Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Thank you so much Fern! Any new updates for this month?

Afm I am feeling I am having boys, but everyone besides me thinks I am having girls. My oldest son who told me the day I found out we were expecting that we were having twins swears he is getting to little sisters so who knows lol. I don't go back to the doctor until the 9th so nothing much to update. I will however be meeting my high risk doctor that day and will be 11 weeks then so I'm super excited about my appointment and nervous at tge same time.
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to check in and say hi. Looks like we got some more bfps on here!! Yay!
Afm, my cycle has gone wacky again so idk what will happen. And omw it is so hard to refocus your thoughts on other things than babies and ttc and all that! Aye...
GL ladies! I'm still around occasionally.
Hi everyone

Mommasboys - Will you be doing a gender scan eventually or just go Team Yellow? GL with the high risk appt. I hope everything goes well! x

MrsMcCurdy - Hi there! I know the feeling lol. Even when taking a break ttc is in the back of my mind. It's something so important to us; impossible to just completely wipe it from our minds. Hugs hun. :hugs:

Mommieh - Aaaww, sorry about BFN. Keep us updated. Thinking of you!

Jean - All that admin...! Do you have any LOs yet? Hope your eggs are still nice and healthy. My great-grandmother had 3 kids after age 40, with no fertility meds. If it's meant to be it will definitely happen. :flower:

TTCBean - will you be taking provera or just stepping up to 150mg? Interesting. FX for you!

How is everyone else? Thinking of you ladies every day!

AFM - I guess I ovulated yesterday (CD14). DTD CD10, 12 and 14, hoping that was enough. I didn't even feel any O pains so I have no idea from which side I ovulated. I think the clomid was not that kind to me this round because I had very very little EWCM... think my lining will probably also be thin. Going to phone tomorrow morning to get an appointment with the specialist (he only accepts new bookings on the 1st working day of each month). Everything is still sore, pressure and pain right on the area where my uterus and ovaries are. (Have been for the past 2 cycles). Even so, my temps are still relatively low compared to before the lap&dye so IDK if the endo is back or WHAT is going on. :shrug: Come on bfp; then I can stop worrying about endo and bcp for a while :(. Today I actually feel really fed up with constant cramping and no bfp ever.
fern I'm sorry to hear you're feeling a bit down :hugs: hopefully the specialist can shed some light?
on the plus side though yay for hopefully ovulating?! :) I hope you can get some answers from a better doctor as your last one didn't seem to help you very much xxx

afm I am feeling a little bit "meh" I am cd 33, so for the past 5 cycles or so this would have been cd1 for me but no sign of Af but I haven't had a single positive OPK so far this cycle so I'm pretty sure any lasting effects of clomid have worn off and I'm just not ovulating now :( I'm unsure what to do as I have my hsg booked for Thursday but I think I will have to cancel as they won't do it until I've had a period. I guess there is always the chance you could be pregnant (even though I highly doubt I am) just getting really tired of testing now! been testing at least twice a day for 2 weeks +, they get really close to positive but I'm pretty sure they aren't. I feel like my body keeps trying to ovulate but can't quite manage it, I've had increase in CM, achy/twingey ovaries. I am OK with not being pregnant this cycle I just want to get it over and done with and get this hsg out of the way :( I don't know at which point I should give up and take provera (or similar) ???
is it possible to fall pregnant on a really long cycle? just out of curiosity x or is it v unlikely? x
Fern- I'm guessing my gender scan will not be until around 18 weeks which I think is the normal for everyone. Your bd schedule is almost exactly the same as ours the month we got pregnant. I am keeping my fx very tightly and praying for you!
It's totally possible to fall pregnant on a really long cycle hun. A friend fell pregnant on a day 63 ovulation!

I'm still waiting for ov. OPKs are darkening but not yet positive.
Mommasboys- yep I guessed so. I know some doctors claim that they can see "something" (gender) with the early fetal assessment scan but personally I'm a bit sceptical about that! Even though my sister went for the fetal assessment she also only found out the gender at wk18. Well I hope your babies are healthy and that your gender dreams may come true. X

Lace&pearls. .. urgghhh hun!!!! I really hope you manage to sort something out so you can still have the hsg! You've been waiting so long. If you get a negative blood preg test, will they do the procedure then? Will be checking for your updates. X

Yep I am counting on better help from another dr! Again wishing for my own personal ultrasound machine. ....... I would love to be able to see what is going on in here!
Fern, no I don't have any babies, just furbabies, who are adorable & cuddly. Not that I haven't tried! I still think my problem is the small fibroid.

