Clomid round 2 anyone? :)

Your temps are really nice and low! Could OV anytime now.

I use preseed but I don't like it((

I'm feeling really irritated and hormonal lately. Everything is driving me nits(( guessing its the ovitrelle side effects.

Plus the weather is awful(( where is the spring??

Well, it's good to hear that we aren't the only ones getting the crappy weather! I am so tired of 50 degrees one week and a flippin blizzard the next. It's been like that since January! Last year at this time, the temp was pushing 70 degrees here. It is depressing!

I am not a fan of any sort of lubricant really. Well, KY has this 'his and hers' that does some nice things (:haha:) but it's not good for TTC. With Preseed, I didn't like the idea of the internal applicator. That's why I bought the external. Kind of like the idea of those Instead Soft Cups to 'hold the sperm in.' It's meant for AF, but some women swear by it for TTC. I actually bought some, but I am a bit terrified to use them. I am afraid it will get stuck up there and I won't be able to get it out! :blush:

Weird on my chart how when I ran out of the estradiol my temps started to flat line! Of course, whenever I get close to ovulation they do at least try to 'steady' out a bit.
Exactly why I don't like it too! I have internal but I use it externally(( also to help my other half get in the mood.

I heard of soft cups but kind of sceptical about them at the mo.
me and partner have just been talking about doing iui next cycle, but it's private and cost about £1,000 plus drugs. Not sure whether to save up and do IVF which is £3,000 plus drugs (I think IVF drugs are so much more expensive)

I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere, it's 2 years next month... Sigh
Hi girls!
Im in a bit of a mood today! Im now at CD22, temps on my chart indicate that I o'd at CD16 so I have been waiting to test and I have had a few symptoms the past couple of days which made me wonder if I might get a BFP this cycle. Sorry if this is TMI but I have been really gassy (not normally!) irritable and a bit crampy and I am only 6 DPO (if chart is correct) so PG tests are negative naturally. Then this morning I have spotting. Im worried, while I have irregular periods I have never gotten spotting in the same month that I have had my AF. My cycle can range from 40-50 days if i get af at all. I might be out this cycle. And I cant get into see my doctor to get the results from blood test I get tomorrow to see if i did in fact O on my first round of clomid, for a couple of weeks. eeekk!!!! Sorry I just had to get that out there!
Elphabaa- I hope you and DH caught that egg!!! Fx for you!
Crosby- I really feel for you, approaching 2 years TTC. According to my GP, it can take up to 2 years on average for a healthy couple to conceive and I try and keep that in mind but its so hard. There are no words really that can make it easier, I just wish you the best of luck with it all. I hope you don't have to take the IVF route as it is very costly!
A lot of women on here have had success quickly doing IUI so you could do that first? I understand the cost is still scary but you never know? :)
Well I have had a major set back in my baby making process. Several years ago I had a chocolate cyst on my right ovary, it grew to the poin where they had to remove my ovary. As a result if that surgery I ended up with an abdominal hernia. It was small and when my DH and I decided to try for number two my doctor told me that the hernia shouldn't be a problem. The months and months passed and the hernia grew and grew. I had to have a hernia repair surgery just over a year ago which knocked me out of TTC for 7 weeks! I discovered I had reherniated the same spot. Again my dr said it should be ok just take it easy. The other day at work I picked up a pail and felt a painful tearing in my abdomen. My hernia is so big now! My doctor isn't sure I should continue TTC with the hernia. The last time I had surgery I had to wait almost two years for the surgery!!!!! I am so upset, should I just keep TTC or maybe seek a second opinion????
No Wubbles, get a second opinion. You don't want to finally conceive but have that jeopardised by having to have more surgery. GL xox
I agree! Get a second opinion about the hernia Wubbles. You don't want to put your life or the baby's life in danger. Life certainly sucks sometimes! Maybe getting a second opinion would bring out other treatment options that would have less recovery time? It would be worth a shot?
Crosby- Have you checked around on prices for IUI? Here in the states IUI and IVF pricing varies greatly from clinic to clinic. Some places offer payment plans/financing while others do not. There are even some that discount further IVF procedures if the first does not take. I think I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw there was financing, of course I seem to be an eternal pessimist and that is a lot of money if it does not work.
I understand wanting to get the ball rolling. We have been TTC proactively for almost a year now. Before that, we were trying for at least a year. I wasn't charting or using OPKs and I had no where near the knowledge I do now... but we tried. If I were in your shoes, I would be looking for the next step too! 2 years is long enough. I am 35 and when my OBGYN told us last summer to keep trying through the end of the year and then we would discuss the next step, I was really disappointed. I feel like time is wasting away and I am not getting any younger! I have also been 'thinking' about adoption as well. We weren't sure if we would go the IVF route or just pursue adoption. At least with adoption, there is a guarantee of a child after spending all of that money. Of course, just as I was feeling 'okay' about adoption... a good friend got scammed. They had been working with an agency trying to adopt and were told they would bring their baby boy home this month. Then they found out a few weeks ago everything was a scam and the agency didn't even exist. Horrible! They have been trying to have a baby of their own for 4 years, then they got scammed once they finally thought they were getting their dream. :cry: My heart broke for them and all of a sudden I am nervous about adoption all over again.

