Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

ah Mrs G how sweet - my mam took 3 years to get me and one mc and ten years to get my sister (on the cycle after she stopped clomid cos it was turning her into a mad lady)

and it turns out all the women on her side have had mc or early menapause and ov cysts and ov cancer so I guess we all just have faulty ovaries! my little sisters just assuming shes going to have probs bless her! At least I'll have lots of knowledge to pass on but I really hope she doesnt have to go through this!

Dream fingers crossed for you - as Mrs G says creamy cm is a good sign - I hope this is your month x

afm - I randomly started bleeding again yest how rude! seems to be easing today and my temps gone up from 36.50 to 36.63 so who knows what its doing :) Im presuming annov this cycle but the bleeding is meaning we cant do the do for fun
Hello everyone.

Dream, I so hope the evil bitch doesn't get you. :witch:

I hope that none of you ladies need more assistance than clomid, you've been through enough already. X

Mrs G, that must have been really scary for you. :hugs: I remember so well the sheer disappointment of losing a much wanted baby, it's heart breaking and I hate to think of you, and Bean and Rowan going through that. X

I really feel that our group needs a lot of luck, heaven knows we don't seem to have had much of it.

Hopeful, sorry you got food poisoning too; seems it never rains, only pours. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday. X

Reba, how are you doing? I am hoping for you... X

Love and dust to anyone I've missed. X

I got the results from my 2nd blood test yesterday; HCG has risen though not doubled. From what I've read (hopefully reliable info.) after around 6,000 the doubling time is likely to be more than 48 hours, so I am no more worried than I was before the test! The nice lady (wish I knew her title)?! was very friendly yesterday and said that although it is not an exact science, she would be quietly optimistic if she were me. She assured me again that you do not have to have symptoms to have a healthy pregnancy.

I guess it's all out of my hands, I just have to sit back and wait for a scan now. I really do want to feel more positive than I do but I can't seem to believe that it will end well.

I've been reading quite a lot of threads in TTC after a loss and Pregnancy 1st trimester. There are so many sad stories, so many ladies dealing with way too much and then so many who seemingly have it so easy. I don't really feel comfortable in the pregnancy forum tbh, I wouldn't say it anywhere other than here but I just can't deal with hearing about young girls who have not been through even a days struggle to get their BFP. I don't know why it bothers me more when they are really young, it just does. Am I a horrible person??

Hopes. X
Hopes - no your not a horrible person atall, your just like us.. i know i feel that way. I look around and think how can she get pregnant from a one night sodding stand and we are trying and trying and nothing :( so i deffinatly get that anger ha! x
Its looking good then for your little sticky bean :) aslong as the numbers are rising thats a good sign. i think you do right to just relax now and let time tell ( i secretly think i stressed too much about something being wrong that i caused my mc :cry: but im feeling ok today, very productive and ready to try again i think :))

Rowan - gosh i cant believe how much your family has gone through, thats awful! lets hope your sister hasnt had it passed down too :pray: x

hopeful - it was lovely what she said i know it did make me think, well yeah! atleast i actually really want you :) between my mum and my DH they have been a godsend. it shows how much love there is at times like this. Although i think xmas day will be tough as we would have been letting them all know on that day so i will have to take 5mins to think of little pea x

I second the much needed LUCK for this group! i think we need it, that and lots of Sticky dust :dust:

Reba - hope your doing ok hun. :hugs: xxx
Mrs G, please don't think you caused the m/c by stressing. From everything I've read I now believe that early m/c's are almost always out of our control; something wasn't right from the start and the pregnancy wasn't viable. When it happened to me I didn't find out until 13 weeks and they dated it back to 5 wks 2 days when the pregnancy ended. I calculated back and realised that this was a weeknd when OH was away with work and I did nothing but scream at him down the phone and get myself so stressed out I felt physically sick. Naturally, for a long time I was convinced I bought the m/c on myself. Also, I was avised that I could continue to exercise at the usual rate, which I did and so I wondered if this was also a contributing factor. I have now accepted that there was more than likely something wrong from the start and nothing I did could have changed the outcome. This time around I am not allowing myself to get stressed (hard, as I am naturally a stressed out person!) and I am not exercising - when I do it will be a very gentle workout. I still don't think it will make a difference to the outcome, but I will know I did everything I could.

