Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Hang in there Four! Hoping and praying with you.

So today I am 4w2d pp, and I think its safe to say the bleeding has stopped, havent had any since Monday. Also, I barely have pain anymore, I have jab myself pretty hard in my tummy to feel something, and it really dont hurt actually. Id say recovery went very well. Knowing what I know now, Id do a c section again.

Touch wood - Liezl has some routine. I am waiting for the bomb to explode where she doesnt follow it anymore. We bath her between 7-8pm then she gets milk, twice - sleeps 3-4 hours then milk, sleeps 2 hours then milk, wake up at 5am and then her tummy goes - this takes about 3 hours of moaning while she poo and fart like a man, during the day she takes 2 hour naps and I keep her awake for 30 mins before feeding and letting her fall asleep again. (please dont let this change LOL)
Fx for you Four!!! <3

So we went public on Friday! Secret's out! I broke down and ordered some more maternity clothes this week; mainly pants and leggings, but also some comfy tops that I can hopefully wear after as well. My bump is still tiny, but I can't stand traditional waistbands on it! And now that the secret is out, I don't have to try to hide it anymore. :)'s ticker day! I see now why you guys talked about it so much, it's so fun to log in and see how big baby is!

Hope everyone is doing well! <3
Lucy/fluffy, your pregnancies are going by so fast!! I cant believe you two are almost halfway there! Pretty soon you are going to have bumps and feel movement, if you dont already?? P.S. If you feel movement from now on, dont be discouraged if you feel it some days and others not, only from 28 weeks onwards should the movements be frequent :)

Four, when are you getting the beta's results? Anxiously waiting on you to share some good news.

Sarah/ttc how are you holding up?

Liezl had the worst stomach cramps, I wanted to cry, I felt so sorry for her. Shes getting some tea now at night and I got some medicine from the clinic for the cramps. She seems better today, not like she is in pain all the time. Shes not sleeping well, so I hope she feels better soon so she can sleep.

Last night DH had his friend and his GF over. (him:28 her:21) she wants kids, he doesnt well atleast not now. He drinks a lot, like really a lot and smokes and uses we told them dont wait too long, as his sperm wont be ok undrr those circumstances for long. I feel like she also wants kids for the wrong reasons, just because their cute. They both love to party. I want to tell them to wait and atleast have his sperm tested... Am I wrong for doing this? Maybe I should just mind my own business, I just dont want them to have a baby with defects due to their lifestyle, thats not fair to the baby!
Got my results!

Wednesday my hcg was 2446, today it was 4260.

I'm a little worried as it didn't double in the 50 hours between tests (shy by a little over 600) but my dr said she liked the numbers and didnt need me to come back for another test. My ultrasound is scheduled for Nov 30th and we should be able to see baby and heartbeat by then. I'm still feeling scared and nervous, wishing I would have requested another hcg on Sunday or Monday but just trying to stay calm and have faith. My midwife is gone all of next week so she won't be back till right before my ultrasound so I guess there's nothing I can do but wait out the 2 weeks.
Sorry I&#8217;ve been MIA for a few days DH is still away and I&#8217;m doing everything at home. It&#8217;s pretty hard work especially when I&#8217;m still sore and have a cold.

Lucy, so exciting!! It feels good when everyone knows. Haha I&#8217;m glad you like ticker day! It&#8217;s very exciting. I started finding normal clothes uncomfortable around weeks 7-12 and then it was fine from 12-15 and then uncomfortable again. I didn&#8217;t get a proper bump until about 22-23 weeks. I felt him kick at 15 weeks but that&#8217;s because he doesn&#8217;t stop kicking haha. He never has.

Nita I&#8217;m glad you&#8217;re feeling good. Have you got a 6 week check up? I&#8217;m on the fence 50:50 about a repeat c section vs a VBAC. I know that a scheduled c section is much different to an emergency one. I know what to expect now and what to say and do. I know the recovery is way different. But also if I chose a c section next time then I&#8217;ll never get a chance a vaginal birth. And if I don&#8217;t try then I&#8217;ll never know. The whole thing just freaks me out so I&#8217;m trying not to think about it.

What do you mean you gave her tea? Here we aren&#8217;t recommended to give anything except breastmilk or formula before 4 months and that milk should make up the majority of their diet until 1.

That&#8217;s no good about her tummy. William went through a really spilly, cramping, windy stage at around 4-5 weeks. My friends was the same. So just know it may pass.

