Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hi everybody

Hope you are all ok - plodding on.

I had a moment today. A ta in my class stuffed a cushion up her top today and was pretending to be santa. She then started saying that she was pregnant - spent about 20 mins rubbing her tummy and saying oh the baby, I am about to give birth. She knows what happened about mmc. I am sure she just forgot and would not have realised what she was doing. Still upset me though. xx

Oh bean. I hate when those kind of things happen. Seems a bit insensitive that she would not remember what happened to you, it hasn't been that long:dohh:. I am sorry that you had to go through that hun. I am here if you need to vent more :hugs:
morning ladies!

had too much jack daniels last night so am feeling a bit rough round the edges! :) had a good night tho - just in the house making pizza and watching tele.

Dream fingers crossed for your app hon, bless you both - I hope the results are good or at least useful and that the clinic have some good ideas / advice for you guys :hugs:

Mrs G - so glad you enjoyed being with your nephew - Im back at being ok round babies now which is a relief - it took about a month last time so I was hoping it would be the same - phew! I think babies I know are easier as I can see their parents in them or family traits - does that make sense? But thats brill that you are enjoying him for who he is :hugs:

Bean thats so pants :hugs: how are you feeling hon? Hows your cycle? Hows things with DH? Are your little ones excited about Christmas? It must be fab to see their little faces on christmas day all excited and happy :) My neice is calling father Christmas the big Ho Ho - which could be taken so many ways :haha:

Hopeful thats brilliant! you just made me :rofl: so loud I woke DH up - although to be fair he should have been up 48 mins ago!

reba how are you feeling today hon? Hope all ok - sure it will be

Hopes hope you enjoyed the nativity - how cute!

afm - another drop today and some cramping so I think af may arrive today - it will be super heavy this month I predict being a mc cycle so I have all sizes of everything at hand!:thumbup: got a delivery of bfp tests yesterday - 50 early tests and 2 clear blue digital - I am officially stocked up again :) NTNP here we come!

have a fab weekend ladies

x :flower:
Hi everyone :)

hopeful - i think you have caught all of the main aspects of seduction there! :lol: it sounds like your in for a pretty fun ride! enjoy ;). I hope all is well and your looking forward to christmas :) allsorted? xx

Rowan - Yeah that makes sense :D GOOD LUCK with all your NTNP hun, you sound pretty in the 'zone' about it all and stocked up to the MAX so hopefully they can all be used either this or next cycle when you get you BFP and want to just double check 40+times! :haha: xx

Bean - :hi: hope your feeling ok hun and all is well now :hugs:. xx

AFM - not much to report from my side, my bbs have been a little sore today, and been getting dull but sharp pains like a tiny needle digging into my lower abdomen - happened yesterday too. Could be AF im not sure. Bought all my tests today (not quite as many as Rowan though :haha:) i have 1tesco test and 2FRER's so fingers crossed this will be my cycle :)
:hi: to anyone ive missed, i hope your all OK. Lots of Love xxxxx
Got ewcm today!!! but lines are still super light on opk :wacko:. They usually would be darker by tomorrow on the Clomid, so fingers crossed. :thumbup: It seems wierd to be praying for O when I have absolutey no chance for conception!!

DH, bless his heart. He swears that once he gets back that he will have enough sperm saved up that he can knock me up right away :haha: Yeah, unfortunately, he will probably be a couple days too late :nope:

I mentioned to him that I had a little surprise for him when he returns and he automatically assumes it has to do with sex!! Men!! :dohh: He's right but come on!!
morning ladies :)

fingers crossed Mrs G!

Ah Hopeful that looks like a pre ov dip on your chart - I know what you mean its a shame to waste an egg but at the same time if it happenns its an egg on your own and thats fab! I think sometimes clomid is supposed to kick start your cycles so itll be inetresting to see what happens with us all! How long til DH home? Bet you cant wait!

weve had a busy but fab weekend for DHs birthday - lovely meal out on sat night and a buffet for the whole family yesterday which was bedlum but worth it and DH loved it - he wouldnt have done anything but I nagged him into doing stuff and I think he's really pleased we did bless him - he really misses his parents at times like birthdays and it does help to see his family and they were so pleased to all spend the day together - so a success - yey! :)

Afm - CD2 for me so we shall see what the month brings - my fertile days should be around Christmas so I was just sat thinking oo maybe we should try - haha we have guests (little sil and her OH) over Christmas itself but could ttc the few days beforehand - even tho we're not supposed to be trying :)

hope everyones had a good weekend and hullo to all :)

hey ladies :flower:

