Clomid round 2 anyone? :)

Don't panic, you will ovulate. Keep testing and BDing. I didn't get a postivie opk my last cycle (first clomid round) and I'm still not 100% sure I Ov. But temp spiked and FF put cross hairs.
Don't panic, you will ovulate. Keep testing and BDing. I didn't get a postivie opk my last cycle (first clomid round) and I'm still not 100% sure I Ov. But temp spiked and FF put cross hairs.

I am sure I will ovulate. I typically always do. I was just really hoping the Clomid would make me ovulate sooner than day 25-28. I hate long cycles, it just feels like wasted time. FF already gave me crosshairs and said I ovulated on day 11. :saywhat: I know it's wrong though. It just appears this estradiol (and probably clomid) gives me hot flashes. I will wake up sweating. I thought I read that hot flashes don't increase your body temp, but I think they do at least a little! Wondering if I should just disregard those temps. They are only 97.4-97.5. If I ovulated, it would be more 97.7-98.0.

So how is Clomid working out for you this go around?
Good luck JLynn, keep us posted.

Thanks :)

I don't know if I'll actually ovulate this month or not .... my dr said that the trigger shot would make me ovulate in 24-48 hours, but nothing has happened and my cervical mucus isn't changing like he said it would. So I don't know - maybe it won't happen this month. I am just happy for a step in the right direction - Rome wasn't built in a day, so I am not going to rush this. I have waited years so another couple months won't kill me. :D
Don't panic, you will ovulate. Keep testing and BDing. I didn't get a postivie opk my last cycle (first clomid round) and I'm still not 100% sure I Ov. But temp spiked and FF put cross hairs.

I am sure I will ovulate. I typically always do. I was just really hoping the Clomid would make me ovulate sooner than day 25-28. I hate long cycles, it just feels like wasted time. FF already gave me crosshairs and said I ovulated on day 11. :saywhat: I know it's wrong though. It just appears this estradiol (and probably clomid) gives me hot flashes. I will wake up sweating. I thought I read that hot flashes don't increase your body temp, but I think they do at least a little! Wondering if I should just disregard those temps. They are only 97.4-97.5. If I ovulated, it would be more 97.7-98.0.

So how is Clomid working out for you this go around?

Same really, just having hot flushes like you are. I was wondering why don't you ask you doc for a trigger shot and make OV happen?

Looked at your chart and yeah it doesn't look correct I'm sure ff will amend it once you get more high temps. I had it last cycle, my OV day kept moving on chart. It was a mess
Hi ladies!!!
I finished my first round of clomid 50mgs on CD6 (doing days 2-6) now CD16.This is also my first month of BBT charting, and I go into get blood tests done on CD23 to see if I O'd. I can't understand my chart just yet as I only started it on CD6 due to me not having a thermometer! oops...
I haven't got any side effects this round and am wondering if thats a sign that it won't work for me this cycle. Crosby- this is your second cycle correct? And now all of a sudden you are getting hot flushes? Hmm i hope this is good news! :)
I have PCOS so my cycles are all over the shop- i went from not having one in 12months, to all of a sudden getting them, but not each month. Most months though. This cycle was particulary annoying because i ws excited to start the clomid and i got a really light almost blotchy sort of period for about a week before i got a medium normal period. So I didnt know if i should have started clomid on day 2 of the lighter bleeding or day 2 of the 'normal' bleeding. Grrr. i took it with the 'normal' period and have my Fx but we will see.
Im so glad we have this forum, id be lost without it!
Fx and baby dust to us all!
Molly, i think Your chart looks ok, clomid usually raised temp so you will be a slight drop 3-4 days after your last tablet. I'm such an expert lol NOT

Are you using opk?
Same really, just having hot flushes like you are. I was wondering why don't you ask you doc for a trigger shot and make OV happen?

