Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Oh Four :( I am so sorry... The temp drop is really dissapointing. Heres to hoping those lines gets darker for you.
I'm determined that I will have an answer SOON I'm going crazy so I ran to the store...
Four, I see something on the FRER! On my chart, my temp dropped at 10 DPO.

I've still got my fingers crossed for you!

I've been having some pains in my tummy the past 12 hours or so. Feels like sharp stabbing pains. They started when I was walking home from a friends place yesterday evening and then subsided and now my tummy is a bit tender. It's kind of like round ligament pain but I usually only get that when I cough or sneeze or laugh. But this was in two lines down my tummy and they weren't evenly spaced from my belly button like regular round ligament pain. I didn't ring the midwife but if I get it again I think I will :(
Lol Four, wow sk many tests, if I may ask, how much are tests there? I could not afford more than 4 HPT here, because they are super expensive. Any way patiently waiting for your next test update :D I have all my fingers crossed.. :hugs:

Sarah, tummy pains can be scary :o glad its better!

My DH is convinced my bump is getting bigger, but to me it still feels like its gets smaller :/
Nita I got the 6 cheapies for .88 cents each, a 3 pack of frer for $9, and 2 pack of digital tests for $8...I think it was around $20 total
Tests here are pretty expensive too. We don't really have the cheapies. FRERs are about 3 for $20. I probably spent $100 on tests while TTC and I wasn't a POAS addict.

I'm pretty sure it's round ligament pain. It happened when I stood up quickly today too.

Are you taking photos Nita? We are doing bump photos but not regularly, just when we remember.
Oh I started doing bump shots then I just stopped.

We dont have cheap HPT tests here too, if I have to convert to dollors, I would say 20$ for 1 CB test and the same price for a pack with one normal test and 1 FRER.

Ive added a photo, some South African humour...just so you know, this is really how it goes here. I know open wood fires arent allowed in most countries in the world, and the americans refer to it as a bbq. However I hope you get it, our american friends didnt get it though :)


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Same with us. Plus I then realized the date was wrong on my camera so I had to work out how far along I actually was on those dates. We always plan to do a bump photo but then forget.

Yeah that's similar here Nita.

Haha pretty much the same as BBQs here. Women do all the hard work, the men stand there flipping the meat occasionally, men take all the credit.

I have my OB appointment tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find out a bit more information about what's in store for monitoring now that I'm getting close to the 26 week mark. I'm also hopeful she'll say that my DH can't go away haha!
That's too funny, I totally get it!

So I'm wondering if yesterday was implantation...check out my chart...I'm still in bed but plan to get up to test soon!
Omg four, look at Sarahs charts, she had a similiar temp drop just before getting her BFP, if I had to guess, I would say the dip at 6DPO might have been implantation already. I am not good with reading charts so I am just guessing here...I hope you wont wait too long before testing :D

Goodluck at the OB appointment Sarah.

While doing our monthly shopping this morning, DH wanted us to go down the baby aisle...gosh, I wanted to buy everything! I so badly want to start decorating the room and buying do women stay team yellow the whole 9 months?

Also, I am getting emotional again, I dont know if any of you watched how I met your mother before? I am watching it now again, and although its supposed to be funny, I keep on finding myself crying, ugh.
Well I tested and it was stark white bfn on 2 different tests :cry: I'm ready to give up. I had bfp with both my girls by this point so I'm 99% sure this cy is over. I'll call my dr Monday to see if I can move on to 150mg Clomid. We gave ourselves till July to get pregnant before we would completely quit, time is running out but I already feel like I'm just done with this roller coaster.
Four, if yesterday was implantation you'd need to wait 24-48 following that for a BFP. My 10 DPO dip couldn't have been implantation because I got my BFP that day. Sorry I deleted FF from my phone and had just taken a screen shot of my BFP cycle. Your chart still looks really promising and you may have implanted earlier with the other two. I reckon give it a few more days before you count yourself out, but definitely ring your doctor to organize 150mg. I think you really should be ovulating earlier in your cycle to know that it's doing the trick.

Nita, I know! I don't know how they do it, especially for their first. I struggled waiting until 20 weeks haha. It's so hard to buy gender neutral stuff. One of the big shops here had 50% off merino (which is a type of wool that's really breathable) and I went shopping with mum. This was before we knew he was a boy. Everything in the girl's section was out and in the boy's, well we went for browns, blues, yellows and greens. But I think even if the baby had been a girl she wouldn't have been dressed in pinks and purples anyway haha.

Oh I can't watch movies haha. I just cry and cry. My DH doesn't understand and gets really worried. But I'm crying and laughing because I don't know why I'm crying and I can't stop. They're not even sad movies!
Well girls my happiness only lasted so long. I'm in the midst of miscarrying & what makes it so bad is that it started in my hometown, which is what I tried to avoid. I'm so hurt & upset & probably will seclude myself for awhile. Take care ladies - H & H 9M ❤
I'm sorry love! It's so difficult. Prayers and love to you!
Awww love I am so sorry :( you poor thing. Take care of yourself, take your time to grieve and feel as terrible as you do. If you want to just vent, we are here. I know it's not reassuring at the moment, but you can get pregnant and you will be back here. Xxxx
Love I am so so sorry, my heart breaks for you, you will be in my prayers :hugs:
Love, waking up and reading your bad news is really devastating, I am so sorry that you have to go through that! Look on the positive side, you found the right dosage of Clomod to make you O, and I am confident that we will welcome you back here soon.

Four, I am so sorry for your BFN, but I still have hopes for you, for the only reason that I tested on 10dpo, BFN, and tested 12dpo and only got a faint line after the 15minutes and only got a proper BFP on 15dpo...late implantation is very possible, you have been under stress with the move, so it might just take a bit longer. You are not out until AF arrives.

Sarah, luckily I dont cry while DH is with me, lol its when i watch alone, I thought the rollercoaster ride of emotions would get better at some point, ha...not!

TTC, how are you doing?

DH and I are celebrating 2 amazing years of marriage today by going to the botanical gardens for a picnic and I will be taking some photos (teaching myself in my spare time some photography tricks) maybe one day I will pursue a career in photography, but for now its a hobby :D
Love, I have no doubt you'll have success again in the near future. But for now, please look after yourself and take all the time you need.

Four, I agree with Nita, there's still time. You're not out until AF arrives. I keep checking your chart, thinking it must be morning there soon. Fingers crossed for you!

Nita, that sounds really nice. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! You'll have the perfect subject to photograph soon:)

AFM, I saw the new obstetrician today and she was really weird. She didn't tell me anything. I asked my questions about DH going away and whether it was ok to fly in late pregnancy and then at the end she said "I'm happy for you to be under the care of your midwife and if she has any questions she can contact me". I was pretty confused because my rheumatologist had sent her a letter saying it was a very high risk pregnancy and my midwife is not going to be happy. She wants the guidance of an obstetrics doctor. So I'll wait and see what my midwife says on the 18th.

I didn't get a good feeling from her and she couldn't answer any of my questions. She didn't know anything about Lupus and was really vague. I wish I hadn't changed doctors!

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