I had a temp rise, so I don't know whats going on.:shrug: Definitely no positive opk yet so I hope this isn't some crazy cycle :wacko:

DH will be flying back on Friday :happydance:
Jeez hopeful that is one hell of a temp rise!!!! Did you have alcohol last night?? xx
Well i took a test today and BFN but i am only 9dpo, so i was being a little too optimistic i think :haha: im going to test again wed/thur and hope for that long waited second line again... i feel like im going craaazzy :(

how is everyone today? xxx
fingers crossed mrs g!!! Hope its just too early.:thumbup:

dream- no alcohol :nope: Thinking maybe I just had a bit of a fever because I had a massive headache today and been sneezing alot too.

Snow still coming down pretty hard so I have no way of picking up any more opks. I should have been more prepared.
Morning all

Hopeful - bummer your snowed in - hope you manage to get out and pick up some OPK's before its too late. It would be great if Ov stayed away til DH was back on Friday - but sure think of it as a months break all ready for a fresh start in the New Year! Oh and thats a huge temp rise too - ov must be close.

MrsGA - sorry you got a BFN - think its far too early though so hang in there! :thumbup:

Rowan - I think you should NTNP over the festive season - its too hard not to try but stressful trying so pretend your not trying (when deep down your actually trying..... if ya know what I mean! Im sure SIL and her OH wont hear a thing....

Dream - did you get your and DH;s results today - i hope its good news?

Bean - how insensitive of that person at work but im sure they just totally forgot and are probably kicking themselves now for doing it in front of you. :hugs:

Well AFM - i started spotting on Friday very light pink (only once) and then it was browny in colour all weekend - hardly anything but still there on the pad (nothing really when I wiped). Thought it was gone this am but came back again. DOnt know what to think - 5 days til my 7wk scan so hoping for good news - could be a great christmas or a terrible christmas for me! I hope this spottng is normal - seems like alot of people get it - cant help but worry though. But i started feeling sick last night so hope thats a good sign that hormone levels are going up - who knows - only time will tell! DH is very positive.
Hello Ladies. I hope you are all OK.

Reba, I can imagine how worried you must be but having read, surely, most of the content of the Internet on the subject (as I'm sure you have) I say it sounds OK. So many ladies have spotting and perfectly healthy pregnancies and it doesn't sound like yours is too heavy or accompanied by painwhich is positive. I really hope time flies for you until your scan. Oh, the sickness is a very good sign too I'm sure. And have you been having intercourse? I've read a lot about how the cervix can get irritated which can lead to bleeding. X

Hopeful, how typical to run out of OPK's! I hope the snow stops so you can get some. I don't recall if you used to o regularly before the clomid but either way, it’s still great to know that your body is doing it all by itself! When is DH home? You must be dead excited! X

Dream, if you are getting your results today then all the very best of luck to you... How are you in general? Are you looking forward to Christmas? X

Rowan, sounds like a wonderful weekend. I can't believe how many of you ladies have toy boys; fantastic! I suppose that for any of us NTNP is difficult, as we are so in tune with our bodies but it may take some of the pressure off you guys over Xmas. Wishing you loads of dust and happy dancing as always. X

MrsG, so hoping for good news for you and don't worry a jot about a BFN this early. X

Bean, how are things, what is your game plan going forward? X

Hi to anyone I have missed. X

Afm, I have terrible constipation, so bad that I am quite miserable and worried about it. I suffer anyway and can honestly say I haven't been to the toilet 'properly' since before my holiday but it has gone beyond ridiculous now. I am taking Fibresure twice a day and eating lots of fruit (gone off veg) but nothing is working. Last night I had severe pain in the lower left side of my abdomen – right where the baby is. OH says it’s also where the colon is but I was naturally worried that something was wrong with the baby. It has gone this morning so I’m trying not to panic further. I can’t wait for the scan next Weds, I have a few questions for the Dr this time - OH and I have not had sex since we found out but now I am very keen to get some action. I think having waited this long though we may aswell wait until the scan, just to check again that all is well.

Bye for now, Hopes. X
Hi Hopes - no havent had sex since the day after I ov'd...... 16th Nov to be exact! Poor DH (ive pleasured him in other ways so he's not totally starved) :) Im waiting til the scan at least to make sure all is well - then I'll think about DTD!!!! Not interested at the mo - just want to sleep when I go to bed!

And yeah I really hope the spotting is nothing to worry about - roll on Sunday!

