Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

LOL - I tried not to use the word cankles but there is no ecaping the fact that I have them!!

Sounds like you are doing all you can, I hope it goes quickly.
Hi all

Hopes what a lovely post. You are so right about your best mates. It is so hard to talk to them sometimes, partly cause you feel like you are going on at them. On here you can go on as much as you like - I know I do. (I talk a lot anyway though) Really feel like I can be myself - which is quite bizarre.

Agree with you all about the ankles. Rowan lovely dress to.
How you feeling?

I am feeling really bloated. I have officially put on a stone. Thing is its all round my middle - i hate the feeling of tight jeans around your middle.

Dream- cystitis is horrible - hope it leaves you very soon.
Hopeful - how are you?

I am going to Makro with my mom and dad. How exciting. :nope:
Need a new iron as the wire is showing on mine and think I might blow myself up soon. Ohhhhh

:) thanks!! this is the dress Dress/1950s-halterneck-polka-dot-dress/24/

hope the link works! we had little ladybirds scatterd about the tables and a ladybird card box and stuff - got married at Whitby in North Yorkshire it was lovely! Such a fun day!

Im doing ok ta - hospital was horrible yesterday but we knew what to expect - DH stayed all day and none of the other ladies DH did I was so proud of him and so grateful for him. The worst physical part is over so Ive got my maxi tena ladies on :) very glamourous! Im going to rest up this week and keep myself to myself but next week the diet starts and the exercise starts again :) I want to feel sexy again and confident and Ive piled the weight on and am unfit and its just not me :)

eye dr on thursday - in theory my eyes should get back to normal in the next 3 weeks - hope so as I need to find a new job now! My current contract finishes on 23rd and of course Ive been off sick for 3 months! :) we've decided we're going to try again for a mortgage if I can get a perm job (DH is self employed so it has to go on my wage only) as we know a couple of other first time buyers who have managed - we need a goal and a home of our own!

sorry for ribbiting on! :)

How are you feeling everyone?

Afm - yuk! :) CD2 - am going to chart to see if I ovulate the next 3 months (hoping to try femara if not) but we're going to actively avoid TTC until end Feb (DH would rather TTC earlier but Im not sure yet)

fingers crossed for everyone - Mrs G and Hopes let us know when you have scans booked in :)

Wow have looked at the website for your dress. It is beautiful.

I can totally relate to the wanting to feel sexy again. I know we have the boys (so don't want to sound ungrateful, I know some people try for 5 years for one) but I worked out that over the last 7 years we have been ttc for 5 years and pregnant for 18 months of them. I feel like me and dh have lost the intimacy that we had. I slob around in pjs he makes horrible noises if you know what and mean. (What an image of me and dh) Got to get us back.

Rowan I really hope you are ok very soon and the bleeding and horribleness passes soon. Thinking of you A LOT.:hugs:

PS: Sounds like you have a fab DH.

Mine did come into hospital when I had the D & C and waited all day. He hates the hospital.
Rowan that dress is gorgeous!! Love it! The whole site is quirky, very pretty!!!:)
Cystitis have a grip on me :( and getting a cold, boo! Hope my temp rise wasnt just me being ill!x
thanks :) we area lucky bunch to have such fab DH :)

am still in my PJs so Id better get a wriggle on - keep getting distracted! Am going to ask my Dr when I see him if theres any way we can have some mc testing done as Im over 35 and see if he can maybe refer us to a private gynae if we cant get them done on the nhs - its worth a shot!

I also think I may have found the reason behind my anaesthetic troubles so Im going to ask him about that too - its such a random random connection! my friends a physio and mentioned it and when I mentioned it to my sister she was like oh yes I have a lot of patients the same but hadnt clicked on! Im very "double jointed" and apparently theres a connection between joint hypermobility and problems with anaesthetics (something to do with collegen) so I'm going to investigate! :) I think I could maybe bear TTC again if I knew I'd have the option of a D&C plus would be good to have anaesthetic options if I had a successful pregnancy :)

sorry for going on :) Hope your cystitus goes soon dream its awful! x

How are you Bean?

How are you feeling Mrs G and Hopes?

any news from your Dr Hopeful?

Hi ladies.

