Hi girls,
thanks for all your kind words..
I'm seriousy that depressed i'm not doing anything...i was going to do clomid again, but i'm emotional enuf as it is - i think another round and i seriously would be looney tunes inpatient! the FS gave me 2 rounds worth - but he was so pathetic and didnt explain anything...that's half the problem my FS is a complete D##@#!!!! i think i gotta change! he explains nothing...
i also spoke to them about IVF yesterday and getting the drugs, but the FS nurse was so rude that i just gave up on the thought of that this month too...
i don't have any experience with IUI! but mirfy and silly both did it last cycle...
i did clomid because FS said it should give DH's swimmers a better target - but it didnt work for us..
If you have the IUI scheduled all the very best to you babe! i hope it works....MY FS nurse goes to me yesterday - the arrogant rude thing that she is - "well you need to be doing IVF / ICSI, not wasting ur time with clomid!"
i mean, do these people not understand how depressing this all is, and on top of it they are saracastic!! aaarrrggggg WT????
i'm not evem talking to DH i'm so depressed....i think i blame him deep down, therefore i am being a bitch! i feel so down on myself too!
and everyone keeps saying "it only just takes one!" aarrghhhh i'm a complete nutjob these past couple of days...
i really thought it would pass, but it really hasn't - i usually bounce back and just keep trying... but this time it's hit me hard...i even went out and bought a packet of cigarettes and had a few....i feel like crap for doing it....
thanks for being here girls...hope everyone is doing well. xoxox