You poor thing being badly constipated - i have only been going every 2nd day or so and I find that bad enough but you must be in pain! I use to find eating an apple and sipping hot water helped me go - worth a try maybe.

What date is your next scan? Is this a private one you booked?
Thank goodness I'm not the only one Reba! I feel a bit silly on one hand, as most of what I've read says it's fine to DTD but I have also read that you should wait until 12 weeks if you have a history of m/c. Well, it's simply not a risk I'm prepared to take under the circumstances. Yes, private scan on the 22nd. What date is yours? X
hey ladies :hi:

been applying for jobs all day so thought I'd pop in here for a break! :comp:

Hope your appointment today is ok Dream :hugs:

Hopeful that is a good temp rise :) fingers crossed its ov for you!

Mrs G :dust: fingers crossed for you

Bean hope youre doing ok

reba fingers very tightly crossed for you hon - not long til your scan and hopefully all will be well :hugs: x

Hopes activia with figs helped me when I was pg - prune juice too - hope you get some relief soon hon

afm - Af keeps coming and going - v annoying! will be interesting to see how long she lasts.

DH and I had a fab weekend but were chatting last night about our finances and we've come down to earth with a bump. We cant really afford me not to work and we really want to try for a mortgage again next year or rent somewhere cheaper which will depend on me getting an ok perm job so we realised that we've been comfort eating and spending a bit in the last few months as its been such a rollercoaster so we need to get a grip and I need to get a job sharpish and we defo need to NTNP. Its catch 22 timewise - like Im not getting any younger so we cant really wait but im wrecked from the 2 mmc and also we cant do without my earnings so we kind of need to not get bfp soon but at the same time we so would love a family but then theres the assumption tbh that we will mc again and also the fact that we cant really afford little ones - :dohh::-k](*,):hissy: so we have to pray stuff goes right for us in 2011!

Has anyone got resolutions etc for 2011?

Thank goodness I'm not the only one Reba! I feel a bit silly on one hand, as most of what I've read says it's fine to DTD but I have also read that you should wait until 12 weeks if you have a history of m/c. Well, it's simply not a risk I'm prepared to take under the circumstances. Yes, private scan on the 22nd. What date is yours? X

yeah I dont want to take the risk either - especially with the spotting now.

My scan is the 19th - sunday - weird day i know!

Been invited to a mulled wine party on Sat night but trying to get out of it. I mentioned that Sun is a better night for us so hopefully the day will change - that way if scan goes well I can just tell my cousin (whos having the party) the news and not have to pretend im drinking wine! Now its getting through Christmas eve with my DH's family (maybe just tell them that eve instead of christmas day)
Hey ladies. :flower:

Hopes- Glad to see you and the littl bean are well. Sorry about being backed up but DH is right and I get that same pain in that area when I have trouble going, so no worries. DH will be home late Friday night :hugs:

Reba- Sunday will be here sooner than you think!! And I am sure all is well. Hope the nausea isn't too bad for you!! :hugs:

Bean- I read in your journal about you being in the tww!! No matter how hard we try to not symptom spot, we still do!! I probably will symptom spot this month too and I have no chance at being preggers:dohh:

Rowan- Yeah a bit of a catch 22!! NTNP is probably for the best. I am sure the new year will bring lots of luck to you and DH!! :hugs: I have settled on trying to lose weight for my resolution (I know, very typical, but I really should!!)

Dream- Please let us know right away about you and DH appointment Fingers crossed for appointment and O!!!:thumbup:

Mrs G- How are you getting on today? Hope all is well :hugs:

AFM- Made the awful journey to the closest store and guess what.... NO OPKS!!! For the love of ttc, what is wrong with these people??? 2 different brands of pregnancy test though, Uggghhhhh!! So I picked up some essentials and am just going to see how the temps go. I have ewcm though, which is awesome!!!:happydance:
Oh girls :cry::cry::cry:
Our only opton is icsi :cry: My amh level is sky high so im more disposed to ohss whihc just makes things a lot harder. Feel like our little world has collapsed.:cry:
Oh girls :cry::cry::cry:
Our only opton is icsi :cry: My amh level is sky high so im more disposed to ohss whihc just makes things a lot harder. Feel like our little world has collapsed.:cry:

I am so sorry dream. I know it feels like everything is going wrong. So sorry. :hugs: I am here if you need to talk. :hugs:
Oh Dream, so sorry for you both. AMH is your egg reserve right? Does that mean you have lots of eggs? Sorry, not v clued up. How do you both feel about ICSI and are you eligible for NHS assistance? Sending you loads of hugs. X

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