don't think I'm pushing you to carry on trying - I just wanted you to know it might be an option on the NHS before your appointment.

Afm - cm creamy today (lol tmi!!) so I'm pretty sure I ov'd sometime between fri-sun. My fever is ruining temps though so I won't get an accurate pin point on ff. & we only dtd on thurs - I'm banking on femera next month. I'm going to really try & take a mini break from thinking about ttc.
Thanks Nimbec, happy lurking :) I am definitely going to miss you!

K4th I could have sworn that I saw CH on your chart this morning, sorry if I was mistaken :)

Thanks Nimbec, happy lurking :) I am definitely going to miss you!

K4th I could have sworn that I saw CH on your chart this morning, sorry if I was mistaken :)


You probably did! I was playing with temps :blush:

I had forgotten the "thankful" tag line in my last couple if posts so... Today I am thankful that I live in a world with paracetamol :sick:
Good morning ladies,

-Fern81 & Nimbec, my thoughts and prayers are with yall!:hugs:
-Braven05 & MrsMcCurdy, wishing you the best of luck:flower:
-Girly, Keeping my FX'd that everything falls into place timely for you!:flower:
- K4th, thinking of you!:flower:

afm: I triggered at 8pm last night. I feel very full and bloated. iui is scheduled for tomorrow - so nervous:wacko: I get so nervous and emaotional around this time. I'm hoping some of the pressure goes away other wise bd'ing eod is going to be challenging. I've never felt so much discomfort:shrug:

I've been thinking that if we don't get a bfp this cycle, I'd really consider to trying Gonal F injectable.

Question: Has anyone ever used Gonal F w/iui or timed bd? I did years ago and my body responded to smallest dose but got a bfn so I became discouraged and gave up.

Wishing everyone the best of luck and have a wonderful day!
So I'm really thinking of breaking out my one and only test tomorrow morning! I'm not sure I can wait any longer and I really feel like I could be pregnant for once! Probly all in my head since it's the first time I've ovulated in eons... What do you all think? I will be 12 dpo. I've had cramps off and on since 8dpo, sore bbs, headache, bloated(!!), and there's more but I'm afraid it's ALL in my head... Grr... I don't know what to do! Help! I'm scared of a negative...
Morning ladies

MrsMcCurdy that is a really good question... to test or not to test? :) If you can hold out till Thursday you have more willpower than me! Is it a very early preg test? Then maybe it's not such a bad idea BUT if a bfn is going to totally spoil your week then maybe wait till Thursday!

Buttercup - hope that you your symptoms can get better and that you will ovulate soon so that the pressure can start to die down! And all the best for your iui! Put your legs up ;)

K4th how are you? Is the illness starting to abate?

I'm just working hard, waiting for 20 Nov lap&dye lol nothing else happening this month. Ironic but I really DON"T want to ovulate now because that will mean late AF and no operation on 20Nov! And to move the operation dates will be a huge disaster/problem because my medical insurance is so full of nonsense. Am also scared that if we do move it to the 4th of December that I will already have ovulated by then for the next cycle... and then we can't do the procedure in any case. So fxed for no more ovulation this cycle, and AF arriving in time so that we can have a successful procedure end Nov!

Hugs to everyone!
It is an early test but holding out a little longer. I really don't want a negative that bad...

Sounds odd but I hope you don't ovulate fern, but if you do I hope you get your bfp!
Morning ladies

MrsMcCurdy that is a really good question... to test or not to test? :) If you can hold out till Thursday you have more willpower than me! Is it a very early preg test? Then maybe it's not such a bad idea BUT if a bfn is going to totally spoil your week then maybe wait till Thursday!

Buttercup - hope that you your symptoms can get better and that you will ovulate soon so that the pressure can start to die down! And all the best for your iui! Put your legs up ;)

K4th how are you? Is the illness starting to abate?

I'm just working hard, waiting for 20 Nov lap&dye lol nothing else happening this month. Ironic but I really DON"T want to ovulate now because that will mean late AF and no operation on 20Nov! And to move the operation dates will be a huge disaster/problem because my medical insurance is so full of nonsense. Am also scared that if we do move it to the 4th of December that I will already have ovulated by then for the next cycle... and then we can't do the procedure in any case. So fxed for no more ovulation this cycle, and AF arriving in time so that we can have a successful procedure end Nov!

