Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Thanks timetotry. My chart is now saying I O'd on cd 21 but idk if I believe it. I've been taking my temp at the same time but this morning I woke up kinda miserable, hot, headache already, not sure why. Wish our bodies would work like clockwork like normal ppl, lol
Oh and cm has been almost nonexistent. Nothing really at all even though I'm still taking the same flaxseed that worked for me.
Hi everyone

This cycle is dragging by slowly. I'm having weird dizzy spells, feel tired all the time, ovary pains on and off, and headaches? I thought those were only clomid side effects; strange that I'm getting them now when I'm not taking clomid anymore. Had my thyroid retested and still waiting for the results (more than 2 weeks later....) Fed up with doctors in general! Otherwise things are going well. Back at work and loving it. I've joined a thread on bnb called "getting fit before baby" to help with motivation for healthy weight loss, to hopefully aid in getting pregnant one day... and if not pregs then at least thinner and healthier.

MrsMcCurdy - I really hope for your sake that you did at least ovulate, so that you can have a normal period and proper cycle next month!

Sarahlou - I saw your bad news! I'm so extremely sorry for your loss hun. Hope you have a lot of loving support. Sending hugs and prayers your way x

Everyone else - any news? How are the ladies in the tww doing? Thinking of you all!
Fern81- I have been having weird symptoms too and I finished my clomid on January 10th!!

I got my results for my 21 day progesterone test it was 0.2 :( So I didn't ovulate at all. I emailed my nurse to see if it is possible that I could still ovulate in the future. I am so sad & discouraged right now. But in other news I bought my plane ticket to a vacation for my b-day in March since I know now that I won't be pregnant anytime soon.

Has anyone else gotten a really low progesterone test? I guess I will have to wait for next cycle to try clomid again. In May I will be off BCP for 1 year.
Fern81- I have been having weird symptoms too and I finished my clomid on January 10th!!

I got my results for my 21 day progesterone test it was 0.2 :( So I didn't ovulate at all. I emailed my nurse to see if it is possible that I could still ovulate in the future. I am so sad & discouraged right now. But in other news I bought my plane ticket to a vacation for my b-day in March since I know now that I won't be pregnant anytime soon.

Has anyone else gotten a really low progesterone test? I guess I will have to wait for next cycle to try clomid again. In May I will be off BCP for 1 year.

Hi Jaybee,

Yes, my CD21 progesterone test on my first cycle of clomid was 4. I had the test again on day 28 and the level was really high (can't remember the result) so it showed I ovulated around CD22. I would book another test for CD28 if I were you. How long are your usual cycles? Is this your first cycle on clomid? CD21 bloods are based on 'perfect' 28 day cycles so if your cycles are normally longer then it is likely that you may O later than CD21.
Fern81- I have been having weird symptoms too and I finished my clomid on January 10th!!

I got my results for my 21 day progesterone test it was 0.2 :( So I didn't ovulate at all. I emailed my nurse to see if it is possible that I could still ovulate in the future. I am so sad & discouraged right now. But in other news I bought my plane ticket to a vacation for my b-day in March since I know now that I won't be pregnant anytime soon.

Has anyone else gotten a really low progesterone test? I guess I will have to wait for next cycle to try clomid again. In May I will be off BCP for 1 year.

Hi Jaybee,

Yes, my CD21 progesterone test on my first cycle of clomid was 4. I had the test again on day 28 and the level was really high (can't remember the result) so it showed I ovulated around CD22. I would book another test for CD28 if I were you. How long are your usual cycles? Is this your first cycle on clomid? CD21 bloods are based on 'perfect' 28 day cycles so if your cycles are normally longer then it is likely that you may O later than CD21.

Hi-- Yes it is my first cycle on clomid. So maybe that's why it hasn't worked for me yet? Yeah my cycles are all over the place so I have no idea!! I have been using the cbfm still and I am on CD 22 and it still is giving me the 2 bars "high fertility" The nurse emailed me this message-- "It depends on the length of your cycle.If it goes over 35 days. We may have missed it, but a normal 28-30 day cycle you would have ovulated already. Don't be concerned about the progesterone. That is a common result for a month with no ovulation. "

Because I asked her if there was a chance that I could still ovulate in the future. Or if not because it has been past the 10 days of ovulation? That was her response. So I guess I can keep taking the cbfm til it gives me back a "low fertility" response! and keep BD!

