Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

morning ladies

hope you all had good weekends! we got our real tree DH wanted to get the biggest in the place but we comprimised on a slightly smaller one (still about 9 foot high and 6 foot wide) and its fab! dripping in tacky decorations, so we have 4 trees in total :) Dh did the outside lights too so it looks great! I'm writing cards and wrapping pressies today!

afm - temp drop under coverline today - either its an imp dip or Im out for this month - am disappointed even though I know Im not ready :) see what tmro brings I suppose!

Hopeful is your DH still at home of has he set off on his travels yet?

Reba and Hopes how are you doing? Not long til your scan Hopes I hope you're not feeling too stressed, Reba have you got any appointments yet?

Bean, Mrs G and Dream how are you ladies doing? and anyone who Ive missed xx
I posted it in my journal and forgot to post it here :dohh: Yeah, he left yesterday and I was a mess :cry: You would have thought he was never coming back!! He arrived safely and all is well. He is on a training trip with a bunch of other guys, so I just have to keep reminding him not to "overdo" it with the drinking!! Don't want to nag but really don't want to kill the sprem we may have :dohh:

How is everyone?

Rowan- Sounds lovely! You should post a a pic of the tree!! I have to start shopping for everyone. At least it will help keep me busy!!
morning ladies!

big hugs Hopeful I bet you're counting down the days til he's home already! Maybe you can use the time to watch all the programmes he doesnt like and pamper yourself a bit - thats what I do when DH is out :) shopping is also a good way to pass the time :)

I wrapped presents for 4 hours yesterday! crikey! Thats the bulk done tho so I'll do the rest as they arrive in the post - its certainly looking festive! I was worried I wouldnt be feeling Christmassy but its turned out to be just the right distraction at the right time :)

afm - a little rise today - see what tmro brings! Hows everyone elses cycles going?

Hopes how are you feeling about your scan hon? Good luck for tomorrow x

have a good day everyone

Hi all. Another very quick post from me sadly, I'm still snowed under with work :growlmad:

I hope you are all OK. Hopeful, I really hope your time apart goes quickly and never needs to be repeated! Come and pine to us as much as you need! X

Rowan, I want some of your Chrimbo spirit - you seem to have tonnes of it! I hope you have a perfect Christmas and a lovely surprise some time very soon. X

Hi Bean, how are you feeling? Are you looking forward to Christmas? X

Dream, Mrs G; everyone else, how are you all? X

I am dreading my scan; so pleased it is tomorrow though, as I really don't think I could wait any longer. I will let you all know how I get on as soon as I can afterwards... X
Morning Ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well.

Hopeful - I must pop over to your journal and see how your getting on. Hope the time apart with DH is quick and painless. :hugs:

Hopes - good luck with the scan - im sure all will be fine. I know how you feel though - cant help but be nervous!

Rowan - your def getting into the festive spirit - I must get my tree up this evening and get some presents wrapped too. My usual tradition is sipping a Baileys whilsts putting up the tree but thats out the window now - bummer!

Well AFM Im fine - still getting AF type feelings in my belly - comes and goes very quickly. My boobs are sore but not any bigger, No sickness to report. I have my 7 week scan on 19th Dec (sunday which I thought was strange) and I still havent been to the Dr yet to confirm the BFP - suppose to go yesterday but had to go to funeral so appointment for Friday morning. Gonna take my last digi test that morning too and hope and pray it says 2-3weeks (or 3+) then my mind will be at ease (a little bit anyway).
Hi ladies,

Hopeful - i hope your feeling OK, looks like my DH got that job in thorntons :D im so proud of him, but he has to go away for a week training (not sure when yet) so im going to be in your position soon enough :( not looking forward to that one. im glad he arrived safetly though :D xx

Rowan - WOW, 4hours wrapping pressies! you must have bought loads :D eek how exciting, i bet your feeling great now. i hope your feeling OK, and i hope it was an imp dip ;) fingers crossed xx

hopes - good luck for your scan im so excited for you :lol: i hope you and baby are well. try not to worry im sure everything will be fine :D xx

