Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Yay keep us updated Nita!

Can't help on the maternity shoot. Probably won't do one but I've seen one really pretty ones. I don't know if it would be possible or your thing, but google image search 'maternity shoot milk bath'.

The little one has been kicking me all day every day for the past few days. I keep getting woken up by him!
Sarah are you gonna share his name? I can't wait to feel baby kicks <3
Haha well we are pretty set on a first name but we haven't told anyone. I think we might just wait until he's born. The kicks are very exciting but he's such an active baby, I just wonder what I'm in for after he's born!
I totally get it no worries I was just curious :) We have a few names picked out for both boy and girl I just hope we get to use one of them someday :) My dr called and said the lab messed up and changed the order and she has no clue why, I think she goofed and ordered the wrong test but whatever I'm just going to move on and hope that I don't need to do it next cy. I'm pretty crampy and moody with dh tonight...but the worst culprit of today has been the nausea, it definitely makes me feel like I'm pregnant...dying for Friday to get here!
Haha it's the one little secret we have left. We've had a boy's name picked out for quite a while, but no girl's name that we could agree on. But our boy's name is my DH's choice (and I like it too, but if my DH wasn't so keen on it, it would probably be back in my top 3-5). So because he's getting the boy's name, he said next time I can choose first and middle name(s).

I'll share my list though -

Boys (our chosen name is on this list)


Everyone else, share your lists!

It sounds like your doctor is trying to cover her backside! Did you tell her about your chart and OPK? Yay! The nausea is a good sign. Hurry up Friday!!

I had a bit of a fight with DH yesterday and we never fight. He was at work and said he'd be home at midday (it was ANZAC day here, so he had a parade in the morning). I didn't hear anything and so I text him asking if he was coming home because I was feeling really sick. He said he'd be home mid afternoon. He text me at 5pm saying he was having a few drinks but would be home soon. So I waited for him before making dinner, but at 7pm he still wasn't home. He text me again saying he'd be home in an hour - nothing. Same thing happened two more times. In the end I text him saying I was locking the door and he could sleep on the doorstep. So he walked home, drunk. Got home at 11.30pm (and I had work today). I told him I was so annoyed with him and he fell asleep on me! This morning he was feeling very guilty. He's still at work so I'm waiting to see how he's going to make it up to me...

I also woke up with a Lupus rash on my face which can sometimes indicate that I'm about to flare, so I'm a bit worried :( Plus DH got his dates for his trip away - home 2 and a half weeks before my due date.... Not happy.
Thanks for the advice regarding the maternity shoot, Four, I am happy that you are a photographer and could tell me from your side. I am going to give DH a few days to get used to it then ask him again if we could do one :) I want him with, wont be the same without him.

Then name lists: mine are super short hehe:
Boy: Eduan
Girl: Liezl
Yup, thats it :haha:

Sarah I can understand that you get upset at DH for doing that, mine used to do the same, now he just invites the guys to our home so he is home then. Its not safe here for a women to be home alone at night, and DH used to walk to the restaurant - I made it very clear that if he does that again he will sleep outside or on the couch if its very cold, so I can totally get why that would upset you!:growlmad:

So my scan - it was AWESOME! Baby was moving and kicking like a crazy mad person, we just watched it for a minute or 2 :happydance: and the heartbeat is still very much there and fast (she didnt tell me how fast) No gender guesses, but I am guessing girl, any other guesses would be nice. :happydance: She measured the neck, and said it was thin, so down syndrome doesnt seem likely, and we could see the nose, but baby didnt want to lie still for a decent image. I did the bloods as well for iron. and then my next appointment is on 25 May. Picture attached.


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Sarah I'm so sorry dh did that to you :( Sometimes they just don't think how things affect others. My dh would definitely know he's sleeping outside or on the couch if he pulled that! What is ANZAC day? Sorry about your Lupus rash, I'm sure the stress of last night didn't help if you're beginning a flare :(

Nita!!! What a cute sweet little babe you've got there <3 So precious!! Was dh able to go with you, how was his reaction to seeing a wiggle worm in there? How scary that it's unsafe for you to be alone in your own home in the evening, I cannot even imagine :( Here where we live a lot of men work graveyard (midnight-8am) so many women are left alone all night. My husband did this for the first 6 years we were together. With that being said, many homes have guns/weapons and women are trained to protect themselves. I actually carry a concealed weapon with me at all times because you just never know. I've only had to use it once, there was a deer suffering on the side of the road that just got hit by a car so I grabbed my gun out of my purse and put it down so it didn't suffer anymore. I've thankfully never needed to use it for self protection, but in also thankful I have it if I ever needed it. It would be so hard to not feel safe in my own home!

