Hi, ladies!! Pink, I bet he wants to do only one blast transfer since you are under 35. Also, we told our FS he only has one shot (insurance will cover this once) so we have to make the most of it. I think they might be less aggressive if they know you are willing to do multiple cycles. We did, however, agree to freeze any remaining blasts so that if we do it again in the future we will be able to at a much lower cost.
As I understand there are a few different protocals...a short protocal, antagonist protocal and a long protocal. I am not sure why one is better than the other, but I think they base it on your age and your specific fertility issue. In terms of the meds, they correpsond to the protocal. Since I don't have a problem ovulating the protocal may be different but enhanced to get increased egg count.
My FS is an amazing guy. He literally spent an hour with us on Monday (and didn't have to) explaining every aspect and offering all kinds of personal experiences and stories. I felt at the end my dh was rushing him to finish the consult as he had to get back to work. LOL! I just hope he can get me pregnant....
Ladies, I can't wait to hear how your next cycles go!