Reba - good luck with your app hun and scan xxx

Well, i put my christmas tree up yesterday and im so pleased, cleaned my carpet and hoovered/polished so im getting in the christmas mood now. I got all my christmas presents apart from my dads and brothers when i was away over the weekend so im happy that its all nearly sorted. might send them to you for wrapping Rowan! :haha: you seem to be good with wrapping.
I think i also Ovulated friday/saturday and BD'd all over the weekend (twice saturday) so hopefully we have caught that little eggy :pray:. When i got home from manchester sunday I was spotting but after i had wiped a few times the spotting disappeared, so im hoping it was implantation, iv never seen that before (so i may have ovulated slightly earlier im not sure.. quite confused over it). FX

I hope everyone else is OK :) my laptop seems to be broken so im going to reformat it soon :(

lots of love xxx
Hi everybody

Hopes will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Rowan- 4 hours (bet your hands were cramping)

Hopeful - how are you feeling? Are you managing to speak to dh much?

Reba - how are you feeling?

Mrs GAnderson - good news about dh job. Question for you - are you back on clomid or trying without. Can't remember if you have already said. Apologies if you have.

Dream - how are you. Sorry if i missed anyone.

Afm - bit fed up. Love christmas but not getting the vibe at the mo. xx
Thanks ladies :flower: It sure helps to have you guys to vent to. Seems like the days are just dragging on by!! :jo:

I get to speak to him from time to time so I guess it could be worse.:thumbup:

Well, have decided to clean everything today :laundry::iron::dishes::hangwashing::thumbup:

Good luck Hopes!!!:baby::baby::baby:
fingers crossed Hopes - will be thinking of you x

Reba oo fingers crossed for you too - is it a private scan? Its good to have a date to work towards

Mrs G - yey for DH job thats great news :) sending you :dust: and keeping my fingers crossed

Bean big hugs hon - how are you feeling about everything? anything we can do to help? Hows your cycle going? :hugs:

Hopeful - a womans work is never done! up to now ive wrapped more presents, :shower::mail::laundry::telephone: and im supposed to be doing DHs accounts but came on here :dohh:

I love wrapping presents but my DH laughs at me as I dont use ribbon or pertty tags or anything I just make tags out of the wrapping paper Im using - makes sense to me as it all matches :) His family laugh every year at my wrapping so I wouldnt want to disappoint :haha:

Ive used blue cheerful paper for the kids, red cheerful paper for our age grown ups and sensible classy paper for the proper grown ups - is that a bit OCD? :wacko:

right Rowan get off the net and click the Sage icon and crack on with the accounts! :blush::dohh:

love to all x
Rowan I do that with christmas paper also to make the tags. I agree sensible.

I have got to wrap yet and buy some more. The present for the boys that I ordered off the internet about 2 weeks ago appears to have been lost. They have had the money though.

I am ok thanks I think - thinking a lot about what has happened. Really want another bfp - sorry to state obvious.

How are you doing with it all? XX
fingers crossed Hopes - will be thinking of you x

Reba oo fingers crossed for you too - is it a private scan? Its good to have a date to work towards

I love wrapping presents but my DH laughs at me as I dont use ribbon or pertty tags or anything I just make tags out of the wrapping paper Im using - makes sense to me as it all matches :) His family laugh every year at my wrapping so I wouldnt want to disappoint :haha:

Ive used blue cheerful paper for the kids, red cheerful paper for our age grown ups and sensible classy paper for the proper grown ups - is that a bit OCD? :wacko:

right Rowan get off the net and click the Sage icon and crack on with the accounts! :blush::dohh:

love to all x

Hey Rowan

No its not a private scan - it just said on my Clomid info sheet that if I get a BFP then call the fertility clinic for a 7 week scan (7 weeks from last date of period) so I'll be 7 wks 1 day by the 19th I think. I hipe they dont ask me to pay when Im there but doubt it!

I have Dr appointment this friday too - i just persume I go there to confirm the BFP and then he arranges my other hospital scans (12wks/20wks etc) -no idea how the process works so will go on Friday and see what the story is!

I love wrapping presents and doing christmasy things - gets me right in the mood. I usually buy some really nice decorations in the Jan sales in a local gift shop for 70% off so cant wait to put last Jan's one up this year - they are glass baubles - very fancy and only cost £1 each.
Hi Ladies.

