Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

ive heard many girls get a blazing positive when AF is late & have been pregnant but dont take my word for it lol i also see girls do it because they are a POAS maniac while pregnant ! :)

i hope this is it for you & you get your BFP! goodluck :)
Hello Pip welcome

I am sorry I can't help you with that but wanted to say hi. XX
thanks hopefulchick and beanwood! this is all new to me and it is so comforting to be able to discuss it with you all. the main point im getting from being on here is to remain positive and everyone is so helpful. i really hope that its bfp's all round! x
Here, here to BFP's all round Pip.

My goodness why can't it just be more simple. Want a baby. Have sex. Get pregnant. Jobs a good un eh. If only..........................
I agree but it will make us appreciate and addore them all the more when it happends! x
Hey everyone,
Kelly a pos opk can mean pg but i had an almost pos at 9dpo and then af got me so im not sure really!! FXed this is your bfp being shy!!
Pip my first cycle of 50mg i didnt ov but my lining stayed thin. On the 100mg when i oved my lining was about 9mm when i ovulated. Looks like it might not be a success this cycle but dont lose heart, they upped my dose and i ovulated then! FXed for you!!

Thanks for all the lovely comments girls! Hopes good luck with your scan! Bean, big hugs for you xxxx
Hopeful well done with the exercise hun!
Anyone ive missed, big hugs xxx
Go ladies advice needed
well I dnt have anyopks so no idea when af is due it may be a day or two late well iv een testin n got A few maybe evaps on ic bit nothing today
well I got some opks and it's a blazin pos
any ideas xx

Sounds good!! Plenty girls get positive opks when pg!! What CD are u on? Keeping fingers crossed for you hun :thumbup:
morning ladies:flower:

welcome pip! it may be that it takes a couple of cycles to kick in or maybe after a couple of months you may need to up your dose to 100mg - fingers crossed it works for you

keep smiling - what CD are you on? I got negatives before positives both times so you never know! fingers crossed for you!

fingers crossed for everyone in their 2ww :dust:

afm - think Af has left the building - woo hoo - have been majorly horny so its about time!

Hopes good luck with your scan

Hopeful - hope youre having a better day today hon

ooo crikey - Im supposed to be at a friends at 10.30am in another town and Im not showered yet! best get a move on!

hula hooping and mini pilates today - and weigh day - yikes - I reckon Ill have put on muscle and be heavier :haha:

have a good day everyone :flower:
Hi everyone.

Hopeful, sorry you have been feeling down and I hope you perk back up again soon. Hugs. X

Bean, I hope the 2ww is going quickly for you and not causing you too much anxiety! Are you allowing yourself to symptom spot? Good luck and if I should see the witch I shall tie her to a lamp post and never let he go! X

Pip, it does sound as though this 1st clomid cycle may not have worked for you but don’t lose hope – I didn’t o on my 1st cycle at 50mg (CD2-6) but I did on the next 2 cycles at 100mg. Wishing you lots of luck. X

Rowan – you are like a machine! X

Reba, I read on a different thread that you aren’t sure about the flu jab. I have been exactly the same for days now, one minute I’m sure I want it and the next I’m not at all convinced. I just phoned the private clinic where I had my scan and spoke to the fertility co-ordinator, she was wonderful and said that Dr O (the top man in our area)! says there are no findings that either the flu or swine flu vaccines have any effect on the baby; infact it does not cross the placenta. She re-iterated that pregnant women are in the single highest risk category and many are in intensive care with the flu. Personally, I need no further convincing and shall get one as soon as I can. The next dilemma is that my surgery has run out and so I am going shortly to register somewhere else (I needed to move anyway as my surgery is too far away from where I now live) as they say they have the vaccine and will speed through my registration so that I can have it. Sounds like they too advocate pregnant ladies having it. Sorry for all the rambling anyway and it will be interesting to hear others views on this. X

Hello to everyone else and I hope you are all well. Sorry not to mention you personally but I swear my head is all over the place today - I think I need to go lie down in a darkened room until I can think straight again! X
Ohh Hopes how do you not symptom spot?