Why can't things just be easy for all of us like they are for sooooo many women trying to have a baby!
Soooooo ..... Omg what an emotional roller coaster the past few days have been. I was able to see my fert doctor, and he thinks that although the hernia has gotten substantially bigger it should be ok to carry on with TTC. So I was able to finish my second round of clomid I am now on cd 9. I started opk testing today as well and I have a faint line. I'm thinking I will o by Monday. I have started the bd routine of every second night.
Hi girls, where is everyone on their cycle?
I have gone AWOL. Had some dusturbing news from the clinic, apparently I have hepatitis B or C either antibodies or traces, which are non treatable but not good for TTC((

Also 7 days Dpo and started spotting today :(
Crosby thats terrible news :( Im sorry to hear that. What happens now with that? I know you say its untreatable but in what way does it effect TTC?
Today would be CD25 but i got light AF this morning. I had spotting for one day at CD22 and with other symptoms I was pretty sure this first cycle of clomid was it for us but I am dissapointed as is DH.Of all the time ive had PCOS I have never had a cycle this short. My cycles are usually about 40 days not 25! Maybe the clomid is starting to retrain my body? Wont find out if i actually O'd until I see the doc for the 21 day progesterone blood test results. Ah well, onto clomid round 2.
Hi girls, where is everyone on their cycle?
I have gone AWOL. Had some dusturbing news from the clinic, apparently I have hepatitis B or C either antibodies or traces, which are non treatable but not good for TTC((

Also 7 days Dpo and started spotting today :(

I'm sorry to hear this Crosby, but don't give up! I know a lady who has hep C and she still got pregnant and had a healthy wonderful baby. Hang in there.
Well doc says its because I had a hep B when I was a kid so I can't get it anymore, and I'm not infectious but with those results it will be hard to find a clinic who will do IVF with me :(

I'm ok though, I'm almost ready to go private anyway, and I'm also looking at some clinics abroad (Hungary and Russia)

Molly don't despair, 25 days is better than 40, means you can try again sooner and also means you ovulate earlier. My cycles have become longer on clomid, from 22-23 days to 30
Thanks girls for your support, that actually means a lot.

Hugs and baby dust to us all
Sorry to hear the news Crosby! You should see about a second opinion though. One thing I have learned is one doc never has all of the answers. Some will not try 'new' treatments that may seem aggressive and then some do not even know what's out there to help! As a woman with PCOS I learned that quick! So don't lose hope!

Molly- with PCOS a shorter cycle on clomid is good! I didn't have any luck with 50mg of clomid. I am about to O (or I did) but I usually O between day 25 and 28. Today is day 26. Maybe next cycle will be it! A lot of women don't conceive on the first cycle!

Good luck ladies!
Crosby- Sorry for what you are going through :hugs: I really hope you find what you are looking for overseas. It's hard enough when faced with infertillity let alone with other obsticles and health factors in the way. Fx you find someone amazing who can help you! :flower:
Wubbles- GL on catchng that egg!
Elphabaa- Thanks for your comment about a shorter cycle being good! I wasn't looking at it in that way. I was thinking that my luteal phase was far too short and thats why I missed this one. I still don't know if I even O'd, as I have never gotten the regular signs most women get (cm etc) but my FF chart looks good and ill find out for sure in a couple of weeks. Like you say, always next time. And while I'd wish pcos/infertillity on no one its comforting to know that you are not alone in your struggles.
Happy Easter my clomid girlies!

Eat lots of chocolate coz its good for you.

Elphaba, nice temp spike and positive opk! So you are officially in 2 week wait now;)

Molly, I thought you had the start on your next cycle, no?
Mornin ladies, hope everyone has a nice Easter. I have been down and out with te flu, still not great but my temp really spiked this morning. So wether my DH wants to or not we are gonna bd tonight lol. Wish us luck!
Happy Easter girls!!!
Wubbles- Good luck! :)
Crosby- Chocolate is brilliant any time, just the perfect exscuse to eat A LOT on Easter! haha love it!
I was going to start my round two yesterday BUT, I bled a little bit on the 30th so i presumed it was a light start to AF but that stopped about half way through that day. Then yesterday i spotted a little tiny bit, as i am today. its hardly anything at all. So I don't know what to do. My af is normally medium-heavy but will sometimes start off like this then a week later i will get the 'real thing'. I had so much trouble last month deciding WHEN to take the first round of clomid as i didnt know if i should be counting those spotting days or not. So i decided not to start the second round yet, and technically because it isn't AF I haven't started a new chart. This is all to complicated :s
Elphaba, I'm also having hot flashes this cycle. Keep testing and defo do day 22 bloodworks. Is this your second round?
I will be doing 'day 32' blood work, but only because ovulated pretty late on day 25. I had called my OBGYN's office before day 22 because I really thought the nurse told me wrong about coming in on day 22 regardless of whether or not I got a positive OPK. Sure enough, I spoke to a different nurse and she told me to come in 7 days after my positive OPK and because I have longer cycles and the Clomid did not help that this cycle, my 7 dpo would be different than a woman with a normal cycle. So this Thursday it is! :thumbup:

*EDIT* Apparently I missed this post when you made it, so I just no responded. Shew, I must be all confused! :haha:
What's new me ladies?

I tested today( neg( gutted.

Seeing my Doc tomorrow, see what he says the steps are.

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