Looked at your chart and yeah it doesn't look correct I'm sure ff will amend it once you get more high temps. I had it last cycle, my OV day kept moving on chart. It was a mess

Right now I am still with my OBGYN. She takes things further than some OBGYN's, but I am pretty certain she won't give me a trigger shot. I asked her about giving me Femara instead of Clomid because it has been shown to work better for women with PCOS, but she told me she would have to refer me to the Fertility Specialist to get that. (even though a friend of mine got Femara from her OBGYN) So, if she wouldn't give me Femara and she hasn't really suggested monitoring follicles and such, I am doubting she will give me the trigger shot. I am quite certain she will refer me to the Fertility Specialist whenever I want her to. She works somewhat closely with him. He is her go-to for HSG tests and such. I just know going to him is going to get a lot more costly real quick! Trying to get money back into my health savings account after paying the HSG bill before I go to see him. Having high deductible health insurance sucks... but I guess even if it weren't high deductible, infertility wouldn't be covered anyhow.

I was just really hoping it wouldn't come to this. I was hoping the money I had banked in the health savings account would be going towards my deductible in the form of prenatal visits or labor/delivery fees. Instead, I had a fee of nearly $1,000 for the HSG test and NONE of it counts towards my $3,000 deductible. *sigh* Worse yet, is I can only contribute up to $3,000 to my health savings account each year.

Infertility is so unfair! Women are out there having babies everyday without issue and never have to pay what we do. Then having insurance not cover infertility related expenses just adds insult to an already painful experience. :hissy: BUT I know I am preaching to the choir here........
Molly, i think Your chart looks ok, clomid usually raised temp so you will be a slight drop 3-4 days after your last tablet. I'm such an expert lol NOT

Are you using opk?

Thanks for the reply :)
I have only just started doing opks using Clearblue digital O tests, so far two days worth. The first day- CD15- I did a test I got a 'O' (neg) and looked at the stick when i pulled it out of the digital machine thing and there was a faint line (which i know is neg anyway) but the second day-CD16- No line at all. Did i miss ovulation? Did i ovulate at all? hmm. I have no idea.
Thanks for the reply :)
I have only just started doing opks using Clearblue digital O tests, so far two days worth. The first day- CD15- I did a test I got a 'O' (neg) and looked at the stick when i pulled it out of the digital machine thing and there was a faint line (which i know is neg anyway) but the second day-CD16- No line at all. Did i miss ovulation? Did i ovulate at all? hmm. I have no idea.

I am guessing you did not miss ovulation. I am using cheapie Wondfo OPK strips and the Clearblue Advanced Digital OPKs. The Advanced are a little more fancy than the regular digitals, they are 'supposed' to show high fertility days before your peak day. I have noticed the same thing you mentioned, about the stick inside having a darker line one day and not the next. Meanwhile, the whole time my cheapie Wondfo's that I have used for the past year are just completely negative. I wouldn't read into what the stick you insert in the Clearblue test.

Besides, it seems to be the norm with Clomid to ovulate later than usual. At least in women with normal cycles. I don't normally ovulate until day 25-28, so I was hoping it would make me ovulate sooner.

It's only my first cycle of Clomid 50mg, and my doc had me take it days 5-9. Then I started estradiol on day 10 through day 20 which will be tomorrow. I have had hot flashes. I seem to get them the most in the morning when it's time to temp. It's made my chart bonkers. Other than that, the only other 'side effects' I have noticed is that I DEFINITELY know where my ovaries are now. No doubt in my mind. I have had quite a bit of tingling and twinges on both of them. I have also had headaches everyday I have been on the estradiol. Since it's an estrogen supplement, I think it's screwing with my PCOS that I worked so hard to balance! I haven't had headaches like this since I added the Pregnitude supplement with my Metformin. I am going to try to talk to my OBGYN about the estradiol and see if it might be screwing with my PCOS. So many OBGYN's know very little about PCOS, so maybe she doesn't realize? I may even discuss with her about going to the Fertility Specialist now, rather than waiting out 3 rounds of Clomid and going this summer. She won't give me Femara, and I feel like Femara is the better option. The studies are there and PCOS women seem to respond better to Femara.

