Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I talked to my FS on Fri- she said if this cycle doesn't work out to stay on 50mg for next cycle too and after that we'll look at things again. She said since 50mg has definitely worked before, and Clomid can have some negative effects on fertility (thinner lining), she wants to keep me as low as we can. She did tell me to up my Metformin though, so now I'm on 1500mg. She said that my hormones might still be recovering from the mc.
Welcome Jean!

Fezzle - good that you have a plan. Hope everything settles down and that your cycles return to normal (or... better yet a bfp in a few days!).

How is everyone doing/feeling?

AFM - I'm swamped at work. One more week before the tuition centre and lab work gets pushed to the back burner (my students have an exam month ahead so then I won't be teaching & doing experiments full time) BUT for now we are trying to do as much as possible before the week is up! Tired and stressed.:wacko: At least I can't focus on "waiting to O" too much.

I have ONE digital OPK left lol, will just use that on CD14. I haven't had much luck with OPKs (because I don't want to spend a lot of money on ttc anymore) so I tend to not use them during my whole entire fertile period. My mom bought me one pack last year already and I have been using only one or two each cycle with no luck obviously! :haha:(Prefer temping and checking CM.) So will keep you ladies updated; today is only CD9 though.

Also doing a version of SMEP... O has been mostly on CD15/16 so far so I've decided to BD CD10, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 18. With preseed and hips elevated after.

That's basically IT for specific ttc plans! Other than that just trying to keep my head above water with work so I haven't even had time to diet/exercise properly. (& still can't survive without caffeine :dohh:).

Hugs to everyone! Updates please! :flower::hugs:
Still no O... well, according to OPK tests... have been doing them 2-3 times per day since CD 11. :( I'm on CD22 now.
Crap, I have to redo my prolactin blood test, fasting this time, then see if we change anything.
How is everyone?
Don't know why I feel so positive this time. Feeling as though I'm already pregnant! (Exctement-wise). Realistically it means that I will crash and burn that much harder when AF arrives but I'm going to enjoy feeling happy while it lasts..... :)

Keeping my fx very tightly for you fern sending tons of baby dust your way!
Hi ladies. I just started clomid today because I have low AMH and have been trying to conceive for 10 months without success at 40 years old. My fingers are crossed that we only have to go through this once, but I've been hoping to conceive naturally now for 10 months! So, we shall see.
Just finished my last clomid 50mg last night. My ovaries feel like bowling balls!
Hi everyone,

Went for another Clomid scan yesterday (CD16) with much better results! One follicle from my left ovary measured 20, nothing much happening at all in my right. Lining still a bit on the thin side, but specialist not too worried about it and we left the hospital with instructions to 'enjoy ourselves' and BD as much as we can until temp shift!

Need to go back for blood tests on Sunday to confirm O. I think they want to rule out LUFS too so I'm not sure if that will mean another scan or if they can tell with bloods. A previous scan showed a fairly large cyst on my left ovary (which is now gone) so LUFS is a possibility.

More baby news from friends - I'm surrounded by pregnant ladies! Hoping and wishing I'll get my turn soon. OH is getting fed up with BD on demand - turns out scheduled BD isn't that sexy! :nope:

Hope everyone is well. Best wishes to you all!
Hi everyone

Mommasboys - you are so very sweet. I enjoy all of your updates a lot. I don't know if you know (you were taking a break when I posted this at the end of last year); but my sister is also pregnant with identical twins. She is 19 weeks now and just found out last week that she is having boys. A twin pregnancy is super special even with all the added "issues". So even though it is just my sister and not me, I still feel a kind of personal connection to your twin pregnancy. :hugs:

Arohanui - I know the feeling! Last month BD was so much fun for both DH and I. Now it's back to being forced and clinical on demand! Oh well. Great news re your follie and "not bad" lining!!! Go get 'em girl :). :winkwink:

Laura - My ovaries are also aching. Lol the bowling ball reference. It's sore but now that I know it means they are working, I kind of enjoy the ache (like sore muscles after a workout = good ache). I even like the bad pains that accompany O itself.

TTCBean - do you temp? Any news on the OPKs yet?

TTC74 - Welcome and good luck!

Mommie - what's news? You are in the tww right? Or am I confused.

Jean - urgh I hope your levels are OK. Keep us updated. Would love for you to be able to join us in ttc. x

Lace&pearls - what's news? When is your hsg? Thinking of you!

I'm so busy at work, it is just insane. Had a very stressful couple of weeks now that my hours have been doubled. Still love my job a LOT but I have had no time to exercise or prepare healthy meals and have only been sleeping about 4 hours a night. I hope it doesn't affect anything; however after this coming Friday things will be quieter for about 6 weeks. Hoping to O on the weekend when I am feeling calmer!:wacko:

Speaking of follicles, my doc said I had 8 (I think) at my pre-clomid ultrasound. He said that was fine - that they'd be worried if it was 2-3 and they'd be worried if it were particularly high as suggestive of PCOS. Does anyone know what all this follicle business means? I mean, I know that it's where the egg comes from, by why do they care how many there are? How many should there be?
Well, I found some literature on antral follicles. It looks like my count is low-normal and well within normal range for my age. So, I'm not going to worry about it. I'm sure that's a good thing since stress is not my friend in this journey. Stay calm and pray for success!
Fern81 - no temping... I don't sleep enough solid hours for that to be accurate (DS gets up every 3hrs or so still!) My OPKs have been darker the past two days but nothing that is totally positive (and digital clearblue says no O yet)! Ugh!
TTC74- I know it's a measure of your ovarian reserve, but I don't know much about how much the numbers affect your fertility and chances. Since I have the combination of having PCOS plus being older, the two things have balanced themselves out to look like a normal AFC for a younger woman. I had 12 on each ovary, so 24 total, when my FS had a look before she put me on Clomid.

