Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

big hugs hopes - its totally natural hon - short of hiring a live in sonographer I think you will worry a bit everyday - that lovely cushion of excitement has been whipped away from you and I wish I could give it back to you - am saying a little prayer for yours and Mrs Gs babies every day and hope is all we can do. Would your DH object to booking a 9 week private scan as well do you think? 2 week chunks seem to be easier to get through. we were going to buy a doppler as well - sonoline b x

I think there is always the worry for me that my eggs just arent up to scratch but I suppose we may never know. Its good to hear you guys having good results with the opks and fertility monitors - I'd give the expensive ones a try but the endless positives get me down so it must be something different with my hormones - does anyone else get that? I presume it correlates with scan evidence that my body tries and tries to ov but doesnt release the eggs?

fingers crossed for you hopeful and reba

big hugs bean

dream hope your germies go soon x
ps i hope its ok that i still check in even though im actively not trying for the next few months? I really like to see what you guys are up to and do worry when everyone has things going on and I think would miss you guys a lot if i didnt check in x
Well, the doctor was not in the office. Can't have a sit down until Thurs morning. The nurse gave us a copy of the results and I am at a loss.


Sperm count: < 1 million / Normal range: 20-150 million

% Motility: 0 / Normal range: 70-100 %

Morphology: rare degenerated sperm identified

I know this is bad, probably really bad but does anyone know what this means???? :cry:
:hugs: Oh hopeful im so sorry honey. :hugs: I have no idea what the morphology comment means. :nope:
Sending you massive hugs xxx :hugs:
Good morning ladies and as always, thanks for all your kind comments, you have really cheered me up. I know that if the worst happens then with your help, I'll get through it. X

Rowan, I will defo pay for a scan at 9 weeks if we are Ok at 7 weeks. Don't go anywhere - even if we all end up doing different things from clomid I think our group should remain intact. Perhaps will just start a new thread with a different title!?

Hopeful, my heart goes out to you. I can't believe they have given you these numbers but with no explanation. I really don't know anything about SA but there are a lot of ladies on here dealing with male factor and I am sure they can help you. What is the next step, when will you talk to the Dr and will DH be re-tested? Sending you lots of positive vibes.

Everyone else, I hope that you are all happy and well. Reba, great news that the monitor seems to be working for you - I hope it is what makes a difference to you.

Hopes. X
Morning Ladies,

Hopes - thanks - i hope it works for me too. I really hope everything goes well for you at the scan - im sure it will but you cant help but feel nervous Im sure!

Hopeful - im not sure what the results mean - i hope its just a matter of changing diet and getting loads of vitamins into you DH to correct any problems - get him on the fruit & Veg straight away!

Rowan - of course its still okay to check in here - dont be going anywhere!

Hope everyone else is well.

AFM - I got a low this am on the CBFM so Ov has officially happened - temps went from 36.41 (Saturday) & 36.34 (monday) up to 36.60 (yesterday) and 36.65 (today) so its on the way up. I didnt have any EWCM though which is a worry. So im officially in the 2WW - 2 DPO today - hurry up 2WW...........
Hopeful big hugs - Im not sure what to make of them - like is the use of the word rare because the sperm are rare or because there are only a few degenerated sperm found? Must be sooo frustrating! Like Hopes says there may be ladies on here who probably have a wealth of knowledge about male factor - its so good that we can all share our knowledge on here as the medics arent often good at explaining I find. Is it the first set of SA your DH has had done?

Like dream says I hope its something that can be approached in a not too stressful way hon - big hugs

afm - seems to be easing off which is worrying me in case Ive big clots which are stuck - got another scan this afternoon tho at EPAC so should be able to find out.

seen Dr this am - definately have to wait til 3rd mc before am allowed tests - Grr!! It feels so so clinical and cold. My thoughts on it are so confused and conflicted. He did a dummy referral to fertility clinic tho and the waiting list for one hospital is really short and its a new clinic and the waiting list for where I used to go is longer. Im not ready to be re-referred yet but what do you think ladies - should I go for the clinic I have been going to or a new one? The new one is part of the same nhs trust Im with and the old one is another trust which has made paperwork more complicated

I feel so uneasy because I am used to focusing on my body and doing everything I possibly can to conceive but it is hard when there is something out of your control. Really anxious to speak to the doc on Thurs. morning and hopefully they will suggest a retest. I hope this is something we can change, if not, it is likely that we have to do ivf?!?!?:shrug:
Hi all. Just a quickie.

