Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

I do know its very possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, but there's always the pull out method, however my DH and I both agreed, no BC. We will see, Dh and I both knew we would have to wait for 6 weeks pp to think about it, but at the pace that I am recovering we might not wait the whole 6 weeks :p I am 2 weeks pp and have a little pain when I move a lot, thats it.

Liezl usually sleeps 2 -3 hours in a go, but there are times (mostly during the night) when she wants to feed every 30 minutes - an hour. She has slept much beter the last 2 nights (only had to get up 2 times during night to feed)

For Liezl we see her pediatrician, saw him on 10 days and again at 6 weeks. As for me, I see my OB at 6 weeks for a check up.

I just find it easier with DH home so he can mostly assist with chores and nappy changes. But I am doing good on my own. There is no choice really lol.

I am also starting to work a few hours this week (from home ofcourse)
Yeah if it hadn’t been for the c section we would have done the same but I want to have the option to try for a VBAC. I also want to enjoNy William and have number 2 in a few years. That’s amazing you well that painfree now. I’m still too sore to have sex. Maybe I’ll feel ok in the next few weeks.

The sleep is by far the hardest thing. But it gets better. William is doing 5-6 hour stints now. He still clusterfeeds some evenings but is much better. He also burps way easier and he’s more efficient at feeding. He smiles at us, follows our faces, coos and is starting to look like a baby. Last week he was having some tummy time and rolled himself on to his back! I think it was just him propelling himself rather than being coordinated enough to do it again.

That’s different to here. My midwife looked after both of us until 6 weeks and then our well child nurse takes over until he’s 5 years old.

Wow you’re keen haha.
I told my DH we will look at trying to have sex in a week or 2 again, however my granny is coming to stay with us nexymt week, so we might put it on hold until she goes home.

Liezl went to sleep at 9:30pm woke up for a quick feed at 2:10am (she was asleep by 2:45) again and the I woke her up for a feed at 6am. The sleep was so nice :D that was pretty much normal sleeping hours for me. I feel so sorry for her in the mornings and evenings, i am sure she gets hayfever just like her mom, shes fussy then and dont want to drink or sleep. She sneezes a lot and she tries to clear her throat as well.

I have a skin break out, much the same as when I ovulate, surely I cant be ovulating so soon? The elevating levels of progesterone gives me the outbreaks, but those should be going down now, not up. So confused.
Haha yes might be good to wait until granny has gone! We tried to have sex (funny how it’s not BD or DTD anymore haha) last night. It was pretty sore. I don’t know if I’ll rush into that again but DH enjoyed it.

That sounds a lot like our nights at the moment. A quick feed at 2am and then again at 6am. DH usually gives him a bottle for one of those feeds so I can get some sleep. But if it’s been more than 6 hours I need to pump or I get too full. It’s nice when you’re able to get some good chunks of sleep. William has found his thumb (it’s so cute) and has been self soothing with that (we have a pacifier but he’ll spit it out and can’t put it back in) so it’ll be interesting to see if he sleeps longer because of it. DH doesn’t want him to be a thumb sucker. He reckons a pacifier is easier to wean off. I don’t care haha I just want sleep.

Newborns can be quite snuffly and sneeze lots. It helps them to remove the fluid from their body. But she might also be adjusting to new smells and the dust and pollen in the world. William sneezes lots and he’s pretty snuffly.

If you’re not going more than 4 hours in the day and 6 hours at night between a feed it’s unlikely to be your period. You could do an OPK if you have one. But your hormones take a good few weeks to regulate after birth.
Haha I thought the same, BD will have to wait a while again lol I dont know if my DH want to wait until my granny is gone, he has been throwing hints all over the place, I told him not this week, we need to wait a little longer...poor guy, havent had some in a while lol, with my high blood pressure we kept it to a minimum the last weeks in my pregnancy.