BFN for me today- I hadn't had much hope for most of the cycle with the late ovulation and all the spotting, but I've had a lot of symptoms in the past few days so I broke down and tested. I'm hoping AF shows up soon so I can move on to the next Clomid cycle. Hopefully it'll be better with the higher Metformin now and being longer since the mc.
Sorry for the bfn Fezzle! :(. Hope you either get a late bfp OR that AF hurries up and comes really soon. I think you have a good chance with the increased metformin. And good news that you DID ovulate at least. Hugs!

TTC74 - Good for you for doing research. I believe that the better informed we are, the better our chances at actually getting it right and not making a silly mistake. (Like accidentally using sperm unfriendly lubricant, like DH and I did; or whatever).

I also had about 10 antrals at my pre-clomid ultrasound in 2014. Dr did an abdominal u/s though so only one plane was visible. I also think she was a bit clueless since she told me that I was clearly not ovulating on my own, because if I had been ovulating she would have expected to see a corpus luteum. Welllll.... the day of the u/s was the last day of AF so obviously no corpus luteum would have been present.... Duh!! (And then she put me on provera to bring on a period... even though I was just finishing up AF and had been having regular cycles??). Since starting to educate myself about the subject matter I have learned so much that she never told me or that she just plain didn't know/did wrong. Isn't it irritating when health care providers make so much money but are so idiotic?

Anyway, rant aside: If there are antrals there are potentially eggs. And clomid helps them along. So I hope you have success with your cycles. x

Bean - I hope you still get that +!

Clomid is really kicking my butt this time. The side effects are way worse than they were on 100mg (weirdly). Dizzy, feel like I have that typical clomid hangover, blurry eyes, etc! But as always, I will take it with a smile if it ever brings me a baby.

By the way this is my last clomid cycle for the year. This one is cycle 6 and I don't want to do too much. We already have a lot of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in the family, on my mom's side. But I will still continue ttc, even without clomid, until I get to see the endometriosis specialist. AND still remain focused on the other great things in life like our planned trip to Zanzibar!

And another little vent that can only happen here lol. :) I'm really sick of pregnant ladies complaining about how terrible it is to be pregnant! Especially if they have been ttc for a while and IMO should be more grateful. (I would give ANYTHING for morning sickness, sore boobs, baby bloat etc if I could only have a child). Just insensitive if they complain to other ladies who are STILL ttc, ltttc, or suffering after a loss.
OK, as I said, my opinion, you might feel the same or not!

Love you all!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm really sick of pregnant ladies complaining about how terrible it is to be pregnant! Especially if they have been ttc for a while and IMO should be more grateful. (I would give ANYTHING for morning sickness, sore boobs, baby bloat etc if I could only have a child). Just insensitive if they complain to other ladies who are STILL ttc, ltttc, or suffering after a loss.

I'm right there with you, Fern. I've given birth twice (although it was many years ago), and yes late pregnancy can get uncomfortable, but I would do anything to experience the blessings that it brings along.
So I had some dark OPKs for about ~3 days but this morning completely negative and faint. I had a few days of dark OPKs around CD14 (now CD25). I don't know what to think. I've been having ovary pain since around CD14. Past few days I've been getting really nauseated. I took a HPT and of course, negative. I was told if nothing happens by the 13th of March to call and they will up me to 150mg.
I did the fasting prolactin and the results were well within normal limits. I gave the results to my RE when I saw him for my HSG yesterday. I got a message from the nurse that updated the results & that it would be discussed in my follow up appointment, which I don't have scheduled. Guess I need to schedule a follow up appointment! My tubes were all clear, but he does see a less dense area on the bottom right of my uterus, which could be my small fibroid and he mentioned doing the saline ultrasound, but I already did that 5 weeks ago. I am also waiting on the "all clear" from my cardiologist to proceed, but I have to have an MRI on April 6, which might actually be day 3 if my cycles stay the same (not jinxing it, I hope!), so I can do my long drive there, do all my cardiology stuff in the morning, get that doctor to fax a letter to my RE across town, then go to RE office for ultrasound so I can hopefully start the clomid. Whew! I never knew how many hoops I had to jump through to do all this! The RE in the town I live in refused to accept me as a patient since I had heart surgery, even though the cardiac specialist says my type of surgery is one of two best suited to have a normal pregnancy and birth, a complete opposite of what I was told after I had the surgery. If I had known this, I would've had babies 10+ years ago! I just hope my old eggs got a few good ones left.
Yes Fern I took a test. Negative. I will keep testing until sure sign of af. Thanks for asking.

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