Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Reba, they will do the test but it could either give me false hope - or false worry! Knowing how I am, I don't think it wise? Will see how I feel next week but will try and wait if I possibly can.

I really hope this is your month...

Well our follow up appointment will likely not be for some time because DH is going out of state for work for two weeks, so I am glad that we got in right away for the scan. We take the 2nd analysis to the lab when he gets back home tomorrow but we will not likely get back with the urologist until mid December.:wacko: So not having an official plan right now is kinda driving me crazy!
Hopeful, it's unforunate but maybe a few weeks will help the spermies, now that DH is on vits etc? I hope you keep busy / distracted and it goes quickly for you... X
afternoon ladies

oh lots of hugs for everyone! we'll ahve to remember these awful times when we have children having temper tantrums in the supermarket and we can smile and think well im glad you're here after the long wait! :)

hopeful it sounds like youre getting good treatment and thats great but its such a shame you are encountering more challenges - bet its shook DH up bless him. I hope the vits help and that you get some answers and advice on your next visit to the dr.

Im finding the idea of a break quite restful and I think much needed for our relationship for us to have some fun and go out on dates and drink and do the doo for fun and live for the moment - the last few months have been quite a strain. Im getting a necklace for Christmas from DH which Ive picked charms for, 2 angel wings and a birthstone for Jan and June and a heart charm to go in the middle, Im going to have that instead of my tattoos :)

Hopes big hugs - we'll help you through the next few weeks as best we can x

just got a delivery of baby clothes for all my friends babies, I ordered online as I couldnt bear to go in the a bit nervous about being Godmother next Sunday but its just one of those grit your teeth and find courage moments isnt it x

afm - CD7 and the bleeding seems to be stopping - brill and also a bit sad, but it means I can get out of the house, got signed off from the opthamologist yesterday so can drive - woo! I may have the visual snow for the rest of my life which is annoying but we'll see what time cycle is different to any other so it's going to be interesting! Maybe I'll suddenly be ovulating every month without help :)

love to all x
Wow dream!!! Just peeked in on your chart and it looks quite good hun!! It is amazing and all with no meds!! Gives me hope:flower:

:thumbup:Thanks hun!! It's actually looking better than my chart when i oved with clomid! hee hee. Just hoping its not infection etc, but ive been on antibitoics since monday night so i dont think it is!! :happydance: Have had my 7dpo bloods done today although im only 6dpo i think! FF says 5 but its fibbing!!! hee hee. So will call tuesday and see what the results are!x
afternoon ladies

oh lots of hugs for everyone! we'll ahve to remember these awful times when we have children having temper tantrums in the supermarket and we can smile and think well im glad you're here after the long wait! :)

hopeful it sounds like youre getting good treatment and thats great but its such a shame you are encountering more challenges - bet its shook DH up bless him. I hope the vits help and that you get some answers and advice on your next visit to the dr.

Im finding the idea of a break quite restful and I think much needed for our relationship for us to have some fun and go out on dates and drink and do the doo for fun and live for the moment - the last few months have been quite a strain. Im getting a necklace for Christmas from DH which Ive picked charms for, 2 angel wings and a birthstone for Jan and June and a heart charm to go in the middle, Im going to have that instead of my tattoos :)

Hopes big hugs - we'll help you through the next few weeks as best we can x

just got a delivery of baby clothes for all my friends babies, I ordered online as I couldnt bear to go in the a bit nervous about being Godmother next Sunday but its just one of those grit your teeth and find courage moments isnt it x

afm - CD7 and the bleeding seems to be stopping - brill and also a bit sad, but it means I can get out of the house, got signed off from the opthamologist yesterday so can drive - woo! I may have the visual snow for the rest of my life which is annoying but we'll see what time cycle is different to any other so it's going to be interesting! Maybe I'll suddenly be ovulating every month without help :)

love to all x

Hi Rowan

I know what you mean I even said to the doctor do you think i might start ovulating again. Visual snow - whats that like?

It feels better when you get out, nothing worse than being stuck indoors.

I really hope that sunday is not to painful for you.