Liezl does some crazy things, like spitting her milk and making a lot of noise in her sleep, then I asked my mom yesterday and she said its normal, all babies do it. She started with tummy time yesterday on my breast before she drinks, its going pretty well, lifts her head and keep it up for 5 seconds at a time, like a champ :D

I too thought its not possible, perhaps just the hormones, and who am I kidding, I needed Clomid to Ovulate, why would I suddenly start again. Exactly my thoughts when I think about BC, I will most likely need Clomid again, so no worries there

Also, while having the c section a thought, never ever again. Now, I think about it, ill do it all over again.
Haha BDing can wait at least 10 months for me. But my DH might get lucky again sooner than that.. maybe haha. My DH was really good about it until 6 weeks and then he was like ‘great you’re back to normal’ haha yeah right! My DH got some in those last weeks because we were hoping it would hurry things along.

Yup both those things sound normal newborn things. William has just found his thumb so he makes heaps of noise in his sleep haha. We dthe same with William and tummy time. He can lift his head from one side and turn it to the other side. We don’t have to fully support his head anymore.

Haha yeah I think if we manage to ovulate without clomid that’s be pretty amazing. And to fall pregnant again would be insane haha.

Haha it took me about a week to say I’d do it again. Like maybe in 10 years time haha.
I think I kinda miss being pregnant, not being uncomfortable but I miss feeling the kicks, all I get now is kicks on my lower tummy where its still painful lol, I got a real kicker. They didnt lie when they said she is long, she is growing out of her preemie clothes (her tummy is g3tting too big) and her tiny baby grows, because her legs are too long. At the moment shes only wearing shortsleeved vests and nothing on her legs, its incredibly hot here.

Had 2 difficult days with her not sleeping at all, but luckily she decided to sleep for 5 hours last night, it was fantastic getting some sleep. She even started crying yesterday, and she usually never cries, I think she still had some winds stuck and this heat is insane.
I miss the tummy and the kicks too. I wasn’t hugely uncomfortable thankfully but probably because my bump wasn’t massive. I also miss how easy they are when they’re inside you haha. No bum changes, no feeding, you can do life without holding a baby haha. Life was easier then. He’s great haha I love him to bits but sometimes I wish I could pop him back in for a few days. Then maybe I’d get another go at this birth thing haha.

Has she been weighed recently Nita? William is 4.5kgs now which is little still. I think it’s the 5th percentile. He’s 9 weeks old today and still in newborn. Most of my friends babies are in 3-6 months clothes. He’s still got 0-3months to fit before he’s in 3-6 months.

We’ve had a few warm days but nothing too hot. The no sleep thing is so tough. But 5 hours is really good. Last night by some magic he slept for 7 hours and 40 minutes!! I had to wake up an hour before him to pump because I was too full.

Williams been having tummy tummy troubles. Screaming in pain and lots and lots of small poos. I’m thinking it’s related to my oversupply but we’ve got a doctors appointment on Tuesday. I hate seeing him in pain and even the boob won’t setle him when he’s like that.
Oh boy, we have had a difficult 2 nights, I am so tired. DH stayed up with me last night for the first time, and he just said at around 3 am this morning, that he feels so sorry for me. We both had runny tummies last night as well, and a huge storm, our house got struck by lightning and a tree just down the road which burst into flames, there was a lot of smoke in the air, and I just held Liezl and hoped she didnt inhale any. So exhausting!

We weighed her last night, she is up to 2.68kg - she doesnt fit into any percentile lol, she is too small. Most babies dont even weigh this much at birth, never mind at the 2.5 week mark.

I hope William gets better soon!
That sucks Nita. Those early weeks are really tough. We are just coming out the other side and have had 5 nights in a row of sleeping through the night. Even though he’s letting me get heaps of sleep I’m more tired now than when I was getting broken sleep. Sounds like you have a lot going on. Have you got family to come and help?

How did you weigh her? Is she back to her birth weight? That sounds pretty small, you probably want to check with your doctor about that. My friend’s 3 week old now weighs more than william. We are off to the doctor today.

