Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

So I guess I was wrong about my Dpo, I had thought I would be 11 dpo today but I was counting my +opk day :wacko:

So officially I am 10dpo and here is this mornings squinter

I am usually rubbish at squinters. Everyone says they see something & I'm like "nah". But I can def see something on yours!!! Hope it progresses & becomes a nice pink line in the next day or so!
Hey girls.

Kath it is nice to still see you on this thread. You are a great support to us and have lots of great advice so we neeeeedddd you lol. I do have a question actually. Did you feel anything u think may have been implantation? I was lieing in bed talking to my hubby and stretched my arms up and had a really sharp stabbing pain in my uterus area. Only last a few seconds really then gradually died off. It was enough to make me stop and put my hand on the area. Very random lol. I may be wishing for no reason though.

Fern not long until you can test now eeekkk. Baby dust your way. I am not sure on advice for the procedure but what ever you decide good luck hun.

Pinkee it sounds like a positive. Are you doing another tomorrow morning? Have you got a pic? Exciting.

Nimbec, evaps majorly suck. Are you testing again tomorrow? Good luck Hun.

Mrs McCurdy thanks I will have to see what my temp does tomorrow. I honestly don't think I have ever had a temp as high as today's. I do have a sore throat. Have had it a few days and wonder if it could be something to do with that. I am not Ill otherwise though.

Buttercup try not to be down. Easier said than done I know. You aren't out until AF actually shows so still a chance. I know what you mean about it being hard seeing others pregnant, especially when they never even planned it. Life just isn't fair at all.

AFM well my nipples are still sore, major headache (that isn't abnormal for me though tbh), less bloating today which is good. Appetite seems to be back. No real other symptoms as such. Got blood test tomorrow to confirm ovulation. Would be shocked if they say I haven't after today's temp though lol.

Anyone here that has been pregnant or has children ... Did you feel implantation at all? Thanks x
Pinkee I can also see something! Keep us updated! :)

Thanks for the advice ladies. I think I will do an early test tomorrow, will probably be bfn and will solely be doing it to getting closer to an answer re the surgery... If bfn I think I will try to move the op to 4 Dec in any case. I'm cramping a bit so it might be PMS cramping starting and am super irritable; AF will probably start smack bang on Saturday but I just had to make a decision. And I know that if I have the procedure this Thursday without being 100% certain, I will always wonder if I hadn't MAYBE been pregnant. Rather wait 2 weeks and be sure! :) Then just use contraceptives before the procedure so that there is no possible pregnancy to worry about... might even ovulate only after 4 Dec so then no worries :)

Feeling better having made the decision. Please insurance allow me to move my procedure date!!!!

Buttercup hang in there hun only a few more days then you will know either way and be able to relax and enjoy Christmas and your birthday. I admire your strength for waiting for betas xx.

Nimbec I am so glad you are feeling better! Have you considered any other types of treatment?

My mom wants to gift me with acupuncture sessions for my birthday after this cycle BUT only if I don't use clomid that cycle lol she thinks clomid is not worth it (her opinion). Apparently that specific acupuncturist has a good track record with fertility patients but I have very little knowledge of the procedure and wondering if anyone else has tried it before?? My sister said that it might just relax me enough to help me ovulate naturally as the diagnosis earlier this year was anovulation due to stress :/. I think it will be interesting to see how my body responds to the super healthy eating that I'm still doing, exercise (as from next cycle again; have been too busy to really exercise this cycle), no clomid, lap & dye and acupuncture? Maybe? Will still decide!
Hey girls.

Kath it is nice to still see you on this thread. You are a great support to us and have lots of great advice so we neeeeedddd you lol. I do have a question actually. Did you feel anything u think may have been implantation? I was lieing in bed talking to my hubby and stretched my arms up and had a really sharp stabbing pain in my uterus area. Only last a few seconds really then gradually died off. It was enough to make me stop and put my hand on the area. Very random lol. I may be wishing for no reason though.

Fern not long until you can test now eeekkk. Baby dust your way. I am not sure on advice for the procedure but what ever you decide good luck hun.

