Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Thank You both! that makes me feel a lot better :)

k4th I just had a quick look back over pages but couldn't see - did I miss it? - did you say about how your scan went? :)

fern - fingers crossed and thinking of you! x

dojenstein - welcome! how did your appointment go? x
Thank You both! that makes me feel a lot better :)

k4th I just had a quick look back over pages but couldn't see - did I miss it? - did you say about how your scan went? :)

fern - fingers crossed and thinking of you! x

dojenstein - welcome! how did your appointment go? x

No you didn't miss it - I saw a couple of people on here having a rough day or two & thought I'd wait. Scan went well thanks. Followed by two days of unexplained spotting. So baby seems well but I'm still anxious. Pah!
My tests do that too!
I'd post my pic from today but don't know how!
I'd call it a positive too!

My friend shared this blog post on facebook. I thought it was good and you ladies would appreciate it. I wish I had to guts to share it with everyone on facebook but don't feel comfortable telling people who I don't know that well!
My tests do that too!
I'd post my pic from today but don't know how!
I'd call it a positive too!

My friend shared this blog post. I thought it was good and you ladies would appreciate it. I wish I had to guts to share it with everyone on facebook but don't feel comfortable telling people who I don't know that well!

Thank you so much for sharing. That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Hugs to you!!!!!!!
My tests do that too!
I'd post my pic from today but don't know how!
I'd call it a positive too!

My friend shared this blog post. I thought it was good and you ladies would appreciate it. I wish I had to guts to share it with everyone on facebook but don't feel comfortable telling people who I don't know that well!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to you and your friend for posting this. Those feelings rushing inside me as I read it made me feel like all the pain and disappointment over the last year and a half wasn't unappreciated and that I'm not totally a bad person for not being totally thrilled for my SIL being 21 weeks with her baby boy... Sometimes it just hurts too much....
Love you girls! You are strong and wonderful mommies-to-be! :) ;)
My friend, who found the blog, also went through infertility and was successful with clomid. It's so nice having the support of someone that's been through it, and all of you!

I loved that article because it was refreshing to hear someone who never had to try to get pregnant understand a bit of what other women go through and feel. And it was also nice of the author to advocate for us!
Welcome dojenstein!

Glad your scan went well K4th :). Are you guys going to find out the gender? i'm so happy you and LO are still doing fine!

14dpo BFN for me this morning with an early test. My temps are weird. I have never had such a slow rise before and now for this super slow descent? Haha oh the things our bodies do to us! Still no AF though and no proper spotting (only slightly blood-tinged cm when I check, since yesterday. Nothing when I wipe. But I count anything blood-related as spotting). So that is something to say for the B6, I'm happy with a LP that's 13-14 days. Now I just want AF to start so she can be on her way when I start working again on Monday!

Well since we can't get pregnant, and I'm earning a bit more money this year, we decided to maybe go travelling. Went to the travel agent yesterday and asked for some packages to the Far East, to South America and Europe. Exciting! Will probably have to scrape and save but hey, it's not as if we have the expenses of pregnancy and having a child. If we can't have kids we WILL still have a good life in the small AND big things. And as soon as the first (worst) 2 days of AF is over I'm going to start exercising and dieting like a maniac again. That is at least something I have control over! Not sad today; the mind shift away from ttc and focussing more on what we DO have over the past few months has helped a lot! :thumbup:

I will however keep the rest of you ladies in my prayers. And not just that you all may conceive when the time is right; but also that you may find peace in this difficult process.:flower:
My Ovulation Chart (For science.....:haha:)
PS Lace& pearls I love your profile pic. I remember you saying you and your sister are also very close. I cried so much at the end of that movie!!! How is your cycle going? O yet?
Fern81 you are right nice to hear you so positive Made ME smile also does anyone clear this up for me last night before bed I had a pain in my lower right stomach felt like wen I moved there was a obstruction there of some and some sort of tugging pain I still have this today but milder I'm due to ovulate tomoro so it couldn't be ovulation could it I don't know what ovulation feels like as I don't ovulation? X
ah k4th you are such a sweet sensitive soul x how are you doing now? will they give you extra scans cause of the spotting? (did you mention that you had it with your 1st pregnancy or did I imagine that?)

