Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Hi Ladies, I'm really sorry to jump on this thread but i have a few questions about clomid and wanted some advice from girl with experience.

I am about to go for my first fertility app at the hospital but i have already had most of the tests done and i'm ovulating fine and DH's SA came back good. What i want to know is would clomid be an option if i already ovulate normally and how long did it take to get the doctors to give you clomid?

Any info would be lovely.

Fingers crossed and :dust: to you all xx
Danni-- Yay for all those eggies! Sounds really good. DH and I are currently debating IUI or trying a few months with a higher dosage of Clomid. Good Luck to you.

Wantto-- I was also ovulating on my own and the dr. suggested Clomid. I was given it after a year of trying and after having an HSG.
Hi Ladies, I'm really sorry to jump on this thread but i have a few questions about clomid and wanted some advice from girl with experience.

I am about to go for my first fertility app at the hospital but i have already had most of the tests done and i'm ovulating fine and DH's SA came back good. What i want to know is would clomid be an option if i already ovulate normally and how long did it take to get the doctors to give you clomid?

Any info would be lovely.

Fingers crossed and :dust: to you all xx


We tried without clomid for over a year before we got prescribed it. Im currently on my third round. I would talk to your doctor and see if its an option for you. Let them know that you are wanting to try it and see what they say.
Thanks for the responses ADR10 and cntrygrl, i really appreciate it. I just thought clomid was for when you didnt ovulate. Not sure what they can do for us if we are both fine, been trying for a year and a half now.
Hi Ladies, I'm really sorry to jump on this thread but i have a few questions about clomid and wanted some advice from girl with experience.

I am about to go for my first fertility app at the hospital but i have already had most of the tests done and i'm ovulating fine and DH's SA came back good. What i want to know is would clomid be an option if i already ovulate normally and how long did it take to get the doctors to give you clomid?

Any info would be lovely.

Fingers crossed and :dust: to you all xx

Your situation is very similar to mine. I ovulate on my own and my hubby's as us above average. We tried a year and a half before seeking help and we have one initial appointment, one regular cycle then we started clomid.
Hi all

Sorry af came noele, hope your feeling better than I did on Friday

Dannixo, your scan sounds really positive news, good luck this cycle!

Tundralife,any symptoms or are you trying to keep the symptom spotting at bay? Something I never manage to do!

I'm on CD 5 today so 1 more day of Clomid then waiting, no monitoring this cycle so hopefully it will work as well as last time, this was the shortest cycle I've ever had in my life!

I've been reading success stories with Clomid and for some reason it seems that a lot of people who dont conceive on first cycle, do it on the fourth,I was thinking this as was reading them then someone else said the same, not sure if it was someone on this thread bit just seemed a lot of people conceive on the fourth round
I'll have to come on here a bit more, im struggling to keep up with all the goings on
wwith everyone!
Hi Dannixo,

I'm glad someone else understands. Not sure if they will put me on clomid or not, my appointment isnt until the 17th of April so a bit of a wait yet. Good luck to you though!
Wantto- Welcome :-) I also ovulate on my own. I have been TTC for close to two years and all of mine and dh test results come back normal. We started Clomid at 1 1/2 years TTC but my doctor was willing to prescribe it at 1 year of TTC but I wanted to wait. I'm sure they will prescribe it to you. Clomid seems to be the first treatment most doctors use. Good luck and let us know how your appointment goes.

Star25- I did pretty good when AF showed. For some reason about 5 days before AF showed I just had a gut feeling I was out, so I knew it was coming. I did have a little cry yesterday but that was because my doctor refused to up my dosage... I feel like if 3 rounds of the exact same thing failed then why do it a fourth time? I feel like I am getting no where with my doctor.

Tundralife- I am also curious if your experiencing any symptoms yet or anything out of the ordinary?