Four, this must be such a nerve wracking time for you. Especially know that you won&#8217;t be TTC again. Your numbers sound good but I understand why you feel nervous about it though. I hope the next few weeks go really quick for you.

Afm, I&#8217;m not sure if I mentioned before (baby brain) but William has a milk protein allergy so I have cut out all cows milk. He has improved a lot. His rash on his chest has gone, he&#8217;s pooing way way less often and he seems less grizzly. There are still a few symptoms that should hopefully disappear in the next few weeks.
Those are great numbers Four! Hope you only het good news from here onwards. Keeping my fxed for you.

Yeah Sarah, I have a 6 week checkup on 27 Nov. I can definately recomend a planned c section. 4 weeks pp, no pain and no bleeding. Nr2 will be a planned C section as I will get sterilised as well. We decided only 2 and I said no kids after I am 30.

The tea that I am giving her, has 100% natural products and is safe to give them from birth and helps with cramps, i dont make it strong, it barely tastes like anything, but she loves it :)
Nita, that&#8217;s cool. I&#8217;m just so torn. I know if I went for an elective I&#8217;ll never get the chance to try a vaginal birth and i get a bit sad thinking that. But I&#8217;m also SO scared of going through what I went through again. Like I almost throw up thinking about it. I also do not want to go back to the hospital I had William at. The only way that&#8217;ll happen is if we move (possible but unlikely because we are building a new house) or we pay privately and I see a private obstetrician 2 hours drive away and have an elective. I won&#8217;t TTC again until I&#8217;m happy with the decision I&#8217;ve made. Honestly, even though we battled with infertility for 12 months that was easy compared to what I&#8217;ve been through in the last 12ish weeks. I just can&#8217;t explain how traumatized it has left me. I feel like I&#8217;ve lost myself and lost all control and independence. I&#8217;ve never been in so much physical and emotional pain. I&#8217;m only just starting to feel like I&#8217;m coming out of it but still not really. I&#8217;m having scans and more appointments for the pain. William still isn&#8217;t great. It just never ends.

Oh that&#8217;s cool. Just be careful because other fluids can disrupt the electrolyte balance and can be very dangerous.
Any new news Four? Judging by the amount of tickers you have, I assume you have some good news? :D

How are you and W doing Sarah?

This week have been so weird so far: Liezl have been drinking less than usual since Monday. I bought some more Nr0 nappies for her the weekend - Monday it was too small - yes suddenly! Luckily I had 4 packs of Nr1 nappies - so she is wearing bigger nappies. Measured her yesterday and WOAH she had grown... Head 37cm (birth 34cm) Length 50cm (Birth 45cm) - curious to weigh her tonight. She's awake a lot now and still have cramps, but I am helping her dealing with it by moving her legs in towards her tummy. She also fits perfectly into her newborn clothes now. She's keeping her head up by herself, for a good few seconds and also looking left and right by herself. All this happened over night..just like that.

Friday night my in laws are babysitting as we are going out with my parents, last time we will be going out as my mom needs follow up surgery after her heart infection (They need to cut out a hard piece next to her heart that actually started growing onto her heart restriction her other organs - her heart is only pumping 50% of her blood) its going to be hard to go out and leaving Liezl with someone.

Liezl has her 6 week check up and vaccination next week and I also have my 6 week check up with my OB :o

Liezl is also officially enrolled in a creche starting 1 February 2018 :( gonna miss her so much. The creche is 3 minutes walk and 1 minutes drive from our house :D which is great.
Yay, secret's out! It's nice once everyone knows, isn't it? :) I've gotten three pairs of maternity trousers so far, but my bigger jumpers still work for now, so no tops yet. Looking forward to get a cute one for Christmas pictures though ^^

no movement yet, but can't wait! I keep thinking I feel something, but when I pay attention, it's really regular and just my pulse X)

Please keep us updated, I can't believe you're still in so much pain. There *must* be something wrong that they still haven't fixed.

Hello there! :) Hoping everything is well with you and that you get to see the heartbeat at your scan.

Ladies... I finally figured it out and got a ticker! My next checkup will be the anatomy scan (20 week scan) next week Friday. Excited for that, I feel like it's another major milestone.
Hi Fluffy! Missed you! :)

I bet you are feeling baby but just not sure yet. I have been feeling things for about a week or so, and at first I wasn't sure if it was baby or gas. But it keeps happening, and though I still wouldn't say I have felt anything that was *definitely* baby, I am pretty sure. It just feels like small taps on the inside of my belly. I know others have described it as flutters, but that doesn't seem to be the case for me.