My DH is away for the week so that’s been a challenge. We are coping ok but doing bath time on your own is hard. Also when you’ve had the baby all day and then you’re waiting for him to come home and hold William so I can make dinner/go to the toilet/sort out the sterilizing. Mostly he’s chilled but dinner and clusterfeeding seem to happen at the same time. He’s also going through leap 2 so he’s a bit clingy. But this is such a cool age. We are getting lots of smiles (he has a resting grumpy face though) and he’ll try to talk back to you.
Fluffy, where are you girl? You need to get a ticker so we can celebrate ticker day :) <3
Wow Lucy, 16 weeks already!!

Sarah, we weigh her at home with a scale my FIL gave us, thats super accurate to measure anything below 10kgs.

Liezl is already 3w2d old, and changing so much over the last few days. I havent slept in days and my dh is working long hours, he also got sick last night and I had to do bath time, etc. on my own :( I am considering putting Liezl on formula milk on 6 weeks to make thinhs a bit easier. Wont be easy, but we cant carry on like we are now.
Wow Lucy time is flying by! How crazy that you&#8217;re well into the second trimester. Have you got a bump yet? I miss being 16 weeks haha.

That&#8217;s cool. Have you spoken to your doctor about her weight? That seems small. Is she gaining enough each week? Here, we get monitored really closely for weight gains. If my baby doesn&#8217;t gain a minimum of 110g a week we will be on weekly visits.

That sounds tough. Breastfeeding is relentless. But it does get easier. William is already more efficient at feeding, especially during the day. I spend most of the evening feeding him but I don&#8217;t mind. I&#8217;ve got no where else to be and no where else I&#8217;d rather be but snuggling up with him. At around 6 weeks your supply will regulate which means you&#8217;ll produce just what she needs. I only get engorged in the mornings now.

We&#8217;ve had a busy week too. William has a really bad tummy. We&#8217;ve been working with the lactation consultant and our doctor. The first thought was a lactose overload/hind milk imbalance. Basically I produce too much milk and a lot of it is watery with not much fat. So I spent the next few days block feeding. So just feeding on one side all day (and pumping the other side). It helped a little but still not enough. So we think he might have a milk protein allergy. So I&#8217;m off dairy for the next 2 weeks to see. Hopefully that helps because he is miserable. BUT we have been sleeping through the night for the last week. Our shortest sleep has been 5 and a half hours and the longest was 8 and a half hours! We&#8217;ve also survived the week with DH overseas. Bath time has been the hardest but it&#8217;s been great. I felt like I lost a lot of independence with my birth and needed so much help. But being able to prove that I can do it all on my own has been awesome.
Sorry Lucy, have been pretty busy here with work and sorting out more baby things (our furniture is being delivered tomorrow and we've picked a pram!) aaand to top it all off my in-laws are coming to visit us this weekend from the UK X) A little bit hectic!

I'm 16+2 today ^^ I'm not sure I've udpated here yet - we found out little pea is a baby girl ^.^ Already going crazy buying everything pink and girly! There is *such* cute girl stuff <3

I want to get a ticker, but... how do I do that? ^^"
Sarah, shes gaining between 50-80grams every 2-3 days. Her weight when she left the hospital was 2.135kg and 3 days ago she was already on 2.75kg, I will weigh her again tonight. She already outgrew her preemie clothes. Her tiny baby clothes fits, but onky just. The small new bor things are a big big, but shes wearing it now because of her length. Im not worried about her weight, we see her doctor again in about 3 weeks. I love BFing, but I need to work as well. At the mo Liezl wants to drink every 2-3 hours and hourly sometimes at night. Its exhausting. Have you thought when you are going to start giving William food? I want to start introducing tea and some food at 3 months.. Also, I think we got our first real smile this morning :D it seems as though my bleeding might be stopping anytime soon, theres barely any at the mo.

Congratz fluffy!! You will see, you are going to love having a girl, and playing dress up is so much fun. I love all the pink stuff as well. Have any of you felt movement yet? It coukd start any time now. How exciting.
Awwwww Fluffy that is so awesome, congratulations!!!!!!

