Hey ladies!!! Ah man have finally got on the internet while on holiday and man, I didn't realise how dependent on these chat rooms I have become. I totally found myself wondering how you ladies are doing...
Sorry Jessica. Maybe you could do something nice to celebrate Jordan's birthday?
I'm just doing bloods at day 12 and 21. I had my bloods taken today CD14 not 12 because of the way the stat days have fallen.
Crystal.. Isn't Madie 5? what age do they start kindy over there? My madie has just started kindy and she is 3 and a 1/2
As for the whole loosing weight I just stopped eating crap and walking more and a little on my wii. I hate the whole idea of dieting because you cheet and feel bad. If I want to eat something, I will but I will only have a little
Kazz So great to hear about your folicals hope this is it for you honey!
I don't know if it is because I'm on holiday and am too busy to notice but I havn't noticed any O feelings and my temp hasn't gone up yet so keeping fingers crossed I O real soon so my LPD is still ok.
I have been trying my hardest not to think about baby making until I get home and have been drinking a few cocktails and wines and just relaxing about it for a lil while. Even
has been better away from home( more fun instead of baby making)