{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

Fx Nichole!!

I had random boob pain today. Hubby said I need to get it checked. Lol. Im so nervous!
Sorry I just need to vent. Feel free to ignore this post, I just need to get it out.

Pretty shitty day today. I woke up and was feeling very crampy so of course I am already stressed out. And today my Lego League team had their regional competition so lots of stress there too. Well, we get to the competition and a few minutes later my husband comes inside and starts yelling at me that someone hit my car (he says he was just mad that they hit my car, but it felt a lot like he was blaming me) and we don't know quite where it happened. I am pretty sure it happened at school b/c on Friday some jackass parked really close to me- but idk I feel like I would have seen it when I left to go to my Dr's appointment, but again IDK I did have other things on my mind. And then we are competing and they got our team confused with another team and had removed us from the competition because supposedly we were not going to be there (are you fking kidding me?!?!?) so we get all of that sorted out and they have to totally redo our schedule and my team doesn't get time to eat lunch b/c they had to cram all of our judging sessions into less time. And then some good news- my kids totally kill it on their robot run and end up getting first place and so they get a trophy for that category (I should mention that in the past a trophy means you get to move on to state) so we were all celebrating and going crazy- and then to ruin it all we find out that even though we got first in that part of the tournament, we will NOT be moving on to state. This is the first year that someone who got 1st in a section didn't move on to state, but a team that didn't even place got to move on. Now I would totally get it if we bombed each other section of the tournament, BUT after each judging session they commented on what a great job the kids did and how they did and thought of things that other teams didn't. My kids were so disappointed, so am I. I feel so bad that they put all this work and then got that trophy and then find out that they are not moving on. I cried basically all the way home and now I am home sitting on the couch and cramping like crazy again.

I quit. I quit everything.
Oh Kayla :hugs: :hugs: Your kids did great, they should be so proud of themselves for doing such a great job! As for the car- I know how those problems go. It sucks :( Likes to throw a whole bunch of curveballs at you at once! Stay strong lady! You got a lil babe growing inside you.

Btw, come join us in the BabyMamas group, and the August due dates group!

Crazy there's 4 of us due in August!!! Let's get a couple more in there ladies ;)
Thanks, just a rough day lol

How do I join?
^Just post a comment and you're subscribed! Sorry about the crap today.. So awful and for the kids to be disappointed too, how sad :/ Have a relaxing night sweets. You're preggo! So exciting haha. Try and focus on that.. Ik stuff can seem 100x more stressful/hurtful with these crazy hormones.
Sorry you had a sucky day Kayla...Relax and put the day behind you. I'd say drink a glass or wine or have a beer, but you can't! lol Maybe some hot chocolate instead?
Sorry about ypur sucky day. We've had lots of those the last several months. Try to focus on the positive things like that little baby! :) It will get better!

Af is due tomorrow. I'm afraid to temp. I just want to be pregnant so badly! IF yesterday was implantation, and that's a big if, a test should be positive tomorrow if temp doesn't plummet, right?
Sandy- If, if*, it was IB and you're preggo I'd say yeah it could/should be pos by tomorrow! Can't wait to see that temp and what happens for you! :)
:hugs: Sandy :hugs:! And still fX'd [-o<

Glad your appointment went well enough, Amelia! :) FX'd for the next one!

Sorry for another bfn, Nichole :( :hugs: And still fx'd [-o<

Have a good trip, Katrina! :flower:

Congrats on the official BFP, Kayla! :flower::happydance: Hugs for the tough day :hugs:

AFM: Welp, I O'd early (yesterday), which is the earliest I've ever O'd! :shock: Good thing I decided to start opk that day or I'd have missed it! Fortunately, we managed to get in a BD session that night (it was assigned so we would have tried anyway, but we def needed to try with pos opk), even though poor DH was knackered from work and the drive home, and we were both feeling icky cause of the weather (everyone who could get a snow day, got one, but no such luck for DH). Ah, but we aren't in with as good of a chance as we would be if I'd O'd later and we got all our assigned bunny days in before O. :/ Not that I was hopeful for a bfp, regardless, since our chances are now slim at best for natural + femara. Oh well, hopefully we'll have better luck with IVF.

Speaking of IVF, I had a hassle with the paperwork, as they spelt my email wrong and my first name wrong. The paperwork didn't arrive and I had to call to find out why not and get them to resend the paperwork to the correct address, and when it came I had to cross out the misspelling and initial and call back to make sure that was okay and that they didn't need to send new ones (my first name is in my email address I gave them, so once they got that wrong it had a domino effect). They were very nice and got it straightened out quickly once we found out where the error was, but still...aggravation I didn't need.

Now I've got the paperwork signed and just need to get DH to read and sign, and then send it back tonight or tomorrow, so they can process it Monday and the dough can be on its way to the clinic. They said it would only take 24hrs for the funds to arrive at the clinic, but I want to make sure I keep it moving in case of another snag, esp. since I've O'd earlier and have less room for delays.