Hopeful, I completely understand what you are saying; having the control taken away is not nice. It sounds like you have a wonderful DH though and I am sure he will do all that he can. I hope he isn't taking this too hard. X

Rowan, the new clinic sounds worth a try... I am sorry you can't get testing until you've m/c 3 times. Clearly these rules have been invented by someone with no fertility issues who has not had to live through one m/c. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! X

Reba, I have not seen EWCM (nada, none, zero) for several cycles; certainly none since I've been taking clomid. I think I still produced it but it stayed higher up! So, anyway, I wouldn't stress about that. Do you drink green tea - it is said to help with CM and fertility in general? Your temps sound encouraging, I shall keep my fingers x'ed it stays high. X

Bean and Dreams, how are you both today? X

Hopes. X
Hi all. Just a quickie.

Hopeful, I completely understand what you are saying; having the control taken away is not nice. It sounds like you have a wonderful DH though and I am sure he will do all that he can. I hope he isn't taking this too hard. X

Rowan, the new clinic sounds worth a try... I am sorry you can't get testing until you've m/c 3 times. Clearly these rules have been invented by someone with no fertility issues who has not had to live through one m/c. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! X

Reba, I have not seen EWCM (nada, none, zero) for several cycles; certainly none since I've been taking clomid. I think I still produced it but it stayed higher up! So, anyway, I wouldn't stress about that. Do you drink green tea - it is said to help with CM and fertility in general? Your temps sound encouraging, I shall keep my fingers x'ed it stays high. X

Bean and Dreams, how are you both today? X

Hopes. X

Yeah Im hoping my EWCM was high up too and thats why i didnt notice it - i hope!!!

Yeah I drink the odd cup but ran out a week or 2 ago and never got anymore - but I will this evening as heading into town so will go to Holland & Barratt.

Thanks - fingers crossed it works for us - trying to stay hopeful but afraid to be too hopeful and then it all to come crashing down when AF arrives. I need to just forget about TTC and chill-lax!
I feel so uneasy because I am used to focusing on my body and doing everything I possibly can to conceive but it is hard when there is something out of your control. Really anxious to speak to the doc on Thurs. morning and hopefully they will suggest a retest. I hope this is something we can change, if not, it is likely that we have to do ivf?!?!?:shrug:

That's exactly how i've felt lately hun, you get to a stage where they are kind of sorting your probs and then this comes out of the blue :hugs:
I would image they will retest in 3 months as that is how long it takes to totally refresh the whole 'stock' of sperm.
Has your oh been poorly in the past 3 months? It can make a big difference. Is he taking any vits? Ive put my dh on wellman conception and im hoping it makes a difference.
Im sure you will feel better once youve spoken to the doctor. My nurse suggested that clomid may be an option for my dh so maybe ask about that???
I was told that for iui you need 2 million good quality, good motility swimmers which we didnt have last time so hoping we do next!
Always here if you need to talk hun :hugs:
Hey everyone

Thanks for all the support. :hugs:

We have our appointment this morning so fingers crossed that this is something that we can change!

DH has not been sick in the last three months, in fact he hardly ever gets sick. But he does not take supplements and hates vegetables.

We are going today to find the loosest boxers possible, I don't care if they keep falling down, he is going to wear them.

He woke up yesterday morning as was sitting at the computer googling how to improve his count, motility, etc. I can see that it has really shook him even though he is super laid back. He is ok with starting vitamins so we will be ordering some today or are they available at the store??

He asked me yesterday if I thought any different of him (of course I don't) but it made me think if he thought any different of me because I was having issues with ovulating properly. He said no.

We have always been open to the possibilty that we would need ivf. The insurance that we will be gettig soon covers it, so thats a good thing I guess.