I know I just sounded like a complete psycho re yelling at OH! He happens to work for a company absolutely full of good looking young girls and once a year the whole company has a training weekend. I am a little jealous and I haven't always handled it well. I am pleased to say that it was the weekend after our hol this time - I didn't yet know I was pg but luckily, I managed to remain compeletly calm and we didn't argue at all! X
lol, your not a nutter for that though. my husband went for an interview yesterday and because he has worked for his family all his life iv never thought much of it, but this interview is for thorntons and im quite anxious incase he finds someone better than me, (not that he would even look, but you know what i mean) so i sound abit psychopathic too ha! :haha:
Thank you hun, im sure it wasnt me stressing and worrying but i just feel like im in the greiving (blaming) part of it all atm even though i have already accepted it. i do things slightly backwards but its ok :rofl: x
Thank goodness I'm not the only one! Very true, it's all part of he grieving process that you must go through. Do whatever feels right to you and don't think twice about anyone other than you and DH. X
big hugs Hopes and Mrs G :hugs:

am keeping my fingers crossed every day for you Hopes - less than 2 weeks til your scan now [-o<

well Ive kind of experimented for everyone with my 2 pregnancies - first one I exercised normally, didnt slow down, had a stressful time at work, did the doo, ate carefully etc 2nd time was off work, did no exercise, ate a lot of cakes, didnt bend, didnt stretch, didnt do the doo and it didnt make a hapeth of difference - I know people had been saying to me if a babys healthy itll be fine and if its not nothing you can do can change that but you always have that niggling worry - so Ive experienced it for myself and if I get another bfp then I'm going to approach it somewhere in between the two approaches :)

feeling a lot better reading my book (Coming to Term Jon Cohen) its got so much interesting research in it - like I know the speil about older ladies having more problems but no-ones ever explained why - and he has and its like ahhh I get it :dohh: . I like the science behind it - he always ends a chapter with a little positive story as well :) my sister is 25 and my little sil is also 25 and has pcos so Im encouraging them to not put it off as they have found their other halves a lot earlier than me :) am feeling a lot better about ttc again....I think a few months of charting and ntnp and fun :sex: will help :)

im going to sit and watch miracle on 34th street now instead of job hunting :)


ps thorntons...mmm chocolate!

am on the slimming world again and exercising like a mad woman to get in trim - figure then i can eat what I like at Christmas :haha::winkwink:
Hi Rowan. You sound more upbeat, I'm really pelased for you. NTNP will be much nicer for a while.
I would have been dieting like mad so that I can totally blow out at Christmas but I am really struggling now. I have eaten chocolate or cakes every day for a week, which is really unlike me. The office is full of them every day and I can no longer resist. I am still trying though, as I do not want to gain weight yet - there is no real need and although it's a shallow thing to think, I genuinely do not want to put on weight and then find out I've miscarried again. That happened last time and I felt doubly cheated - no baby but fat anyway. X

And Miracle on 34th Street is so much more fun than job hunting! Enjoy. X
Hey ladies,

Great numbers hopes - im sure all is well with the bean. Not long to wait for the scan so you can properly relax. :thumbup:

Mrs G - hope your feeling okay :hugs:

Rowan - you def sound like your more upbeat - thats great. :hugs:

And ladies Im sure the MC had nothing to do with how you acted in the first few weeks of pregnancy - it just means there was something wrong with the foetus and it would of never survived. And if the baby did it could of been severly deformed. So please dont think you had anything to do with casuing it.

AFM - well I really feel AF coming. I have had cramping on and off all day - keep going to the loo expecting to see my usual spotting (nothing yet but I know its coming). Both hips are sore too.

I have a feeling im gonna be doubley gutted this month (after using the CBFM and dtd on the right days etc and still no BFP - what the hell is wrong with me???).

I was also contimplating stopping Clomid - i Ov on my own anyway and dont really know if there is any point in me taking it - i just want to bin it and forget about TTC for Dec cos I will be pissed off at Christmas again when I get AF. Temping and using the CBFM doesnt help taking your mind of TTC either - it makes it worse. I think about TTC every minute of the day - im obsessed - i wish I could be reprogrammed back to the days when I didnt think about getting preggers.
hey reba, yes im feeling quite productive today, iv had abit of a crisis and decided to turn my hair bright red... im looking forward to seeing how it turns out :hehe: how exciting :) and iv cleaned my living room carpet.. im feeling pretty good today. going to my friends to watch the 6th harry potter tonight before i go see the new 1 on monday :D i think you need to catch up because theres so many months from when the last one came out!

Rowan - yeh i love chocolate, but my pcos wont let me loose weight easily so iv given up for the minute. im not overweight but do feel slightly bloated as all my friends have bought me chocs to say sorry for my loss. my DH said i wont be putting on 9month of baby weight but i will put 9months worth of weight off chocolate on ha! and even more so if he gets this job! :haha: never mind eh!

