Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Nimbec that would make sense. It is defo too early for any actual pregnancy symptoms. I always steer away from symptom spotting but the frequent weeing this morning was hard to ignore lol.

I have my hopes way too high this month as the first month I have actually ovulated in years, potentially 12 years. Please please please be our month xx
Hi all

Nimbec I am so sorry about you bfn hun. We all know exactly how much it hurts and my heart truly goes out to you. Hoping that you still get some good news later in the week or if not, that you can find a way back to your peace. And who knows what next year may bring. I really hope for a restful, happy and blessed Christmas time for you and your family (that goes for all the ladies on here!)

Girly - IMO 99% of what we feel for the first two weeks after ovulation is just due to progesterone. I have heard that progesterone can cause frequent urination, in fact it is one of the side effects of provera (progesterone!). Having said that - hopefully it means that you did ovulate and that you are feeling the progesterone effects! Yay for another temp rise!

I have started ttc 11 years ago (for a few years, on and off), went on b/c due to endo, stopped b/c again this year March to officially start ttc again. I have never really symptom spotted before August this year, which was the first time I started ttc with medical help, clomid, ff, temping, opk's and ttc forums. For the first two months I went ballistic with the symptom spotting and after spending a wasted day yesterday reading threads and googling symptoms, I realized that I was getting obsessed again! Had a sobering moment, prayed, and woke up this morning feeling at peace. I know that I am most likely not pregnant. And the more I read the more I realize that ss (for me at least) does more harm than good; I have not had any consistent cycle symptoms for the past 7 cycles! It literally changes every month but still I am not preggies. So must logically concede that any post-o effects is MORE likely to be just due to post-o hormones! Sometimes it feels like I am walking on eggshells to maintain the fragile peace that I have made with infertility.:wacko:

Having said that; I am really feeling progesterone effects this month (although we will find out the truth of that thought tomorrow when I get the b/w results). Might just be overworked and exam stress exhaustion. Constipated, very emotional (cried this morning at a story that my dad told about an essay he wrote as a child?), very very exhausted (but am always tired lol). No sore bbs just faintly sore nipples (since 1dpo).

I might not test early anymore, scared that a bfn makes me lose even more focus before this important exam... Might just wait until next Sunday (15dpo) to test if temps are still up. I know I will be OK even though I will probably be sad...

Yay Babylaw for that OPK! Happy bding :)

Buttercup and Pinkee are you guys still hanging in there? By this time next week our tww will at least be over! x

Ugh Fern I totally understand how you feel I also know that ss gets me nowhere and I have this awful hope that I maybe every cycle and I balance that with not being and OMG when will I ever learn?! I have the upmost respect for you if you hold out to 15dpo I wish I could be stronger as the bfns really hurt at least by not testing there is a few more days of 'hope' . Really hope it's your turn & of course the exam goes well!!

Hi everyone else hope your ok?!
Nimbec I might give in and test the day after my exam which will be 12dpo BUT since we probably didn't get any swimmers up "there" I think we will just rather get our hopes up for next month :) and only test if AF is late this month!
Thanks fern yer let's hope it is the progesterone effects. I wish you luck for your testing and your exam. Sure it will go perfectly.

Sorry TMI!! Major bloating, gas and sick coming up to my mouth today (3 times). Tummy hurts and appetite isn't good. Does ovulation and progesterone do this? x
Still here, 10dpo and no testing, went to a college football game last night so kept my mind off things and I slept in super late. Feels good!

