100% positive at the dr. Yay hehe.
But at the same time I am more upset than ever. I found out my so called loving hubby has been talking to loads of girls and even met up with a girl be met online on Thursday. When I found out he lied about it denying it all and we argued a lot. I stayed at a friends and he continued to text me lieing. I met him after work on Friday to talk and told him he had one chance to be honest. He admitted it all but says he didn't sleep with her and nothing physical happened. His excuse is he was talking to her because he was scared about becoming a dad now it is a reality and couldn't speak to me. Then he messed up cos he then said they have been talking since he got back from his deployment. Well I defo wasn't pregnant then!!!! So he was talking to her when we were apparently fine!!!!
I actually hate him right now. I hate him for being a liar. I hate him for what I count as emotional cheating if not physical but I have no way of ever knowing if more happened. I hate him for ruining what should be the happiest time of my life. I hate him so much. I can't stand to look at him. I'm not telling my parents now and going down alone to see them. I will make an excuse as to why he isn't there.
I wake up and just want to cry. I don't see how I can ever trust him. I don't know what to do x
How is everyone doing?
My husband MIGHT be getting a salary increase.... so we might be able to afford IVF if that happens. We are still waiting to hear about the house, should know if we got the loan within the next week. Banks here are full of nonsense to give home loans so even though we can afford the repayments with DH's salary, some of the documents are not exactly as the banks prefer so we might still not get the loan.
But to know we MIGHT be able to afford IVF if he gets the raise.... Not something that I expected we would ever consider.
In the mean time I am going to start seeing a counselor to help me cope a little better with infertility. I'm struggling a bit more than usual atm. Some other things have happened in our family which are draining my emotional reserves.
Hope everyone is doing well. Girly - many many virtual hugs hun. xxx
Hi, this is the first time I've posted on here, I've read through many people's stories for months, it helps to see women who are going through the same issue, feel and think the same things I do.
So basically I'm 33, my husband and I have been TTC for coming up to 3 years with no joy at all. It was found in January this year that I do not ovulate, however other than that I was actually quite fertile and my husband was also told that he was above average fertility. So after having the HCG and being told that I had no blockages, we were very hopeful that Clomid was going to do the trick.
My first cycle of clomid showed I had ovulated with just the 50mg dose (taken Day 2-6), unfortunately first month was a- but I expected this.
I am currently in my 2nd cycle of Clomid and AF is due in 4 days time. However, im really feeling quite upset today as I have no signs of pregnancy, a few cramps in my stomach but other than that nothing. Unfortunately, im having a real down day today and questioning if this will ever happen for us.![]()