Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hi everyone,
Rowan well done on the gym hun! I also went today...yay!! x
Hey girls!
Hope you had a good day!

Rowan - Glad that again i'm not alone! lol!

I had terrible heartburn and eye flashing earlier gone now thank god, Any idea if thats the Clomid or just me? x
hmm im not too sure about the clomid i aint had really any symptoms on clomid think i musta been lucky, the whole 3 rounds ive never had 1 lol :)

but i think ive heard girls mention about eyes flashing on clomid before so maybe
Babydust, not even hot flushes?? you lucky thing x PS Don't give up poppet!:nope::hugs: xx
Had any one on here ever felt ovulation? My friend get a pain in her side just before she gets a pos? x I have never felt it?
i feel it on clomid ovulation i seem to get ovulation pain while been on clomid but no not even hot flushes! :) hehe

its my last month of clomid then the long dreaded road of IVF blaaa :cry:
morning ladies!

I want one - oh yes eye flashes galore on clomid!! have they stopped for you hon?

aye Mrs G - clomid worked a treat for my cycles

was going to track until feb before thinking about going back to fs but may wait until july - I was thinking like if Im ov (even if its bonkers) and have shown I can get bfp will I have grounds to go back to fs? Or would I have to wait until I have 3rd mc and then get tests for rec mc? Not sure which way to think - like Im figuring my eggs are pants due to my age and pcos so it may just be that like we need to keep trying until I get a good egg - or with ivf etc do they pick the best egg?

I get ov pain its quite excrucitating sometimes but only on the left side - I thought I was going bonkers last cycle when I was getting it and AF :)

babydust :hugs: fingers crossed one or the other works for you - will you be on a waiting list for ivf or ready to start?

Reba totally forgot to say thats brill you being able to tell your family - how lovely x

have a good day ladies - pilates for me today :flower:
i will be on the waiting list which means im probs going to be waiting forever!! :cry:

well girls af is due for me today and im sure shes lurking round the corner :cry: she never fails to make her appearence arghh!

last round of clomid im probs gonna start tomorrow f'xd it'll work otherwise im probs gonna get no where till next year!

since ive been on clomid i have a 28 day cycle which is good ( but seeems shorter periods ) lol

& with ivf they pick the best possible egg they can get hun


loads of baby dust for you girls!

:dust: :dust:
i will be on the waiting list which means im probs going to be waiting forever!! :cry:

You may well be surprised hun!
I saw my consultant on Thursday and he said he was going to make an IVF referral. I spoke to the clinic today and as soon as they get the referral they will apply for funding from the PCT. I was told this normally take 2-3 weeks for a decision. Then there is no waiting list at that clinic!!! :happydance:
I was told by consultant though that the NHS now aims to deal with ivf in the same time span as normal ops: 18 weeks! So that isn't too bad, even if there is a bit of a waiting list at your clinic! x
my OH has a child so ive got to fund this for my self too so ive gotta also get the money together & be able to afford it without it doing any financial damage! :) so i dont know where i go from here! :)
Sorry, didnt realise hun! It's crazy how much it costs isnt it? We are praying our funding application is approved as we need ICSI and although we've paid for initial tests it's still a further £4500 to find, hardly small change eh!x
Hi girls

Babydust I really hope that you don't need the last clomid round.

£4500.00 is that how much IVF -Icsi costs - OMG.
Yeah bean it is. That's without the £350 we paid for baseline assessments! Normal ivf is £500 cheaper. Depressing isn't it! X
Excuse me being stupid and sorry if you have already posted thi sbut what is the difference between icsi and ivf? X
morning ladies!

am aching today! swimming today - hope I can keep this up :)

was a bit weepy last night :cry: DH had cuddles for me tho - think its as my first due date approaches - plus I have 4 friends due that date and one of them had put up her 4D scan pics on facebook last night - amazing pics! She had a mc a couple of months before my first mc so its lovely to see everything going right for her - going to be hard tho that week I think x

wow ivf is expensive!! Great news Dream that you have no queue - fingers crossed that you get funding approval!

wonder if they do a pay per month option :shrug:

afm - think af is on her way out but you never know!

have a good day ladies :flower:
Hello all. Just a quick post from me as I am busy at work, yawn!