On the bright side, I've learned what happens if I get a miracle bfp and don't need the treatment - the loan broker will request a refund from the clinic and reimburse the lender and then I will get all but a $500 administrative fee, and any interest already accrued on the loan, back. So that's good to know. Although I don't think it will be an issue. I think IVF is just gonna be my cross to bear.

On that note, I've been struggling today with worries that IVF won't work for me, even with over 90% odds in my favor as far as the docs can tell, right now. My immediate worry is that they won't be able to control my cycle like they need to (since the doc was surprised at all the spotting the femara caused). I'm worried that I've got some kind of loose cannon reproductive system that can't be tamed or will be really difficult to tame and cause delays, cancellations, and/or failures. I'm worried about the many various things that could go wrong in each step of the cycle (like not getting good follicles or not getting good follicle growth or getting too many follicles or too much follicle growth or they will release before they can retrieve them, etc.). I'm worried I won't get good eggs, or we won't make good embies. I'd at least like each step of the process to go reasonably well until I have an embie or two put back in and it's all in God's hands.

I think I'm going to join an IVF group, in addition to kicking it with you ladies, for some additional support, since IVF is kinda scary and intense.
Thanks Morgan and STG! My fingers are crossed, too. I'm so nervous that my temp is gonna drop and AF will show. . And I have to put on my happy face and help with a community kids Christmas event.. which is a lovely thing, but it will be extra hard if AF shows.

STG, glad it's all ironed out. It's very scary, I'm sure! Fx. The odds are in your favor though. 90+ % is amazing! Praying it works well and quickly for you.
Thanks, Sandy! <3 :hugs:

It's just so hard for me to believe those good odds, after going through IF and having such sucky odds for all other methods of TTC. It just seems too good to be true. I'll just need to keep reminding myself to have faith in the doctors and their good odds, since there's no reason not to, right now, other than paranoia.

Praying that I get a bfp (and sitcky bean and live baby) by the end of IVF (pref sooner rather than later), and for God to come into my life and help me get through it, regardless. [-o&lt;
Oh, also, I started an IVF log (see link in my siggie) to keep track and for reference.

And I'm seeing about joining an IVF group here (https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/a...es-wanted-13-bfps-updates-first-page-283.html)
Following you :) 90% is a really high rate. I have my fingers tightly crossed for you!

Sandy and Nichole, good luck!!

AFM - I thought I was going to O after that dip and rise but turns out I didn't! This cycle is already feeling so messed up. :(
Thanks! <3 And yeah, it's a high rate so maybe I should say I'm hoping not to be really unlucky, rather than hoping to be lucky, lol :lol:8-[

Sorry O is messing you around :( :hugs: I hate it when O does that.


Here's a question for everyone: Does anyone else have a tummy that looks like an early baby bump (whether you are thin or not)? Many of the ladies on my mothers side have it (even when younger, although it gets more pronounced as we age), and so do I, and I notice most early bump pictures on here look how I look now. I know there are plenty of other women with this kind of tummy, esp. if they have endo, but I wonder if I'm alone here on that one or not.
BB, You may still get cross hairs if your next temp rises. Plug in a test temp and see? I'm sorry O is frustrating this month.

STG, I can understand those feelings. I pray that God comes into your life and helps you on your journey too, just as I pray that he comes into mine and helps me. I could sure use it. Odds are such a scary, scary thing for me anymore because of what happened to us was only a 1% chance.. and even then, he shouldn't have died because it could have been detected if we looked. And we didn't. And he did. Just so many things had to happen for it to turn out the way it did.. so I struggle believing that it's going to happen for us, too. I mean statistically speaking, clomid causes 80% of women to ovulate. Okay, check. Got that under control I think. The chance of getting pregnant on clomid is 30% per month. Without it, chances are around 25% per month on any given month. Again, numbers in my favor. 40-45% of couples get pregnant within 6 months of treatment. I'm still just so terrified that it will be in that 55-60% that don't get pregnant within 6 months. The first 2 cycles haven't worked.. so anyway, the moral of all that rambling is that I completely and totally understand the fear of being in that slim percentage that it won't work for. I had a friend at work who had literally tried EVERYTHING. She had endometriosis, no tubes anymore, and she got pregnant on her first of second IVF round. I think it was the first. She had no problems with her pregnancy, and she has a perfectly healthy and beautiful little girl now. I'm very confident that it will work for you. :)