I was also thinking about making an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist in a few months. I am really concerned about an ultrasound that said "cannot exclude adenomyosis" and some really small cysts. The OB didn't really seem worried about it. Which really concerns me if I am not ovulating. One of my friends works at the fertility clinic and she is going to set me up with an appointment. Technically you are supposed to wait one year to try and conceive but if I am not ovulating I don't know that I want to wait another year. I have been off the pill since May 2014 and I don't think I have ovulated yet. But oh well. I might go in like April for a consultation. Since that will almost be one year off the pill.

I have been felling some weird vibrating feelings around there, but could also be my intestines lol
Hi Jaybee,

I just went back to check my CD28 progesterone level from my first clomid round and the result was 97.2 (quite a difference from my CD21!)

I felt pretty down after my CD21 results, but my Dr. had warned me that with my longer cycles (31-39 days) without clomid that O might be later so booked me in for a CD28 test to make sure. I've been following my BBT and doing OPK's since then which showed I O'd on CD16 of my second clomid round. I'm now on round 3 of clomid and I think I have just O'd which will hopefully be confirmed by my BBT in the morning.

I think it's very possible that you are still in your fertile window, and I would definitely book a CD28 test. If this shows low progesterone too you will be able to take a higher clomid dose for your next round. Lots of ladies on this thread found 50mg did not help them O, but got good results with 100mg. Good luck!
Jaybee, I would go to RE sooner rather than later. In my personal experience obgyn's don't know much about actually getting pregnant. They know about general maintence and after getting pregnant but they are rather clueless when it comes to getting there. I went to an RE even after my ob said it wasn't Necessary, and I'm sure glad I did and my RE said I definitely did the right thing. I wasn't ovulating either and my obgyn said it would 'just take time' to get pregnant and not to worry about it. Whatever! Something's wrong in there! Aye, anyway, not trying to rant but if you feel something is wrong and need extra help, don't hesitate to go for it. Hope that helped in between ramblings.
Hi everyone

MrsMcCurdy - now what...? Will you go back to your dr to hear what the new plan is? Urgh hun I hope they can figure out what is going on and give you some good advice/treatment!

Everyone in tww - good luck, I'm hoping to see some good news on this thread again soon!

I got the results for my thyroid tests (after DH phoned them and threatened to walk into their offices and TAKE back the money that I paid for the consult heehee!). Everything is within normal parameters so my meds are still working fine. Apparently clomid stays in your system for a few weeks so the weird clomid side effects that I've been having is just that.... residual clomid side effects! Checking my temps atm to see if I do O without clomid. But other than that I'm quite relaxed and just trying to diet, work hard and focus on the good stuff in life! Going to Sun City (Lost City; Valley of Waves) this coming weekend. Awesome luxury themed waterpark not too far away from where we stay. :happydance:

Hope everyone has a good week!
This thread seems to have gone a bit quiet. I guess with some BFP's, some who have moved onto IUI/IVF, and those who are taking a break (NTNP), there isn't so many of us on clomid at the moment!

I'm in the TWW on my 3rd (and final) round of clomid - hopefully I'll be in the first category above fairly soon, and if not, I'm hoping to move onto the next stage ASAP.

I miss you ladies, and I wish you all the best, where ever you are in your journey.

My TWW has actually been a bit longer than a fortnight the last 2 cycles. I'm 5(possibly only 4)dpo, so I'm figuring testing day wil be around 7/8 Feb. It's going to be a long 2 weeks!
Fern - you posted as I was writing! Nice to hear your thyroid test results came back normal. Sounds like you've got some fun coming up. Enjoy your break! Keep us updated with your BBT results. Would love to hear if you still O without Clomid - did you O before Clomid? I didn't before so it would be interesting to find out if Clomid can still work after you've finished. Good luck, hun!
Fern - you posted as I was writing! Nice to hear your thyroid test results came back normal. Sounds like you've got some fun coming up. Enjoy your break! Keep us updated with your BBT results. Would love to hear if you still O without Clomid - did you O before Clomid? I didn't before so it would be interesting to find out if Clomid can still work after you've finished. Good luck, hun!

Hi hun, good luck with the next 10 or so days!!!! I really hope you get some good news!