I'm so sorry nim. Why the end??
Nimbec- so sorry to hear about your BFN
Girly- goodluck this month!
Fern- I know how frustrating that can be to ss. I too have different symptoms every month except that every month I spot the day before af. Everyone says when you stop trying it'll happen, but atleast for me, with all the knowledge I have now about what "should" happen, it's hard not to "try"

Thanks everyone. OPK still positive this morning. Hoping that this month is our month.
Hi everyone sorry I have been absent for a few days :hi:

also sorry if it was the wrong thing to post congrats on this thread I was on my phone and didn't see the link at all :S my apologies! x I'm so glad you're hanging around k4th you have always offered such friendly advice :)

Fern I know exactly what you mean about SS, it drives me mad. I tell myself not to do it but I can feel myself doing it already! Been googling today! I have had achy ovaries since "O" I doubt thats a sign but I can't help but notice too many things! I need to shut off and forget about it. I'm not sure when I will test... I'm not sure when I O'd, so I feel I should wait until next weekend... but I'm not very good at waiting! :dohh:
with your lap & dye is there no chance of it being another day? I see what you mean baout not wanting to mess up ovulation, but I guess if it has to be done eventually.. maybe why not get it out the way? and like we said it might help give you a boost for the next month :) If I don't get my BFP this month I will have to have a hycosy too, I really don't want to but I feel like I have to do it and get it over and done with you know :( it feels like a wasted month but I guess we will look back and say "I'm so glad I did that/got it out of the way" (if we have to :winkwink:)

I'm very interested to hear your positive feedback about evening primrose oil I don't know much about it, what cd are you supposed to take it? My EWCM has disappeared since taking clomid and I used to get it on/off throughout cycle (apparently common in PCOS? always trying to ovulate)

Nimbec sorry to hear BFN :hugs: I am still crossing my fingers and toes for you xxx

babylaw good luck :happydance: get Bding :happydance:

Sarahlou - good luck too, I think as long as you are BDing regularly ish then you are giving it a good chance. And if you ovulated then hopefully you will again next month so all hope is not lost you know? :hugs: The month I fell pg with my daughter (on a break from clomid and TTC I should add, being someone who didn't seem to O without it) I think we hardly DTD at all and had no idea what day I was ovulating or anything.

girly - so hard not to SS isn't it, crossing my fingers for you xxx
Thanks ladies :hugs:

Been having period like cramp but mild/dull since yesterday.. and lower back pain too today, feels like bloated presure :shrug:
Sarah Lou we are at the same point in our cycle I have just realised and I had the same bloating feeling yesterday.

Major temp spike this morning, not sure if it may be a one off as it is so high but we shall see x
Lace&pearls - thanks! I'd feel a bit lost if I didn't keep in touch with my clomid buddies tbh :) I took evening primrose oil capsules from a supermarket. They were 1000mg & I took them every day until ov. I think epo can cause some cramping so you're supposed to stop after ov is confirmed. I wouldn't say I had an abundance of ewcm but other months I would have missed ov based on cm alone & last month was much more obvious.

Hope everyone else is ok today! Buttercup are you having a blood test today? If so good luck!! To everyone in the tww - I hope it passes quickly. & to everyone waiting to O - hope it happens soon :flower:
Morning ladies

9dpo here and nothing to report! Progesterone symptoms seem to have gone for now. Just have to focus and study for 2 more days but I'm finding that even harder than the tww at the moment. I can only have the lap&dye on a Thursday (my dr's only elective surgery day). If there is the smallest chance I am pregnant she doesn't want to do it this Thursday because it will definitely harm an (un)probable embrio. Then the next Thursday 27 Nov she is already fully booked for procedures, the next available slot is 4 Dec. And YES I just want to get it over with. Maybe we should just use condoms next cycle so that there will be no possible pregnancy that can be harmed!

From what I've read progesterone relaxes your smooth muscles. That includes the muscles in your uterus so that they don't contract; and also to aid implantation. BUT it relaxes all your other smooth muscles as well... including the digestive tract. So food moves along more slowly which can lead to nausea, bloating, gas, indigestion, constipation etc. I threw up both last cycle and this one (TMI sorry!) but it was from different types of food. Apparently, twinging ovaries after O can be due to the growth of the corpus luteum. The weirdest for me this month was probably the sore legs and back but that is also over. And LACK of sore bbs. Just faintly sensitive nipples.

I don't want to sound like a know-it-all hahaha just sharing what I've read and my personal opinion.... told you I'm an obsessed "researcher"!

The evening primrose oil: Took 3 1000mg capsules daily, not even for the whole follicular phase and have literally NEVER had so much EWCM :) should have been another giveaway that I was about to o, right?:haha:

Nimbec are you OK hun? :hugs: And how are you K4th?

