Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hey girls to update you! I started a new round of Clomid with my April 5th cycle and got a faint BFP on Tuesday!! Tested every day since and the line has gotten darker. YAY!!!! 150mg worked!
Whew, definite hot flashes through the night. So far, no headache like the first time.
Hey Fern81 :hi:

The nurse at the gynae unit doesn't think that missing just one clomid tablet will make a difference on the outcome of the cycle, hopefully this is right and hope follicles have grown when I go for my scan next week.
How is everyone doing? Congrats on the bfp's I have noticed while reading through. I haven't been on in awhile and just wanted to see how everyone has been doing.
Took my last clomid last night. I've had headaches, but not a constant headache like last month. Hot flashes here and there overnight, vivid strange dreams. Definitely can feel something going on in the ovaries.
Hi there! I am completely new to this... 1st post! I am 29 and have been TTC for almost 2 years. Had a lap that removed mild endo but still didn't have any luck conceiving naturally!

Went on 100mg of Clomid in April on cycle days 3-7. Went in on CD14 with no LH surge and didn't have any mature follicles :( They put me immediately back on Clomid 150mg that night (that was fun) for 5 more days. Went in for an ultrasound on May 2nd after getting a +LH surge and they believed that I already released one egg and I had about 7 other follicles 15mm+!!! I thought that was good news but apparently that was too much and we had to abandon our IUI cycle this month :( Also, had intercourse on the 1st and so they are really worried about multiples so I had to take the Plan B pill to try to stop my other follicles from releasing eggs :( Anybody had this happen or anything close?! I'm SOO frustrated and feel like my body just can't get this right! Taking that pill broke my heart. Please let me know if anybody has had a similar situation! Thanks!
ah Fern I can't believe your sister's twins are going to be here so soon! that's wonderful :) I can't remember sorry did you say she was expecting twin girls? or did I imagine that? lol fingers crossed about possible house too! that sounds great, it's kind of nice to have your mind on other things isn't it? xxx

k4th ah team yellow! do you have an inkling? I think if/when the time comes for me I am trying to convince OH to stay team yellow next time around, we found out with DD and although I don't regret that it would perhaps be nice to see what it's like to experience the "surprise".

congratulations TTC bean! that's wonderful!!! hope you are feeling well! xxx

Laura how are you doing? :) x do you have any scans coming up or anything?. x

Sarahlou I have a feeling your nurse was right, I imagine the other 4 clomid tablets will still have an effect (fingers crossed x) how are you now? x

MelissaJ sorry to hear you've not had a very positive experience :( I haven't experienced that myself but I have read of people having it online. I hope this means that they can get the right balance for you next time? x

AFM nothing new here really just waiting for the hycosy on fri, I kind of can't wait to get it out of the way! I have started doing slimming world and it seems to be going ok so far :) I lost 7lbs in the first 2 weeks, I get weighed today not sure how well I will do as it was bank hol weekend here in UK so I had family over etc! but oh well. I'm not tremendously over weight (although my BMI is a bit higher than it should be) so I'm hoping even that will make some difference to my PCOS symptoms, anybody else with PCOS find it improved after weight loss? x
Hi Ladies :hi:

Just wanted to update you all. I went for my scan today to check if my follies have grown and my womb lining is thick enough, and it turns out even though I had a bad reaction to the clomid and missed my last tablet like the nurse told me to I have responded well to clomid!:happydance:

My womb lining is 7.3mm and I have one mature follicle at 28mm!! they said the minimum measurement of a grown follicle for the trigger injection is at least 18mm... well mine is 28mm! :haha: So I had the HCG trigger injection I think it was a t 9am this morning 12 hours ago and we bed so far CD 3,5,7,9 And 12 which was yesterday and CD 13 today :thumbup:
I took my Bravelle shot tonight, boy did that hurt. The one I did last month didn't hurt, just stung a bit. This one not only stung, but definitely hurt and bled a little. I go in for my mid-cycle ultrasound Thursday, then hopefully IUI sometime over the weekend. My lower tummy is definitely puffy.
12 DPO BFN. I was sure hoping this would be the month. No more clomid for me. RE said we'd have to move on to injectable so or IVF. I'll schedule the consult once AF arrives.
It's still early hun. But if this cycle is a bust, I really hope the injectables work for you x
Hey girls. Some of you may remember me and hi to those of you that are newer to this thread.

