Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I posted to say that I'm keeping everything crossed for you Girly. .. can't find that post so I just want to say it again! ! Hoping soooo hard for you.

Timetotry, any news? Have you tested yet?
Fingers crossed for you hun. Is it high risk just due to spotting? Out of interest how much spotting is there? Is it red so fresh blood or old brown?

I have u in my prayers hun x
Fingers crossed for you hun. Is it high risk just due to spotting? Out of interest how much spotting is there? Is it red so fresh blood or old brown?

I have u in my prayers hun x

High risk because of spotting and I have a blood disorder (itp - low platelets so my blood doesn't clot well). I've had spotting every 2-3 weeks for a couple of days. Sometimes brown, sometimes pink, sometimes red. Very definitely spotting though, no flow to it (& I hope there never is).

Will you wait until fmu to test again? Which brand have you bought?
Girly - thanks hun, hubs is OK. He is still in hospital. Apparently his intestines are infected (not just the appendix which has now been removed), and it has affected his kidneys etc. Dr keeps running a lot of tests and says his kidneys are fine now but the infection is still too high to risk him coming home. He needs to be closely monitored and get IV antibiotics until his levels are low enough for home care. Dr is testing his liver, thyroid, etc etc to see if there is anything else going on. He also has a massive stomach ulcer which is exacerbating everything of course. BUT he is full of jokes and went for a short walk today and he seems like himself again. So I hope to have him home soon! Thanks for asking :)

I keep checking to see if you have tested again!!!

K4th - urghhh hun I didn't realise you were still having that spotting.... so sorry for you. I've wondered why your status is "nervous". Thinking of you!! Will you be high risk throughout or only 1st trimester?

xx Hi everyone else, thinking of all of you! xx
Fern - I'll be high risk throughout. If I start bleeding properly I might not stop on my own :dohh: I've lived with itp for two years so I'm used to it :shrug:

Glad your hubby is feeling better. Hope his infection goes away quickly. Is he on antibiotics etc? Hope they let him home soon - I know how miserable it can be to be stuck in hospital!!
Oh Fern I'm so sorry to hear about what's been happening :hugs: why is it bad things seem to happen to good people?! I am really hoping that you will get some good news / luck to make up for this period of bad news. You definitely deserve some. I hope your husband makes a speedy recovery xxxx and you manage to get some money back xxx

Hope everyone is OK. Fingers crossed it's IB girly!!! x
k4th sorry to hear you've been having a few problems hope it is sorted soon xxx must be difficult to relax and enjoy pregnancy for you xxx

AFM I'm a little bit down, on xmas eve I got a letter from my FS saying my appointment in January (which I've been waiting for for 4 months) has been cancelled due to "unforeseen circumstances" and moved to APRIL. fucking april! I was so angry! I think I will phone and try and get a closer one but whether that's possible I don't know. It was really not the news I wanted at xmas, I've run out of clomid so I can't take another round on my own (probably shouldn't anyway)
I was due AF boxing day and started spotting quite late which I felt was a bit of a tease as started to hope by the end of the day. Full red flow today so definitely not pregnant. My OH has been quite good though and trying to keep me positive. I know I am lucky to have my daughter so I hope I don't sound ungrateful at all. So I think I need a new plan, perhaps my new plan will be to focus on getting into better shape in the new year. I have about 14lbs to lose to be down to my ideal weight so with a bit of hard work I think I can do that. I think that would possibly help me to fall pregnant on my own. I've also got to go for my HSG/hycosy so perhaps that will help things.

I hope everyone had a nice xmas, and I'm going to be really hoping and wishing for some BFPs for us all in the new year :thumbup:
K4th I am glad they and monitoring you closely. Fingers crossed it is all ok.

Fern glad to here he still has his jokey sense of humour and is feeling better in himself and I hope the infection clears soon so you can be home together.

Lace&pearls that is not a nice letter to get at Christmas time at all. I hope they can make another appointment for you or maybe you can keep phoning up to see if they ever have a cancellation? Fingers crossed for you hun and sorry AF showed this cycle.

My spotting stopped earlier for a bit, went brown and then nothing but has started a bit again with a light red colour. It is still much more watery than normal AF. I am thinking of you put all of it together though there is way to much to just be IB. I am hoping though. Boobs don't feel as sore but nipples have started hurting now. I'm not going to test again until 31st if full blown AF isn't here. That is the day AF is due xx
I posted to say that I'm keeping everything crossed for you Girly. .. can't find that post so I just want to say it again! ! Hoping soooo hard for you.

Timetotry, any news? Have you tested yet?