Fern you are so right to be positive x I think sometimes we have to relax and take a breather, the stress of ltttc must take it's toll on our physical and mental well being. Travelling sounds amazing x
ah thank you I like frozen :D I'm not sure but I think I may have o'd cd 19, I'm cd 21 now I just had my blood test done. I'm not sure if we dtd enough but if I ovulated at all I will be quite chuffed. (As I'm not on clomid this round)

Liovec could possibly be ovulation pains? but I'm not sure tbh .. when I have o'd on clomid I get quite sharp ovulation pains and also very bloated / trapped wind kinda pains. I think everyone is different - but it is a bit coincidental you are due to ovulate soon :)
Fern - so wonderful to be planning some amazing adventures!! You will have such a fantastic time!! Sorry about the bfn :hugs: but really happy you are in a good place. Still chart stalking though :winkwink:

Lace&pearls - no I didn't have any spotting with dd. This is all a bit new to me. Am seeing a specialist next week. I have had extra scans - 5 in total now :)

Liovec - my ov pain was always a sharp pinch. I felt it building the way you describe just once. Good luck :)
Fern - so wonderful to be planning some amazing adventures!! You will have such a fantastic time!! Sorry about the bfn :hugs: but really happy you are in a good place. Still chart stalking though :winkwink:

Lace&pearls - no I didn't have any spotting with dd. This is all a bit new to me. Am seeing a specialist next week. I have had extra scans - 5 in total now :)

Liovec - my ov pain was always a sharp pinch. I felt it building the way you describe just once. Good luck :)

Ohhhhhhhh I'm all excited now! X 😃
Timetotry - get bding hun!!! Those sound like good signs! Hope your hubby feels up to it. As for the preseed; if needed I insert just a small amount with the applicator, right by my cervix, before we even start foreplay. I find that a whole applicator full is way too much. Also if you wait too long with it inside, then it can become runny and irritating due to body heat (or it's just too hot here in RSA atm!!). We also use a small amount just as external lubricant. Haha all that feels like way tmi. :blush:

Jaybee - I agree with timetotry! CD11 looks like a +. So you probably ovulated on CD12 or 13? Are you taking your temperature and/or checking CM at all?

Arohanui - congrats on your wedding anniversary :). I'm so glad you had a nice time. We all need those special moments because ttc (esp LTTTC!) can leach some of the romance out of a relationship. Hun I use EPO until O date. But it can cause uterine contractions so no EPO after O. I also take fish oil capsules all through the month as a source of Omega 3 (NOT fish liver oil. The liver stores the most mercury). Our pharmacists (where I live) recommend not taking an extra omega 6 supplement, since we already get so much of that in our diets.

Minnie - I know we can all relate. :growlmad:. Life just feels so unfair sometimes. Well I apparently didn't O on 50mg and then just kind of decided by myself to up the dose to 100mg as I couldn't get hold of my dr! Hoping that acupuncture will help for you though!:flower:

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - 13 dpo. Temp has dropped a bit this morning again. I had the worst cramps last night and thought for sure I would wake up to AF. The cramps are gone however (for now!), haven't started spotting, nothing. Hm. By this time I should be spotting or having AF already. DH wants me to test tomorrow morning... eeekkkk I don't want to! Maybe the b6 that I've taken has just given me a nice long LP, will be happy with that as well! I'm adding a link to my chart if anyone wants to have a look. I still think my temps are too low for me to be pregs though.

My Ovulation Chart

Are you going to test soon?!!? :)

I have not been temping at all. My OB just instructed me to use OPKs. I am still confused if I ovulated yet or not haha! I guess keep BD til next week!! If I did ovulate I would be at 5 DPO today. Yesterday I had to go home from work I had bad nausea the entire day but did not throw up and then I also could not stop using the restroom :wacko: so embarrassing at work!! has anyone else had these symptoms at 4 DPO from clomid?? or am I still yet to ovulate? The fertility monitor still says "high fertilty" and I am getting what I think are NEGATIVES from the cheapie OPKs!

