Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Fern- I thought so too... I am 2 dpo now, or at least 2 days past first positive opk. My temps are still up but slightly lower than yesterday, but I am going to try to not let that discourage me.
As far as monitoring, we are trying to keep this under the radar of my insurance because they don't officially cover fertility treatment BUT since I have PCOS we are charging it all as PCOS treatment which is still true :) I just have to pay cash for my clomid. But we are mainly doing 21 day progesterone draw and of course an hcg draw a bit closer to af. No extra scans or trigger shots.
What did your dh have surgery for? I hope he recovers fast! It sounds like he has already had a bumpy start to recovery.. Poor guy :(
Fx you O!!

Girly- I think implantation can vary from person to person... So you could be experiencing it especially with it being so early! Have you tested at all recently??
Baby dust!!
BAB I tested with a cheap test (not FRER as couldn't get hold of one) in the afternoon at 10dpo and then morning 11dpo. I will be 13dpo tomorrow and will see what my temp does. If it drops below coverline then I know I am out for good. But I am praying my body for it to go back up soooo much!! If it goes up and is still above coverline 14dpo then I will do a FRER on the off chance x
Fx that temp keeps rising!! Your chart looks pretty promising from the little that I know about charting. :3

Mine is starting to go up. I am hoping it keeps it up!
I haven't really felt different but then again I am only 2 dpo... I have a long wait ahead of me :/ ugh.. lol
Dear All, my name is Giana and it is my first time joining a TTC forum and posting anything. I have just started my TTC journey for about 3 months and I am about to start my round 3 of Clomid. I was absolutely devastated last 2 months when AF showed. Cried like someone died. Especially last month, we did the Sperm-meet-egg-plan and I thought we had a good chance which we did not. My AF arrived 3 days ago and it was dark brown almost black for like 2 days which freaked me out. My Gynae is on vacation so I couldn't ask. I am just feeling so overwhelmed and hopeless at the moment. We have been doing bbt for 3 months and stupidly I used the ear thermometer out of convenience which I have later found out it doesn't accurately take your temperature. This means my past 3 months of tempting is now rubbish. (wanna scream). Now we are about to dive into round 3 of Clomid and I don't know what to think anymore and overwhelmed with fear. Thank you for listening and sorry for venting...babydust to all of you :)

Love, G
Well now I truly beleive and know that I am out this month as well. Still light spotting for the 5th day but big temp drop this morning so I have counted it all as a light period.

I need something to keep me positive and focus on whilst hubby is away so I have decided to enjoy the new year with him. I will be having some drinks as no chance of me being pregnant lol!! Then I have 4 months to try and loose 2.5 stone. I will try to eat much more healthily and try (that is a big try lol) to do more exercise even if it is just walking x
Aaahhh Girly so sorry. At least now you know for sure and can get everything ready for May! As I've said before we will all be right here to support you when you are ready to try again; and also before then if you want to chat or anything!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm joining you in trying to lose weight (again). Clomid has totally messed up my metabolism and even though I dieted and lost a bit of weight I have picked up everything and more! And now have 8kg to lose :(.

Hi and welcome Giana. You will find lots of support here. We can all sympathize with how you feel. Best of luck to you!

BAB- hmmm tww...! FX for you. Can't wait to join you! Feel free to add your O chart into your signature, I'm such a stalker lol. To answer your question; DH had surgery on Christmas day for an appendix which was about to rupture. Poor man. But he is doing much better x

AFM - ovaries soooo sore. Hope it leads to a strong O... I've started wondering if the 100mg is slightly overstimulating my ovaries but as I'm not going to be monitored again I won't know. I wouldn't mind twins (we kinda want 2 kids) then we NEVER have to go through this awful ttc business again!

Love and hugs to everyone xx
Just a quick stop ladies...

Girly - :hugs: sorry it doesn't look like it's your month :hugs:

Fern - good luck with ov. Hope it happens soon (& hope your hubby is feeling well enough for ttc). Nice low temps & great to see ewcm on your chart :thumbup:

Good luck to everyone starting a cycle!
Hi Ladies,

I haven't been around much, just so much going on right now! I hope everyone is doing well and in good spirits. I am doing ok, but feel like I getting sick, ughh.

I am still trying to lose more weight and even though I'm not around as much, I'm cheering you all from the sideline!! Sending you all lots and lots of baby dust and ttyl = talk to you later xoxo
Giana- Hi hun :) I know it is hard going through all of this and I am sure that there are plenty of ladies on here who are more ready to be rid of clomid than I am lol but stressing only makes it worst on your body. I literally have seen tons of women, with and without fertility issues, suddenly fall pregnant on a break or just when they gave up early in a cycle and then were blessed with a sticky bean!
Keep your head up!
And as for your blood being dark, my guess is that you hadn't been shedding your lining properly before and the clomid caused you to finally shed some old lining. So this cycle your chances could very well be increased!!