Just popping on real quick to say hi. I have been extremly sick with a cold for the last couple days.

Have only managed to BD every other day so far. DH keeps asking if I want to but I just have no energy to do anything right now.:nope: Just trying to rest and eat some chicken soup.

We are going to to try to see if the doc is in this morning. Will keep you ladies updated.

Hugs :hugs:
Hi Ladies.

Rowan, you are doing so well; I admire you for being able to look to the future and keep focussed on your next move, even though you are going through Hell. I hope that physically, you are back to normal quickly, including your eyes. I am sure you are rocking the Tena lady look though :winkwink:

Bean, know what you are saying, LTTC is garunteed to make a girl feel un-sexy. I hope you get back to you soon, I'm sure you will. Hugs though - I have never felt less attractive than I did after my m/c. Like you, I had started to gain weight (naturally)! and it just felt like one more totally unfair aspect of no longer being pregnant - suddenly I was fat too!

I am very aware of it now and the plan is to go easy and not eat extra unless I am properly hungry - and then only eat healthy things. But best laid plans and all that; if sickness kicks in it's every girl for themselves and heaven help anyone who stands between me and the chocolate machine!

Hopeful, I hope you gws and don't worry, BD'ing every other day is enough (some Doctors even say it’s better than doing it daily) ?! X

Dream, hope you get better quickly too and I'm sure that your temp rise was not just to do with your cold.

Mrs G, I hope that all is well with you ?

Afm, I phoned and told the FS secretary my news and she said that I would be invited for a scan at around 7 weeks - 2nd week December. I am relieved as it isn’t to far away but still scared to death. No mention of a blood test though - is it normal not to have a quantitive HCG or should I be pestering my GP, do you think?

I still feel nothing; the odd twinge and ocassional light headedness but nothing more. Wondering if I should do one more C/B Digi in 7-10 days to see if it moves me from 1-2 weeks to 2-3 weeks ? However, I do not want to get obsessed as I found out last time around that a positive pregnancy test means very little – I was still doing them and getting BFP’s long after the pregnancy had stopped developing.

Ladies, if any of you think I’m insensitive talking about it on this thread then please PM and tell me so – I promise I will not be offended.

Hopes. X
OMG Hopes - im so excited and happy for you - a little mexican baby (remember I asked you to bring me one home too.....???)

Rowan - gorgeous dress -and great ankles too!!! :winkwink:

Hope everyone else is well - ive just skimmed the thread so sorry if Im not replying to anyone!!!

AFM - i got another high on CBFM on sat, then a peak on Sun and a peak again this am. We DTD fri, sun, and today at lunchtime..... My temp was down today too which usually happens post ov so hoping for a rise tomorrow and that should confirm it. Not that I ever doubted I ov'd but nice to see a peak on the monitor.

Then its the dreaded 2WW for me - oh well not holding my breath but wouldnt it be great 1st time using the monitor!

okay hope you ladies have a nice evening, :thumbup:
Hi Reba :wave: and thanks - I hope I can pass my Mexican luck on to you all...

Wishing you lots of luck this cycle. X
Hopes thats brill that you can have a 7 week scan - yey! I didnt get hcg checked on either of mine the midwife said its not somehting they do - may be worth asking for tho to see if they will? fingers totally crossed for you hon!

babydust reba!

Hi everybody

Hopes please don't go anywhere, its nice hearing how you are getting on. XX

Reba how are you finding the fertility monitor? Am considering purchasing one.

Rowan -:hugs:

Hi everybody else hope you are all ok. XX
Hey girls,
Wasnt able to use temp today as i was tossing and turning all night and wide awake at half three!! Did take it and it was 37.45...a whole degree more than yesterday?!! That is unheard of for me!!! Think it must be the cold and cystitis! Temp last night was into 38 degrees, again, unheard of for me!!
Am hoping i sleep tonight and can get a true reading in morning!!
Hopes im glad youre getting an early scan, how exciting!!x
thanks Bean - how are you doing?:hugs:

Dream thats a scorcher! Anything over 37.5 is a fever so it's going to be hard to tell - how frustrating for you! fingers crossed your cold and cystitis ease soon x

Hopeful hope your appointment is ok and you get some positive info x
Morning all!
Well i slept straight through last night so i know my temps is valid....37.36! Crazy high for me! I think ive ovulated but temps are being skewed the infection and cold! i suppose time will tell as my antibiotics start to kick in! xx
Hi everybody

Hopes please don't go anywhere, its nice hearing how you are getting on. XX

Reba how are you finding the fertility monitor? Am considering purchasing one.

