Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Good morning! I tested today and a bfn so the trigger is fully out of my system today. My temp went down again (I wonder why it is so up and down this week?) I think I've had my bbt thermometer for almost two years so maybe it is time to buy a new one. Well I am 13dpt and 11dpo. Started my pre-af backache and acne :-( not holding onto to much hope this cycle. You never know though... I don't think I will be horribly upset if AF shows because I never got my hopes up this cycle to begin with. I will probably keep testing until AF shows. Oh and AF showed on CD 26 last cycle and today is CD 26 this cycle so I am hoping AF holds off for a few more days so I can have a normal luteal phase.

Cntrygrl- your mother's day weekend sounds amazing :-)
Hi all

Noele, how are things today? Still praying for you that af stays away,did you test today?

Howarth and cntrygrl, thank you for sticking with us and still giving us your support, it definitely means alot :)

I phoned clinic, the lady dealing with my case is on hol but I should have appointment soon, I'll believe that when I see it!
Star- I tested today and got a bfn. I am 12dpo/14dpt. AF could show up at anytime now. Apparently she runs on her own schedule and just shows up whenever she feels like it ;-) I really expected AF this morning but I guess not. Got to love the waiting game.

Oh and I decided.... If this cycle is a bfn and AF shows, I want to take a one cycle break, then I want go ask my doctor to try IUI. I want to check it off my list before being referred to a specialist. That way at least we tried everything we could.
Star- I forgot to add... That stinks that lady in out on vacation. Hopefully you get your appointment soon :-) Fingers crossed that they hurry it along!!!
That sounds like a good plan noele but I'm still wishing af doesnt show for you, 12dpo is still early

I'm on another thread thats an ivf one, it's only a recent one and at the moment there 2 ladies who have had 2 good quality embryos transferred the last 2 days,another one nearly ready for egg collection and another one hoping to start meds at the end of may, it's so encouraging to read their ivf journeys, it makes it sound easier and it's exciting that 2 have now have embryos transferred and could have twins, they get pictures too which would be interesting to see them at the stage before being transferred, I just want it to hurry up and be my turn!
Star-- I was in an IVF/ IUI thread as well. There are quite a few women that are having twins. I can't wait for it to be you!

I have a TWW to find out what we are having. All scheduled for May 23rd. I'm so excited!
Thats brilliant news cntrygrl, cant believe how quick it has gone, or has it gone slowly for you? Cant remember if I said my sister went for a 16 week 3d scan but the baby wasnt in the right position so she never got to find out the sex, to say she was disappointed was an understatement! Shes had to wait a few more weeks as the people who do the 3d scans aren't often in our areas ( then she got car sick as an hr journey each way to top it off!)
Cant wait to hear your news in 2 weeks!
Well ladies... AF arrived this morning! I was a little bummed out but I definitely did not have my hopes up anyways. I had a good day though... DH and I spent the entire day with both of our moms and both of our grandmas :-) it was amazing to get them all together in one place and made the day really special.

I will be calling my doctor tomorrow to ask if we can give IUI w/ trigger a shot. But I want to take a break from meds this cycle. I'm totally exhausted from work and ttc. Need some time to just sit back and enjoy life. When I am ttc I feel like my life gets put on hold and it's so frustrating. A break is definitely needed. I will let you know what my doctor says about IUI.

Btw, Cntrygrl happy Mothers Day!! Can't wait to find out the gender of your baby :-)
Sorry noele, sending you hugs, sounds like you had a special day which is good, I think you're right in having a break, it just all gets too much and does feel your life is on hold, I always feel like that like my life is waiting for something and were just going through the motions of everyday life without actually living it, this is my third cycle off the meds and although always thinking about it I havent tried to bd when I guess I'm ovulating or lay still after bd as I know it wont help anyway
Anyway enough of my rambling, hope your feeling ok and that iui is the answer for you, at least you have tried all you can before moving on and a break will do you the world of good xx
So sorry AF got you Noele.

Thank you ladies I'm so excited to find out. Currently in my October bump group though there are 16 boys and only 4 girls. So I guess I should expect the baby to be a boy.
Yay! I just spoke to my doctor and he was totally on board for me taking this cycle off for a break then starting IUI in June!! I can't wait to try IUI but I am definitely going to enjoy this month off :-)
Sorry af came Danni, how is the fostering classes going?

Good news noele, you sound really upbeat so thats good :) have a relaxing cycle off
Hello Ladies!

Noele - I am so sorry to hear AF arrived, but I am glad to hear that you are staying positive and in good spirit about taking a month off before doing IUI. Our minds are so powerful, and sometimes we put our bodies under so much pressure, so a month off from TTC may be a good thing. I definitely think IUI is a good thing to try, as then at least you have someone monitoring you from the word go. It is also recommended for ladies with PCOS, just to give that extra little assistance. When my DH and I tried IUI, funnily enough, the whole experience brought us closer together as a couple. I also think that month it took a huge amount of stress off my DH, hence could be the reason I fell pregnant a month or so later...I am really excited for you!!

Star - Any new on the IVF appointment yet? Sheesh, I take my hat off to you for being so patient!

CntryGrl - How exciting that you will soon know whether you are having a boy or a girl! So cool! How is the nursery coming along?

Otherwise not much news from my side. I have my 11 week scan on the 6th of June, and I am literally counting that days and hours, as it is a rather long wait in between scans, and my mind still has the niggles of worries that I try oh so often to dismiss.

I am still holding thumbs that you all get your BFP's soon (as my DH always used to say, it has to happen eventually!) x x x
Howarth-- You'll be amazed at how much your babies have changed in that time span. I was with the specialist so our last scan was at 8 weeks where the baby kind of looked like a teddy graham. Then our next one was at 13 weeks and it looked like a tiny baby. I am ordering our nursery furniture this week, but it will stay boxed until we paint. I have managed to get things cleared out and starting to organize.
Howarthhopes- Thanks :-) I am hoping IUI is just the little extra assistance we need!! DH was more excited about it than I thought he would be so that makes me happy. I couldn't imagine how hard it is waiting for those scans.... Hopefully June 6th will come faster than you think!!
Glad to hear you are doing well howarth, sounds like even after the bfp theres alot more waiting!

I'm still waiting for my letter, coming up to 7 weeks now so I'll phone them today or maybe wait til Fri to see if it comes, im just using this time to read up on it all and other people's experiences on here so I know what to expect
Just phoned clinic and the lady who deals with it is sorting appointments now, she was going to out 'nr' through to her bit she was on another phone so she is going to call me back, dont know if that means today or not but my patience is wearing very thin!

Hope all you ladies are well and the bumps of the thread :)
Actually have an appointment! Weds 18th June 10am, finally!
Yay!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you Star. I can't wait for you to start the process. I honestly felt better on the injectable fertility meds than I did the Clomid.

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