Love, waking up and reading your bad news is really devastating, I am so sorry that you have to go through that! Look on the positive side, you found the right dosage of Clomod to make you O, and I am confident that we will welcome you back here soon.
Four, I am so sorry for your BFN, but I still have hopes for you, for the only reason that I tested on 10dpo, BFN, and tested 12dpo and only got a faint line after the 15minutes and only got a proper BFP on 15dpo...late implantation is very possible, you have been under stress with the move, so it might just take a bit longer. You are not out until AF arrives.
Sarah, luckily I dont cry while DH is with me, lol its when i watch alone, I thought the rollercoaster ride of emotions would get better at some point, ha...not!
TTC, how are you doing?
DH and I are celebrating 2 amazing years of marriage today by going to the botanical gardens for a picnic and I will be taking some photos (teaching myself in my spare time some photography tricks) maybe one day I will pursue a career in photography, but for now its a hobby