clomid club

Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me joining in.

Haven't had cycle for 18 months and no AF or anything (came off Yasmin BCP Sept 08)

So have been prescribed 5mg Provera for 5 days, then 50mg Clomid for 5 days (starting on 2nd day of bleeding) - does this sound right to those of you with experience of taking these? Did you ovulate on the first round?

Having blood tests to check if ovulated on the 21st day of the 2nd cycle.

Fingers crossed - hope it works!! Comforting reading about others' experiences x x x
I have a question, Im having my CD21 test done next week to see if Im ovulating on my own or need to start clomid. I have had pain on alternating sides every month for the last few months, would I get that pain if Im not ovulating???
welcome ladies :flower:

ablacketer i'm not sure as i had twinges in my sides this cycle and didn't ovulate altho its possible proof the ovaries are doing something .... best way would be to have 21day bloods anything over 30 is a sure sign u've ovulated ...

megs79 i had AF issues since teenage years i had all of 2 AF's in a year so at 17 i was put on the pill and then had a 6 month break with no AF and went onto implanton .. i have that removed 2nd feb 09 6 months later still no AF so i was given norethisterone i had this every cycle for 5 cycles whilst being seen by a gyno .. after numerous cd21 tests he concluded i don't ovulate so 11 months later was given clomid .. i had this cycle using 50mg and it didn't work for me so i've been uped to 100mg for 2 cycles .... we have a couple of sucess stories on here ..

lou i have quite a high bmi so would prefer not to say but put it this way if i hadn't have had such an understanding doctor and gyno i wouldn't be in this group now they have both been so great ... i changed my diet in march and since have lost 11lb's but now i'm going to introduce exercise into my day .. i was unable to do this before as i had a broken foot from 26th november 08 till 12th november 09 .. i was having regualr physio and acupunchture for it and also had an op which included a bone graft and a 5inch screw through my foot .... it may sound like an excuse but after 6 months n then an op n then another 6 months i just wanted my foot to heal .... in total i spent 8 months in cast and still have the screw in place ...

in theory its not a diet as such it's my healthy eating plan including exercise i usually give in after a few weeks but now its time to get real after clomid they'll be no other options unless i loose weight so getting a head start n besides it's a challenge to get that ticker moving hehe .. my only weakness is jaffa cakes i would quite happily have these as a last meal xx
Hi ladies, I've been stalking this thread for a while as I'm starting Clomid on my next cycle. Currently I'm taking Prometrium for 10 days to induce AF. I am expecting her around Feb. 10 and then I'll start 50mg Clomid on CD3-7. I'm thinking I will also take Mucinex to loosen and thin out my CM. Best of luck to you ladies!! :dust:
tysonnme, i took robutsin (sp) from day 6 until the day of Ov and this done wonders for my CM. im not sure if its the same thing as what youe suggesting.

All the best, i hope it works for you.

Hi to all the Clomid Club newbies!! :flower:

Megs79- I'm on my first cycle of clomid and I took it days 2-6 too. I had my 21 test yesterday- I'm waiting for the results to see if I've ovulated- I am starting to think I haven't though.

ablacketer- I hope you are ovulating- but as for the pains I have them every month because of my PCOS and I never ovulate! I think it's more usual for the pains to be telling you that you are ovulating though (unless you have cysts) so it probably means you are.

Hi TySonNMe- I took guaifenesin up until ovulation and used preseed for every BD. Good luck and welcome! :flower:

Kissy- my BMI was 29 when I was given the Clomid- think it must be at 28 now. So I am alright for treatment purposes but still a couple of stone overweight.
Welcome ladies, and hi everyone,
Kissy and Lou lou thank you so much for your kind words... it took forever for me to sleep last night but i am feeling better today. Af is here in full force so will be taking clomid tomorrow (2-6) lets see what happens this cycle.
Lou Lou IVF with ICSI is perfect for your situation especially regarding your OH. I was just reading about it on the internet and it gives you a lot of hope that other than clomid there are options. It sucks that your results will take time, if i were you i would have insisted harder for it, sometimes you have to use a bit of force with the fertility staff because that is when they start to listen! (i'm only speaking from experience)
Kissy i am glad you are feeling better hun and i hope your AF starts soon so you can start the 100mg i have a good feeling about it because it worked for me:)
I have phoned and spoken to the fertility office this afternoon. The secretary has said the results should be ready on Monday (Tues at the latest!) - apparently I was told a week and a half because my doctor is on holiday and that is when he gets back. She said I can ring up and she can tell me my results, but obviously can't advise me anything else.
BMI isn't really a good indicator of weight in my opinion as it doesn't take into account bone density or that muscle weighs twice as much as fat ....