I am actually not sure if I did O without clomid. I have never tracked CM, temps etc before (even when I first started ttc with DH #1, at age 21!). I always just assumed I was ovulating. I definitely did ovulate when I was a teenager because I could feel it. Painful! (A friend's mom, who is a nurse, described to me what I was feeling as I complained to her of the pain in my side one day lol.) In any case I just always assumed I was ovulating and it would some day happen naturally. I was diagnosed with severe endo and started treatment for it at age 20, so I just assumed that my troubles ttc stemmed from that. And besides, I only really started YEARNING for a baby and worrying about infertility, last year.
Fast forward to March 2014, when current DH and I decided to start ttc. I stopped taking the pill and for the 1st 2 months I felt achy around CD14 so, again, I assumed I was ovulating. Then my cycles started getting longer and longer, with weird periods and spotting. I finally went to see a gynae in August last year after I finally admitted to myself that I need medical help ttc. She said that she couldn't see evidence of O on the u/s, and that my weird cycles might be indicative of anovulation. As I tested negative for pcos; she suspected it stemmed from stress. So that's all I have to go on! I will never be sure if I did in fact O before starting clomid. I only started tracking everything on my 2nd cycle.

OK so that was a very long essay :) now you know!
Hi ladies,
I'm just sitting here, waiting out the next few days.
I'm 10 dpo. Last two cycles I only made it to 10 or 11 days, so anytime now. I've been keeping myself occupied the past few days and trying to not let it run my life right now. We've done all that we can do, last round of clomid. I'm a bit nervous, dh will have to do another semen analysis to find out if we can do iui; they will check for antisperm antibodies. I'm pessimistic after 19 months of failure.
Anyway, no symptoms or anything for me. Cm has dried up and my uterus feels bit achy.
Tww sucks!
So update on me too.
I start AF today with a bang... While at work... Hubby had to bring me supplies :/ it hurts so bad but I guess that's to be expected after not having AF for almost 3 months. Anyway, for once I'm actually pretty happy that AF showed even though it had bad timing today.
So this makes 18 cycles in 1 1/2 years, it's averaged out even though they've varied in length a lot. We'll see what the cycle holds. I've been pretty sickly for a couple weeks so I don't think clomid would be good for me right now. Maybe next cycle.
GL ladies! Glad everyone is back.
Hello ladies hope I'm not interrupting. I have also been diagnosed with PCOS and have been prescribed provera to induce and period and then to start clomid.
Was wondering if anyone has had any luck with this or heard anything on it? Really appreciate any replies!
Thank you
Sammi xx😘
Hi Sammi91! I'm also new to this forum and I'm in the same boat as you. This is a little information about myself:

I was diagnosed with PCOS since I was a teenager, I've never had regular periods in my life, only when I'm on birth control. I was prescribed metformin which I didn't take continuously as I was supposed to due to the horrible side effects. I got pregnant in May 2013 and had a "missed miscarriage" at week 10. I didn't see my period after that for 6 months, I had my period again the day my mom passed away, maybe because of all the emotional stress... Anyway, since I was not ovulating on my own my obgyn prescribed progesterone for 10 days every month + metformin to see if my body reacted to it and started ovulating on its own. Well, it didn't..... So this past December I was prescribed progesterone to start my period and then clomid 50 mg from day 5 to day 9. I took it and started tracking my ovulation since day 10... I didn't get a positive result on the ovulation test until day 22.... Now I'm on day 32 and no signs of AF yet. I've had mild cramping on the right side and some Breast tenderness and discomfort but I know it could be related to Clomid since it mimics pregnancy symptoms......
I'm going to do my best and wait a couple of days to test if I don't get my period..

If you have any questions, just let me know!

Lots of baby dust to you! :)
Love your profile pic praying4b :) Welcome to both the new ladies! Clomid and struggling with ttc is a confusing and hectic road to travel. Good luck and may you find good support here!
Love your profile pic praying4b :) Welcome to both the new ladies! Clomid and struggling with ttc is a confusing and hectic road to travel. Good luck and may you find good support here!

Thank you so much Fern81! 😘
It is indeed! But it helps knowing that we are not alone in this.. Reading through these posts has helped me a lot and I'm glad I found it..

Now let's keep fighting for that beautiful baby we want 💜

Lots of baby dust to you!
Hey ladies! Its been a while since I've been on here, I wasn't taking a break from ttc, just from obsessing about ttc. I hope you all are doing well. So I need some advice so I don't go crazy. This may be the month! I got a squinter this morning! I'm trying not to obsess, but when do you think would be a safe time to test again? I need to know! I already called DH, hes cautiously excited, understandably, in the 1.5 years weve been trying weve had quite a few fake outs....

Update: I took two more tests, my cheapie came out bfp, my digital test was bfn.....

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