Rowan sending you lots and lots of big hugs. XX

AFM - Have had row with my dh. I have had a drink of wine and he has shouted at me saying its a depressant thats why you feel sad. Yeah maybe its not helping but I can't help feeling low. He was like whats a matter, dohhhh liek you have to ask. Oh and I am really blocked up. Know that the terrible cold is cominhg. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Hey ladies :flower:

Hopes- keeping my fingers crossed for you hun. I know it must be difficult after everything that has happened in the past. I have a good feeling about you and the little bean! :thumbup::baby:

Rowan- That is just awful to have visual snow forever. I hope it fades in time. Have you adjusted to it or is it still quite bothersome? I will be thinking of you on Sunday, I don't know how but when it is necessary, we find the courage to remain strong even when our heart is breaking.:hugs:

Bean- Sorry you and DH are having a hard time and I personally think you should have a glass of wine to relax if need be. Sorry he doesn't understand what you are going through right now. Men just don't get it sometimes, they're not made like us :wacko: I am here whenever you need to talk.:hugs:

Reba- I also have invisions of me in labor. I don't know when and I don't even know how but I am sure I will be in labor one day!! And you will too:thumbup:

Dream- I am just sure your results will be good! I know it has to feel good after all you have been through hun!:hugs:

Hugs to anyone I have not mentioned:hugs:

AFM- Well, just trying to get in the holiday mood and have the mindset that whatever will be, will be. I am looking forward to not taking Clomid next cycle!! Guess I will be hoping that my chart looks like dreams chart:winkwink:
I have already accepted the fact that this cycle is probably a bust and have taken Clomid in vain but it aint over till AF sings:shrug:

It sounds pretty crazy that I was super excited to take the Clomid and now I am almost just as excited to stop taking it:muaha: Am I just crazy??
Not crazy hun just ttc. XXXXX (Thats how it makes you feel) xxxx:hugs:
I was speaking to my friend who ttc for 10 years and she said ttc is the hardest thing - I dont think some people will ever understand it. Bean big hugs - my Dh doesnt feel the losses to the depth I do - and he really doesnt understand how it hurts to see babies etc - I think its so different for women. I keep having dreams hes giong to leave me - think am feeling insecure and a bit of a failure tbh!

visual snow is like its snowing all the time
you can get an image - Im used to it now tbh but it would be nice if it went :) that site shows pretty much all the symptoms Ive been having - was sooo plased when I found it and could show DH what i was on about and that it wasnt in my mind! :)

afm - bleeding has stopped and we had a lovely session last night! was thinking about the not trying and its kind of hard when you dont know when / if you're going to ov! :) sods law when were not trying itll happen!

im hoping everyone has improved cycles off the clomid :)

Hi all,
Rowan i cant imagine what it would be like to live with your vision like that!!
I'm a bit disappointed today :( Last night noticed a little bit of peachy/pink cm and got excited. Today there is a huge temp drop :( Still high for me if not oved but im wondering if i have now? :( x
Oh Rowan, sounds and LOOKS awful! I am glad that we were able to see what you are truly going through.:hugs: I really hope it fades soon. Must be really bad in the dark?!?! I am also hoping that Clomid gives our bodies a jump start in the right direction. I don't have a clue what it feels like to O without Clomid??

Dream, really, really don't want to get your hopes up but just keep in mind that implantation is sometimes linked to a one day temp drop! Lets hope it stays above cover hun:thumbup:
I was just thinking that we should make a team name and graphic that we can all put in our signature. What do you guys think?
Dream, really, really don't want to get your hopes up but just keep in mind that implantation is sometimes linked to a one day temp drop! Lets hope it stays above cover hun:thumbup:

Thanks hun. It had crossed my mind but my cold is now almost gone too so i wondered if it was a fever after all? I dont know!! Have had weird 'cramps' today. Not very painful but tugging kind of thing. Dont want to get my hopes up as cervix is very low and surely it should be high if i was pg?

Love the idea of a siggy!!x
Hi all

Rowan had a look on that website. OMG must be so hard.

Dream - You never, never know.......

Hi everybody else hope you are all.

AFM - have horrible cold, ears blocked, nose blocked, throat sore etc........ Had a bit of discharge todayso wondering if period might be coming soon. XX
Awww that's exactly how i've been lately! Had a stinking cold! Hope it eases soon!
I'm not holding out much hope at all but thank you! Will see in a week's time i suppose as pretty sure if i oved it was last saturday!x
Good morning :friends: Just a quickie as I am off to do the supermarket shop in a sec - how dull!

