Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

No it wasn't first morning urine it was late afternoon after a 4 hour hold.

I am doing FMU at Dr on Friday morning so will be 3 days later. Let's hope it is a BFP x
Hi! I'm new here but not to ttc. I have been ttc since my miscarriage 8 years ago. I have had mostly downs in my quest to become a mommy. I have been told there is no reason why I've not been able to conceive. currently am on my 6th cycle of 50 MG of clomid. My husband has been tested and he is fine. This is the first time since starting clomid that I have had worries. I should have started on the 9th not that my cycles is spot on every month but this month I took test (clear blue plus) it was negative. I later that day had brownish pink blood when I wiped. (Sorry if tmi) I only spotted for a Lil bit on the 10th I did the same thing. Nothing on the 11th and spotted again on the 12th. I spoke with Dr he said it was my period and to start clomid today. I tested again this morning to make sure and still negative. I've never spotted before and I'm concerned with starting meds today in the case I am prego. It has been a long wait and I'm running out of patients! Has anyone else had this problem and not be prego?
100% positive at the dr. Yay hehe.

But at the same time I am more upset than ever. I found out my so called loving hubby has been talking to loads of girls and even met up with a girl be met online on Thursday. When I found out he lied about it denying it all and we argued a lot. I stayed at a friends and he continued to text me lieing. I met him after work on Friday to talk and told him he had one chance to be honest. He admitted it all but says he didn't sleep with her and nothing physical happened. His excuse is he was talking to her because he was scared about becoming a dad now it is a reality and couldn't speak to me. Then he messed up cos he then said they have been talking since he got back from his deployment. Well I defo wasn't pregnant then!!!! So he was talking to her when we were apparently fine!!!!

I actually hate him right now. I hate him for being a liar. I hate him for what I count as emotional cheating if not physical but I have no way of ever knowing if more happened. I hate him for ruining what should be the happiest time of my life. I hate him so much. I can't stand to look at him. I'm not telling my parents now and going down alone to see them. I will make an excuse as to why he isn't there.

I wake up and just want to cry. I don't see how I can ever trust him. I don't know what to do x
Oh wow girly :( that's awful I really feel for you x I'm so sorry I'm not sure what to say - I don't know if this will make you feel better but I think this is a more common problem than you may think :( a few of my friends have experienced it and I have to a certain extent myself. Have you spoken to a close friend about it or anything? It's good to get things off your chest xx
100% positive at the dr. Yay hehe.

But at the same time I am more upset than ever. I found out my so called loving hubby has been talking to loads of girls and even met up with a girl be met online on Thursday. When I found out he lied about it denying it all and we argued a lot. I stayed at a friends and he continued to text me lieing. I met him after work on Friday to talk and told him he had one chance to be honest. He admitted it all but says he didn't sleep with her and nothing physical happened. His excuse is he was talking to her because he was scared about becoming a dad now it is a reality and couldn't speak to me. Then he messed up cos he then said they have been talking since he got back from his deployment. Well I defo wasn't pregnant then!!!! So he was talking to her when we were apparently fine!!!!

I actually hate him right now. I hate him for being a liar. I hate him for what I count as emotional cheating if not physical but I have no way of ever knowing if more happened. I hate him for ruining what should be the happiest time of my life. I hate him so much. I can't stand to look at him. I'm not telling my parents now and going down alone to see them. I will make an excuse as to why he isn't there.

I wake up and just want to cry. I don't see how I can ever trust him. I don't know what to do x

Oh wow Girly. While I am so happy for you that you are definitely pregnant, I am so sorry that your husband is involved in something so appalling. I realize that you have some hard decisions to make and I pray that you may find a solution that will work for both of you.

Hun there are just no words to describe how sorry I am for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
How is everyone doing?

My husband MIGHT be getting a salary increase.... so we might be able to afford IVF if that happens. We are still waiting to hear about the house, should know if we got the loan within the next week. Banks here are full of nonsense to give home loans so even though we can afford the repayments with DH's salary, some of the documents are not exactly as the banks prefer so we might still not get the loan :(.
But to know we MIGHT be able to afford IVF if he gets the raise.... Not something that I expected we would ever consider.

In the mean time I am going to start seeing a counselor to help me cope a little better with infertility. I'm struggling a bit more than usual atm. Some other things have happened in our family which are draining my emotional reserves.

Hope everyone is doing well. Girly - many many virtual hugs hun. xxx
How is everyone doing?

My husband MIGHT be getting a salary increase.... so we might be able to afford IVF if that happens. We are still waiting to hear about the house, should know if we got the loan within the next week. Banks here are full of nonsense to give home loans so even though we can afford the repayments with DH's salary, some of the documents are not exactly as the banks prefer so we might still not get the loan :(.
But to know we MIGHT be able to afford IVF if he gets the raise.... Not something that I expected we would ever consider.