AFM- Well my doctor said since my day 21 progesterone test showed that I ovulated she does not want to up my dosage. So here goes another round of 50mg. I am on cd 4 today and took my first pill yesterday. My doctor didn't even tell me what days to take it so I am going to take it days 3-7 since the last two cycles I took days 5-9 didn't work. The only reason I took them days 5-9 the last two cycles were because my doctor was unreachable until cd 4 or 5 both those cycles. I do not like my doctor. So good news... I made an appointment with a more well known doctor at my clinic! He is an OBGYN but he focuses alot of work helping couples conceive. He actually got the hospital to start offering IUI's. (Our nearest fertility clinic would be a 30-40 miles away) Anyways I will be seeing him at the beginning of my next cycle, second week in April!

Hope all of you ladies are having a good week!! Are the majority of us waiting to ovulate?? Good luck ladies and happy bd'ing ;-)
Hi, sorry to hear your Dr wouldnt up your dose but as you ovulated hopefully you will get good news this cycle, glad you found someone better though for your next appointment which we hope you won't need!
Im on last day of Clomid today so nothing to report here, just waiting to ovulate and start bd'ing this weekend
Star25- Hopefully we all get our BFPs on this fourth round :-) I found your comment interesting about how a lot of women get their bfp on the fourth round of Clomid. I read a lot of Clomid success stories as well and have seen a lot of women got their BFP on either the first, third or fourth round. But I wonder if that's because the doctors up the dosage by time? Who knows. I just hope these next two weeks fly by so I can ovulate and be in the TWW again... Then wait some more haha do you feel like all we do is wait?
Noele-- Sorry the dr. didn't up your dosage, but glad you found a dr that will listen to you and is known for helping couples conceive.

Star-- That is interesting about the Clomid rnds. Hopefully it's true for us as well.

AFM-- Waiting to ovulate any day. My fear is that now the follicle is too big. I have an appointment with dr. at the end of the month. We'll see where we go from there.
The waiting is awful, especially when it's all u can thin about!

How is everyone today.? X
Hi all

Sorry af came noele, hope your feeling better than I did on Friday

Dannixo, your scan sounds really positive news, good luck this cycle!

Tundralife,any symptoms or are you trying to keep the symptom spotting at bay? Something I never manage to do!

I'm on CD 5 today so 1 more day of Clomid then waiting, no monitoring this cycle so hopefully it will work as well as last time, this was the shortest cycle I've ever had in my life!

I've been reading success stories with Clomid and for some reason it seems that a lot of people who dont conceive on first cycle, do it on the fourth,I was thinking this as was reading them then someone else said the same, not sure if it was someone on this thread bit just seemed a lot of people conceive on the fourth round
I'll have to come on here a bit more, im struggling to keep up with all the goings on
wwith everyone!

Star25, I really don't know what to think at this point. You all know I went on vacation but before I did I got my positive OPK on a monday and then we BD that day and then Sun, Sat and Fri before. I left on thurs after work but we didn't BD after Monday because of some family issues got in the way. Anways, I came down with a UTI and had to get on some meds so i told the urgent care dr that i was on clomid and to try to prescribe something incase i was BFP. She did a serum test and it was negative. I wanted to cry so bad and now I am heading home to DH in Alaska and can't give him a special surprise. :-( I am wondering if it is too early? If I got my positive OPK on Monday March 4, 2013 would it be too early with a blood pregnancy test to really be negative? I have not had the crazy cramps like I have had after O the last 2 or 3 cycles. I kinda actually feel normal. I am having extreme white like creamy discharge but dont know if that's from my UTI. My nipple area is a little tender when i press them and I have felt a little nausea but it went away quickly. Just so discouraged. I am to get AF on March 21 so we shall see. I only have one more prescription left for clomid but I don't think I will take it this month if AF shows!!
Tundralife- It could still be way too early! Try to be patient and not lose hope yet! I estimated that your probably ovulated on or around March 5th if you got a positive opk on the 4th so today that would put you at 9dpo which could still be too early. Implantation can happen between 6-12dpo and it takes about 24 to 48 hours after implantation to show up on a blood test. So there is a huge chance that it is way to early!!

Star25- I agree the waiting is awful! We are always waiting for something... Waiting to ovulate, waiting for AF or BFP, waiting to start the whole all over again... Not fun! But I am doing good today. On cd 5 and so far I have had no symptoms from the Clomid. Which actually worries me a little bit. The only round on Clomid that I did not experience any hotflashes or other symptoms was my second round and AF showed up on cd 14!!!! I didn't even ovulate or anything :-( So I just keep praying that won't happen again. How are you doing?
I agree with noele tundralife, its probably way too early, dont rule yourself out I would still feel positive if I were u and your symptoms sound good too!

