trying hard - yes it was definitely a miscarriage. I had HEAVY bleeding on Wednesday-Saturday, slowly tapering off now. hCG #s were 27 to 134 to 34 to 21 ... so it's slowly going down... see below for more info.
jordans - DO NOT GIVE UP! It is completely possible for you and it will be again. The hormones while on those drugs cause lots of mood swings. I am here for you - we all are! Keep the faith and do not lose hope. Stress is not good especially when you have nothing to worry about except planning on when to DTD! hehe We all care about you and are going through similar situations... so just don't lose sight of what you really want.
afm- I met with my doctor today - he seemed VERY optimistic. He said that he is not going to change my dosage, but this time I am to take the pills CD 3-7. However, this is for NEXT cycle, obviously, since I am well beyond CD3 during this one. He did say that he does not want me to use any contraceptives this month and is completely fine with me getting pregnant immediately following this chemical pregnancy. He said that he honestly does not see any reason as to why we cannot keep on trying. And if it doesn't happen this month, then we will be back to Clomid the following cycle.
He did not request any additional testing beyond the hCG tests today. I asked about progesterone, but he said that they wouldn't consider it until the first blood tests. He told me that if I appear to be pregnant during this cycle, then when I call for a blood test, that I should also request the progesterone as well so that they CAN keep track of it early on. He also mentioned that once I get a positive that they will be testing me about every 3 days until they see a clear pattern of rising hCG and progesterone.
He also mentioned that it IS true that you are more fertile after conceiving (whether it was carried to term or miscarried) and that is why he wants us to continue on despite no clomid this cycle.
We shall see how this goes!