Sorry for the bfn Fezzle!
. Hope you either get a late bfp OR that AF hurries up and comes really soon. I think you have a good chance with the increased metformin. And good news that you DID ovulate at least. Hugs!
TTC74 - Good for you for doing research. I believe that the better informed we are, the better our chances at actually getting it right and not making a silly mistake. (Like accidentally using sperm unfriendly lubricant, like DH and I did; or whatever).
I also had about 10 antrals at my pre-clomid ultrasound in 2014. Dr did an abdominal u/s though so only one plane was visible. I also think she was a bit clueless since she told me that I was clearly not ovulating on my own, because if I had been ovulating she would have expected to see a corpus luteum.
Welllll.... the day of the u/s was the last day of AF so obviously no corpus luteum would have been present.... Duh!! (And then she put me on provera to bring on a period... even though I was just finishing up AF and had been having regular cycles??). Since starting to educate myself about the subject matter I have learned so much that she never told me or that she just plain didn't know/did wrong. Isn't it irritating when health care providers make so much money but are so idiotic?
Anyway, rant aside: If there are antrals there are potentially eggs. And clomid helps them along. So I hope you have success with your cycles. x
Bean - I hope you still get that +!
Clomid is really kicking my butt this time. The side effects are way worse than they were on 100mg (weirdly). Dizzy, feel like I have that typical clomid hangover, blurry eyes, etc! But as always, I will take it with a smile if it ever brings me a baby.
By the way this is my last clomid cycle for the year. This one is cycle 6 and I don't want to do too much. We already have a lot of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in the family, on my mom's side. But I will still continue ttc, even without clomid, until I get to see the endometriosis specialist. AND still remain focused on the other great things in life like our planned trip to Zanzibar!
And another little vent that can only happen here lol.
I'm really sick of pregnant ladies complaining about how terrible it is to be pregnant! Especially if they have been ttc for a while and IMO should be more grateful. (I would give ANYTHING for morning sickness, sore boobs, baby bloat etc if I could only have a child). Just insensitive if they complain to other ladies who are STILL ttc, ltttc, or suffering after a loss.
OK, as I said, my opinion, you might feel the same or not!
Love you all!!!