I went off the forum in December as my husband was deploying (army) and it was too heart breaking to continue on it daily when I couldn't continue the fertility journey. Well he deployed for 4 months and got back last week.

Before he went I was on the clomid and it didn't work at first so they increased it and it worked once well and then not so well the third month. I haven't been on anything since he left and I have managed to lose 16 pounds which I think has helped. I am not overweight now. I was slightly over before. I had one period on my own whilst he was away which was a good sign but then I had a period 2/3 weeks after as well which was random.

I wasn't temping or anything but I started a day or two before he was home. We booked a spa hotel for 2 nights over the bank holiday weekend and I know I ovulated at the weekend. I haven't ovulated on my own in forever so I am ecstatic and we are both praying this could be our positive and it happened naturally after everything we have been through.

I am not sure if I ovulated Friday or Saturday as I didn't temp those days but the temp shift on Monday and the ewcm etc I got on sat tells me it most likely was sat. If so then I am approx 4dpo today so can test at 14dpo which will be on the 16th May.

Please keep your fingers crossed girls. It will be nearly 3 years of trying for us soon xx
Hi everyone

Hiya Girly. :hugs: Glad your DH is home safely and that you have a shot at a natural bfp this month. Whoop whoop! I will def be stalking to see what happens in a few days!

Lace&pearls - how was the hycosy? All OK? My sis is having identical twin boys :) she already has a 3 year old daughter. Sorry I don't have first hand experience with pcos so I can't help you... my sister however managed to conceive right away just because metformin helped stabilize her insulin levels. And she is forever watching her weight (not too strictly but she manages her weight well).

Jean - how was your u/s?

SarahLou - also hoping to spy some good news from you soon!

Mommasboys - wow I am so happy to see your pregnancy is still progressing nicely and that the clotting meds seem to be working! :happydance: and am I right, you are having a boy? (checked your siggy!).

Hope everyone else is doing well. Arohanui I'm esp thinking of you and hope you are feeling better.

No news here really, still waiting to hear if we will get the loan for the house. Really praying and wishing hard for that. In the meantime I wish this next week will fly by so I can just be back in follicular phase... progesterone is a b*tch. Tired and nauseous and sore boobs... meh. Wish it was only allowed to happen during pregnancy so that those of us still NOT pregs, don't have to feel so crap for 2 weeks each month! (Maybe it's just me?)

:hugs: Girls. I love reading everyone's stories even while not ttc myself :) and loving every bit of good news!
Girly I remember you so glad to hear your hubby is back home safe and sound! And lovely news that you seem to have ovulated fingers and toes crossed for you! X

sarahlou that's great that your scan went well, must be a wait off your mind xxx :)

fern ohhh I hope it all goes well! :) that would be wonderful, hoping for you that all works out with the house :)

afm I had the hycosy today and it was fine! So anyone who is worrying about it - don't! I'm a wimp and it wasn't bad. A bit uncomfortable and a bit of a crampy pain for literally about 1-2 min but nothing too bad. They said my tubes were fine so thats a relief :)
So glad it's over and done with now. Just want to get on with things now. X
My ultrasound went well. 10mm lining. NO decent follicles on the right, weird. 2 good size follicles on left (22mm and 14mm) and one that's not going to get large enough (11.5mm) and this was on day 11 (I had my ultrasound last month on day 13 and it was a bit late). So, I triggered last night & IUI in the morning. My back is absolutely killing me the last few hours, so something is going on. I'm also very tired, but it was a lot of driving yesterday & work was very busy.
Fern I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get the loan for your house! I'm so glad to hear you are doing good and that the nttc is going good! I felt so much happier when I stopped worrying about ttc and just enjoying life again!

Afm yes I am doing good and yes we are having another boy! Although hubs and my boys were praying for a sister we are happy to have a healthy baby. I would love to try for a little girl but I just can not bring myself to go through taking these shots again. I am almost to my half way mark and am already ready to be done with them. I just reminded myself that my little miracle Maysen needs them to stay alive so it makes it worth it. :)
Holy cramping! I didn't have cramping after the IUI last month, so that's something new. It might also be because they said I should ovulate 36 hours after the trigger shot, and it was just 10 minutes after those 36 hours when we did the IUI, so maybe a combination of the washed sperm & ovulation. I just know it's a bit sore to bend over right now. Going to go eat some good protein for lunch. :dust:

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