Rowan -:hugs:

Hi everybody else hope you are all ok. XX

Hi Bean - its working good for me - i got 6 highs then 2 peaks and then another high this am so its doing exactly what it says on the box! Whether it results in a BFP though thats a whole other story. I think its good because usually we would be DTD constantly from CD11 til CD16 and we'd we tired and worn out - the monitor detected that CD17 was my Ov day so I would of missed it if it hadnt been for the monitor. With the monitor we were jusy doing it every other day cos I knew I didnt have my peak yet.

I got mine on Amazon for £45 less than Boots so def go online to get one. I used 13 sticks too which I'm pissed off about as that means another box for next cycle - hopefully it wont start asking me to use a stick until CD9 next time (it was CD6 this time).

hope your well!
Morning ladies

Just can't seem to shake this sickness. Been trying to rest and drink some nice hot (green) tea and chicken soup. :coffee:

Did an opk this morning and it is nearly positive so thats a good thing. I was getting worried for a bit becuase they were not getting darker. I am going by my opk's this cycle because my temps are out of wack due to being sick, just like dream.

Just waiting on DH to get off so that we can try to get some answers today. Just keep thinking about how cruel it would be if everything is just fine and they have us worked up over nothing! :growlmad: Just gonna hope for the best because that is all we can do. :shrug:

Hope everyone is doing ok. As soon as I feel a bit better I will adress everyone individually. Just know, that wherever you are in your cycle or pregnancy, that I am wishing you nothing but the best :thumbup:

Hi everyone.

Hopeful, lots of luck, let us know soonest. X

I hope you don't mind if I have a bit of a moan? OH just doesn't seem to understand why I am so worried that we will miscarry again, he gets impatient whenever I mention it. I am of course happy to have my BFP - it's what we have been working towards for all this time! But as I know you will all understand, along with the BFP comes the knowledge that there's still a very long way to go. Pregnancy remains a miracle to me; I am completely in awe of it and can't imagine my body actually doing everything it is supposed to do...

I have also started to worry about a possible link between clomid and miscarriage; I can't find any statistics on it but I am wondering if there is a higher risk - what are your views?

So sorry if I am saying things no one wants to hear :Blush: I just need reassurance and understanding at the moment and I don't think I'll be getting it from OH. If this pregnancy fails I really don't know how I'll cope - it has bought back such vivid memories of the last time and I suddenly remember the overwhelming disappointment that stayed with me for so many months. They were the worst months of my life so far.

Bean, Rowan - I hope that you guys don't mind me talking like this; I'd hate to upset any of my friends here.

Other than a scan at 7 weeks my only plan is to try another CB digi in 7-10 days and see if it moves me to 2-3 weeks - thinking this will be my only indication that things are progressing? I have no symptoms yet at all and I thought I would have by now.

A very worried Hopes. X
Hi Hopes

I am sorry that you are feeling this way, but I do totally understand. I was stressed this time and i hadn't even experienced a mc before. I don't mind you talking about it hun.

I asked my doc about the clomid / miscarriage link when I went on thursday. He said that t would not have been that, but chromosomal defect and that nothing would have changed the result. So clomid was not a factor. As for symptoms, mine with the boys started 6 - 7 weeks. Also you may not get any anyway. The girl at work who is now 21weeks pregnant had no symptoms at all. There was me sickness all day, headaches etc.... and not even really pregnant as it turns out.

I am really feeling for you. You just want to enjoy the fact that you have a bfp but you are worried about all the milestones. I know if I get another bfp i will be exactly the same as you.

Maybe DH is dealing with it in his own way. My husband thought I was mad. He said when you have seen the scan you will come home and start worrying about something else. He was probably right.

Sending you lots of love and hugs. Try and just look after yourself and when you do worry don't beat yourself up about it. It is only natural. XX

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