Hopeful, lovely idea about the team name & logo, I'm in! I hope you are getting into the holiday spirit, it's a nice distraction for us all. X

Rowan, is it today you are performing Godmother duties? I am sure you will handle it with total dignity and I know that one day, it will be your babies christening and you will be so much more than Godmother! I am glad you had a good session, it is so important not to lose the joy of sex altogeher hey. Checked out your visual snow and noticed floaters on the page. I had them once and was totally freaked out. Luckily for me it passed eventually; I now only see a couple when I'm really tired. I hope you have 100% recovery too as it is simply not nice! Hugs. X

Bean, I totally hear you on the wine front. I tend to head straight for the bottle when I am down, although I know it's a depressant. Usually it results in arguments with OH too. Not great - but it is a necessary release at times. I guess DH only says stuff because he cares but don't be too hard on yourself for having a little of something that makes you feel better - even if only for a short while! X

Reba, I really hope this is your cycle... X

Dream, try not to lose heart, I hope it was a temp dip due to implantation and as for the cervix position, I am not expert but I read a bit about it (thinking it may be something I could try) and so many posts said it was an unreliable method and so I didn't bother. I hope this 1ww goes fast for you and have my fingers firmly x'ed. X

Hello to anyone I've missed. :wave:

I took another CB Digi this morning in the hope of moving on to 2-3 weeks but instead, the test totally failed! Furious and woud like to physically assault the individual responsible for making the faulty test!!! Unsure whether to buy another today - OH thinks I should just wait? Hopes. X
Afternoon ladies.

Seems like there are a few colds/flus going around - hope you are all doing well.

Nothing much to report from me. My CBFM is still asking me for pee sticks (i have one left now so thats 20 gone this month). It better stop asking cos I aint buying more for this cycle - im sure it realises its asked for 19 already and will stop after tomorrow. It better just use 10 next cycle as I cant be buying a box every month - expensive habit!

No signs/symptoms really to report - well nothing worth noting or that might be preg related. I was nauseous all day yesterday after eating but think I just ate too much (and too much sweet things) so felt the sugar overload effects. Feel it again now (after my lunch) but again ate too much probably.

Can I ask a really embarrassing question...... do any of you experience gas/air from your va-jay jay!!!! :blush: I have been getting it all day. I was sweeping the floor and every movement caused an air pocket to release!!!! :haha: Its so weird. Ever hear of that as a sign or symptom? so embarrassing...... thankfully i was alone when it was happening.
hey ladies

been a bit too down to check in im afraid :( am hoping to feel a bit better today. Thanks re the visual stuff - its a lot easier to deal with now the massive orbs and floaters have gone but it would be lovely if it went back to normal - I drove for the first time in the dark last night and lets just say my new special vision is not suited to driving in the dark - balls! no good in winter!

Its the Christening this coming Sunday and tbh Im not sure how Ill do - thanks for having faith in me and Ill re read your thoughts when Im getting ready to go Im sure...but at the moment I cant see a baby on an advert without crying for 2 Im not sure how Ill be when surrounded by babies and having to be up there in public. I just want to hide at the moment!

Reba is your machinne still saying positive tests? Is that when it asks you to poas? Never used one so am intriegued!

Dream you never know re implantation dip - fingers crossed - my cervix takes a while to change when bfp - when it does its very very squishy :)

Hopes when will you be having your scan? My friend who lost a baby the month before my first baby is expecting a week after I would have been with my second and she just had another scan at 9 weeks (which was her big scary date to get past) and everythings fine - waving arms and everything - a gorgeous pic!

afm CD11 still creamy cm with spotting temp has risen from 36.41 to 36.52 today - its going to be an interesting cycle

Bean have you not had af yet hon?

hopeful how are you feeling?

Morning ladies,

Rowan - sorry your feeling so down. :hugs: I hope the christening next week is okay for you - when I feel like im about to start crying at events like that I sign a song in my head to totally take my mind of it all - it works most of the time (but make sure its a fun up beat song and not a sad one!!! ). Im sure you'll get through it :hugs:

No my machine is saying low on the tests - usually it give you a few lows, then approx 5 highs and then 2 peaks and then 1 more low and then it stops asking you to pee on a stick. Mine however gave me 3 lows, 7 highs, 2 peaks, 1 high and now 7 more lows - so 20 test sticks used in total. I have no more sticks so if it asks again tomorrow then I cant do it but Im sure there is some mechanism inside it thats can detect 20 sticks used so it will prob stop asking tomorrow. Then it will start around CD6 again (hopefully not til CD8 or 9 though next cycle - its very boring doing that every morning).

Im still tracking my temps and its up at 36.77 this am - it was 36.65 yesterday I think so its going up. And I looked back on all my Temps from a few years ago and my temp is def higher now that Im on the clomid.

Anyway nothing to report signs or symptom wise - just pain in my back/side - but again ive had this before!

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