Clomid success stories

Hi ladies, can I join yall? I just finished my first round of clomid post mc...... I am on cd 10. We were ttc #2 for 8.5 yrs before we got our last bfp. Praying it doesn't take as long this time.
:) hugs and more hugs to everyone and to the new comers :) I'm glad to hear that everyone worked out there frustration! Sorry no bfp! And I really hope everyone gets there well deserved bfp very soon!! In the mean time at least we have each other to vent too :) were is everyone in there cycles right now? As for me I skipped a cycle to get laparoscopic surgery to clear my right tube!!! Its not till 1/15 so I'm very nervous :) well anyways .. GL to you guys this month!!!
I am cd10 so almost to bd time. Going to b hard to do since we are going out of town with his mom & sharing a motel room with her & our 9 yr old... Oh well we will get it figured out:)

Will be praying for a successful procedure.
Hi ladies,
I am 31 and DH is 34(Diabetic)
I am on clomid (4th) unmonitored cycle due to my irregular cycles.
First three cycles, I took clomid 50mg days 5-9 with horrible side effects. I did one time progesterone testing on cd21 my second cycle & my no was 34. I ovulated all three times (LH surge days 15,16,17) but no pregnancy. This 4th cycle I tried 50mg days 3-7 LH surge on cd14. I had slight cramps on left side on cd 16th morning assuming that's when I ovulated. No other side effects.
We bded cd 10, cd12,cd13,cd14,cd16. I used pre seed & took robittison until LH surge.
On clomid my luteal phase is 15 days. Today Iam on 1 DPO and just waiting for 2weeks to be over. If this month doesn't work, I want to go for hSg to test my tubes and also check DH sperm count. Just need emotional support as I cannot talk to anyone about this...DH seems to think to happen it will just happen but as we know how much planning and monitoring this requires:(

Baby dust to all!
I got a flashing smiley face on my clear blue ovulation test this morning....yay!!!! Time to get to bding when hubby gets home from work...
Welcome to the thread girls! Starr, I'm on CD 6. last cycle was short (25 days). I was supposed to be going this month for another lap surgery, but due to the wonderful world of healthcare, I was forced to push it to February until insurance kicks in again. I'm good with'll give me more time to try and drop some of this 20lbs I gained from the 3 Clomid cycles. Hugs and dust to all!
Welcome Jannah!! Keep your chin up hun. I recommend going to the doc for the tests. If nothing else it puts the mind at ease a bit. I hope things go smooth and easy for you!

So im now done my six months of clomid and no pregnancy. Tomorrow I do the consult with the fertility clinic. Getting a bit excited. And it sounds like iui is the first step but ill keep ya posted! wish me luck!
Currently on my first cycle of clomid 50mg days 2-6 and on cd 15 experiencing some painful cramping/aching pains which I'm guessing is maybe ovulation as opk's seem to be getting darker!

A little success story from me...I have a DS who was concieved with clomid after 4 years of unsuccessful attempts of trying for a baby we started clomid and concieved first cycle but that ended in a mc then on my second round I concieved again and had a healthy little boy who is now nearly 2 so clomid does work magic, our son is our little miracle :) we have started back on clomid this cycle as we are hoping for baby number 2 and a sibling for our son. Wishing u all lots of luck x
Good Luck to all of you girls!! I hope 2014 is THE year for ALL of us!!
Good Luck Steph!
Iui is something I would consider too after some basic tests next month. Currently 4dpo, don't feel anything!
Welcome Jannah!! Keep your chin up hun. I recommend going to the doc for the tests. If nothing else it puts the mind at ease a bit. I hope things go smooth and easy for you!

So im now done my six months of clomid and no pregnancy. Tomorrow I do the consult with the fertility clinic. Getting a bit excited. And it sounds like iui is the first step but ill keep ya posted! wish me luck!

Steph: what does you tried on clomid? What days?
I had a lap surgery for Endometriosis last May, did 3 cycles with no aid, then 3 cycles with Clomid, and now I'm on my 3rd cycles without it...I took a break for the holidays because of the side effects I had. I'll have another lap surgery in February and go back on the Clomid. I was on 50 mg CD's 5-9...
Hubby lover:

How did u get DX with endometrosis?
Painful periods? No period?
I have irregular period with 3days being painful....wonder if I have underlying issue for not able to conceive ..
I did 3 cycles days 5-9 50mg....this cycle I tried days 3-7(50mg)....less side effects 3-7 for me & ovulation was less u chart?


I had a lap surgery for Endometriosis last May, did 3 cycles with no aid, then 3 cycles with Clomid, and now I'm on my 3rd cycles without it...I took a break for the holidays because of the side effects I had. I'll have another lap surgery in February and go back on the Clomid. I was on 50 mg CD's 5-9...
I was DX with Endo after my OB suspected that's what it was. I was down right sick for over 8 months not knowing what was wrong with me. My cycles went all off whack when I turned 30. Up til then, you could set your clock by my cycles. I knew down to the portion of the day that I would start. my cycles only got worse and more crazy. Cramps to the point I was basically useless to my family, along with severe nausea every day. Horrible fatigue, depression, sharp pains in my abdomen, cramping throughout my cycle, especially after sex. Sex made me nauseous, which caused a huge issue in mine and hubby's sex life. I went to my doctor for months, running blood tests, ultrasounds and even a HIDA scan (injection of radioactive fluid that is monitored while it runs through your gall bladder, liver and kidneys) and all was "normal". So I finally went to my OB after my sister who has Endo recalled her symptoms. OB for sure thought that's what it was to the point of when surgery day came he said, "I'm gonna look everywhere because if it's not obvious, I'm gonna really have to prove it to myself that it's NOT endometriosis". I came out of surgery and the first thing hubby said to me was "He found's endometriosis". I burst into lethargic sobbing (from the meds) because I finally had an answer. From what I know, it's different from person to person. My sister has it so bad that her C-section incision stuck to her uterus because she has it so bad, but she rarely has any type of symptoms. Me, on the other hand, have a mild to moderate situation, and I have HORRIBLE symptoms. Only surgery can really tell you for sure, but if you suspect it, it's worth a talk with your OB. Hope that gives you a better idea! Sorry it so much to read lol
Oh, and yes, I do chart...This is my 4th cycle charting. It's a definite change from temps while on Clomid. My temps ran around mid to high 97's before ovulation to low to mid 98's after. OFF of Clomid I run low to mid 96's and IF I ovulate, mid 97's after...I just paper chart...
Hubbylover have you had your thyroid checked? Irregular periods and low bbt can be a symptom. I just got diagnosed hypothyroid, 2 1/2 years ago my thyroid was perfect. Now im on meds. I also am irregular and have low bbt. Anyway hi girls! Hope you are all doing well. I go for my follow up RE appt next week to go over test results and hopefully a treatment plan. Some things came up on dh s/a, still perfect numbers all around, but showed some clumping. Can be a sign of antisperm antibodies. That's a scary thing to google so I'm just stating positive and waiting for the dr.
lanet, yes, they have tested my thyroid. They tested for tons of stuff during the 8+ months I was sick, but thyroid was one of them...

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