i am overweight but as long as i do my part to loose it then i don't see why i shouldn't get help xx
I agree with you Kissy. I have always been heavier than I look! When I was a size 10 I weighed 2 stone more than my friend who was also a size 10 and the same height as me!! I am only a size 14 now- and yet a BMI of 29/28!?? It's crazy!

I read a study once that said women with PCOS always seem to weigh more than normal women- even when they are thin.

Who knows?????
i heard that also lou ... how tall are ya? i'm 6ft ....

i come from a family of tall/ big people i stand no chance of being normal BMI hehe xx
Wow!! I thought I was quite tall-you must wear clothes well at that height!! I'm 5'8"
Thanks Laura and lou! I did some research online and it said to take Robitussin with guaifenesin. I looked at some Robitussin products but that's not the active ingredient in them. Mucinex does have guaifenesin as the active ingredient. My research told me to take 200mg of it three times a day after the last day of Clomid until OV day. My plan was to get gets some Children's Mucinex (or the store brand) since it's in liquid form. Does it make much of a difference? Is this the correct dosage?
that sounds right to me hun. I took 2 teaspoons, 3 times a day. from the day after my last tablet to the day of OV sounds like like you have it spot on.

Have you tried pre seed? It mimmics CM. it never worked for me but heard it worked wonders for some of the other women.

Thanks Laura. I haven't used PreSeed. I'll definitely look into it though. Congrats on your :bfp:!
thanks sweetie, still doesnt feel realy yet, hense why im hanging around here like a bad smell :haha: dont want to go yet!

Don't go Laura!!! We will need you to compare our symptoms against!! Stay, stay, stay!!!
he's called ladies and i am sooo upset i'm fed up with my stupid body not working and the stupid doctor getting it wrong...

turns out the receptionist was right and the doctor was wrong ... first off my results were sent to the worng GP we have 2 of them at the surgery at my results got sent to the wrong 1 hence the reason for him saying they were satisfactory because he basically didn't have a clue who i was and what the blood test was and so 2.2 was correct i suppose it's a step up from 0.9 ... he's wrote me a perscription for 100mg for next cycle he said that af should happen on its own and if it doesn't to call the surgery to get another perscription for summat to bring on AF .... i knew it wasn't going to work for me and how idiotically stupid of me to think i might be in with a chance ....
the doc said on my notes it says 1 cycle of 50mg and 21 day bloods then 2 cycles of 100mg and 21 day bloods if nothing then i have to be referred to central manchester hospital ..... i guess some women just arn't ment to be mothers ... oh the doc said all the symptom i have are side effects of clomid .... :cry: I HATE MY OVARIES!!! ...

i just don't understand i have normal lady bits no cysts or other issues i have 2 clear tubes my OH has normal sperm ... and yet i can't even have a period on my own ..... mother nature is 1 very cruel lady!!!

Hey, sorry your test didn't come back good... I had my day 21 yesterday and have to wait til wed for the result. Last month was 13 but I got my period 3 days later. Had clomid cd 5-9 100mg this month and hcg shot cd14. I'm now 8dpo and going craaaaaaaaaaazy!!!

I didn't think gp could prescribe clomid? I was told they couldnt and only a fertility specialist could do it? I had to be referred to Manchester fertility unit before being prescribed anything.

I'm trying not to fill my head with symptoms here, but I'm absolutely exhausted and have been all day and you know when you just 'feel' like something is happening.... but then I guess every month I think the same thing and every month is a BFN!!

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