Pinkee it sounds like a positive. Are you doing another tomorrow morning? Have you got a pic? Exciting.

Nimbec, evaps majorly suck. Are you testing again tomorrow? Good luck Hun.

Mrs McCurdy thanks I will have to see what my temp does tomorrow. I honestly don't think I have ever had a temp as high as today's. I do have a sore throat. Have had it a few days and wonder if it could be something to do with that. I am not Ill otherwise though.

Buttercup try not to be down. Easier said than done I know. You aren't out until AF actually shows so still a chance. I know what you mean about it being hard seeing others pregnant, especially when they never even planned it. Life just isn't fair at all.

AFM well my nipples are still sore, major headache (that isn't abnormal for me though tbh), less bloating today which is good. Appetite seems to be back. No real other symptoms as such. Got blood test tomorrow to confirm ovulation. Would be shocked if they say I haven't after today's temp though lol.

Anyone here that has been pregnant or has children ... Did you feel implantation at all? Thanks x

Crossed posts with you!

Am also loving your chart. Hun anything is possible and you have every right to be excited after struggling to ovulate for so many years! Everything crossed for you!!!!!
Hey girls.

Kath it is nice to still see you on this thread. You are a great support to us and have lots of great advice so we neeeeedddd you lol. I do have a question actually. Did you feel anything u think may have been implantation? I was lieing in bed talking to my hubby and stretched my arms up and had a really sharp stabbing pain in my uterus area. Only last a few seconds really then gradually died off. It was enough to make me stop and put my hand on the area. Very random lol. I may be wishing for no reason though.

Fern not long until you can test now eeekkk. Baby dust your way. I am not sure on advice for the procedure but what ever you decide good luck hun.

Pinkee it sounds like a positive. Are you doing another tomorrow morning? Have you got a pic? Exciting.

Nimbec, evaps majorly suck. Are you testing again tomorrow? Good luck Hun.

Mrs McCurdy thanks I will have to see what my temp does tomorrow. I honestly don't think I have ever had a temp as high as today's. I do have a sore throat. Have had it a few days and wonder if it could be something to do with that. I am not Ill otherwise though.

Buttercup try not to be down. Easier said than done I know. You aren't out until AF actually shows so still a chance. I know what you mean about it being hard seeing others pregnant, especially when they never even planned it. Life just isn't fair at all.

AFM well my nipples are still sore, major headache (that isn't abnormal for me though tbh), less bloating today which is good. Appetite seems to be back. No real other symptoms as such. Got blood test tomorrow to confirm ovulation. Would be shocked if they say I haven't after today's temp though lol.

Anyone here that has been pregnant or has children ... Did you feel implantation at all? Thanks x

Thanks Girly!

I've been pregnant before but each time it was a surprise and I wasn't paying any true attention to anything until I AF was 4-5 weeks late.

good luck to you!
Pinkee I can defo see something as well. I so hope it is your month and that line gets darker for you.

Fern I am glad you have made the decision and hope that ur insurance is all ok with the change of date. Thanks for the luck. This cycle I can't stop looking at my chart lol. Never seen it like it is. I have never wished time away so much lol xx
Girly - At 8dpo I had some really deep, intense cramping for about 3 hours which might have been implantation. Felt deeper than AF cramps & then I had AF cramps for a few days. With dd I had the same deep intense cramps but at 12dpo. So maybe :shrug:

Fern - glad you've got a plan!!

Buttercup - good luck for thurs!

Nimbec - I'm still thinking of you & have everything crossed that you're a late implanter!!
Thanks for the reply K4th. Only another 9 days to wait. Come on time lol x
Thank you ladies :flower:

Been having the same crampy heavy feeling today feel werid... tired lately too.. but I still have lower back aches too, Lost my wanting for food today to not been hungry, felt sick on and off today.. and just went to the loo and found some strange cm.. Loads of it was on my finger creamy type of cm but milk white! Sorry tmi :blush::blush:
Hi girls!