In the mean time I am going to start seeing a counselor to help me cope a little better with infertility. I'm struggling a bit more than usual atm. Some other things have happened in our family which are draining my emotional reserves.

Hope everyone is doing well. Girly - many many virtual hugs hun. xxx

Great news about the raise & possible ivf fern. I have everything crossed for you!!! You know I went through a period of counselling - it can be really helpful as long as you have the right counsellor for you. Make sure you get a good one & if not don't be afraid to start over with someone new - you deserve so much happiness :hugs: :hugs:

Fx'd for your Loan too. Surely after last year you deserve some good luck!! (I'm thinking of that money that was stolen, amongst other things).
Girly I am so sorry hugs hun and congratulations on your bfp!

Fern that is awesome news keeping my fx that everything keeps going in the right directions for you guys!
Feeling so desperate and unhappy today... I had such high hopes this month. I've had cramps and terrible heavy/pulling feeling in my pelvis since 3dpo. Yesterday I had "something" on an IC, but nothing this morning. AF due in a few days, and onto my forth cycle of clomid.
This just isn't going to happen. Not that I would wish a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage on anyone, but I just want to know that I can get pregnant. At least then I'd know I was normal.

I am ovulating on clomid, but still not getting pregnant :'(
We got the home loan!!! A step toward becoming home owners! Some more admin to get through but looks like we are getting the house!! And my DH is definitely getting the salary increase in August. Yep the wheel always has to turn - something to cling to when we are feeling overwhelmed. Things won't always be great but it will certainly not always be bad.

As for ttc - I'm considering cancelling my specialist appointment and only rescheduling next year. I'm not really sure if I want to go through it all now; we will also have a lot of expenses getting the house (lawyers fees etc) so not a lot of money left for dr's procedures atm. I actually don't want to start officially trying again, emotionally I don't even want to face it! I'm scared that I might finally start accepting infertility and learn to cope with it a bit better (with the added help of the counselor), just to muck it up by getting false hope again from a VERY expensive specialist. We also have the opportunity to MAYBE travel to USA for DH's work (travelling is a big deal for most of us South Africans; because of our weak currency, travelling is very expensive). So I don't actually want to waste money on ttc again when there are other things to spend the money on which will actually make us happy and not give false hope & depression!

On the other hand I'm worried about the endometriosis because I have almost constant dull pain and cramping... want the specialist to check it out.... So confused about what to do.

Kittykitchn - awww hun I understand that feeling of unhappiness.... have you tested again? It's good news that you are definitely ovulating on clomid though. x FX for you!

K4th - almost baby time! Yay! You have to promise to PM me baby pics!

Any other ttc news ladies? Hope everyone is doing well. xxxxx
TTC related - maybe this will help someone.

Since stopping clomid (this is my 3rd cycle after), I still had some weird clomid-like effects. Including hectic hot flushes... bearing in mind it's the end of autumn here, the hot flushes sometimes woke me up! I read that black cohosh taken with clomid might decrease clomid side effects (hot flushes, thin lining etc caused by clomid's estrogen blocking action). Also (sorry if tmi), I am used to 5 day periods which can include a few heavy days BUT since I've started taking clomid my periods have become really short and light, with more spotting than actual bleeding. This has me concerned that clomid and its lingering effects have caused estrogen blocking and a thin lining, which could contribute to me not falling pregnant. (I really hope clomid hasn't caused my body to have permanent hormonal issues!!).

In any case, this cycle started off with a really light period, dizziness and hot flushes galore so I decided to start taking black cohosh. You're supposed to take it CD1-12 but I only took it from 6-12 (and had to check the calender to see which cd I was!). Not to take during the tww or when pregnant btw. Since then the hot flushes have disappeared and it will be interesting to see if AF is heavier this month.

Apparently black cohosh, when taken with clomid, can really increase the chances of falling pregnant. I've read some amazing studies/claims but don't have a url to post here... feel free to google ladies.

I will report back at the end of this cycle on whether I feel the herbs have increased the thickness of my uterine lining, ie how heavy AF is! I am just happy the hot flushes are gone for now :).
Congrats Fern! That's so great about the loan and future home, and the raise!
Can you go see the specialist just for the endo and let them know that you aren't financially ready to do start trying again but want to keep your endometrosis from progressing in the wrong direction?
Congrats Fern on the loan approval so exciting! I think the break from ttc will do you and your hubby loads of good and so would traveling! My hubby recently got a better paying job and it has definitely allowed us to plan more vacations this summer! I think if I were you I would still go to the appointment to make sure everything was ok and that your hormones are balancing back out from the Clomid but it sounds to me like you have already made your decision on ttc for now. Best of luck and keep us upated on what you decide! :)
Hi, this is the first time I've posted on here, I've read through many people's stories for months, it helps to see women who are going through the same issue, feel and think the same things I do.