Hi everyone else how are you doing?

Rowan I need some of your energy - you are all being really good. I on the other hand are not.

Work today I was brave and sat and had a chat with the pregnant girl. Everybody staretd talking about her bump. God it was horrible I had to leave. Really hit me how I have not got over what happened. TBH am feeling quite depressed about it. Sorry if I sound like I am being melodramatic.........
Bean I'd be amazed if you had fully dealt with it by now. It'll take time honey. Sending you big cuddles xxx
morning ladies

ah Bean - :hugs: not melodramatic at all - it takes time x

hows everyones 2ww going? :dust:

Hopes and Reba - I had the flu jabs when pg as I have asthma and I figured if I got poorly then the poppet would get poorly - the nurse said the same as your advice - the vaccination doesnt cross the placenta (I know that probs doesnt sound reassuring from me of all people)

very lazy am this am - just up - had a lovely night last night - we made a gorge balti and pilau rice, lots of alcohol, great music and good :sex:

going to do my exercise dvd now! :bodyb:

had such a lovely day yest at my friends with her and her son who is my God son - she lost her other half in terribly tragic circumstances a week after they got their longed for bfp so its been so tough for her but shes doing so well and her son is so loved and happy - you know when you're just full of admiration for someone? I cant express how proud I am of her and honoured to be her friend. So I played cars and farms and watched thomas the tank and it was fab! :) :cloud9:

afm - ewcm with a nice pink tinge again on CD7 - sure I felt ov yesterday but its got to be my imagination surely! :dohh:

have a good day everyone! :flower:
Oh my Goodness Rowan thats awful. My heart goes out to your friend and her son. Sounds like she has a good friend in you. XX
hi girls i got my :bfp: this morning

3 days late and tested :yipee:

the line is faint but a lines a line!! :)


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Bean, it is so hard not to ss. I always flitted between months when I freely allowed myself to ss; feel hope and excitement and months when I told myself I was paying no attention to symptoms at all - and did all the same! I just hope this cycle is not doing your head in too much.
I really understand where you are coming from and think that having a conversation with a pg lady was big and brave of you. Remember that I used to sit next to an 'accidentally pg' girl at work? Well, I never once managed to have a conversation with her about her pregnancy, even though we had been friends until the day I found out she was expecting. Believe it or not, even now I avoid pg ladies like the plague. I may be expecting too but I don't feel comfortable around other pg people unless I know they have had difficulties ttc. I know its not a nice way to be and I wish it was different but its not. I am really worried about my scan as I know that in a split second the sonographer can give me news that will put me back to the darkest hours I have ever experienced.
I suspect that even when you get your BFP (which you will, I'm certain) you will still be a way off having recovered from what happened before. Please don't be hard on yourself. X

Rowan, I am sad to hear what happened to your friend and her family, she sounds like a strong and remarkable lady. So glad that you had fun with your God son, he's a lucky boy indeed. Oh, sounds like you had a great night too - oh how I love a ruby and a good few drinks! And of course it is still re-assuring to have your views on the flu jab honey. X

I hope everyone is having a good, slow weekend. Hopes. X
Baby dust that is fab news - congratulations. So pleased for you. XX

Hopes thank you. Your scan is this week. I can imagine how worried you are. I know that nothing will stop you worrying, but I am sending you lots of hugs. I am thinking of you and can't wait to see your new photos.

Congrats baby dust! Fab news!!
Hopes good luck with your scan honey !!
Bean big hugs xx
Congratulations Baby Dust, you must be so excited! Wishig you a very happy, healthy 9 months. X

Hi everyone else and thanks for our good lucks Bean and Dream. Happy Sundays all. X
yes very excited i waited a long time for this! :)

my next step was IVF.

i would have been TTC 5 years on the 10th

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