Oh ya & I have my 21 day progesterone test next thursday!
Jaybee - are you using the cbfm? Sometimes your surge may happen quickly in an afternoon so the cbfm can miss your surge. If it does it will keep reading high until stick 19 & then go back to low. But - just coz the cbfm missed your surge doesn't mean it didn't happen!! So don't get too disheartened if it carries on :flower:
k4th- Yes cbfm!! Good to know thank you so much :) Guess maybe try BD a few more times just in case. and see how my 21 day test goes.

I just feel like it might have been early to O on CD 11! but it is possible I guess lol
Hey everyone I am hoping I can join you all! This is my first cycle on clomid 50mg, I have not o'd since i came of depo injection 20 months ago. I was hoping to start 2 weeks ago had some spotting rung doctor as I didn't know if it was my period or not, had blood tests and got told my estrogen was too high so not to take it yet, had another blood test a week later got told levels had gone lower but not enough they think that the follicles they saw when i was scanned the month before turned into a cyst?? then i went in a few days later for another blood test, got a call the next day (friday) saying levels are low and start clomid on sunday for 5 days then on the monday go in for a blood test and possibly a scan on tuesday to see whats happening.

i have a few questions I am still spotting been almost 3 weeks now i guess so i don't know if i am on a cycle, on my period, what cycle day I am do i am taking clomid with no proper period is this ok?
also how will i no what cycle day i am?
should i just start doing opks now?
When should we baby dance, we were doing it every other day on other cycles but got burnt out my end of month and don't want that to happen here if we o late but don't want to wait to long and miss o and a chance to get pregnant.
i try and bbt but i am a terrible sleeper never get more than half an hour at a time but i still do it anyway so hopefully that will show me, all though i will be having blood tests and scans to confirm o anyway.
Sooooo another huge temp drop, and AF arrived this morning.
Hats off to vitamin b6 for a 14 day LP. I have been taking 25mg daily, along with a multivitamin and b-complex which added another few micrograms.

Will not be taking clomid this cycle, and definitely ntnp. I will be drinking spearmint tea and taking EPO just to try and normalize my hormone levels because the clomid side effects are still kicking my behind! Have been feeling super tired and dizzy for almost 2 weeks straight. Will maybe temp CD10-20 just to see if my body can O without clomid (for interest sake). But I've promised myself to do nothing else since we really need a proper break :). Oh and I want to get super thin and fit and healthy! Now that we're planning on travelling, that's another incentive to get into shape.

How does Zanzibar sound???

libbymarks - welcome and I hope clomid makes a positive difference to you. Another lady on our thread started clomid without having a proper period first, and she got her bfp recently. I would just take the first day of clomid as CD1 for now so that you can start logging temps, and then definitely ask your drs about the cycle days, when you go in for the scans.

Jaybee - I have also had nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, just EVERY single symptom you can think of during one stage or another during my clomid cycles. Joys of trying to fall pregs hey? Hope you feel better soon!

Liovec - ovary/ovulation pain starting even right after taking the last tablet (for me it starts even before my last tablet), seems to affect a lot of clomid users. I assume it's due to our ovaries being stimulated more than what we're used to. Once I wanted to go to ER but it ended up just being a late O! OHSS means literally being doubled over in pain etc and it's not very common. I hope those pains are just good news to you!

Hugs and kisses ladies. Will be stalking every once in a while and checking in to say hello from time to time.

Fern - I'm sorry AF arrived but pleased you're in such a happy & positive frame of mind. I wish you lots & lots of happiness on your journeys & Zanzibar sounds amazing! You and your oh will have the most wonderful time together :hugs: & :happydance:
Well it's ovulation day today and I probably feel less tender than I have throughout the last two weeks lol typical hey! It sounds so crazy but I lost my nanny 8 years ago who was more like my mum than my nan and a week ago I got a strange fluttering/ tug in my right side and a really warm loving feeling it almost made me cry it only lasted for about 5 seconds but it really made me think it was my nanny telling me it's working! ���� Just Gona try and go with the flow and not think about IT so much driving myself crazy thinking has it worked? have I ovulated?! (She says) lol have my 21 day test on Friday so fingers crossed for that. X
So, with vitamin b6, do you have to take it your full cycle?
I take a multivitamin and omega 3
My luteal phases are around 11 days.
I'm 1dpo now, is it too late to start b6?

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