So basically I'm 33, my husband and I have been TTC for coming up to 3 years with no joy at all. It was found in January this year that I do not ovulate, however other than that I was actually quite fertile and my husband was also told that he was above average fertility. So after having the HCG and being told that I had no blockages, we were very hopeful that Clomid was going to do the trick.

My first cycle of clomid showed I had ovulated with just the 50mg dose (taken Day 2-6), unfortunately first month was a :bfn: - but I expected this.

I am currently in my 2nd cycle of Clomid and AF is due in 4 days time. However, im really feeling quite upset today as I have no signs of pregnancy, a few cramps in my stomach but other than that nothing. Unfortunately, im having a real down day today and questioning if this will ever happen for us. :sad2:
Hi, this is the first time I've posted on here, I've read through many people's stories for months, it helps to see women who are going through the same issue, feel and think the same things I do.

So basically I'm 33, my husband and I have been TTC for coming up to 3 years with no joy at all. It was found in January this year that I do not ovulate, however other than that I was actually quite fertile and my husband was also told that he was above average fertility. So after having the HCG and being told that I had no blockages, we were very hopeful that Clomid was going to do the trick.

My first cycle of clomid showed I had ovulated with just the 50mg dose (taken Day 2-6), unfortunately first month was a :bfn: - but I expected this.

I am currently in my 2nd cycle of Clomid and AF is due in 4 days time. However, im really feeling quite upset today as I have no signs of pregnancy, a few cramps in my stomach but other than that nothing. Unfortunately, im having a real down day today and questioning if this will ever happen for us. :sad2:

Hi hun

First of all, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Struggling to conceive is one of the most stressful journeys in life and all of us here have had those bad days!
Great news that everything is looking fine for you and your husband, and that you are ovulating on such a low dose. I refer to my earlier post regarding the study that I've read on black cohosh 120 mg CD1-12 greatly increasing pregnancy odds when taken with clomid... but of course discuss it with your doctor first. Are you tracking your cycles with fertility friend (temping, checking cm etc)? I also found it helped me a bit in planning BD days and getting to know my own body & cycles better. Also, by using a fertility tracker I now have a lot of info when/if I decide to finally see a fertility specialist.
Finally, this journey can be completely overwhelming at times. Some coping mechanisms that I have found to help me were consciously focusing on other positive thing in life by doing a gratitude journal, making a bucket list of things DH and I want to do (small and big things!) and making an effort to DO those things. Moderate exercise or going for walks helps clear my mind. I also focus on my faith to bring me through it all..... it's good to have other things to focus on so that ttc doesn't completely take over your whole life.

All the best xx
Thanks for your replies ladies :) you are always so helpful and supportive!

My husband refuses to let me cancel the specialist appointment... he says even if we don't start any new treatment right away I should just go and have some tests done at least to know what is going on with my body atm and if we can do anything about any possible new endo. He knows that I will blame myself in a year's time (if we are still not pregnant by then) if I had passed up the opportunity for an appointment! Lol, OK, I'll go.
Hi ladies,

It's been a while since I posted on here but I have been popping in to see what's happening with everyone from time to time.

Fern, I'm so happy for you that things are coming together with the house and with possible IVF - lots of good things ahead of you!

Kath, not long now - you must be feeling really excited now!

I went for my final appointment with my specialist yesterday, after 6rounds of clomid, and he has finally after 10months of tests and treatment, referred DH and I to the assisted conception unit. I couldn't hold back the tears when he told us the waiting list is currently two years for treatment though. We've also been given a prescription for another fertility drug to try for 6months in the meantime. It's being signed off by my GP so I don't have it yet. I'm not sure what the name of the drug is, but he told me it works in a similar way to clomid but you take one tablet in the morning and one at night, starting on CD2.

Anyway, today is CD39. My longest cycle in the past year has been 39days (average of 35days), so for the first time in my life I got brave enough to try a pregnancy test just a couple of minutes ago... and I think I may be pregnant. DH and I are not allowing ourselves to get excited (we'll take another test tomorrow - today's was just a cheapie). We're just both so used to disappointment after 3and half years of trying, it feels like it might just be a mistake on the tester, so we'll see what happens tomorrow. I think it's going to be a sleepless night!
After 2 rounds of 100mg clomid and 1 day of Bravelle, my RE didn't like how I responded the second round and has moved me to Femara and 3 days of Bravelle. My intestine did NOT like the clomid this last cycle, so I was more than ok with trying something else. I like that at my age, she's also not willing to wait around and to move into more aggressive drug protocols.
Arohanui- eeeeeeek. Good luck! Hopefully the night goes quickly for you! My fingers are crossed!

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