Are you still with your OBGYN or have you moved on to a Fertility Specialist/Reproductive Endocrinologist? Since you have PCOS like me, Femara could be a better option for you too. Clomid will work for some PCOS ladies though, and I hope you're one of them!
So my AF finally arrived on day 32, when I usually am on a 26 day cycle. I knew I had a bfn though due to a serum test. I was more annoyed that AF wasn't coming so I could get round two started. The only thing is that it really only lasted 2 and a half days and wasn't all that heavy(not sure if thats normal). So I am on day three now and will start round two tomorrow. Good Luck ladies baby dust to all xo.
So my AF finally arrived on day 32, when I usually am on a 26 day cycle. I knew I had a bfn though due to a serum test. I was more annoyed that AF wasn't coming so I could get round two started. The only thing is that it really only lasted 2 and a half days and wasn't all that heavy(not sure if thats normal). So I am on day three now and will start round two tomorrow. Good Luck ladies baby dust to all xo.

I had exactly the same, knew I wasn't pg but AF wasn't coming and it drive me crazy. And also had 2.5 days of bleed and then nothing. Wierd

Round 2 now or are you laying off clomid?
Ok had my scan, only 1 dominant follie :(

Nevertheless had received my ovitrelle shot and bd tonight and tomorrow night.

Then wait.
No I started round two today, I am going to go four rounds and then take a break from it. I hope it works! I am only on clomid though nothing else, also not having ultra sounds as my pre clomid scan showed good follicles. So here is hoping it works this round and I get a great Christmas present!
Baby dust to you all!
In gonna go 6 rounds.
I'm now cramping, guessing ovitrelle is working. But cm is not the right type((

Baby dust to you too and post updates
Jeez, so many mistakes, writing quick and on the phone so can't check but I hope you can understand what in trying to say.

Anyone else with updates? Elphaba how's you?
Ok had my scan, only 1 dominant follie :(

Nevertheless had received my ovitrelle shot and bd tonight and tomorrow night.

Then wait.

Sorry I missed this earlier, at least you had one dominant follicle! Thats all it takes, hope this is your month!!
Good Luck Crosby! That's right- it only takes one folicle, I have everything crossed for you (not my legs of course! haha) even though your CM isn't the right type have you tried Pre seed? Apparently it can help when ur O'ing and cm is not right.
Sorry ladies... I haven't been able to get on B&B in a couple of days!

Crosby- I hope you guys caught that eggie! It only takes one! I agree with Molly, Preseed is the good stuff if you are having issues with CM. :thumbup: They have it in internal and external varieties. The internal you shoot on up there before :sex:, the external... well, that is what I have, and I use it to get hubby 'started.' Of course, you gotta move quick! It gets sticky real quick when you are using the external for other things. Lots of women, especially those on meds like Clomid and Femara, swear by it. There are women that swear by grapefruit juice too, but I haven't tried that one.

As for me, I think it's pretty official that 50mg of Clomid had no effect on me whatsoever. I took a cheapie Wondfo OPK this morning at day 23 of my cycle and it started looking a little darker on the test line. (I typically fade in to positive) So, I decided to break out the Clearblue Advanced Digital OPK to see what it said and it came back with a flashy smiley face today! Flashy smiley face on these tests means I am 3-4 days from ovulation. It's supposed to predict more in advanced than the regular OPK. When the smiley face is completely solid, that is peak and should be the day I get a full on positive on a regular OPK. So with today being day 23, I appear to be right on target to ovulate between day 25-28 which is when I normally do. When that happens, I wait 7 days and then go to my OBGYN's office for blood work to make sure I ovulated and to check progesterone levels. Then pending those results, we will more than likely bump Clomid to 100mg next month.

I still want to ask her about the estradiol. I know it's supposed to help negate the thin uterine lining and dried up CM that Clomid causes, but MAN did it make my temperatures wonky! Of course my temps have practically flat lined the past few days... which is kind of weird. Maybe it's a good sign. :haha:

Anyhow, now it's time to wear the hubby out with :sex:! As our luck goes, we won't be able to get it in Thursday. I have a late night at work and he'll be passed out when I get home. So I am betting I will get my positive OPK then. :dohh: And so it goes......... but hoping if we can get it in everyday but that day, maybe we'll get lucky! Sometimes he has trouble 'finishing' especially if we are having sex daily... so I am hoping that won't happen.
Your temps are really nice and low! Could OV anytime now.

I use preseed but I don't like it((

I'm feeling really irritated and hormonal lately. Everything is driving me nits(( guessing its the ovitrelle side effects.

Plus the weather is awful(( where is the spring??

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