I know how you feel, I am super anxious for the anatomy scan. We didn't do the genetic testing or the 16 week blood testing, so are basically in the dark on everything! And haven't seen baby since 8 weeks!! DH is holding steady on not wanting to know the gender. My scan is a little over 2 weeks away and I am counting down the days! Can't wait to hear how yours goes! <3
Happy ticker day Lucy, and happy belated ticker ticker day fluffy :D

Wow, I cant believe you two have your 20 week appointments already! Almost halfway there...!!! :D The week 20 app was a nice one for me, baby is a very nice size and looks so human lol if it makes sense, share some pictures when you go and get some.

Your babies are a few cm below your belly button at this stage, so if thats where you are feeling something, then it may very well be baby. It also didnt feel like flutters to me, more like gas

Isnt it amazing how they grow from a little peanut (8 weeks) to a tiny little human :D

Speaking of tiny's mine..


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Hi ladies! No new news, waiting for my next scan next Thursday and praying we see a heartbeat <3

Nita the tickers are based off the due date they gave me according to gestational sac size, I just needed something in my siggy that gave me hope and let me watch what is/should be going on inside;)
Fluffy/lucy/four have you thought about your birthing plan yet? Normal/C section, etc?
Four, maybe too early to ask you?
Aww Nita, such a sweetie pie! I admire both your baby pictures every time, they make me so impatient to meet my own little one ^^

I've thought about birthing plans, at least roughly. If possible, I'd definitely want a natural birth and so far, there is nothing against that. However, it is of course still much too early to say if certain complications will arise, so who knows - I will obviously do whatever the doctors recommend as safest for me and baby. I know which hospital I would have the birth in if everything is fine (my gynecologist is attached to it), but if there should be problems with baby, she would have me deliver in a different one that has a bigger neonatal unit. Both are about a 30 minute drive though, so I don't really mind. Hubby will be with me and my mum will also be there, so I should have plenty of support :) That's how far I've gotten! Oh and I would like to go home as early as possible and then be looked after by my midwife, if possible on the same day.

Do you have any good questions or things to think about regarding birth?
Four, I see you&#8217;ve got a few tickers! I don&#8217;t want to get my hopes up but I hope everything went ok!

Nita, we had a few nights like that too. I picked him up out of bed and overnight it felt like he&#8217;d gotten heavier. I don&#8217;t think I could put him into daycare! I miss him when he&#8217;s having a nap haha.

Wow fluffy and Lucy, I can&#8217;t believe it&#8217;s going so fast for you both. You&#8217;re almost half way!! It&#8217;s so hard to go so long between seeing the baby on the scans. Towards the end I was getting scans a few times a week which was pretty exciting.

Afm, we got william&#8217;s tongue tie released yesterday. It was pretty invasive. I didn&#8217;t realise with a posterior tie they cut so far back. He was so upset and wouldn&#8217;t feed and I&#8217;ve never heard him in so much pain. Today he&#8217;s much better.
Fluffy, sounds like a good plan.

Things to consider, what if something happens and baby needs to be delivered today and they ask you induction or c section, what will you choose? What if you choose induction and it ends uo being an emergency c section, will you be ok with that? So having a solid plan is good, but preparing for every possible thing is better.

You arent yourself when giving birth, you are in pain and hormonal and completely drained, preparing yourself is very important. And a birth not going as planned can cause depression and leave you very traumitized. I litterally cried all the way through and I couldnt stop myself lol.

Make sure your DH knows how you want to be supported. Would you want him to give you compliments, or hold your hand or encourage you or simply keep quiet and just be there. I am terrified of needles, so I told my DH not tintell me how big the needles is or tell me that its ok, cause its not, needles are never ok. He told me once to relax while they strugled the put the drip in and I shouted at him to keep quiet. He also watched me being cut open, so he sqw tge moment she came out, which he thought was amazing.

With that being said, that moment they take your baby out and put her in your arms is the most magical moment you can ever imagine. I remember lying there thinking, when they took her out and I heard her crying, shit just got real!!!! I am a mother now. Its the best feeling, I cant describe it.

Will you be breastfeeding?
My doctor sees me every 4 weeks (with a scan) until 30 weeks, and then every 2 weeks, then every week etc. So I feel like I get to see her fairly often :) Though I still get impatient between scans X) Glad you've got the tongue tie sorted, I hear it can make breastfeeding a whole lot easier.

