Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Thanks lovely :)
Henry is one of my fave names for a boy!! It's beautiful!! You have a thing or H names huh? hee hee :)
Lovely names Hopes.

If I had a girl I would call her Lucy after my great nan - she died years ago but was fab. Boys are hard for us - no more J's though as already got a Joseph and a James.

Know what you mean about reminders re. name etc... though. We have a date reminder now though. I know I did not get an official due date, but my date from my cycle was 29th april. Can you believe it - bloody royal wedding - like i can ignore that date now.

Rowan I have no idea if I ovulated. Have not even had sex yet. Am going to try this cycle but have not taken any clomid. Am waiting for consultant appointment. Must admit it was tempting as I have around of clomid in the cupboard Said to my husband tonight you better get ready for it again. Think he might be fed up of all or nothing. Thing is I had that infection and then I started my period a week later. Have not felt like it at all.

Hi to everybody else - hope you are ok. XXX
I'm glad you like the names ladies. Lucy is lovely Bean, I've never met a Lucy I haven't liked! That is tough about the Royal wedding, it will be difficult not to remember. I just hope you have a bump by then to at least take away some of the pain.

TTC so rubbish for your sex life, I'm not surprised you haven't done the deed yet. I hope it is not too stressful when you start back up again.

Happy weekends, one and all. X
ah I like all of your names - we like M's Mary, Martha and Michael - Michael John Peter in full :) cant agree on girls middle names - I like Olive and Verona but DH sayd absolutely not :) so we may go with Mary Kathleen and Martha were not sure of a middle name yet :shrug:

my sil and her Dh were in the mat ward with a names book the night before her c section and we were helping pick names - its so funny isnt it peoples differing approaches!

I know what you mean about dates but the royal date is going to be so hard to avoid - Ive got jan and june birthstones on my Christmas necklace and I think Ill take those days off work each year - Lordy I hope theres not too many more sad dates and there are some happy dates to come :)

Dream what a shame! but great news that you ov'd and that youre onto a new cycle straight away instead of the cycle just going on and on - lets hope you ov again this month x

fingers crossed Reba

Hullo Bean and Mrs G :hi:

Bean bless you hon - you'll know when it feels right - Im mad horny again but I checked last times chart and its exactly the same day so it must be my hormones - I hope you get your groove back soon hon :hugs:

afm - CD15 - I finally have normal Cm - woo hoo!:happydance: my temps are following my annov charts exactly so i should have a rise for the next couple of days and then it'll go erratic again (body trying to ov but not) I love chart overlay Ive learnt so much from it

In my book I was reading about the early pregnancy mam was saying they used to have to wait 2 months to get a result so she is astonished by the tests nowadays..well the author of my book explained how it used to be and how it developed..but the first tests involved rabbits! you had to get a urine sample and then this was sent to a lab and injected in a rabbit (with some other stuff I cant remember) and if the rabbit got a tumour or a haemorragge and died then the woman was pregnant...then the results would be sent to the dr and then to the lady. How mad is that?! :wacko:

please tell me if Im getting too boring for words with my new information :)

The weather broke for a bit yesterday afternooon so I went to see my friend and her little boy (hes my Godson) and had a brill time catching up and playing diggers and tractors :) I also managed to go and see my grandma in her new nursing home so Im really chuffed as its snowed heavily again all night and this am :) DH has still gone to the tip like bless him! Such a bloke thing to do

have good weekends ladies - Christening tmro and Im feeling ok about it - DH has said I can wear my new necklace just this once before Christmas to help me bless him :)


Morning ladies :flower:

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving and spent yesterday at the circus. Had a blast. I have not thought about ttc for a few days now and it felt really good. I almost felt normal:wacko:

Its also weird. I am thinking that I may not have O'd this cycle because I do not feel ANYTHING. No cramps or sore breast or bloating :nope: Will find out on Monday hopefully.
Rowan I hope all is ok today. Willl be thinking of you. I am sure you will be strong. XXX

Hi everybody

Hope you are all ok. XX
hey ladies

:cry: should have been our 12 week scan today :( . I hope you are all ok

Thanks Bean - I managed to make it through the ceremony with gritted teeth and a lump in my throat while posing for pics with the baby but I couldnt make it past 5 mins at the doo - and it had taken an hour of crying to get me to the doo, my DH was fab - he said he felt daunted at the sheer number of babies there and there were at least another 10 to come so he couldnt imagine how bad I was feeling, bless him he nearly had to carry me to the car as I was crying so much I couldnt stand up much less walk. So Im afraid I was as strong as I could be but not as strong as I would have liked to be :nope:

then we went to my sil to pick up my little sil and of course my 3 month old nephew was there which set me off again and my sil ended up just rocking me and cuddling me while i wept - bless her she was wonderful. a very very hard day...too much for me to bear really. :( sorry - dont mean to be a downer - am sure I'll pick myself up again soon :blush:

CD17 and a drop today so defo no ov yet and sticky CM so am hoping its ok to :sex: if we feel like it - ridiculous really for me to be worrying about getting bfp when its taken 2 years of ttc to get this far :dohh:

glad you had a lovely thanksgiving Hopeful - hoping you got your results ok x

Rowan :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

So sorry that you had to go through that. I know your turn is coming soon:flower:

AFM- Feel like AF is on her way. (sigh):growlmad:
Sorry I havnt been on in a few days ive been reflecting over the weekend and doing things that have made me happy, theres been a olden times fayre in the town next to ours so we went to that, bought some pheasent and olives and mulled wine mmmm :)

beanwood - thanks hun, im soo sorry that we have had to go through this. hopefully luck will look our way sometime soon... like NOW lol. for me you and rowan :dust: x
im so glad youve got AF atleast you can start trying again now, i hope its lightened up for you though :D, cant believe the royal wedding is that weekend, im kinda hoping we will be pregnant by our EDD and then it'll make it easier to deal with. x

Well my hair was red, but it washed out really fast and didnt look very nice after a few days so i stripped it and dyed it light brown, but it has a slight warm tinge lol! its nice though :) x

reba - good luck with this month of clomid, i kinda wanted to do it this cycle but i have so much to think about im leaving it to nature this month and going onto clomid if im still ttc next cycle. x

Hopes - thanks hun, i feel like i have pampered myself over the weekend.. went out friday night and had a total blow out i was soo drunk and ill on saturday :haha: but it was well needed. aww the boys name you have chosen is lovely :) x

We like a few names but the main ones are : (boy) Roary, Declan, Oliver, Jacob (but it reminds us of twilight now and people will think we chose it because of that!!)
(girl) lily, eva, maddison, autumn.

:hi: Rowan :) i hope your OK hun and the christening was OK for you. oh god that rabbit, pregnancy theory sounds awful lol :) it is pretty wierd like.
im thinking of you today :cry: and crying with you :( xx

We are snowing here in cumbria at the moment, im freezing, sat here with my fire on snuggled on the sofa with my doggies and my laptop lol! waiting on a NEXT order, as iv got some new cushions and towels ordered.. im excited to see them :D


Ohhh Whilst reading your post I was so emotional. I am so sorry, it sounds like you had a really draining day. I can understand how you feel with how long it took. I keep thinking it took nearly 2 years, so I am hardly going to get pregnant straightaway now. I wish I could give you a hug. It sounds like you have some really supportive family members. Your Dh sounds like a rock. I wish I could say someting to cheer you up. Just know that I am sending you lots of love and am here for you.:hugs:

Every week so far I have thought I would have been this many weeks today. Had a flashback today of when we had the scan. It was horrible.

Hi Mrs G

Haver your cushions arrived? Hoe you are feeling ok. XXXXX

Agree to hopefully being pregnant by edd date. XX
Morning ladies,

Alot going on in here since I was last on. Where to begin......

I dont know where to begin so I will just tell you all my news.....

I got a :bfp: yesterday.... so i took another test and I got a :bfp: so I took another test and I got a :bfp:. Then I took a digi this am and I got this.......


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thanks ladies - was sad all day yesterday but am determined to cheer up today :)

Mrs G the market sounds lovely! Ive just realised tho - should we be calling you Mrs A rather than Mrs G? Lovely names - I love Autumn!

Bean that sounds like a plan!

Hopeful ah hope she stays away for you!

muchos :dust: to everyone

Dh and I are going out for a nice meal tonight at a lovely resteraunt so I shall shave my legs and everything :haha: steak night and a free bottle of vino - lovely! we can walk there in the snow as well which should be romantic (if a little cold!:cold:)

before that Im goign to do this :laundry::dishes::shower::bodyb::coffee::book:

so I;d better crack on! oh and apply for jobs :comp:

sorry - going overboard on the smilies now :)

Im in shock - just one month short of 3 yrs TTC and I get pregnant - it has to be the clomid. 4th time lucky....

I hope everyone else is ok, I didnt know whether to post in here cos I dont want to upset people after all you lot have been through.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I'll try to read back and do a catch up on whats been going on - in my excitement I cant really process any new information.... Im in a Daze - def in shock.
thats fantastic!! thats made my day hon :) it really has! :)

Thanks Rowan

Your meal sounds nice and romantic - especially walking in the snow. We did the same last night - minus the fact I was shitting myself incase I slipped it was V romantic.

Love the smilies - I love going over board on them

Today im gonna have a :coffee: do the :laundry: wash the :dishes: hang out the washing :hangwashing: do some work on the :comp: then go to the:loo:
Oh I am so pleased for youuuuuuuuuuu Reba. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX :happydance:

You have cheered me up. I am feeling ill. Ihave had sickness and the other since 3 0 clock this morn. Have not been sick now for an hour. So hopefully it is passing.

Funny though when I started being sick my first thought was "oh no we need to:sex: this week" Bet you my dh gets it now. :nope:

Rowan have a lovely night.

Hi to everyone else. XXX
Ah Bean you poor thing - hope the sickness passes and that your DH doesnt catch it too.

Try to DTD anyway - last month I twisted my neck (think it was from an uncomfortable session with DH) and he injured his hip/leg playing footie but the day I Ov'd I begged him to DTD and we were both lying in bed like too invalids trying to get comfortable etc. We laughed afterwards saying we'll tell our child how they were concieved not in the throws of passion but of pain and discomfort! :haha: Turns out that might have been the day it happened for us.

Get well soon! :hugs:
Hello lovely ladies. A ridiculously quick message from me; I am totally snowed under at work as my colleague has gone on maternity leave early and I have had all of her work dumped on me. Nice!

I will write properly later but for now I just want to say a huge congratulations to Mr and Mrs Reba; I'm totally chuffed for you both!!! This is fantastic news, just what we all needed. Wishing you a blissful 9 months. X

Love to all, Hopes. X

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