OK so who is testing when? Buttercup and Pinkee, are you testing in this week? I seem to remember you (Buttercup) telling me that you are going for betas on Thursday? Lace&pearls, SarahLou and Girly you girls will be right behind this lot of testers?

Babylaw keeping fx for ovulation soon!! And Motherof2 that things are going well over there x

MrsMcCurdy &Mommasboys hopefully gearing up to ovulate? :) Weird to think sometimes that life goes on while we count it in CD's or DPO's!

This is me procrastinating instead of studying... :blush: Will update when I get all the lab test results back today/tomorrow!

xxxxx Have a great week all!
Oh I broke down and tested at 3pm today. Slight line.. a REAL squinter. I will try and hold off another day or two.

I've done bit all my nails off.
Pinkeeeeee! Please post a pic if you can so that we can see that line!??

Wellllll, dr hasn't looked at DH's SA results yet, receptionist says the numbers look normal to her lol. And no progesterone results for me today... will try again tomorrow.... wondering if I shouldn't just try and move the lap to 4 December in any case :/ or try an early test tomorrow morning 10dpo. What do you ladies think?:shrug:
Hi everyone

Fern ugh why do the dates always fall like this?!! I understand the desperation to do it this cycle but if there is a risk you could e preggo maybe its worth waiting till Dec - it will be here before you know it! Only you know how you feel tho - i certainly wouldn't blame you for doing it now!! You have waited long enough.

Pinkee love to see your many dpo are you?

Well as for me i had some very teasing Evap lines today - i only have cheapies left & they gave me a lovely wide GREY line grrrrr dipped several to make sure and they are 100% negative - hey ho! Interestingly hubby seems to be keen to do the IVF now....i am booking myself in for an HSG to see if tubes are blocked in the next few weeks - this would explaine a few things. If they are then at least we know we have to do IVF if we want another child, if not - well i'm not sure what we will do! We had decided no to IVF in Jan due to money stresses but we both seem to be leaning towards it now....i just need the HSG results and then we can make a plan. I have had it confirmed that i cannot have anymore clomid/fermera as i have had 12 rounds in 3 years, they say 12 is maximum in a life time as its shown to increase risk of ovarian cancer if you do only thing left is natural (i don't o alone very often so buggared!) or IVF! I seem to have my head in a better place today thankfully!!

Oh i ordered EPO and flax oil yesterday too!!

Hi k4th - i will reply to your message once Harrison is napping!

Hi everyone else hope you are all hanging on in there!!
Yes, I'm just waiting to see IF I O this cycle, without clomid and all. But I also have a temp job for the next 6 weeks to keep my mind busy and off ttc so much. But I am so excited that my appt is THIS Thursday!!!
Good luck y'all!
Girly123- your chart looks amazing!! I'm anxious to see what the results are when you test!
Morning ladies,

Hope everyone is feeling and doing well.

afm: I'm 13 dpo and today is cd29. AF is due 19th or 20th. My boobs are sore and I feel extra grumpy:shrug:. I go in on 11/20 for betas if AF doesn't arrive. I cant shake this funk I'm in, this is the 4th week and its draining:cry:. Although my temps are up they drop within 24-48 so I'll just have to wait it out - no testing for me. I just have that feeling I'm out this month :(. If bfn, I plan to enjoy the upcoming holidays and birthday, regroup and consult with doctor about my options.

I was really down last week because someone I know who never wanted kids is now pregnant and baby due very soon and it just makes me wonder if it will ever happen for me or should we just forget about it:shrug:
So I guess I was wrong about my Dpo, I had thought I would be 11 dpo today but I was counting my +opk day :wacko:

So officially I am 10dpo and here is this mornings squinter
Fern- I would take a later appt! Just in case.
Nim - Ah That's is understandable , in the states they move you to injectables before ivf.

Buttercup - Oh I know that feeling to Well, made my hands shake in fury when my brother told me his gf of 4 months was pregnant.

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