Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Hi all, hope everyone is having a good weekend?

I've just been working so nothing exciting here, I'm on CD16 and already written this cycle off as a failure
We bd only on days 7,9,11,13, on day 14 we both worked too long and different hours and yesterday,day 15, dh wasn't feeling well and we had another argument about, I think I might have a break from Clomid this cycle,or I might tell dh I havent taken it and pretend I'm not bothered about when we bd so theres no pressure
Hope your all doing better than me! Xx

9, 11, 13 worked for us!!! Fx for you too..dont count yourself out yet
Ahh thank u, you've made me feel so much better now, thats why I love this thread! X
Hey ladies!! Sorry I was MIA for a few days but I went out of town last minute for a few days. Well I am on cd 13 and DH and I have still not bd since cd 6.... yikes hopefully I do not ovulate early. I ovulate on average between cd 16-19 so I am hoping I still have time to get some bd'ing in before I O.

Nurse- So sorry to hear about AF showing up! I think giving your body a break from the meds is a good idea. Will this be your first cycle using preseed? Lots of luck to you!

Star25- Don't be so quick to count yourself out. I actually think the days that you bd'd are perfect! lol I am on cd 13 and DH and I have only bd'd on cd 6. Grr I can not seem to get him in the mood... or maybe I am not trying too hard either because I am not in the mood either. Baby making sex in NOT fun in my opinion it actually seems more like a chore. How are you confirming ovulation? OPKS, bbt, or just guessing?

Cntrygrl- We are really close with our cycles :) When do you typically ovulate? I'm glad you have a plan in motion. I will be praying for you this cycle! Hopefully you can get your bfp right away!

ADR10- Thats great news on your progesterone levels :)

Tundralife- Yay I am glad your progesterone confirmed that you ovulate on your own without meds :) Thats really good news!!! Any sign of AF yet? I really really hope not. But if AF does come than you can at least look forward to the next cycle because of the HSG and maybe it will flush out anything that could be block the way for the egg and sperm. When I had mine done, my doctor explained to me that it could be something as simple as mucous blocking the way in your tubes and that the dye will clear it out. So wishing you lots and lots of luck.

To all the other ladies I missed... I hope you all are doing well!! I'm praying we see some more BFP's on this thread soon!!!
Noelle-- Between 14-17. My first two rounds of Clomid was day 14. Third cycle it was day 17. I am temping and they're on their way down.
Cntrygrl- Well you should be ovulating any day now :) Good luck to you!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!! Afm, I am cd 14 and FINALLY got to bd yesterday. I keep forgetting my OPKs this month but starting today I am going to use them and get back on track.

Where is everyone at in their cycles? It's hard to keep track but I like to know!! Hoping everyone in the TWW stays clear of AF and hoping everyone waiting to ovulate catches that egg :) Happy Monday!!
Noele-- Get your :sex: on, Lol.

Hope everyone is doing well :dust:
Hi I'm CD 17 and bd days 7,9,11,13 but you never know might have been enough
We've both been stressed this past week so didnt expect to do much!
Hope everyone else is ok? Xx
Hey guys. I'm on CD3. Yep, that means that AF showed up on Saturday. I am actually on hold with the gyn clinic trying to get my HSG scheduled. I think I decided that I done forcing it after this test. I want to have a baby with DH but I can't continue doing this to myself and making myself depressed because it is really starting to interfere with things. I keep quiet when I am bothered by something and DH doesn't like it. We pretty much spent the entire weekend apart but he's back to his not wanting to BD mood anyways. It's been 8 or 9 days since we last BD. I can't wrap my fingers around that one. I have been doing good at keeping my ovulation etc to myself. I am glad that you guys are approaching your TWW because I do love success stories and I like getting excited for everyone.

Well, LOL another reason I need to not "force" this is because I just got off the phone with my GYN and they don't have any slots available for an HSG for my time frame this month. That means that I have to wait until next month when I start my period again and who knows, they may not even have one then. I guess that's what I get for having to use the dang base doctors for everything. Wow--what a Monday!! Sorry for sounding pissy.........

Noele--get your Bd'ing pants on girl lol
Star- What day do you think you ovulated on? Good luck :) I still think you bd'd at perfect times if you ovulated between cd 13-16.

Tundralife- Sorry to hear about AF and that they couldn't fit you in for an HSG! Next month you should schedule before AF shows. Schedule it for around the time AF is due. And if you get your bfp then you can just cancel the appointment. I'm wishing you the best and hoping your doing ok. Will you be doing Clomid this round?

AFM- I got a positive OPK today!!! Today is cycle day 14 (normally do not ovulate until cd 16-19 so this is earlier than normal for me) Scary because I almost missed ovulation all together this month. So far this cycle DH and I have only bd on cd 6 & 13.... I'm a little worried that the swimmers won't make it to my egg in time. But I'm going to stay positive and remember that it only takes 1 time. I did not do an OPK yesterday so I have no idea when my LH surge started. I will test again this evening. I did get EWCM today and my temp dipped pretty low (I haven't been consistent with temping this cycle). Well we shall see :) Praying we catch that damn egg this month!

Okay so DH said something really funny to me yesterday... Sorry this is tmi but when we bd he is usually on top (not always but a lot of the time) and so he suggested that we only bd with me on top this whole fertile week and that maybe that will be the trick. Lol he's like we've tried everything else and nothing has worked so it wouldn't hurt. So I am just curious what everyone has read online about different positions and bfp... I know some people say its not logical for a woman to be on top while TTC because of gravity but then other people say that is not true. Who knows... I'm also wondering because I do have a retroverted uterus and everything I've read online says it won't affect anything but I'm now wondering about that too.
Tundralife- Forgot to tell you... I look at your profile pic and I love it. Is that a wedding photo? If so, did you guys get married somewhere tropical?

