Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Temps dropped and spotting started right on time. Just hoping AF doesn't arrive before Saturday otherwise 4 Dec (lap & dye) will be CD14 and possible ovulation... Hoping to ovulate after the procedure so that next month is not a total loss. I'm having lots of nightmares including the dr saying to me my tubes are completely shut and my uterus is full of holes :wacko: don't want to hear that there will never ever be a chance!

2 more days of work (today & tomorrow) then I'm kind of on holiday. My students are done for the year; will only be teaching 1 short morning a week from next week till mid Dec, then only starting in January again. Looking forward to a long rest!

Have a good weekend ladies. Girly your chart still looks fine hun :) it wasn't a very big drop! And yay for tww babylaw x
Yay for being done with finals fern!!
I'm so nervous and scared about my appt in 4 hours that I can't sleep. Keep waking up to check the time and then not sleeping very well in between. Aye.... I'm glad I'm finally taking that step forward but I'm scared something really is wrong with me and that they're not going to be able to fix me...
Wish me luck!
Hope your appointment goes well mrsmccurdy - make sure you are firm with them & get the help/tests you deserve/need :)

Fern :hugs: my anxiety soars before any medical appointment so I understand your feelings about it. They aren't going to "find" things - they are simply exploring what is already there. Only a slight difference - but I find it's enough to calm my nerves :flower:
MrsMcCurdy I'm thinking of you hun!!!!!!! Let us know what the dr says xx
Temps dropped and spotting started right on time. Just hoping AF doesn't arrive before Saturday otherwise 4 Dec (lap & dye) will be CD14 and possible ovulation... Hoping to ovulate after the procedure so that next month is not a total loss. I'm having lots of nightmares including the dr saying to me my tubes are completely shut and my uterus is full of holes :wacko: don't want to hear that there will never ever be a chance!

2 more days of work (today & tomorrow) then I'm kind of on holiday. My students are done for the year; will only be teaching 1 short morning a week from next week till mid Dec, then only starting in January again. Looking forward to a long rest!

Have a good weekend ladies. Girly your chart still looks fine hun :) it wasn't a very big drop! And yay for tww babylaw x

I'm thinking of you and praying for you! positive thoughts!!:hugs:
Morning all,

Hope everyone is doing well.

afm: my temp is the same as yesterday 98.1 which is below the cover line. I had bw done today and will get results later on today. I already know I'm not pregnant as I can feel AF symptoms. I have a mini consult with doctor on Monday.

I was weighed today and lost 8.9lbs which is shocking because I felt like I gained since taking clomid and ovidrel. The nurse mentioned I shouldn't have much to lose much more for ivf. I was a little shocked and really don't believe it. I don't want to get to too excited and then get disappointing news when I meet with the doctor on Monday:shrug:, ughhh
Good job on the weight loss Buttercup! 9 pounds lost is a nice surprise!!!
Congrats on weight loss Buttercup.

I got my blood test results back and progesterone was 59 so confirms the ovulation. Just hoping the sperm met the egg and then it implants ok xx
Thanks Fern and congrats Girly!! Keeping my fx'd for you!

Got the call, BFN for me, just waiting on AF. Every month I say I won't cry, and I do, ugggh
Hi ladies

Fern I so hope af holds off for you - well actually I hope she doesn't come at all ;) I understand how u feel tho I spot
Sorry it posted before I'd finished!

Spot too and know my body so well that I know it's over :( fx it's not tho!

Buttercup I'm so sorry they never get any easier :(
Girly great news about ov!
Mrsmcurdy any news? Hope you had a good appt!

Hi everyone else! :)
I've been lurking.

Buttercup congrats on a big loss!

Girly- What day you plan on testing? FX.

Babylaw FX for you too!

Fern How are you? This is actually by 2nd. My DS was a suprise when I was just 16. I was on bc for years until I wanted to ttc. I'm 30 now and hoping this actually sticks, I've had 3 losses since starting ttc in 2009.

Hi everyone else!
Side effects on Clomid -- on the first cycle after ovulation date I had pretty intense bloating and constipation. On the three cycles since then, some bloating and twinging pain in the lower abdomen -- again after ovulation. My doc says that I have probably developed functional cysts.
Well major temp drop so I think I am defo out now. Gutted!! X
So my appt today went really great and was worth the wait and money!! I'm so glad I went, even without my obgyn's referral. She actually listened and we have a game plan that I'm very happy with. Going to take clomid again at 100mg days 3-7 since that seemed to make me ovulate and I'm having hormone testing and ultrasound as soon as I get the money. Have to admit it's rather costly but also really not bad compared to some prices I've seen. Anyway, if clomid doesn't result in pregnancy within 6 months or maybe less depending on if I keep Oing on it, then we will reevaluate and maybe try femara. I'm just so happy to have someone on my side that can help me get to the ultimate goal!! I just feel more confident now! And waaay less stressed! I almost feel down right giddy!!! :D
Mrs McCurdy that is great news to have a new game plan that you feel positive about. Glad it went well x
Hi all

Nimbec I've spotted before AF every cycle since stopping b/c. Dr lead me to believe that it would stop once I was on clomid; so the first clomid cycle I mistook the spotting for AF... the 2nd cycle I mistook it for implantation bleeding (was very light then though)... now I know better lol. And had another temp drop so I'm definitely out. So..... Clomid-free & HSG buds for next cycle! :) Are you going to temp again to see if you maybe ovulate?