Girly- D: sorry that you temp dropped.. Take an frer to be safe before drinking, but it is negative then go have fun!! You know you deserve it!! :3

Fern- Yep it is official on my chart!! Idk how to post the actual chart, but my tracker is a link to it. Soo all you have to do is click it :)
That is terrifying!! Appendix issues are pretty intense :(
Glad to hear that they caught it in time! Very serious!!

Afm- feeling a bit nauseas this morning. I forgot to take my metformin last night so that could be why. Uck.. Not too much to note though. Been having insomnia, hot flashes, occassional back ache, random twinges/cramps in uterus, random twinges in boobs still and I think that is it. All can be chaulked up to clomid though soo not getting excited until i see some real symptoms!
Happy Hogmanay everyone!

The end of a year can be particularly hard for us LTTTC. This year, instead of dwelling on what DIDN'T happen for us in 2014, I'm going to try to focus on what CAN happen for us in 2015. Sending positive thoughts and special new year wishes to all, here's to the 2015 BFP's!

Lang may yer lum reek!
Hey ladies,
I have just been lurking on the forum lately, but as the new year approaches, I just want to wish you all tons of babydust! I am accepting this new year as a new beginning, with more opportunities and hopefully some babies! Hope you are enjoying your celebrations!
Hi ladies :) happy new year sorry I have not been around!

Hope everyone is well, Fern so sorry you have had such a rough time :( hope your hubby recovers quickly!

K4th how are you feeling must be near end of first tri now? Or am I lost with time lol!

I thought I would pop in and share my news - I am starting an IVF round egg collection booked for 9th February :) borrowed the money so let's hope we get pregnant first time fx!!! We have paid a discount for 2 rounds so we have a back up plan!

Sorry I'm not about much I've actually not been on much & if I have ive just been lurking x
:hi: nimbec! It's lovely to hear from you!! So excited to hear about your ivf!! Congratulations on having a plan!!! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts & sending positive vibes for feb - keep us posted!! I really want to hear how it goes - are you doing long or short protocol? My neighbour did ivf & she caught first time - really hoping for you hun.

I'm 10 weeks now - second tri is less than two weeks away now (all being well :) )
Thanks k4th :) i'm doing a short protocol as I have a very high amh so they are worried about over stimming, i'm so hopeful and feel much more positive now i have an action plan!! Yay 10 weeks thought it was about that - keep us posted on scans etc how are you feeling?

I will pop in and keep in touch i'm just not on the boards very often as had to sort my head out :) x
Thanks k4th :) i'm doing a short protocol as I have a very high amh so they are worried about over stimming, i'm so hopeful and feel much more positive now i have an action plan!! Yay 10 weeks thought it was about that - keep us posted on scans etc how are you feeling?

I will pop in and keep in touch i'm just not on the boards very often as had to sort my head out :) x

Feeling ok thanks - no real sickness, just really tired. Will be much more comfortable when I've had the 12 week scan and can relax a bit more in second tri.

So excited for you hun :thumbup:
Yay nimbec! That's so exciting!! Keep us updated every step of the way!
K4th- let us know how your scan goes! I love ultrasound pics :)
Afm- I'm back on the clomid train. Started 2 days ago. Gave up on my period or pos test ever coming so picked a day and started. I reeeeeally want it to work this time. Ppl say that the 3rd is the most common to catch that egg. Here's hoping 2015 is MY year!! Everyone else around me has had their turn!
Yay nimbec! That's so exciting!! Keep us updated every step of the way!
K4th- let us know how your scan goes! I love ultrasound pics :)
Afm- I'm back on the clomid train. Started 2 days ago. Gave up on my period or pos test ever coming so picked a day and started. I reeeeeally want it to work this time. Ppl say that the 3rd is the most common to catch that egg. Here's hoping 2015 is MY year!! Everyone else around me has had their turn!
We are on the same cycle! 3rd round, 2nd day of 5-9 for me!
I'm hopeful as well, and for you too!
I hadn't heard that about the 3rd cycle, fingers crossed!

Happy new years ladies! Hope everyone's dreams come true this year ;)
That's so cool, timetotry! I love having cycle buddies! I feel a little like a newbie this time around after having a month and a half off. I don't remember having this many pimples?!? And my face is burning up but I'm freezing, how does that work?? Oh boy, gotta love clomid side effects! Haha! Oh and the bloat was quick too, like the next morning. Yikes, otta be a fun cycle!
Anyone else close to us? Still in the 5 days of taking it?
Hey everyone everyone, I haven't posted much but have been reading everything. Feeling pretty down, had wishful thinking that I would go into 2015 pregnant or at least having ovulated. No O with clomid 50mg this rounds so waiting on the go ahead to take provera again to get AF and then 100mg next round. I'm staying positive and reading eveeveryone's posts about new beginnings is so helpful! Happy new year everyone and here is to 2015 being OUR year!

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