Tundralife - sorry af showed, hope you get to do your hsg next cycle if it's needed that is! I'm with u on the not wanting to force it, really didnt realise it would be this much harder on the Clomid as theres more pressures, completely understand how you feel and sending you hugs all the way over there!

Noele - yay on ovulation! You've bd cd13 so you should be all good! Regarding positions, I dont think woman on top is best like you said due to gravity, man on top or man behind is best as it gets sperm closer to the cervix, we normally finish up with dh behind and I quickly turn over and put legs up while dh shoves a pillow under my bum quick and I stay there for at least 30 mins to an hour, its sooo dignified - and I wonder why dh goes off sex!! I should be grateful he wants to do it at all the way I look with bum
In air after it! Haha!
I've heard there is a way and I could be be wrong but isn't it best for you to lay on your stomach after bd if you have a retroverted uterus or is that if you have a retro something else uterus? Sorry I'm
Not good with those words but I think if you have one of them it's good for u to lay on your stomach after?
Whichever way you decide I have everything crossed for you ( even my legs now I'm on day 17!) I'm not sure when I ovulated, on day 12 and 14 I had period type pain so think it was between those days, today I have nipple twinges and white cm so think I have ovulated! Xx
Noele-- I can't say I can pinpoint one position or another for my BFP. We definitely had a variety. I do remember being on top more though. TMI notice for me as well I teased him and said it was the night he made me say ouch in the FDAU(face down ass up) position.
I'm dizzy reading the last few posts lol. I just finished a homework assignment and glad for it as I am hating these 2 classes!

Noele- Yep that is from our wedding day. It actually was only DH and I, my best friend and her hubby is a lawyer so he married us. we got married down on the river and rode off on our motorcycles, dress and all lol. We got married on 9/10/11 a date we won't forget unless we are dumb lol. Oh and it was when we were stationed in Florida so def very tropical as it was south east florida.

I am so glad you got that OPK and tested because you might have missed out and that is so sweet and funny what your DH said about BD'ing. I have the opposite. It's usually me and DH in missionary hahahaha...okay that was a tickler! don't feel out, you know our saying it aint over until AF shows!

Cntry grl- hope things are going good with you!

Star- I agree with the others, I am betting you did great on bd'ing this month. I am on antoher thread with a lady who reminds me of you in your stories etc and she just got her BFP!! So FXD for you.

AFM, no appt this month for HSG and they told me not to take clomid until i have followup ultra sound from my cyst but that isn't until end of next month. They were worried about hyperstimulation. So, another round of natural! I started taking different vitamins, along with fertile blend and now the DHEA. I should have some good raging hormones this month ;-)
Hey All I haven't been able to catch up on everything but I do want to let you guys know we are still ttc this month so im using opks and preseed this time Im only on cd 5 but not bleeding anymore Clomid makes my flow much heavier with fewer days. Enough about that baby dust to all of you ladies in the tww! I hope to join you soon Ive started exercising to keep from obssesing in the tww so I will be fit and ready whenever my baby decides to come!
Star- Thank you! I think I also read something about laying on my stomach after for a retroverted uterus. I've also read that 'doggy style' might be a good position for that as well. Lol now I am going to go on a Google search spree today! Oh and definitely sounds like you ovulated already. I had a huge temp spike today and this morning my opk was now negative so I am guessing either today or yesterday was ovulation for me. So tomorrow I will be technically in the TWW with you :)

Cntrygrl- lol so funny! I'm definitely doing my research online today. How many dpo are you know? I know our cycles are only a day apart. Did you ovulate yet? Good luck :)

Tundralife- Your wedding sounds so romantic!! I like non traditional weddings. DH and I are not very religious so a church wedding wasn't really our thing. We met at one of my DH's baseball games (he's a pitcher) so we got married on that baseball field right on the pitchers mound lol and your right... I almost did miss out on ovulation all together because yesterday evening when I did another opk it was negative. This morning again, another negative. So I am thinking today or yesterday was ovulation day. I'm never really sire how to pin it exactly to one day. Lol oh the joys of TTC good luck with all the vitamins this cycle. Another natural cycle will be good for your ovaries!

Nurse- Good luck this cycle. What brands of OPKs will you be using? Oh and I am so bummed I forget I bought preseed last cycle and totally forgot to use it this cycle lol oh well.
Noele-- I think I may have O'ed yesterday since my temp seems to be on the rise. I definitely had some O pains as well yesterday. They are gone today. Kind of just relaxing this cycle since we have the follicle monitoring and IUI planned for next cycle.

Tundra-- Careful with the fertility blend it made my AF far worse as far as cramping. I'm taking half a walmart prenatal. Those things are huge, Lol!

Star-- Isn't it funny that our boobs seem to be the indicator of what's going on with our bodies.

Nurse-- Now that it's nicer out I've started walking. We've got hills and slopes so I figure it's a good workout. Good Luck!
Bfn for me this morning.. Waiting on af and then off to cycle 6 of clomid. Losing faith that anything will work anymore :(
Sorry to hear about the bfn Danni. How many dpo are you? How many days until AF is due?
Sorry to hear about the bfn Danni. How many dpo are you? How many days until AF is due?

I'm not sure. I ovulated on cd 15 the latest I ever have in a cycle. My cycles are 27-28 days in length so I think I start tomorrow Wednesday at the latest.

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