Reba - so sorry, I forgot to mention you earlier! I am so pleased you have a scan before Xmas. I was told its standard for clomid pregnancies, due to the increased chance of multiples. I should be 7w 3d tomorrow. If all is well I will pay for a private scan at 9.5 weeks; mostly for further reassurance but also so that I can announce to my family on Xmas day. It would be ridiculous for me to spend Xmas day with them and deny being pregnant as they will guess the second I turn down a glass of champagne! (I am not known for my sobriety)! Let me know if more symptoms develop. X

Bean, poor you not feeling the spirit yet. I tend to try and get on board by getting involved in other peoples – this year I am going to watch my youngest Nephew in his nativity and one of my Nieces singing with the choir in a church concert and generally hang around people’s houses that have their trees up early! Oh, and eat as many mince pies and drink as much mulled wine as is considered almost decent! I hope the spirit comes and gets you soon. What are you doing re clomid at the moment? X

MrsG, well done hubby and I hope the week apart goes really fast. It is not nice huh. It would be totally awesome if you had seen implantation spotting, I shall keep my gingers x’ed. X

Rowan, you do make me laugh! Yes, you had better get back to SAGE (I use it for my job too and am not a big fan!) X

Hopeful, well done for cleaning the house - I have turned into a terrible, lazy sloth! Must snap out of it very soon before OH notices… I am glad you get to speak to DH on the phone. X

Afm, boobs are much, much bigger – Sis and OH have both had a laugh at them! They are also really veiny, with big blue veins running all around my nipples. Very attractive! Still no other symptoms really - I suppose my eating habits have changed a bit but I can’t quite say I’ve had food aversions; just that I now want to eat fruit, which I have never had any time for before and vegetables are less appealing – in real life I am virtually obsessed with them! I feel faintly queezy a lot of the time but it’s so faint that I’m not certain I haven’t imagined it! Anyway, I guess tomorrow I will know what is really going on inside. Yikes, less than 24 hours now. I know it’s really morbid and probably a very unhealthy way to feel but I keep thinking that is it’s another mmc, I really, honestly don’t know how I’ll cope? Praying I won’t have to find out.

Hopes. XXX
Hey hopes - are you gonna change your ticker or are you waiting for after scan tomorrow?

I know - scared about the increased risk of multiples..... OMG scary thought!!! but nice too - but actually too scary to think about.....

Im the same - if I turned down a glass of mulled wine, champagne, wine etc everyone would get very suspicious so its easier just to tell them all. I'll be 8 weeks on christmas day (and will have had the scan a week before) so hopefully will feel okay telling them all. I dont know how Im going to manage St Stephens day (boxing day) though - me and all my friends meet up for a major session - Im thinking I'll drink tonic with lemon and pretend its a G&T and hopefully get a Non alcholic beer in the pub too - i'll pour it into a glass and get rid of bottle. Also I'll say "oh im skint so i dont want to go into rounds" that way they shouldnt notice - or I could just tell them...... i'll see closer to the time - i wont be able to hold back i think.....
Yes, waiting for the scan, if all is well then I will do myself a new ticker!

Your Boxing Day plan sounds good actually, I may try it myself! OH doesn't really want to tell anyone until 12 weeks but from everything I've read, the chance of miscarriage rapidly reduces after the heart beat has been seen - and again at around 10 weeks?

Anyway, if I get as far as private scan at 9.5 weeks I will ask the question in front of him, so that he gets someone elses opinion. Sadly, he thinks I read nonsense on Google and believe everything I read! If only he knew how much genuine info is out there. Men!

Hey everyone,
Glad to see everyone is well! No news here, just waiting for fs appointment next tuesday when we get dh's newest sa results and my bloods x
morning ladies :)

keeping my fingers crossed for Hopes today - Reba and Hopes you ladies have good fertility clinics :) mine just takes you off the books when you get bfp:rofl:

afm - temp drop again this morning - phew :flower: altho Im a little disappointed that Im v prob not in with a chance I am massively relieved whilst also thinking what a waste of an egg - does that make sense? :wacko:

have a good day everyone - will check in later :flower:

Fingers and Toes crossed for Hopes. :hugs:

Rowan- I feel exactly the same about wasting an egg!! That is, if I even do O without the Clomid!! I will know soon enough.......:wacko:
Hello everyone. I am happy to report I have seen my bean with a heart beat! X
Hi Reba. I can't believe it - I wrote a really long post yet don't seem to have uploaded it right! I will have to try again when I get home tonight. But yes, thanks, it's a totally amazing feeling and I can't wait for you to experience it soon too.

Hopes. X

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