Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

:happydance::happydance::happydance: Yeahhhhh I am so pleased for you both. I know how relieved you must feel. Have a lovely christmas.
Reba, I am thrilled for you both, you must be so relieved. Have a wonderful Christmas, will you tell? X

Bean, I hope af shows on time and the symptoms aren't too bad.

Hopes - really am off out shopping now. X
thanks ladies. And yes Hopes - I think we will be telling all the family anyway.... too hard to keep it in now. Still not sure about telling friends (i'll see if I can hold it in).

Have a lovely christmas ladies.
brilliant news Reba!:thumbup::happydance: what a relief for you guys x

great news that you ovd Dream - I so hope that your appointment on the 30th brings good news and useful info and hope x

Hopes is it your scan on Weds?

Bean are you off work now? Are your boys getting excited?

Hopeful you must be busy :) hope your reunion was everything you hoped it would be :)

Hows you Mrs G?

we had a dummy run of Christmas dinner last night which was lovely - we had a blast from the past from the 1990s and drank alcopops while cooking :haha: then sat and watched tele - on our fav tv show a couple have just started ttc its so funny and sad (at the same time) watching it.

I had a bit of a down am yest - felt like DH was getting a raw deal - he got together with this confident, fun, fiesty girl with a kick ass body and now Im frumpy, fat, have stretch marks everywhere, have wierd sight eyes and a body that doesnt work properly and cant give him the family he so wants, no job so am a financial burden and to top it off my 3 months not driving have made me scared of being in cars again (had PTSD previously after being in a massive motorway pile up 2.5 years ago)

so Ive done a big to do list and am going to pull my socks up and man up and get fighting fit again - while Im unemployed (so hard going to agencies and not saying well im unemployed because I was supposed to be on maternity leave but its all gone to rats sh*t) I have all the time in the world to exercise

told Dh last night when I was feeling ok enough to word it properly and he was astonished that I felt that way and was lovely bless him

sorry for the rant! :flower: :blush:

Hi Ladies.

You poor thing Rowan. I completely understand why you feel like you do but in reality, you are exactly the same person DH married, you have just had a rough time lately. He probably doesn't think twice about any of those things and looking after you a bit when you need him most is probably all he wants to do. By all means aim to step up the exercise etc but don't be so hard on yourself, it is completely natural to feel how you do right now but some day soon you will look back on this time and it will be but a distant memory. Going to the agencies under these circumstances can't be easy but you will get a good job in the end and it will work out OK. Sending you many hugs. X

Reba, what a lovely Christmas you and your family will have! Super excited for you! On average, how many times an hour do you think you are looking at your scan photo?! X

I am a bit of an emotional wreck at the moment - Rowans post just made me cry - but then, so do most things! I've been worried about the baby these last few days and have slept quite badly - had a horrid dream on Saturday night that I miscarried. I really, badly need it to be Weds now, I can't focus on anything. The few symptoms I have had seem less now. I know this can happen and the pregnancy can be fine but all the same, I'd rather I felt really sick etc etc etc! I suppose its just hit me what a huge risk I'm taking having a scan so close to Christmas. If the news is bad I can't imagine what we'll do. I've let myself get excited planning how we'll tell the family (3 announcements in all, my family, OH's Mum and then his Dad). I haven’t really thought what the alternative will feel like? Anyway, sorry for the depressing post ladies; just feeling a bit low?

Christmas spirit and baby dust to you all. X
Thanks Hopes :hugs: sorry to make you cry :flower: am all teary now reading your post :dohh:

big hugs to you hon :hugs: - I know how worried you must be feeling and am keeping my fingers totally crossed for you guys - not long to go today's half over and then tmro to get through then weds will be here - I bet it feels like an eternity tho. Try not to read too much into your symptoms coming and going hon - at 9 weeks the placenta is just starting to take over so symptoms can start to ease at that point x

gosh the worry doesnt stop does it - it starts while you ttc then once pg it gets worse and I bet its even worse worrying about them when theyre here - then I suppose you worry for the rest of your days :)

:flower: x
Hi ladies :flower:

Missed you all. Had an amazing time with DH :cloud9: So glad that he's back.

Unfortunately have not remembered to take my temp for the last 2 days so I don't know when or if I should get bloods this cycle. What do you all think?? I had a temp rise the day after DH returned. :shrug:

Hopes- Oh hun. So sorry you are struggling and I hope Wed comes fast for you. I am sure your lil bean is nice and snuggly. Post some pics if you can :hugs:

Reba- AWESOME!! I know I already posted on your journal but I couldn't resist doing the happy dance again:happydance: Will miss you being on and hope you have a wonderful holiday with great stories to tell about making your announcements!!