We have our 16 week appt tomorrow, but it is just the doppler and blood tests. We will get a full anatomy scan at 20 weeks; literally cannot wait for that!!! But we still think we want to wait to find out what we are having and be surprised! It is going to be interesting; DH says girl and I say boy, lol!!!!

Here's where I got my ticker, you just enter your info, and then it will give you a code to put in your signature:
Yay! Congratulations fluffy! You didn&#8217;t say you were having a girl. But that&#8217;s so exciting. I read in a book that Clomid is more likely to result in a girl than a boy. I can&#8217;t remember if you were on Clomid or taking a break the cycle you conceived. You do need to update your signature haha it says you&#8217;re TTC! Have you got a bump yet?

Nita, that&#8217;s good. They like a minimum of 110g a week here. Most weeks we make that. William is still in newborn size. I think he&#8217;s almost into 0-3 but only because of his length. He&#8217;s 10 weeks old tomorrow! Have you thought about expressing? I&#8217;m tempted to pump instead of BF. I&#8217;m a dairy cow and can get 2 feeds in 10 minutes. Where as he thinks it&#8217;s dinner and a sleep over on the boob. I love having him breastfeed though and I just have to remind myself I&#8217;ve got no where else to be and although it&#8217;s painful I can breastfeed so I should do it. If you get a pumping bra and have a pump with a battery (mine holds 2 hours of charge) you could go about your normal life as much as possible haha. It sounds like Liezl just wants to be close to her mumma. It&#8217;s so tiring and we are only just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with that. We would be introducing solids until closer to 6 months. Here it&#8217;s recommended no earlier than 4 months but food before 1 is just for fun. What do you mean by introducing tea? It is cute when they start giving you proper smiles. And that&#8217;s great your bleeding is almost done. Mine lasted until about 7-8 weeks.

Nita, I was chatting to a friend yesterday about the things we were told about for after you have a baby. Although I felt pretty prepared there were still things that I didn&#8217;t know about. Lucy and Fluffy if you like we could let you know some of those things so you&#8217;re slightly prepared haha.
So we weighed Liezl last night, and she was up to 2.915kg, she gained 600grams since birth and 800grams in the last 2 weeks :D Id say thats awesome.
I am struggling to express, I only get about 30-40mls per breast and she drinks much more than that. I will keep her on the breast until she is one month old (next week) and see from there.. Shes cluster feeding now due to her sinus infection, I am tired and miserable....

Haha, Sarah, I agree - lots of things that no one tell you about birth...the ugly truth if I can put it like that?
That&#8217;s awesome. As long as she&#8217;s gaining weight then that&#8217;s great. That&#8217;s a shame you don&#8217;t get much from your pump. I can pump way more than William will drink in the same amount of time. I know he&#8217;s at the boob for more than just a meal. It&#8217;s hard work breastfeeding. Far harder than I expected although it hasn&#8217;t exactly gone to plan for us. A month is good. It&#8217;s possible to mix feed so you could do both. I don&#8217;t think we&#8217;ve had time when he&#8217;s not clusterfeeding haha.
Sarah, I am sure both Fluffy and I would love any insight you and Nita have regarding things you weren't quite prepared for! My husband says I know too much, but I feel like I still have a lot to learn!

We had our 16 week appt this morning. Unfortunately for the first time I had to go alone; DH was meeting a crane at our new house this morning to set trusses! All was well, confirmed heartbeat via doppler. I opted to pass on the blood tests. Our insurance sucks, and we haven't met our deductible yet. I asked the doctor if the things that the testing looks for are things that would also be discovered at the 20 week anatomy scan, and he said yes. Since it wouldn't change how we handle the pregnancy regardless, I figure what's the harm in waiting 4 more weeks. Plus, I have a friend 4 weeks ahead of me, and when she got the blood tests at 16 weeks it caused a false alarm that had her absolutely panicked. I definitely don't need that, I worry enough on my own, lol!

Announced at work this morning. Planning to make it Facebook official tonight :) <3

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