AFM, temp dropped a decent chunk so I didn't bother to test this morning. Light bleeding. I'm sure AF will arrive full force afterwhile. You know the worst part about not getting pregnant? Telling hubby we failed again. Well me. I failed because it's my stuff that doesn't work right, not his. My clomid is waiting at the pharmacy for me. I'll start it Tuesday or Wednesday, depending if AF gets heavier today or not. It's just so frustrating because we were able to get pregnant on our own before.. granted it took 10 months but still.. We've already been kinda trying for 5 months, and actively definitely trying (temping, OPKs then added clomid in October) for 4 months. I don't know what to do differently. Doc doesn't want to increase the clomid because as long as you're ovulating, she says, more won't increase your chances. And I've read that in multiple places.. it's just hard. I don't want to go out and pretend to be sociable today. I want to stay in my sweats, drink my coffee, read my Nook, snuggle with my hubby, and let him convince me (AGAIN! just like every other month for the last 6 months) that it's going to be okay, that it's going to happen for us. My MIL made the comment twice yesterday that we need to get busy.. ugh. She means well and forgets that I have troubles. I'm trying as best I can. My SIL wants to do family pics, which I think is a great idea, so when my in-laws get back from Florida in 3 months, we'll probably do those so that means I have 3 months to lose some weight. Maybe focusing on that and cleaning up my diet (holiday time is the worst for eating crappy food!) will help. It seemed to do the trick for our last pregnancy.. I just feel so damn broken. I mean I tell the world that it will be okay, we'll get pregnant or we'll adopt or something, but only part of me believes that. I need a little more Faith in God maybe for starters. I just want a little family so badly.. just like we all do! Sorry.. end of rambling post!
I'm so sorry Sandy :hugs: I feel the same way but we aren't failing. We are giving TTC one helluva fight and doing everything we can. Failures don't do that. Failures sit back and accept defeat. We will get pregnant one of these days and we will be the best mommas ever :hugs:

I've temped the last 2 days and it's dropped a big chunk so I'm expecting AF tomorrow. I'm stopping the progesterone today so hopefully af won't be delayed. I just want to move on to next cycle.
Here's a question for everyone: Does anyone else have a tummy that looks like an early baby bump (whether you are thin or not)? Many of the ladies on my mothers side have it (even when younger, although it gets more pronounced as we age), and so do I, and I notice most early bump pictures on here look how I look now. I know there are plenty of other women with this kind of tummy, esp. if they have endo, but I wonder if I'm alone here on that one or not.

I feel like I have that. I've always carried most of my fat on my tummy. I'm not thin. I never have been, and I know and accept that I never will be. Hubby likes me just the way I am, and he always tells me that, BUT I would like my belly to not look so fat. I don't have endo that I'm aware of though.

I'm so sorry Sandy I feel the same way but we aren't failing. We are giving TTC one helluva fight and doing everything we can. Failures don't do that. Failures sit back and accept defeat. We will get pregnant one of these days and we will be the best mommas ever

I've temped the last 2 days and it's dropped a big chunk so I'm expecting AF tomorrow. I'm stopping the progesterone today so hopefully af won't be delayed. I just want to move on to next cycle.

Thanks, Nichole. I didn't think about it like that. I like you're outlook. And you're right-- we will. This waiting part just sucks. I'm sorry you're in the same boat as I am. :( Damn TTC. :hugs: I guess instead of complaining I should be thankful that the clomid seems to be working and my hormones seem to be doing what they should.. it could always be worse I guess. Maybe this is gonna be our lucky cycle. :) I just had my heart set on a Christmas BFP.. but hubby said, yeah, it would be neat, but wouldn't a New Year's BFP be awesome? Or maybe a Superbowl BFP. Or even Easter! He's so positive. I'd be lost without him. And you guys.
I've had a headache for nearly 2 days that is gradually getting worse :( I have searched high and low but can not find paracetamol anywhere. I can only find sinus capsule that have paracetamol in. They have something else in aswell that I think dried up EWCM so can't take them.
Stg, I DEF have a "baby bump" with no baby (I mean, I can't count it at the size of an Appleseed). I'm still taking my weekly pics, but I think it's gonna be like week twenty before there is a difference. I *may* post a reference pic for you guys over in the mamas thread, but we seriously have some skinny-Minnie's in our group! Not pregnant, I am a size 10-12. Yes, I work out, yes, I'm the healthiest I've ever been, but for me and my body, that does not equal a flat belly.
Firsttime, fwiw, keep in mind that I was on the negative side of those clomid stats. I mean, I am a clomid baby - how did it not work for me!? And at my last appt with my RE he said, "if it doesn't work after six cycles, it won't work". He wanted me to do aggressive IUI - shots, triggers, monitoring - and I just didn't think that was right for us at the time. But I DID make the switch to femara, again, against his medical advice. FIRST cycle - pregnant. I'm not saying the clomid won't work, but I am saying that if it doesn't, there are other ways. It *willi happen for you. And Nichole. I feel so sure of it. And let me tell you, I hated when ppl said that because there is no way to know that, but I just feeeel it. Hugs, ladies. Hugs!

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