Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Fern I am glad about your OH's swimmers and that you made a decision about your appointment.

Nimbec sorry they are being so off with you. I can understand why it is a hard decision about the IVF but do what your heart tells you hun, that's all you can do.

Buttercup sorry to hear off your temp drop. Stupid witch appearing and spoiling everything.

Mummy_DK welcome to the group.

AFM - my temp stayed up again today which hopefully is a good sign. Had bad cramps this afternoon, similar to AF cramps but too early for those at 6dpo I think. It was strange as I went to the loo as it was the end of lunch (just a wee) and after the pains went. Very strange or coincidental lol.

Work is arghhhhhh doing my f***ing head in. So badly wanted to quit today the stupid boss just demands too much and it means I can't do anything as well as I want, which I hate. I am trying hard to take everything he says with a pinch of salt as such and just think yes ok yes ok and then make do with the necessary tasks. He is just a hypocritical piece of s*** arghhhh. Sorry major rant. If the rest of the week is the same I am going to the GP next week and won't be afraid to ask for him to sign me off. It is an absolute joke now!!! X
Thanks for the support ladies

My sister and I am EXTREMELY close so that helps! I know I mentioned a month or two ago (when they just decided to start trying again) that I would be very sad for myself if she can fall pregs again and I can't, and I am a bit. But a lot has happened since. Breaking down over my cousin's pregnancy was the catalyst for making peace with infertility, again; and that has helped me accept a lot. Both DH and I have (separately) been through TERRIBLE stuff in our pasts and both of us had to learn through Biblical counseling etc, how to get our mindset OK and cope with the horrors that life can dish out. It has been a very long journey for both of us to heal from our separate traumas but we have learned invaluable life lessons including how to not let anything destroy us as individuals. So I think that has helped me a lot in getting my joy back and focusing on what we have to be grateful for again. Those days after breaking down and crying so much I just knew I had the option of this ttc business drowning me... or me surviving. (Been there before!!!)

Kind of good to think that the lessons that I learned from crappy past experiences are positively influencing my future. It's definitely not always easy and I get really down A LOT but at least I feel that life will carry on....

Sorry about the essay but I always feel better when I write these things down :blush:

K4th I had an image of you today having twins :)

Yay Nimbec I would love to have a non-chemical buddy lol...and when are you doing the HSG? I feel so sorry for you hun that you are stuck with a rude clinic though :( Hope you get it sorted out. It is so frustrating when health care professionals seem to forget that they are working with HUMAN beings with emotions! So will you still be doing the HSG with them or doing everything with the new clinic?

How is every one else doing? Babylaw I had a peek at your chart and hope that your temps stay up! Girly same for you I am still LOVING your chart :) let us know when your b/w results come!

SarahLou I agree those do sound like proper post-O symptoms to me! Are you doing 7dpo progesterone tests?

Lace&pearls how is your tww treating you? Have you booked the hycosy yet? Hope you don't need it!

Pinkee I am so very very curious to hear from you! Have you tested again??

MrsMcCurdy GL for your appointment on Thursday! Wow how time flies.

Buttercup - lots of hugs again hun.

I am stressing A LOT about tomorrow's exam! I must say I didn't study nearly enough grrr; what with the tww going on! Wish I could write about the process of ttc, I think all of us can get a PHD in that right now! :amartass::

Have a good night ladies

Crossed posts with you Girly.

Hope those were implantation cramps! And that you can somehow lessen the stress at you work hun. That sucks!!!

Lots of hugs!
Fern - glad you feel better getting it all out. You are one strong lady!! A vision of twins though :shock: That would be something!!!

Good luck with your exam tomorrow!! :)
Yes Fern good luck with your exam I wil be thinking of you xx
I wrote out such a long response and accidentally hit the back button and orally was erased. I got frustrated and took a nap.

But I will quickly say my lines were getting darker, and now lighter again...even with fmu. I was terrified of this and I'm pretty Sure it might be a Chemical

Here's the last twelve hours, my camera is crappy so It's more prominent and pink colored in person.


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Fern good luck for tomorrow fx for you!! At least it will be over & done with no point worrying now as you have done everything you can. I take my hat off to you being able to study at all during tww!

Pinkee those lines look good to me HCG only doubles every 24-48hrs so you wouldn't necessarily expect darker lines yet and the Middle one you may have had less concentrated urine. Can you ask for bloods to see the amount & check for doubling? Fx for you!
I just went loopy for nothing. I'm going to settle until I get in to see a doc.

Got a digital, positive. I caught the egg. Now to relax and hope it sticks.


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Hi ladies :hi:

So today the cramping was not so bad but still had them a little bit and feels more like a heavy presure around that area... had lower back ache again and a upset tummy (runs).. felt a bit sick today too... at about 5pm lost all my energy and today not been anywhere had a relax day! And my skin is so spotty! :blush:

I have posted a picture of yesterdays cm at CD 19 so sorry tim ladies for the picture if you can help would be greatful :blush::blush:


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Pinkee yay! BFP congrats! :) I agree relax (easier said than done!) I think when I was pg with DD some of my subsequent lines were weaker/fainter.

fern tww is ok thanks - going pretty slow! Do you know when you will test? I'm not really sure when AF is due but I think I will test at the weekend ( a bit early ) think May be due Monday but could be later as I had so many positive OPKs. I've still had the odd slightly achy ovary feeling but that's all, which I think is prob just coincidence tbh. Haven't booked hycosy yet... Hmm maybe I should? I might ring them tomorrow. My OH has just started getting Thursday afternoons off in his new job so I feel relieved knowing he can take me on those days I was really worried about having to ask a family member or something to drop me off at hospital who would want to know why I'm going etc.
weirdly like you my sister and cousin were both pregnant! My sis had her baby a few days ago and we are very close too. I would have loved a small gap between our children and I think I was just a tiny bit jealous that my cousin will be expecting 6 months after my sis. I am happy for her but just would have liked the same but I am being unrealistic really. At least I am able to support my sis right now. :)

sorry I wrote an essay! How is your tww fern?

