noele, yes I did test again today and another indent line so must be crappy tests, well they are as they were so cheap, I want to use them up before the ivf though as the last thing I need is those crappy things lying around waiting to get my hopes up!
glad you saved money without the ultrasound, im sure if your dr was concerned about cysts he would have recommended it wouldn't he?
My FS said roughly the same thing about iui, he said we would have around a 15% chance or 30-35% chance with ivf, which doesn't sound great but as would be paying for the iui may as well go straight for ivf and hope for the best
My boobs hurt, have quite a bit of CM and thrush which I got a lot whilst on the clomid so must be hormone changes, I think AF will be here between 38-42 and im CD35 today
Got such a headache today but we've had to pull out of our new house, it seems to have problems structurally so now we have to find something else or risk losing our buyers, at the moment I feel like not doing anything and staying where we are but we have our buyers now and I want to live on a quieter road
Danni, how is the fostering going? does the whole process of becoming foster parents take long?
Hal, where are you in your cycle?
Cntrygrl, hope things are well with you and little one, will you be finding out the sex?