AFM, I woke up to quite a bit of brown discharge this morning, good thing I wore a pantyliner just in case. This is 4 days after my HSG! I still have the tiniest amount of spotting going on and have been crampy & achy down there today. I really would've thought this would happen within a day or two of the HSG.
No idea if my RE is going to do Provera or just up to 150mg! I have to call in two weeks so I'll know then. I haven't had AF in 30 months!!! so it would be nice to have one and then start again. My RE did say it wasn't good to go that long w/o one.

No Positive OPK and of course HPT is negative too. I'm CD29. :(
Lace&pearls- forgot to add that my sister got pregs now with her twins when she only ovulated 5 weeks after her last period. Xxx

Laura- how are those clomid side effects treating you? Hope you are feeling good!

Jean- I also don't have kids, only fur babies! They are living with my parents though because there are no pets allowed in our block of flats. ... can't wait until we get a house with a garden! Hope the spotting passes soon. At least you know what caused it hun.

TTCBean - I really hope your RE gets you sorted out. Or that you get proper AF/ OPK soon! Our bodies are so frustrating. I don't know how everyone managed to have kids 100 years ago. I really hope you get some positive news soon. X

Well, I got an appt with the endometriosis and fertility specialist end June. Will ttc without clomid until then. Also it seems like I didn't O after all; that explains why I never felt O pains lol! Had emergency sex this morning after temping hahaha! I think yesterday's high temp was due to me having 4 ciders the previous night at a big birthday celebration, and us sleeping without the fan on (sooooo hot here in RSA). So we will see what the next few days bring. I was a bit suspicious yesterday when my CP was so high and I still had some EWCM. Oh well.
Fern I've had a few headaches but nothing much else really. Just sitting around waiting for a +OPK now!
Just checking in on all you ladies!

AFM - I'm waiting around for +OPK/peak fertility monitor reading. I figure it'll be another couple of days. Last month I Od on CD12/13 but I'm guessing this cycle (my first clomid cycle), it will be a little later. That's just a guess based on how light the OPKs are at this point, though. I'm fitting in a BD every other day to make sure I'm covered.

GL to all in the TWW!
Thanks for the PMA Fern and Laura :thumbup:

hope you guys manage to catch the egg :happydance:

I'm going to phone the hospital tomorrow and say I don't see Af arriving by thursday so what should I do? x
Hi everyone! I finally have news to share. Today I am on CD 60! I have had very severe painful cramps for the last week with nausea. They have been getting more painful the last few days. I almost went to the ER!! I thought I would have one week of cramps and that AF would finally arrive. I went to see my PCP today and emailed my OB.

My LMP was on 1/2! I took an HCG blood test today and I got 26! The nurse said that it is possible that I O'd very late in my cycle. I can't celebrate too early yet because I would only be like one week pregnant. And because she said there is still a chance that I could miscarry or the egg tried to implant but didn't. I have to wait until NEXT MONDAY to take another blood test. It will be the longest week ever!:coffee:

I am just so shocked that this even happened so late in my cycle. Since I took the clomid on days 5-9! So there is hope for not getting your AF!
Jaybee Fx very tightly that you baby is a sticky one! I know how horrible the wait is just try to stay busy and not worry to much even though that is easier said than done.
Jaybee - that is great news! Keep us updated!

Lace&pearls - Let us know what the doctors advise. I really hope you either O late and get a bfp (of course) or that you can get that hsg done that's been hanging over your head since last year. xxxxx

TTC74 and Laura - hope you both O soon so that you can start getting the tww over with :).

Wellllll I don't know what's up with my body anymore. My temps are all over the place but I don't know if I ovulated or not. My fertility signs are also confusing. Creamy cm most of the time but now and then still a little bit of ewcm. Cervix is sometimes rock hard and sometimes feeling more soft and high. ???? I don't feel my ovaries at ALL anymore and this is after 2 weeks of constant aches and pains.

I HOPE I didn't confuse my body with the 50 mg. After I O'd last month on my own :(. I suppose all I can do is to keep taking my temperature and continue to bd eod until I'm more sure what's going on. We will have to see!
FX something happens for you soon Fern!
I've had an increase in ewcm today after getting bits of it over the last three days. Today there's A LOT. Fingers crossed the OPK goes + soon
22 month old is sick and has been nursing nearly NONSTOP for 24 hours... yeah, he really doesn't want me to have another baby does he??!! We were doing so good with the weaning!

An another note, having ovary pains so maybe AF or really late O? I don't know. I haven't tested for O in a few days.
Yah I really want to be tww buddies with you all!
Getting antsy. My OPKs are darkening up. Here's to a pos OPK tomorrow or Thursday!

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