im being induced tommorow!!!!!!!!!! so scared M....
Ok, so i went to my app as normal and told him my concerns about big baby...he measured me n bub and said he agrees that baby is bigger and that we should not wait till my due date as baby will only put on more weight...he said they put on between 200-300 grams per week in the last few weeks.
He also did an internal and said i was already 3cm dilated, baby's head was fully engaged and really i am ready to go...He also stretched my cervix and said there is a 30-40% chance this can help bring on labour but nothing is guaranteed.
This is happened yesterday...I am slightly spotting (which is due to the cervix stretch and normal) but i havent gone into labour from it. At this point im going in on Thursday morning at 7:30am to be induced....awwwwww i hate being induced it brings on the labour pains so thick and fast and the pain is excruciating.
i'm also scared bout baby being too big, he estimates around 8.5 pound which is quite big, but as he said it really is an estimate sometimes it is deceiving.
He assured me that if baby is too big to come out then the head will not Fortunately in my case baby is fully engaged and 3cm so thats gotta be a positive - right M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So tommorow is my big day - we get to meet our little munchkin!
i'm so excited yet so so scared too! i will keep u posted, but i'll probably let u know thru facebook what it is and post pic....
Wish me luck M!
you have ur doc app today, let me know how u go Xxx