I'm CD7 today so we're close,2ww together! X

Tundralife - I agree with Noelle and Star25. It might still be too early for you. Your symptoms seem promising :)

Today my digital ovulation test came out negative again (im on day 17 of my cycle). The weird thing is that i feel like im ovulating right now because im getting painful feeling... hopefully i do ovulate and that stupid daily digital test is wrong. If my blood test comes up showing that i ovulated then im definetly not buying this digital test next month. I agree with one of the comments above that we are always waiting to test for one thing or another. It becomes really disheartening especially since we are not seeing what we want. If this round doesnt work for me I go onto round 4.

Atleast the week is almost over :) Im looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday and just relaxing. I think a lot of us stress out too much and that may be causing us not to get pregnant... so i will stay in bed and just relax as much as i can on the weekend :)

Hope everyone is doing well out there. Im sending good vibes to everyone. Hopefully someone on this thread will get a positive result soon :) :) Sending out good vibes to everyone :)
Hi adr - I hope you ovulate soon, I've read a lot of stories on here about people who never got a positive but ended up pregnant, what day is your blood test 21 ?

As I've read most,or worryingly probably all, the Clomid success stories I've started a new one in the first tri forum so theres a few new ones!

Hope all's well today with everyone xx
Seems our whole TTC journey is a lot of waiting. How is everyone doing?
ADR10- I've probably asked you this before but what brand of OPKs were you using before the digital? And what time of day are you testing at? Also, I would maybe check in to bbt charting/ temping so you can track and confirm ovulation that way then hopefully find some kind of pattern so you don't have to rely just on OPKs. This is my second cycle temping and I really like it. It's a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Well I do hope you get a positive opk soon. Are you testing twice a day? Some women prefer that so they know for sure that they didn't miss the surge. Good luck. Keep us posted and I would be bd'ing anyways just in case.

Star25- I am going to check that thread out because I too am addicted to reading success stories!! Do you ever go to the website ?? I used to be on that site daily reading BFP stories. I truely think I NEED those stories to keep me going. Sometimes I feel really down and wonder if it will ever happen but then I remind myself of all the amazing stories I've read about couples suffering from infertility but then getting their miracle babies! I just tell myself that one day I will get to post one of those stories and someone else who is in a similar situation as us will read my success story and gain hope from it!! Oh and me and you are soooo close in our cycles! Glad we will be in our TWW together :-)

Cntrygrl- I am doing good today! It's Friday so I can't complain :-) How are you doing?

Afm- Well on cd 6 today and only 2 more pills to take. No symptoms yet from the Clomid. Hoping that isn't a bad thing. I will be trying something new this cycle and pretty excited about it. I bought pre-seed!! Never used it before but so many women online swear by it. With the exception of last month and all the cm I had Clomid usually dries me up. So I am hoping this helps! Anyone else ever use pre-seed? If so, what do you think about it? Also, I'm thinking dh and I are going to try a different approach with bd'ing this cycle. We are going to bd only a couple of times around ovulation in hopes of having stronger sperm count. Last cycle we bd a lot around ovulation and didn't get a bfp so I'm sure it won't hurt to bd less.

Anyways, Happy Friday ladies and I hope you all have a great weekend! :-)
Noele-- I actually started using pre-seed this cycle. A little goes a long way I will tell you that. I used only about 1.5 and it was way too slippery.

ADR-- I agree with Noele. I temp as well as OPK because I've not had success with the digital at all. When I see my temp start to drop on my chart I go and buy the dollar store brand. They've always been accurate for me.

Star-- I will have to check out that thread. It gets so depressing after awhile when you start thinking why hasn't this worked yet.

AFM-- I ovulated a couple of days ago so I am 2dpo. We'll see where FF puts me. I don't think my temp was correct this morning as I woke up quite a few times last night. I also went from sweating to death to freezing this morning.

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