Hugs to everyone!


I hope you are in good spirits and feeling well.

I am ok, had iui, there wasn't a lot of cramping like last month, now the waiting begins :coffee:, we will continue to bd eod.

Thank you for the kinds words, its appreciated. I am thinking of you and praying for you, my friend! xoxo
Just wanted to stop by to say that I met with the RE today. Will be taking a break from TTC and from bnb. He won't work with me any further until I've lost some weight. I have at least another month before he'll even consider anything. I am just.... I don't even have words for it right now.

Good luck to all you ladies still waiting for your bfps. I hope you get them soon!
Just wanted to stop by to say that I met with the RE today. Will be taking a break from TTC and from bnb. He won't work with me any further until I've lost some weight. I have at least another month before he'll even consider anything. I am just.... I don't even have words for it right now.

Good luck to all you ladies still waiting for your bfps. I hope you get them soon!

Hi Braven05,

I am so sorry you are going through this. I'm kind of in the same boat as you. My RE won't move forward with ivf until I've lost more weight, so you are not alone. I feel its a crock since I see other women doing ivf and heavier than me.

I want to wish you the best of luck and hope to see you soon, :hugs:
Good luck Braven, so sorry to here your Dr is like that. Hope the weight comes off quickly so u can try the next stage when u are ready. X
Good luck with the weight loss and with the next steps of your journey Braven. Will think of you! Xx
Oh Braven that's really crappy news :( sorry to hear your RE won't do anything else for you at the moment.

Good luck with the weight loss & I really hope it's not too long before you can join us again :hugs:
So my temp is dropping drastically. Guess this means I'm out and I get to go to the Dominican Republic! Bright side to either one. And I'm done with clomid til at least next year. Still going to my fertility appt on the 20th though just to see if I can fix my cycles anyway so I don't bleed for forever in one month.
And I know nothing is final til the witch arrives so still waiting for that but I'm at peace either way.
Hi! :hi:

Just to let you ladies know I took my last clomid tablet yesterday I took it CD 2-6 Im CD7 today :thumbup:

I was wondering what sympotms you ladies has I didnt really have much, I felt queezy/sick about 1-2 hours after taking my clomid, And on he 4th day I took it and as soon as I took it like 5 mins after I was heaving and trying not to be sick!! and felt my heart in my head and my chest, maybe this is classed as slightly dizzy? It went after about half and hour and I were fine. Im worried its not worked as I didnt suffer many sdie affects.

But today at CD7 I keep needing to go to the bathroom more, and last night while me and OH were :sex: everything felt more sensitive up there than normal.. sorry tmi I know... :blush:

I dont know how to feel right now. I felt really down and sad a few days ago so im guessing that could be clomid related, felt emotional and that being without the OH all day felt worse. Im not sure about mood swings but I not really noticed it myself :shrug:

Im not feeling positive even though i been on Metformin too for months and that give me regular af around 35 days or so.... :cry:
Hi ladies

MrsMcCurdy - well hun at least you know that the best thing for your situation will happen right now! *trust* :). Will you still be ttc without the clomid? Or will you be taking a break until next year? Of course there is still hope that the temps go back up... And awesome that you had an ovulatory cycle! :happydance:

SarahLou - I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous last cycle but I took the tablets at night and then only felt bad for about an hour in the morning after. Also had some hot flushes and painful ovaries (not this cycle though but I didn't ovulate) The emotions and sensitivity can probably be ascribed to higher levels of estrogen? So those sound good! Keep us updated and GL hun!

How is everyone else? Buttercup and K4th are you guys feeling better?

Girly how is the week progressing at work?

AFM - no ttc news but the diet is going great :) Having green smoothies daily and banting like a pro. And we managed to book a short camping holiday at a nature reserve by the ocean in December, (even on this short notice) so I am very happy. Maybe getting away from work and studies & all this stress will help me ovulate in the next few cycles! :thumbup: Still thinking of ditching the clomid next cycle after the lap&dye and trying "au naturel" with just the supplements. But will decide that I get there.

xxxx :flower::hugs:

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