Girly - oh hun I don't think you're out yet. As far as I know it's not abnormal to have lower temps mid-luteal phase due to the co-secretion of estrogen by the corpus luteum. Hope that is all you are seeing! FX for a temp rise again tomorrow!

Pinkee - I'm so sorry for your previous losses. And I really hope that this one sticks hun!!

Buttercup I hope that you can relax this weekend, take care of yourself with AF and I hope your cramps are not too bad this time around!

MrsMcCurdy - that is wonderful news! We are cheering you on for sure! It's always empowering to have a definite plan x

AFM - Plan for this new cycle!
* Continue HFLC (banting) diet with 500ml green smoothie daily
* EPO 3 x 1000 mg daily until (hopefully!) ovulation
* BD at least EOD until O; with preseed (starting only AFTER lap&dye)! Hoping not to miss O again hahaha!
* Start exercising again on Monday when the worst of AF is over
* No clomid, but will still temp and maybe use the last 2 OPK's I have left
* Lap & dye 4 Dec
* Depending on diagnosis after lap&dye, might start acupuncture after. (Won't help to spend money on fertility acupuncture if there's something wrong anatomically that is causing irreversible infertility!)
* RELAX and enjoy the holiday. Read, garden and bake for DH a LOT! (k4th I'm probably going to be asking you for recipes!) And then of course the camping holiday in a nature reserve at the beach, woohoo!!!

Have a great weekend all. Despite AF I'm feeling fine, PMS is gone, cramps are better... and can't wait for the party tomorrow :happydance:
Morning ladies!

Well i have my date for my HSG - next thursday! 2pm eek now i'm worried as its not exactly a pleasant procedure :wacko: Pleased i'm having it done tho as it may answer some questions for me.

Fern yay for being clomid free, HSG & EPO buddies :haha: I am also going to BD every other day after my HSG too - with preseed! So all in all we are doing a pretty simular routine! Oh must not forget my dreaded Metformin...i've managed to up it to half tablet in the morning too without puking! so another week i will be brave and try a whole one again....on a day that i'm not busy as i may end up in the bathroom all day :growlmad: Regarding the spotting I have always spotted and my consultant said clomid will not change that, in actual fact it can make it worse as can think the lining...anyhow i wouldn't worry too much as long as its not too early in the tww. I can spot from 10dpo - 14dpo sometimes before AF appears! They say it can also be a progesterone issue BUT won't give meds for it over here unless you are doing an iui/IVF cycle. Glad you are looking forward to your party!!

Does anyone find EPO gives them a headache? I took it las night and this morning for the first times and i have a horrid headache & i don't normally suffer from them....

Girly I agree you are def not out yet - have a look at my chart from July 2012 when i was pregnant with Harrison...i had a huge drop below the coverline!! It really doesn't mean anything unless it goes below the line so try to keep a bit of hope a while longer :hugs:

Pinkee sorry about your losses - hope this is a sticky bean!

k4th how are you doing?

mrsmcurdy great news - i'm also a lover of a plan! fx for you!

Eleison welcome...i had those side effects too plus a whole array of other things...where are you in your cycle currently?
Thanks for the info Nimbec! And GL with your HSG, yes just get it OVER and out of the way before ovulation. I have never suffered from headaches with EPO. Hope it goes away for you.

Am having an interesting idea... I just spoke to my prof re postgrad studies. He is very enthusiastic about medical/pharmaceutical microbiology; and I do have medical background from previous studies. My DH has also mentioned that I should do postgrad studies on "myself" as I constantly have my nose in some book or journal/article/website about my medical conditions including infertility. So I'm toying with the idea of maybe entering the field of medical microbiology and researching a microbiological link to infertility... Just a thought :) dreaming a bit! But who knows :)
Morning all and Happy Friday!!

We AF has arrived with a vengeance. I'm just trying to make it through my work day so I can go home and crawl into bed. It's a shame but I had to unfasten my belt and jeans because the darn cramps!!

An idea crossed myind last night. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can try Femera if I'm not quite ready for ivf. I don't think it could hurt. I'm nervous about my appointment on Monday but my discomfort is keeping me sidetracked.

Hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful day!

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