Even though the results were so poor, we still are trying this cycle. Is that weird? I couldn't see my ovaries being all swollen for no reason :dohh:

Sorry for rambling this morning.

Thanks for listening and I hope you all are well.:hugs:
Just thought I would share my reading that I got from the ttc psychic cheri22:

"They show JAN and GIRL so this is either birth month, concieve month or the month you find out in.

They are also mentioning something to do with APRIL and showing me some flowers. Not sure if there is a wedding planned at that time, or if someone who passed over in april or relating to april is passing this information through. They just show me a women who has passed and shes saying april and showing me flowers.. lots of flowers.

I also posted this in my new journal if you guys want to visit my journal:thumbup:

Ok, gotta go to our appointment.....
Just got back from the doc.
The doc was quite taken back by the results and even called the lab to ask questions. So he ordered an ultrasound of DH testicles to check for a varicocele that would inhibit sperm production and quality. He had already examined him so I thought we were in the clear for that but he says sometimes these varicoceles can not be able to be felt through examination. He also ordered a repeat analysis.

Me and DH went straight to get his ultrasound and it went pretty quick. The tech told him that the right testicle was fine but there was some minor blockage in the left testicle. So, I am not sure where we stand right now.
Hey all,
Hopeful im glad you are getting answers honey, even if it doesn't feel like it's helping at the moment, it will once you've got your head around it. We are also still trying although we know there's not much chance!x
Hi all.

Hopeful, it sounds as though your doc is pretty thorough; I'm sure that whatever is wrong they will find and fix quick. Of course you must still try this cycle, mother nature really does work in mysterious ways.

WishinG you and Dream and oF course everyone else loads of dust.

Afm, in just 1 short week I have turned into a mad woman; pinching my nipples constantly to see if they hurt - which they have been (though not as much as I would have expected!) Then last nigh the pain suddenly stopped and so I have convinced myself all is not well. I saw my Doc yesterday and she said they don't do blood tests to measure the amount of HCG. I will call the private clinic this morning and see if they do and if they think I should have one.

Baby dust, Hopes. X

I thought all doctors use a hcg blood test to confirm pregnancy? I know that is standard practice in the US. Did you have one when you were pregnant before? Keep us updated :thumbup:
Wow dream!!! Just peeked in on your chart and it looks quite good hun!! It is amazing and all with no meds!! Gives me hope:flower:
Hi Hopeful. There are two types of HCG test; one that confirms pregnancy and one that checks the levels of HCG are in keeping with the number of weeks of pregnancy. The lady I spoke to this morning was really sweet and tried to reassure me that symptoms coming and going is completely normal (it didn't work)! She said they don't recommend the quantitative HCG test as it is not always accurate; it relies on HCG doubling every 24 hours but in some normal pregnancies this doesn&#8217;t happen and in some failed pregnancies; it still rises at this level. I hope that makes sense?!
So, it looks as though I just have to wait 3 weeks for a scan. I'm so sorry to whine and I promise that if ever I get to 12 weeks and all is well then you won't here a single complaint from me. But right now it feels like an impossible dream; I don't feel in the slightest bit pregnant and that is how I felt before and we all know how that turned out.

Please someone else share some happy, positive news / thoughts?

Hopes. X
Morning ladies

Hopes - i really hope you have nothing to worry about (easier said than done though Im sure). Will they do a HCG test for you if you pay for it? Im sure its normal for symptoms to come and go - try not to stress too much. :thumbup:

Hopeful - I really hope the blockage can be treated and thats all it takes for you to get your BFP. What is the protocol now for your DH? How do they treat this? Im sure all will be fine. :hugs:

I hope everyone else is well.

AFM - nothing much to report - im 4DPO today I think. No real signs or symptoms just ones Ive had before so nothing new standing out. 2 friends had baby girls yesterday and wednesday - i was happy when I heard but Im slowing getting depressed about it thinking will I ever get to experience this for myself - i really can't see it but then somedays I can see it (i picture myself in labour..... )

Cant wait to finish the clomid and stop TTC for a while - i need to for my own sanity! :wohoo:

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