Sarah sorry I don't know much about CM didn't want to read & run though! X
Moring ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well.

afm: today is cd31 and temp dropped so I know AF will arrive very soon. We plan to meet with RE on Monday to discuss another plan of action but I have decided whether I will take a break until the New Year. My husband says we shouldn't take a break and not to allow frustration or fear to halt things. I agree with him but getting bfn's month after month is draining and so disappointing.

I will continue my detox for the remainder of this month and maybe until New Year to see how much weight I can lose so we can move on to ivf. I'd love to have some amazing news for my anniversary. I can only hope but remain realistic.
Congrats Pinkee :)

Mrs mccurdy your specialist apt is tomorrow? Good luck!

No news here pretty down in the dumps :( temp dropped still spotting Af will be here today. Called to book my hsg but have to call tomorrow - it will be in the next 10days ...its on the NHS so not connected to the private clinic. On that front the new clinic where ment to call me back yesterday and didn't ...not a good start!! Ugh I'm so confused as to what to do!! I want the ivf but the money issue makes me feel sick!! Let's hope I get a natural bfp this cycle after my hsg!
Sarahlou is ment to say I'm not a cm expert but looks creamy to me! Hope this helps but don't take my word for it ;)
Hi ladies

Yay for a bfp Pinkee! Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy!:baby: Your first?

Buttercup - Whatever you guys decide, we will definitely be here to support you OR cheer you on from a distance if you do decide on a break! I will also still be doing the detox (with cheat days for birthday and Christmas of course :)) so I will be cheering you on in that regard as well.

Nimbec - let us know when you are doing the hsg! And let's hope that is all it takes. Mine is on 4 Dec!

Lace&pearls - AF is due on Saturday for me and I don't really want to test before then because I hate bfn's... Will see how I feel but at the moment I'm thinking of waiting to see if my temps drop; maybe even waiting until Sunday. I kind of know that I'm not pregs in any case so would rather save my tests for next time. Let us know when you decide to test!

SarahLou - that looks like creamy CM to me which is PERFECTLY normal after O :). (You only need to be concerned if you start to experience vaginal burning/ bad itching, a bad smelling or an obviously grey/green discharge; that might indicate a vaginal infection which would necessitate a visit to the dr or pharmacy.)

AFM - exams are over! Was quite a hectic one; it was typed in the WRONG LANGUAGE! And the paper that was typed in English, was for the WRONG SUBJECT! :dohh: Pathetic!! Luckily I speak the language that it was typed in (it's my home language), even though I'm doing my studies in English. So I tried to translate the paper but some of the students weren't so lucky; not very many people in RSA can speak that language much less write exams in it. I wrote a complaint at the back of my exam and have no idea what is going to happen; if they are going to withdraw the exam or expect us to write another one or just adjust our marks or what! Urrghh but... I do believe I have written the last exam for my science degree! It's been 4 years' hard work and it's something I am proud of:happydance:

Tww wise - feel like AF is creeping up on me like a hungry lion. Dizzy, very irritated, cramps; all PMS signs for me. I expect spotting tomorrow, temp drop on Saturday and full-blown AF. I have arranged a party for Saturday though to celebrate my degree and birthday with friends and family! What my guests don't know is that the party has another purpose: to make me feel less sad about AF!! :winkwink::haha:
Hey girls. Pinkee a huge congratulations that is fantastic news. So happy for you.

Fern what the???? In another language!! That is insane. I hope they don't make you all sit it again. That doesn't seem fair at all. Glad it is all over for you and enjoy your well deserved party on Saturday.

Today I haven't really had anything strange. A tiny bit of cramping but not as much as yesterday. When I was getting changed this evening I looked at my breasts in the mirror and noticed a blue vein on both breast. Fainter on my right one though. I don't think I have seen it before and I know it wasn't there a few days ago as I was checking them then as well. Strange. I know it can be a symptom of pregnancy but it is waaaaayyyy to early for symptoms like that. X
Thanks Fern!! Congrats on finishing your exams!! And enjoy that party, as it's well deserved, my friend!
Sarahlou - def creamy cm. Good luck!

Pinkee - congratulations :happydance:

Fern - exam in the wrong language??! As if exams aren't hard enough anyway!!! Hope they get it sorted. When should you get your results?

Buttercup :hugs: sorry about the temp drop :hugs:

Nimbec - how frustrating that the second clinic didn't call back. I suppose nobody has "responsibility" for you yet though. Maybe give them a second chance? IVF is so expensive & you need to feel 100% happy with them. I'm hoping your hsg really helps you out next cycle :hugs:

Girly - progesterone can boost your cup size. It's a great sign you had a strong ov!!!
Pinkee- Congrats!

Update on me..... officially in the tww, ovulation has been confirmed! (although the spike wasn't very high) hoping for my sticky bean.
Temp drop this morning, I really hope this isn't a bad sign �� x

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