Nothing new here just waiting on Friday!! I'm insanely irritable with everyone and everything. I'm dealing with crazy high stress moving/housing situations and I just can't wait to get all of this over with!

Our two dd's have 3 letter first names that end in A ( we have a long last name) so we will continue that with our 3rd baby...
Girls-Eva, Kya, Lea, Rea, or Abi
Boys-Noa, Nox, Jax, Jaq, or Cal
My most favorites are Eva/Kya or Noa/Jaq
Four, I can imagine the hard time you are having, it hope it gets better for you soon.

Dh did go with, and we both were so amazed, I feel so blessed aftee seeing the little peanut today. Cant wait for 25 May for the next appointment. Dh will go with again :D
I like your names Nita! I'm a fan of Liezl because I love the Sound of Music haha. I'd have 7 if I could. The funny thing is my DH is a Captain!

My DH doesn't do it often, but I was just pissed that he kept saying he'd be home soon and then nothing. Yeah it quite different here, my DH goes away lots so I'm quite often home alone. We actually don't even lock the doors or shut the windows.

Yay! I'm so glad your scan was awesome! 12 weeks is so exciting, it goes from a blob to looking like a person! You must be so reassured about the NT measurement! It's not the clearest picture, but I'm also guessing girl. I think you can see a nub which looks quite straight, plus the skull looks a lot more rounder than ours.

Four, DH came home and was very apologetic and gave me a back and foot massage. He says he feels really guilty and is being really nice to me haha. ANZAC Day is a remembrance day for the NZ and Australian Army Corps who fought in WW1. But they now remember all NZers who have been to other wars too. We have a Dawn Service which is the same time that the soldiers embarked on the Turkish shores. I was tempted to start Prednisone again, but I'm so scared of suppressing my immune system even more. I love your names too! Nice to have short names, easy for them to learn to write them haha (I'm a kindergarten teacher!)

That's crazy about carrying a gun with you!! That doesn't happen here! Even our police officers aren't armed!! My husband goes hunting, so we have two rifles at home, but they're all safe and locked up.

Nita, it's Thursday here! Ovia changed to say that the baby is the size of an American Guinea Pig or a corn on the cob haha. I never get the French bakery things, we don't have those foods here.
Sarah, DHs cousin also said immediately when we showed her the scan that it must definately be a girl, she says she has 3 boys, so she knows how boys look. I cant wait to find out though for sure, everyone including us want to start buy things :D

So we did the whole facebook announcement thing...didnt think we would, none of us are really on any kind of social media.. But its the easiest to let those know who we dont see every day.

Yay, ticker day, Ovia says baby is as big as a hot jalepino.. But the scan said yesterday baby is just under 6CM so we know how big baby is now..hee hee.
I think my 12 week scan is on this thread somewhere too. So you can compare to a confirmed boy haha. Yay! Only 8 more weeks until you'll know :)

It's quite exciting announcing on Facebook. We weren't going to either, mainly because I know how much it sucks seeing pregnancy announcements when you're going through infertility. But I sent a private message to the few friends I knew who were going through infertility to warn them and suggest that if it was too much we'd understand that they might like to unfollow us. Of course there's bound to be friends battling infertility that I'm not aware of so couldn't prewarn. But announcing on Facebook was also good for those who we'd told early but asked to keep quiet that it was no longer a secret.

It's exciting to know how big exactly. Remember that's crown to rump so it doesn't include their legs. Ovia says the baby is now 30.5cm (which is a foot) but I got an email from Bounty that said it was 19.5cm. Who knows!

But we have a new neighbour (not the crazy South African one haha) and I went over to say hello and we were chatting for a while and then she said "so is this your first?" Pointing at my tummy!! I was so excited that someone who didn't know could tell based on my bump haha. It's just looked like I've eaten too many cakes and pies for so long and now it's looking more baby like!!

