ah Fern I can't believe your sister's twins are going to be here so soon! that's wonderful

I can't remember sorry did you say she was expecting twin girls? or did I imagine that? lol fingers crossed about possible house too! that sounds great, it's kind of nice to have your mind on other things isn't it? xxx
k4th ah team yellow! do you have an inkling? I think if/when the time comes for me I am trying to convince OH to stay team yellow next time around, we found out with DD and although I don't regret that it would perhaps be nice to see what it's like to experience the "surprise".
congratulations TTC bean! that's wonderful!!! hope you are feeling well! xxx
Laura how are you doing?

x do you have any scans coming up or anything?. x
Sarahlou I have a feeling your nurse was right, I imagine the other 4 clomid tablets will still have an effect (fingers crossed x) how are you now? x
MelissaJ sorry to hear you've not had a very positive experience

I haven't experienced that myself but I have read of people having it online. I hope this means that they can get the right balance for you next time? x
AFM nothing new here really just waiting for the hycosy on fri, I kind of can't wait to get it out of the way! I have started doing slimming world and it seems to be going ok so far

I lost 7lbs in the first 2 weeks, I get weighed today not sure how well I will do as it was bank hol weekend here in UK so I had family over etc! but oh well. I'm not tremendously over weight (although my BMI is a bit higher than it should be) so I'm hoping even that will make some difference to my PCOS symptoms, anybody else with PCOS find it improved after weight loss? x