Hi Fern, Sorry to hear about dh, how is he doing?
You have been through so much in the past month! How are you doing?

I'm out this cycle. Heartbroken. I've been really depressed this week, I need to figure out some coping mechanisms. I feel like I need to get MY life back. This whole process is consuming everything for me. I'm coming up with a plan to keep my sanity on my last clomid cycle, eek. And am going to call to try to book our iui orientation.
I had a huge melt down this week, DH finally agreed that we could go on vacation soon. I need an escape and something to be excited about. We both have to see if we can get some time off work, and find out the potential costs of upcoming procedures and drug coverage. Hopefully it works out, I need to see the beach.
Temp dip again today so now I know I am out. Let the wait to try again in May begin. In some ways as I don't have a choice but to wait I am glad for the break in tracking my cycles so closely x
Hi ladies! :wave:
Mind if I join in?

Hubby and I have been ttc for 2 years, no success at all which lead us to find out that I do not ovulate on my own. I take metformin extended release 1000 mg once per day along with prenatal pills, folic acid and potassium.
This is my second round of clomid, now at 150 mg. I have pcos as well but I seem to be responding to clomid pretty well! Ovulated first time at 100 mg and just got my positive test for this cycle today on cd 17!!
So far I have noticed a lot more symptoms from the clomid than last time. Like dizziness, nausea and hot flashes.
I need to schedule my progesterone draw for next week, I am hoping I can get a hold of my doctor before I go past cd 21 ×_×
So sorry girly & timetotry :( girly, I really thought this might be your month. Sorry you have to wait but hope you can make the most of your break.

Lace&pearls - I'd be so angry about that letter. Even if they can't move your appointment straight away, keep calling... People cancel appointments all the time!

Hi babttc - good luck with your clomid journey :thumbup:
Hi k4th! I read your sig and do you mind if I ask what the lt means in your ltttc? This is the first time I have seen that used lol

To everyone- where are you all at in your cycles??
Hi k4th! I read your sig and do you mind if I ask what the lt means in your ltttc? This is the first time I have seen that used lol

To everyone- where are you all at in your cycles??

It stands for "long term trying to conceive". I was trying over two years.

Wishing you lots of luck & dust :)
Hi everyone

Lace&pearls - omw that is such nonsense!!! I can't believe they treated you like that. Really hope another appointment opens up for an earlier time. Is there a different clinic that you can go to? Will you keep ttc naturally until then?

K4th - oh hun I hope nothing goes wrong. So far so good though right? And at least you have been aware of those issues since before the pregnancy so that you know to look after yourself!

BAB - Hi there and welcome! I am on CD10, took 100mg clomid 3-7. I am also ltttc; n#1 for me, (for many many years on and off) and this is my 5th clomid cycle urgh.... Have been wanting to take a cycle "off" ttc but I just had a lap&dye the previous cycle and apparently you're more fertile for 3 months after that procedure... so I've decided not to take a cycle off yet. Still very tempted! Very very tired of clomid!!!

Girly - I am SO sorry for you hun. Really hope that time just flies by until May. We are right here whenever you need to chat or vent or whatever!

Timetotry - soooo sorry that you are out! I went through EXACTLY the same thing a couple of months ago; very depressed and just had to find a way to enjoy life again. One of the things that helped me personally was starting a gratitude journal, just to remember all the other good things I have, and focusing on enjoying what DH and I already have. And we still pray for peace and acceptance because it's not as if it is a very easy peace to make... I still struggle a lot but at least it feels like I have some perspective back. PLEASE feel free to PM me if you want to chat - I know how you feel! BTW where are you from? Hope you enjoy your holiday with hubs xxxxx

How is everyone else? So most of us are going to try again in 2015. Bring it on!!!
Hi everyone,

CD24 and 8dpo. Temps still up, and BD timing was right but I'm not feeling confident at all this cycle. :nope: wish we could test a couple of days after O and just know either way! This waiting is awful.

Babttc - this is my 2nd round of clomid. I do not O naturally but 50mg seems to have done the trick for me. First round I had terrible side effects, but this round has been much better except some mild cramping all day, every day! I have been TTC for 3years (less 2weeks).

Fern - how is your OH doing? Do you know when he'll be home?

LaceandPearls - that's really disappointing and frustrating - keep calling them and make sure they understand that you'll take ANY cancellation. Maybe ask them what their procedure is for cancellations, they might ask you to call back at a certain time or on a certain day to check for appointments, or they might have a wait list for cancellations they can put you on? Good luck.

Girly and Timetotry - I'm really gutted for both of you. :hugs:
Thanks k4th!! Have you had your first scan yet??

