Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Thanks girls! My follies are so lucky to have their own cheerleading team! ;-) I've got my next scan on Thursday so will see if there's any improvement then.

Pretty..I think a break from actively TTC sounds like a great idea for you. You've had a rollercoaster couple of months, and it takes a lot out of you emotionally. Just some time for you and your OH to be with each other. And hopefully you'll get your BFP when you're least expecting it. Hang in there hon! Xx
How is everyone doing? you have all been so quiet!!

I am 3 dpo and my temps are looking very low to me, but idk hardly anything about what it could mean anything. :shrug: I had my FS appt on monday and now he is very concerned about my fibroid. He did another vaginal ultrasound and it seems that the fibroid is very close to the lining of the uterus. So if/when AF starts, i have to call and schedule to have a sonohysterogram to have a better look at the fibroid. I go have a blood test to check progesterone this coming monday so i guess that will help with my theory on temps and quality of ovulation!

Someone pointed out the Christmas smileys and I'm enjoying them lots! I hope everyone is well. Its been super quiet in here. I miss you girls! I'm sure the holidays have us all busy busy. :xmas12:
Hiya BH! I know it's been so quiet on here!

Just had a nosy at your chart and see you had a rise today...good news :) Not so good about your fibroid tho. What does the sonohysterogram involve?

I had another follicle tracking scan today....and my follies still weren't big enough to trigger. But they have grown a bit, and my lining has thickened, so positive news. Going back on Monday for another one, and all being well will get triggered.

How is everyone else?? xx
Hi girls sorry I haven't been on just seems bad news after bad news... Basically the fs said the testosterone my oh was given by the urologist may have had more harm than good as it can stop your body making it's own etc... But I don't know... Fx'd his sa comes back ok next week as he had to not take it for a week and get bloods and a sa done which he done yesterday...
Afm don't think im goig to ovulate no sign yet goes to show I need clomid! Waiting on my op I'm still scared :(

Turbo- why cute Xmas symbols I cant use them utility Im on the laptop :( how are you?
Teddy- I hope your progesterone shows you ovulated sorry about your fibroid :hugs:
JWB- how did you scan go today?
Pretty- I hope you get good news whilst on your break Hun :hugs:
Sorry Rere. Why is testosterone bad for OH? Seems like they need that stuff to function. I know how frustrated you are. Having to take clomid really bites. You should try soy maybe.

I'm doing good. Had acu today and feeling great after. Running lots and lots. Gonna do the Turkey Trot (4 miles) run on Thanksgiving. On the TTC front, not much better. We are pinpointing my cycles, so I was able to break up my charts based on my spotting. Seems like I have mini cycles of 29 or so days. I'll take what I can get, LOL! :xmas4:
I will try soy prob after my op as it's just over 3 weeks away...
Well the urologist gave it to him to help but the fs said sometimes to some people it can do more harm than good... We will know in a week... So hopefully it's done good and no harm- either way he's been off it for over a week now anyway and we have added l-Arginine aswell as his normal multi vitamin.

You're very active aren't you :) it's good!
29 day cycles are average right? X
That's good. I'm sure he's fine. Doc's just scaring you with too much nonessential information. Yeah, 29 days is pretty average. My problem is I'm not having a normal period. I'm just spotting small amounts when my "period" is here. I'm also not ovulating. Its all pretty wacky. I'm sure its from pcos and not having periods in forever. I'm getting like miniature cycles.
Yh pcos sucks right! What has the doc said about your periods?
I hope the doc is wrong about oh x
FS would like to induce with Provera, but I just want it to happen naturally. I haven't had a scan in a while, so idk if my lining is even thick at all. I'm sure your oh is fine. Stay positive!
Everything crossed for the results scerena.
Hope the follies keep growing JWAB.
jwb-a sonohysterogram is where they use a saline solution and inject it in my uterus and get an ultrasound of my uterus and the fibroid, etc. Its suppose to help them see it better and is kind of like the hsg but doesn't involve the tubes and isn't near as painful.
Hopefully your follicles have grown to a nice size on monday!

Scerena-i'm sure your fs is giving you worst case scenario. I hope you get the numbers you are looking for and that it has done more good than harm!

Turtle-love the xmas icons!!
Thanks daopdesign and teddy :hugs:
Isn't my time at the moment- with the lap coming up and oh sa! Will get the results this week I'm so scared :cry:
I have read this is common and the doc and fs have said the same thing within a week so I'm preparing myself for the worse and egg sharing as ivf will prob be our only option I'm preparing myself but doubt it will help me preparing myself x
Thanks Hun :)
How's the pregnancy going?x
Pretty well thanks. Feel crappy but not complaining as I never thought we would get to this point. MS really kicked in and struggling to keep much down. Work this weekend has been a massive struggle as I feel sick and tired. Also still getting cramps. Have my scan tomorrow (because of all the prev surgery) and super nervous. Think I'll be 6+4 tomorrow. Super nervous. Really hope it's not too early to see a heartbeat.
Scerena-i understand that you are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. I really hope you get some good news this time. Prayers sent out for you :hugs:

BH-your first exciting!!! i hope you get to see the heartbeat! Can't wait to hear about it! Dont forget to post your pic!

Today is 7dpo and i'm going through withdrawal of caffiene and sweets!!! eating healthy is sooo hard! i've been having headaches and nausea but i know its from the withdrawals!!
Hey BH, any news from your scan? Hope it wasn't too early for a hb.

TBP wow 7dpo time flies!

And Rere....when do u expect to hear about your man's SA?

I had another scan today and my follies haven't grown :cry:, in fact looks like they might have started to shrink. So having one more on Friday to make sure, and if no improvement I guess they'll give me provera, then onto more clomid for me as they won't go to 200mg.

I'm trying not to obsess over all the 'what ifs' from the last 2 cycles that could have changed things.....if my trigger wasn't given too early, if my oh didn't have a night out when we should've dtd.....I'll drive myself crazy.

Just got to wait till Fri then learn what this next chapter will entail! x

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