Rowan- I feel exactly the same. I have let my body go a bit. I have no reason because I have never been pregnant!! But as I told you before, we can support eachother because I really need to get in shape!!! I know it will be hard but I lost 30 pounds right before starting Clomid so I know that I can do it!! You can too!!:hugs:

Bean- I know what you mean about Clomid side effects:dohh: I did notice that this cycle I did not have that bloated feeling, but not even sure if I ovulated this cycle:shrug:

dream- already posted in your journal too. Hope all is well. Are you getting any bloods to confirm O this cycle??
Hi Girls

Hopeful nice to have you back. Sounds like you had a fab weekend.

Rowan - I know how you feel as I have thought that with my dh. I think maybe they think that sometimes also. Your dh sounds really nice. I hope that you start feeling a bit better soon.

Hopes- not going to tell you not to worry as that won't make any difference to you. Just know that I am thinking of you and hoping that wednesday comes quickly for you.

I feel really sad after reading your posts - I hope you both feel happier very soon. XX

Sending Hopes and Rowan and everybody lots of hugs. XXXXXXXXXXXX
thanks ladies :flower:

Hopes I hope today doesnt drag too much for you - nearly there

doing my exercise dvd today again this am - bring it on! :thumbup: Then going to a carol service at my grandmas nursing home - yikes about driving but Ive got to get the bit between my teeth and crack on! want to pop to supermarket as well (I must be mad it'll be packed!:shrug:) and get Dh some posh chocs for his stocking

have a good day everyone x
Hi All

Hope everybody is ok.

Hopes thnking of you tommorrow.

Hopeful I hope things have gone ok today.

Rowan I hope that driving was ok today for you.

I have just taken my first clomid tablet. Aggghhhh can't believe I am doing it again. Nervous, excited, scared ....................... Here goes again. xx
fingers crossed Bean!

Thinking of you Hopes :hugs:x

hey Dream how are you doing?

Hopeful how was your appointment?

afm - well my hormones are a bit confused this month - nice to ov of course but seriously CD8?! of no use whatsoever for good implantation if we were ttc! so last month it was CD19 this month CD8 - average that out ff - haha :)

am not doing my exercise dvd today - I ache everywhere :) but am walking to my friends so that'll burn off quality street! Carol service was lovely yesterday - I sat next to the mayor!

ooo and Ive got an interview in jan! Yey! have plenty of time to write my presentation for it so thats good!

hope everyone has a good day

Here are the new results:

Appearance- Normal
Agglutination- Normal
Liquefication- Normal
Volume- 2 ml
Viscosity- Normal
PH- 8.0
% Motility- 50 LOW
Motility Score- Fair
Sperm Count- < 1 million LOW
Total Sperm
Morphology- Markedly decreased numbers of sperm showing moderate morphologic abnormalities

Scan revealed no varicocele, just a small amount of fluid which is considered normal.

Well the urologist advised that our option would be ivf/icsi. He said there is no pathology in the sac that he could correct.

I am going to order some vitamins and we will get prepared to start our journey towards ivf :cry:
Hi ladies.

Just a quick update, all is well and baby measures 23mm which is spot on for where I think I am! I am so happy and relieved and looking forward to sharing our news with the family over Christmas! X

Just one thing though, I have come down with something so as soon as we got home from the scan, I went back to bed. I just got up so that I could update you all but will spend the rest of the day there. Just hoping it passes soon, whatever weird thing it is (stuffy nose, headache and ear ache, aching all over and skin feels sore to the touch)!?

Hopeful, I'm thinking of you. It must be a huge shock to be told that IVF / ICSI are your only options. How did DH take it? Just know though that whatever path you have to take, you will get to be a Mommy. Hugs. X

Bean, I hope the clomid is kind to you and does the job. Happy BD'ing!!! X

Rowan CD8 is kind of early, just keep your eye on it over the next couple of months, hopefully your body will settle down into perfect baby making cycles. Excellent news on the interview, it's so nice to have something to look forward to in the new year. X

Love to all and when I am better I shall attempt to upload scan pic if you'd like to see. X
Hopes that is wonderful, would love to see pics, they make me all warm and fuzzy inside:flower:

I think we are both in a bit of shock right now. The ride home was complete silence as we were both lost in our own heads. We will be ok, just have to get a plan together, may wait till after my bday, which is Jan. 14th.

Hope you feel better soon!
Hi Hopeful - sending you love and hugs.

Hopes - am really glad that everything is going well. Enjoy x mas.

Hopeful just to let u no that 50% motilty isn't low anythib over 40 is fine xx
Thanks KeepSmiling. The range from this lab indicates anything under 70 is low. But his motility was 0 last time, so that is one positive difference.

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