I'm 24 will be 25 in January and dh and I have 3 beautiful loving babies together ,TTC #4 ! We've been married for 6 yrs, he is 40. We have both done a load of fertility testing including sperm count and folli count and everything checked out normal except the dr suspect anovulation so he is prescribing clomid for me in March! Since DH has a high sperm count and I have plenty of eggs I am hoping we have success with our first round.

Anyone else had anovulation and get pg first round with clomid?

Thanks for starting this club I love reading everyone's stories /experiences , really helps me feel not so alone :hugs:
Hi ladies

Welcome Mommy_DK!

Hope everyone is doing great.

I couldn't test this morning, chickened out! I am 99% sure it's going to be a bfn and have no desire to stare at another negative. BUT managed to move the lap & dye to 4 Dec. No blood results or SA results available yet but now we can just relax. I'm not going to test early, will just wait to see if AF is late.

Just found out my sister is pregnant with her 2nd, again in the first month of stopping b/c, with pcos! I'm very happy for her as both DH and I really love her first child (she is the substitute for our own kids!). So one more baby is just double our joy. When she said that they will be trying again I was a bit nervous as to how I would feel if she fell pregnant right away again (thought I would be sad for myself); but I'm happy.

We decided to definitely give clomid a skip next cycle. I still have 1 box left so will just take it the cycle after that one. Just want to enjoy our holiday, birthdays, anniversary and Christmas without spoiling it with too much stress. Will just do the lap&dye, probably go for the acupuncture, still eat healthy & exercise, and take temps to see if I can ovulate on my own. Then one cycle after that and then we are done!

Hi all,

Well I think I'm out, bbt dropped - so I'm just waiting on AF. I'll be taking a break and maybe return next year.

Wishing u all the best of luck!
Just found out DH's SA is 100% normal yay so happy, one less thing to be concerned about :) Just had to share!
Hi all,

Well I think I'm out, bbt dropped - so I'm just waiting on AF. I'll be taking a break and maybe return next year.

Wishing u all the best of luck!

Hi hun, sending you a pm.

If you do take a break I am going to miss you sorely. But obviously I just want you to be happy and tranquil so if taking a break is what you need then go for it.

xxxxxxxxx :flower::hugs::friends:
Hi ladies :flower:

Buttercup i'm so sorry :cry: I totally understand how you feel, it doen't get any easier every time! I understand you needing a break - i am in a simular situation.

Fern great news on hubby's swimmers! I'm pleased you moved your appt i think it makes the most sense - you never know you may not need it at all! Gosh it must be hard hearing the news from your sister - i'm so pleased that you are happy for he, but its such a hard thing to hear :hugs: I also won't be on any prescription meds this cycle - we can be buddies :)

Welcome mommy_dk good luck - I actually fell pregnant first round of clomid a few years ago when trying for DS1 but sadly it was a chemical pregnancy, i then fell cycle 5 on Clomid and had my son. This time however I have had 6 more rounds and nothing. fx you get lucky!

Sarahlou & girly fx for you - how soon will you test?

Pinkee any updates??

K4th I have tried to pm you but its saying your inbox is full.....i'm not ignoring you!

As for me i'm spotting so witch will be full blown tonight bang on time - bitch!! So I phoned my clinic as i was instructed too to book in IVF dates (which i wasn't sure if we where doing yet anyway but wanted the dates!) and told them my HSG appt had come through for next week, they where so shitty with me....accused me of not phoning last cycle when i did - i actually spoke to the same woman!!! They where not nice & seemed very confused about my treatement plan, not helpful or warm towards me at all. SO I have decided that we will be moving clinics if we do go ahead with IVF I want to be somewhere that they are caring & considerate and helpful! The downside to this is the current clinic is a 3hr round trip away so the next nearest (which has a fab reputation) is a 4-4.5hr round trip away.....going to be a nightmare with scans etc.....UGH and the biggest question of all is - do we do it?! I can't have anymore clomid the only options are injectibles and natural bd but very expensive, IUI (which not recommended as hubbys sperm is great so not much different to natural or IVF. It is all so very stressful, i thought i had made peace with myself about not doing the IVF and moving forwards with my life but now i'm not so sure :( :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:
Hi ladies :flower:

Buttercup i'm so sorry :cry: I totally understand how you feel, it doen't get any easier every time! I understand you needing a break - i am in a simular situation.