Also, my work contract is finally here! So I'm officially working just Wednesday and Thursdays :)
whooohooo new tickers!! My little peanut is a scoop of ice cream (we have ice cream here hee hee) Sarah, your baby is a bag of bagels, we have bagels here too. Finally not all american things haha.

I saw a girl confirmed 12 week scan, using the nub theory, looks exactly the same as my scan image :D But I know baby wasnt keeping still for the photo, so it might be that the angles arent the same, but what the heck, I am excited that at this angle it looks girly.
Haha yay! We have ice cream and bagels here too!! Do you look at the other categories too Nita?

So exciting! I can't wait for you to have it confirmed!

I've got the OB on Monday. Hopefully I'll find out what I'm in for in terms of monitoring from here.
No, I dont look at the categories, they are a bit boring hee hee, I like the food.

I cant believe you are at week 22 already, wow how the time has gone by, I feel like just yesterday when I got my BFP and baby was just a bunch of cells, now its 13 weeks

Goodluck at the OB appointment...keep us updated.

Love - how are you doing? Any symptoms so far?

DH says he last saw me taking my prog last week friday, so I am almost a week without it and I feel great, loads of energy, just my boobs is getting really sore at times, but thats re-assuring so I dont mind. Gosh dont want to wait a whole month before seeing baby again.
Happy 13 weeks Nita! Happy 22 weeks Sarah!

Just a short update...I'm down to every other night of progesterone! It's been fine. I know I could just stop and it would be ok. I'll take my last one tomorrow I think. I've been very nauseous again the past few days! Super sleepy too. My irritable uterus has been acting up this week. Argh! Can't wait for my appointments next week!
Ive learned a very valuable lesson over the last few days, I havent been eating very healthy, and I have been eating a lot, and got constipated over the last 4 days, and suddenly tonight I have severe diarrhea :( I have to constantly run to the bathroom, ugh, I think ill just skip the junk food and stick to healthy food... Leason learned.
Nita, sometimes the other categories are good. But not very often

I know, in some ways though, my pregnancy feels so slow. Christmas feels likes it was so long ago. But I'm over halfway and I don't want it to go faster and be all over but I also can't wait to meet him.

I'm glad you're both doing well weaning off progesterone. I'm not surprised about the more energy and feeling better. Provera is always a crap time so when you mix that with the joys of first trimester. The next exciting thing you both have to look forward to are the kicks!!

I hope you feel better soon TTC.

And Love, I hope you're doing ok!

Good thinking with the healthy eating. I've found it really hard to eat vegetables since I've been pregnant. Carbs were the only thing that settled my tummy initially but now I just find vegetables to taste bad.

Ugh, DH and I had another fight about him going away on the army exercise 3 weeks before I'm due. He can get out of it but said it's too good an opportunity to miss. He got angry with me for suggesting (about 2 months ago before I knew differently) that it would be ok for him to go. Now the midwife is saying he shouldn't. I just have this horrible feeling I'm going to end up having this baby on my own or there will be more complications and he'll be off overseas working and can't get back.
I went to the ER last night because I had some spotting & became scared. Going there made everything worse for me :( of course they couldn't see anything on my ultrasound scan because I'm so early but my HCG levels are what's scaring me. My levels are only 125 & they said based on those numbers I'm earlier than I expected. But how could that be if my LMP was March 23, ovulated on CD 13 & got a positive test on April 18 (14 DPO)? I just don't understand why they are so low I definitely should be touching at LEAST 300+ by now. I'm so scared guys
Oh love I'm sorry. It's so scary to be in that position. I've heard that unless the blood is bright red then it's ok. Even if it's bright red it doesn't mean it's all over. Also, HCG numbers don't always mean much. What's most important is that they double every 48 hours. There are calculators online to tell you whether they're doubling as they should. Rest and take care of yourself. We are all thinking of you xx
Love I am so sorry, I am praying for you sweetie <3 I'm not sure what the numbers mean but from what I understand is that as long as they are doubling you should be okay. Will you be getting a second blood draw tomorrow? Are you still spotting? Hang in there <3

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