Hopes - i hope your feeling ok :) still havnt heard from that interview yet. they said yest or today, im kinda hoping their just late in getting back to him and he has got it. but the more hours goes by my positive thinking is being drowned :( poor hubby xx
Hey girls,
Hope youre all ok??
Im just plodding this end! Crampy but no sign of af so just waiting! Temp stayed the same again so we'll see x
Hi all

Mrs G I am so sorry. I have only read today as have not been on in a few days. Like others have said I am here if you need to chat/vent etc......

Hi everybody

Hope that you are all ok.

On my period - yeahhhhhhhh

Not painful but really heavy. XX
Glad you're not hving any pain sweetie!! It's a step in the right direction for you xxx
morning ladies

snowing again here :) tho it does mean I cant go and see my friend today and I was looking forward to it - ah well I shall read my book, exercise, clean the fridge and maybe watch another cheesy film :)

Hopes I totally know what you mean re weight when pg - I balloon when pg and need mat clothes from the get go - its ridiculous! Have lost 2lb in a week so its a start :)

Reba hugs hon - its hard to know what to do sometimes isnt it - it may be nice over Christmas to not worry and just do the do for fun - its just switching off that little niggle in the back of your mind that youve missed a chance isnt it :) but you could start the new year refreshed and think right new year new chances - what does your DH think? TTc is so consuming - it puts your life on hold and means were always thinking ahead and what could be instead of whats here now

Mrs G wehy red hair - fab! V festive! Im totally excited about seeing Harry Potter - cant wait - am going to see it with my dad next week I think :)

Dream fingers crossed

Bean yey for AF - are you going to have clomid this / next cycle or see what happens without? Did you ov this cycle?

afm - CD14 and a temp drop again - when Ive done my charts overlay its now exactly the same as my annov cycles so Im thinking no ov for sure this month - will be really interesting to see what happens in the next few months

Hope everyones ok x
Morning Ladies,

MrsG - bright red hair - cool - i wish I had the nerve to do something like that. Im afraid to get a trim or to put a brown hair dye in my hair incase its too dark.... sad I know. But def need a new style and a dye for Christmas. Thinking of a full fringe - thats the madest thing Ive done since I was a kid and got all my hair chopped off. Glad your doing things to take your mind of everything. :hugs:

Dream - im in the same boat - cramping but not AF yet - hope this is your lucky cycle. :thumbup:

Rowan - my DH wants me to carry on with the clomid (and I kinda do to - as you say that niggly feeling at the back of your head saying its a missed opportunity) so we prob will continue - and I suppose I need to keep using the CBFM cos it needs to get to know my cycles to work to the best of its ability so cant miss a month really.

Bean - boo for heavy AF - hope your feeling okay :hugs:

Oh I want to see Harry Potter too but I need to catch up (on the last 3 at least) - think I saw the first 3 movies but after that Im lost. So gonna catch up and hopefully catch the last one on the cinema next year.

Well AFM - woke with strong cramps and thought the witch would be here by now. Still no sign but i've gone this far before without spotting so it could happen any minute now - if it hasnt happen already. I even put a panty liner on cos I just know shes coming :growlmad:
Hello everyone.

I think it's really nice how we have started to find out more about each other away from TTC!

Reba, I know exactly what you mean; I have my hair trimmed every 4 weeks but I keep the exact same style. I'm a real creature of habit but when others have funky colours and styles, I always love it!

Mrs G, I hope you feel fantastic with your new hair. Pamper yourself loads, you deserve it! I hope you are feeling OK. X

Reba and Dream, I really hope the bitch stays clear, I have my fingers x'ed for you both... XX

Bean, Hopeful; how are you both? XX

Rowan, happy snow day, I hope you've had a good one. X

I am a little gutted that there is a new HP out, not because I don't like it but because we selected the name Hermione for a girl 2 years back. I think it will get really popular again now there is a new film. What do you think of these names anyway; Hermione Julia (Julia is my twin) and Harriet Hope (the thing I've learned from TTC)? It's easy for a boy, as there is only one boys name I've ever suggested that OH likes!

Hopes. X
Hey all,
AF got me so back to cd1 and praying for another ovulatory cycle!! :)
Hopes i love those names! What is the boys name you like?
Reba praying af has come to my door and missed yours!!
Lots of love to everyone xxx
Dream, I'm really sorry, wanted you to have some luck. I hope that you continue to o on your own, I feel you will. I am praying for a new year BFP for you. X

Thanks, glad you like the names. Henry Stuart (Stuart after his Daddy) for a boy. X

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