Fern great news on hubby's swimmers! I'm pleased you moved your appt i think it makes the most sense - you never know you may not need it at all! Gosh it must be hard hearing the news from your sister - i'm so pleased that you are happy for he, but its such a hard thing to hear :hugs: I also won't be on any prescription meds this cycle - we can be buddies :)

Welcome mommy_dk good luck - I actually fell pregnant first round of clomid a few years ago when trying for DS1 but sadly it was a chemical pregnancy, i then fell cycle 5 on Clomid and had my son. This time however I have had 6 more rounds and nothing. fx you get lucky!

Sarahlou & girly fx for you - how soon will you test?

Pinkee any updates??

K4th I have tried to pm you but its saying your inbox is full.....i'm not ignoring you!

As for me i'm spotting so witch will be full blown tonight bang on time - bitch!! So I phoned my clinic as i was instructed too to book in IVF dates (which i wasn't sure if we where doing yet anyway but wanted the dates!) and told them my HSG appt had come through for next week, they where so shitty with me....accused me of not phoning last cycle when i did - i actually spoke to the same woman!!! They where not nice & seemed very confused about my treatement plan, not helpful or warm towards me at all. SO I have decided that we will be moving clinics if we do go ahead with IVF I want to be somewhere that they are caring & considerate and helpful! The downside to this is the current clinic is a 3hr round trip away so the next nearest (which has a fab reputation) is a 4-4.5hr round trip away.....going to be a nightmare with scans etc.....UGH and the biggest question of all is - do we do it?! I can't have anymore clomid the only options are injectibles and natural bd but very expensive, IUI (which not recommended as hubbys sperm is great so not much different to natural or IVF. It is all so very stressful, i thought i had made peace with myself about not doing the IVF and moving forwards with my life but now i'm not so sure :( :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

Hi Nimbec,

Thank you for your kind words. I am so heart broken because I know AF is coming. My husband wants to keep trying but this so draining and I'm not losing weight like I want due to these meds. Every time I say, I need a break he thinks I'm quitting because I'm frustrated. This is so hard because I don't want to give up but...idk.

I truly understand switching clinics when you are not getting what you need. I had to do that earlier this year due to the staff being rude and the distance.
:hi: mommy_DK. Welcome to the club.

Fern - I'm glad you feel happy for your sister. Not sure I would be as generous as you are being! Clomid has a long half life so there's every chance you could ov next cycle too. Keep those opks to hand but enjoying all those things you have planned sounds lovely too. & yay for the sperm count :wohoo:

Nimbec - my inbox isn't full. Very weird. I've deleted some of my sent items anyway so it might work now?? Sorry your clinic were horrible on the phone - you'd think they could manage some compassion or at least good manners!! I think if you're not comfortable with them it will be worth the longer trip for you. Is there anywhere nearby the second clinic that you could stay if you have to go in a couple of days in a row? Might be a nice excuse to go away with ds. So sorry :witch: is here. Sending you lots of hugs - it really sucks :( Gutted for you hun :hugs:

Buttercup - :hugs : :hugs: to you too. Sorry it looks like you might be out. It's so difficult to keep going month after month. We had a break over summer and it did help to get my head together a little. So hard though if your hubby wants to keep going. Either way it isn't an easy decision. Hope you can agree on something that feels right for you both.

Sarahlou - I get cm like that after ov too. Excellent sign to confirm ov!! Keeping fx'd for you :)
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I am anxiously awaiting March to give the clomid a shot! I keep telling myself how could it fail at all if DH has a good count and I have lots of eggs and I'm still Fairly young? Ugh please let it work! I want my DS #2 and I want him now! Lol

How's everyone else coming along? Anyone testing this month or waiting to try clomid ?

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