OMG Congratulations to you both pink mum! I bet you are super excited! I wish you a very h + h 9 months.
That's wonderful news JWB, I am glad you are both well and I bet you're being kept on your toes!! I certainly have been with my LO. He is sleeping through now and developed a routine but the minute you put him down for 5 mins he starts. I just have to get on with stuff and try and not listen to him lol. It won't last forever, hopefully by 1 he'll have calmed down a bit and be able to content himself.
Anyway, I popped back on here this afternoon after not logging in at all for months (wish I had the time!!!) because I suspect I'm pregnant again. I'll be honest.. I wasn't testing for OV but had a slight incline last week when I got the friendly ewcm. Tested today with one of those internet cheapies (you can see pic here..
We talked about baby no.3 and I'm sure I told you ladies we wanted another but I didn't expect to get caught this early (that's if it isn't a horrible evap). Don't get me wrong we'd be over the moon, just wish LO wasn't such hard work. This would definitely be it for me then if I am. Must be true what they say about being more fertile then after pregnancy because I haven't taken any clomid.
Will keep you posted on the result when I go and get a FRER tomorrow.
This thread has seen some amazing BFPS and births, congrats to all you mummies and lots of baby dust to you girlies still trying; your day will come soon xxxxxx