Dream, I am so glad that you may not have a long wait and keeping my fingers x'ed that you get funding. It's such a lot of money to have to find otherwise. I really hope you get it. X

Rowan, I am so impressed with your exercise routine - makes me feel like a sloth though! I really have to start some form of keep fit as I have done nothing for 3 months! Sorry to hear you had a down day yesterday, sounds completely natural under the circumstances. It will be really hard as your due date approaches, good on DH for dealing out the hugs when needed. I hope that the new exercise regime, interview etc keep the happy hormones rising and your mind occupied. Good luck with all. X

Bean, how are you, where in your cycle are you? X

Mrs G, I seem to think you were coming to the end of your cycle? If so then I am of course praying for a happy result for you... Hope you are OK with DH working long hours this week - it will all be worth it when he's happily settled in new job. X

Hopeful, how are you doing? Really sorry but I'm a bit out of touch with what is happening with you at the moment? I hope you are happy and well. X

Reba - I am so glad you got a great response from your family. How are you feeling? X

Welcome to the new ladies and good luck with clomid. X

Afm, I have my scan next Wednesday. I am scared but hopeful, mostly. I am ready to go public, especially as quite a few people in the office have (rather rudely) stared at my belly! I can assure you it isn't a bump at all, I have just been over eating - I'm permanently hungry and as I said before, have done no exerccise in 3 months! Once everyone knows though hopefully they will assume it's the baby and stop looking at me like that!

Love and dust to all. Oh, I will try and add the team signature next time I'm on-line. X
Rowan sending you lots of hugs.

Hopes - Your scan has come round quickly. Sending you all the best. XX

I am in 2ww wait I think Hopes. XX
Hey there! i just wanted to saya big thank you to all you lovely ladies and my fingers and toesare crossed for you all. Youre posts really keep me going and have asnswered every quest i had that my doctor didnt tell me (or me being to nervious to ask!) i stated my first cycle of clomid on the 19th Dec 50mg on CD 2-6. I also had to use provera before hand to enduce a vf. i had 1st scan on CD11 no folicle but lining of womb had thicken to 6.8mm. Had 2nd yesterday CD18 still no folicle but ling of womb had thickened to 9.5mm. i did ask does this mean this are looking good but was told it does not look like it may work this time. I have PCOS for many years with no vf or ovulation. Has anyone had this experiance before? x
Morning ladies :flower:

I have been feeling a little down. Can't really pinpoint a reason for it but hope I can shake it soon. :shrug:

Dream- I posted in your journal but just wanted to say good luck with getting your funding approved. This ivf stuff is hard enough to handle without adding more stress (money). :thumbup:

Rowan- Love how motivated you are!! I'm slowly starting to get there. Nice to hear that DH is super supportive when you need him most! :flower:

Bean- Welcome to the nerve wracking 2ww :wacko: Feel free to symptome spot, :winkwink: I am really hoping this is your month!! :flower:

Hopes- How lovely to see your scan pic everytime you post :flower: Can't wait for your next one!! How are you feeling otherwise? :flower:

Mrs G- Good luck this cycle!!! When is AF due to show her ugly face?? FX

Reba- Any word on your next appointment with the doc? FX :flower:

Babydust- I felt the same way about getting close to the end of using Clomid. :hugs: Really hope it works this time and ivf is not needed!! :flower:

I want One- How are you feeling? Are you going to use opks/temping? FX :thumbup:

Pip- Welcome. Its always nice to hear that others are learning something from our experiences. :thumbup: I do struggle to ovulate but have not been diagnosed with pcos. It may just be that you need to up your dosage hun. FX :thumbup:

Well, I am off to work and need to pick up some opks!! Lots of love :hugs:
Go ladies advice needed
well I dnt have anyopks so no idea when af is due it may be a day or two late well iv een testin n got A few maybe evaps on ic bit nothing today
well I got some opks and it's a blazin pos
any ideas xx
Keepsmiling I am not sure sorry, but did not want to not answer you. You say you are late. Can pos opk at this stage suggest pregnancy if you are actually late. I am not sure. Good luck though. XX

Hopes - It is totally understandable that you are have down times. There is only so long you can keep yourself positive and then you have a low. You pick yourself up again and keep going though eh and I am sure you will again soon. Am here to talk/type to. :hugs::hugs:

Hi everybody else. X

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