Fern- This is only my second cycle with Clomid and I already hate the side effects! The worst is the hot flashes and dizziness :/ ugh..
Hope you conceive soon so that you don't have to suffer another round of clomid side effects and get your Rainbow baby!!

Aro- My first round was pretty good for me, it wasn't until this round that it hit me hard!! I ovulated last round so idk why my doctor decided to increase the dose. What failed us for last round was that my hubby didn't quite understand the significance of dtd on time. This round he has been doing an amazing job! We are going to keep dtd until new years just to be safe! I also have the cramping, I assume it is ovulation pain?
I completely agree that it would be MUCH easier to deal with the wait if the test date could be a lot closer to O lol This tww is going to be torture for me x_x
Girly - still stalking and I noticed your temp is up and spotting has stopped?? Oh hun I really wish for your sake you can just find out for sure!!!

Arohanui - You can test on new year's day! Lucky you. I know the feeling of having missed the window BUT k4th only bd'd once in her fertile window and here our friend is 10 weeks pregnant :)

BAB - hm that is really weird that your dr increased your dose if you already O'd last cycle? Are you being monitored? And have you ovulated yet this cycle?

Hubs has been discharged. His infection levels are low enough for home care and we just need to keep him on antibiotics for a few more days & then go back in 2 weeks to have the stitches out and follow-up. Very relieved. But he has been in a very bad mood since coming home, shouting at everyone so I'm keeping out of his way! I suppose it's an after-effect of surgery and frustration at feeling helpless (I was very weepy day 3 after surgery?).

I hope I O this cycle! Have no idea what to expect; no two cycles have been alike since starting the crazy clomid journey..... Have so far had cramping/ovary pains every single day since after the lap&dye. Hope it's my ovaries working to produce follies and not endo or post-surgery problems. SO badly want to see inside my body! My brother works in clinical IT (their company develops digital systems for MRI, u/s, x-ray etc) and I asked him how much it would cost for me to buy my own ultrasound machine from their suppliers hehehe!!! How does R80 000 sound??:haha:
Fern as you may have noticed with my chart I keep changing my mind between spotting and light period lol. I still don't want to accept that I am out. I am in complete denial and want to remain hopeful. This is just sooo different to my normal period and so stupidly early. Still not due for 2 more days yet. Temp slightly increased but I don't think it is accurate as annoyingly I slept through my alarm so took temp when I woke up but it was a couple of hours later than normal. I therefore think it highly likely to have been under coverline at normal time. But again I am wishful thinking.

I know I have posted on here so many times recently so I am really sorry to go on I just know this is my last chance for a long time and want to be pregnant so bad so look for any signs of hope.

Normal period for me is about 4 days long and can be light or heavy. But when it is light I would start a brown/red then turn a dark red that would require a tampon in and would be full or almost full changing every 6 hours or so. Will slow down and go back to brown for a day or so near the end. I defo need tampon in though or I would drip if that makes sense. I also see quite a lot of clots normally (small ones). I always have a 14day LP as well.

This cycle.
7dpo - light orange when wipe once
8dpo - light orange when wipe once
9dpo - pale pink discharge when wipe once
10dpo - watery red when wipe then nothing for hours and hours then again when wipe. Defo red colour though.
11dpo - still red when wipe and put a tampon in but brown with few small pink/red spots, not even half full. Continues like this all day. So like an extremely light period.
12dpo - more red when wipe in morning (still nothing on a panty liner) and pass a large clot (just one). Tampon only brown and a bit darker on end again less than half full. Continues all day. When don't put a tampon in checked few hours later and red when wiped twice but then nothing. Repeat with tampon and only light brown, mostly white tampon left.
13dpo - today!! Checked late last night and nothing at all when I wiped. Checked this morning and only slight red on tissue (not as much as yesterday). I feel like there should be and have had a liner in all night but nothing at all on it.

My questions can implantation bleeding continue for 3/4 days? Can it be bright red blood but not enough to show much on a tampon or anything on a liner and only really when wipe? My actual AF isn't due to start until Wednesday.

Am I hoping for no reason and I am defo out as temp is low? Arghh.

Sorry I just need to get this all out!!!!

Arahanoui - I wish you the best of luck hun and hope you get your new year BFP.

Fern - I am soooo glad to hear hubby is home. You can enjoy new year together now. Hopefully we will see your chart showing ovulation and you are defo due some good news so fingers crossed 2015 brings you that baby you so deserve.

BAB - good luck with this cycle hun. I really hope it works for you.

Not long until we can put 2014 behind us and look forward to 2015 girls xx

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