Thank you, that's some good questions! Basically, I'd always want natural labour if it's safe to do so for both of us. So it would depend *why* they would need to get baby early - if they say I can try natural labour, I would want to try, but if they say they need to get her out RIGHT NOW ASAP then of course go ahead and slice me open! :p I'm aware the risk of ending up with an emergency c-section is higher if they induce you, but I feel like mentally, I want to "have tried". If it works out with a natural birth, great, but if it doesn't, I'll be happy to have tried :) At least that's how I feel right now.

Haha I would have thrown a pillow at him or something, I hate being told to relax! Always makes me think "Yeah, I want to see you relax when you're in this much pain/ under this much pressure!" ;) Hubby is going to 7 weeks of birthing classes with me in January/February, so I hope we will get to discuss lots of details then. Otherwise I've just said I want him to be there to hold my hand, look after baby if I can not, give me foot rubs etc. My mum will also be there and as a mum of three and a doctor herself, I want her to handle any medical stuff in case I'm unable to do so (too emotional, unconscious, God knows). But I plan to have a proper sit down with both of them as my "birthing team" after we've been through the classes.

Aww how you describe her coming out just made me tear up a bit :') I can't wait to hold little pea! I'm planning on breastfeeding and in Germany the opinion is "everyone will learn how to breastfeed", so I'm not even getting bottles, haha. I will also have a midwife to look after me for a few weeks after birth and I think they help you if you have problems breastfeeding too. Also, again, relying on my mum who is coming to stay with us (near us, not in our place) for the first two weeks after birth. She breast fed all three of us :) How long did it take you to "figure out" breast feeding? What was the most difficult and do you have any tips?
It sounds like you are very prepared Fluffy, thats great. And hopefully nothing goes wrong with you like it did for me and Sarah. Even though we have both healthy babies. It was perfect for me, would do it all over the same way, no regrets.

Just make sure your mom knows that she is the grandma and not the mom to baby, and that you will decide how things g3t done with baby. Grandmas can be overwhelming and pretty much tell you what to do...its your baby, your choices :)

Breastfeeding will be extremely hard and sore the first week. The first few days you and baby are finding each other, it will be uncomfortable, your nipples will burn and perhaps start bleeding, mine did, get a nipple shield for the first few days. Then your milk comes in, and OMG your boobs are suddenly 3 sizes bigger, hard like rocks and burn like hell. Massage them in a hot shower, it only lasts about 3 days, during those days baby might struggle to latch and it will hurt, again, use a nipple shield. After that it will hurt a little for another week or so and then it will be all natural. Lots of women give uo in the first week, its hard, its hell, but dont give up. Iys worth it to go through the pain.
Fluffy, for me I have a different mentality approaching birth now than I did as a first time mom. With my first I had an emergency induction for preeclampsia. It was very scary but the birth itself was alright I just had a small tear. The recovery was hell for me. I had chorioamnionitis, a bad infection of the uterus. My son was in NICU and I stayed in the hospital for almost a week. I went home without him. Then he came home and at 3 weeks postpartum I hemorrhaged at Home and needed emergency surgery...they had left a piece of placenta. I was in the hospital 2 more days and away from my baby. I was not myself for months. It’s just traumatic and not fun the first time I think no matter how things go.
I beat myself up for months over how things went... what a waste! With number 2 and now 3 I was way more ready to go with the flow. Numbe 2 was a planned section because he was breech. Number 3 was planned because he needed to come early due to a dangerous complication and I didn’t want a trial of labor because quite frankly for me the c section was a way better experience than regular birth.
I think if you have the mentality to go with the flow, you can relax and not worry as much. Just my experience.
And Nita, omg you described breastfeeding perfectly! This time though mine stayed horribly engorged and burning for weeks and weeks. It’s just now settling down after 6 weeks but still happens from time to time.
Sarah! How is he doing today? I hope the release helps! My second was tongue tied. It hurt horribly and the pediatrician didn’t want him to have it released. Nursing him always hurt. I hated it and ultimately quit earlier than I wanted when he was 10 months. I think you’ll be glad you got it done in the long run.
Oh yes, Ttc, I forgot thqt you also had complocations and had to go in early. You are so right about going with the flow. I never realized just how much can go wrong near the end, I dont think I have ever been so stressed than I was that last week before my section - I knew my BP was getting higher and higher and I already had a calcified placenta and this after my OB told me, the blood flow to Liezl is just OK, all this after a healthy pregnancy up until 32 weeks.

I have to say now at 6 weeks BFing is hurting a bit, but I can feel Liezl is sucking really hard now, my body just need to adjust to her needs now.

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