{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

Thanks Mirolee. I appreciate it. We will get there. Just not sure how or when quite yet.

One of the ladies that often follows along on our thread suggested insulin resistance as a problem, even with the clomid. I'm thinking she may be right. I had been on a low carb diet for 5-6 weeks and lost 20 pounds then I got my BFP. I am going to talk to hubby about it, and possibly call tomorrow and ask about metformin with the clomid. Getting ready to research it now.
Girls, I'm so, so sorry your temps dropped and AF is being annoying. Frustrating :-(
So sorry about the temps girls!!
AFM: After a wonderful weekend we are back home the only thing I missed was Sandy. It was so relaxing. We took some pictures but I didn't get many with my phone.


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BB, You may still get cross hairs if your next temp rises. Plug in a test temp and see? I'm sorry O is frustrating this month.

STG, I can understand those feelings. I pray that God comes into your life and helps you on your journey too, just as I pray that he comes into mine and helps me. I could sure use it. Odds are such a scary, scary thing for me anymore because of what happened to us was only a 1% chance.. and even then, he shouldn't have died because it could have been detected if we looked. And we didn't. And he did. Just so many things had to happen for it to turn out the way it did.. so I struggle believing that it's going to happen for us, too. I mean statistically speaking, clomid causes 80% of women to ovulate. Okay, check. Got that under control I think. The chance of getting pregnant on clomid is 30% per month. Without it, chances are around 25% per month on any given month. Again, numbers in my favor. 40-45% of couples get pregnant within 6 months of treatment. I'm still just so terrified that it will be in that 55-60% that don't get pregnant within 6 months. The first 2 cycles haven't worked.. so anyway, the moral of all that rambling is that I completely and totally understand the fear of being in that slim percentage that it won't work for. I had a friend at work who had literally tried EVERYTHING. She had endometriosis, no tubes anymore, and she got pregnant on her first of second IVF round. I think it was the first. She had no problems with her pregnancy, and she has a perfectly healthy and beautiful little girl now. I'm very confident that it will work for you. :)

AFM, temp dropped a decent chunk so I didn't bother to test this morning. Light bleeding. I'm sure AF will arrive full force afterwhile. You know the worst part about not getting pregnant? Telling hubby we failed again. Well me. I failed because it's my stuff that doesn't work right, not his. My clomid is waiting at the pharmacy for me. I'll start it Tuesday or Wednesday, depending if AF gets heavier today or not. It's just so frustrating because we were able to get pregnant on our own before.. granted it took 10 months but still.. We've already been kinda trying for 5 months, and actively definitely trying (temping, OPKs then added clomid in October) for 4 months. I don't know what to do differently. Doc doesn't want to increase the clomid because as long as you're ovulating, she says, more won't increase your chances. And I've read that in multiple places.. it's just hard. I don't want to go out and pretend to be sociable today. I want to stay in my sweats, drink my coffee, read my Nook, snuggle with my hubby, and let him convince me (AGAIN! just like every other month for the last 6 months) that it's going to be okay, that it's going to happen for us. My MIL made the comment twice yesterday that we need to get busy.. ugh. She means well and forgets that I have troubles. I'm trying as best I can. My SIL wants to do family pics, which I think is a great idea, so when my in-laws get back from Florida in 3 months, we'll probably do those so that means I have 3 months to lose some weight. Maybe focusing on that and cleaning up my diet (holiday time is the worst for eating crappy food!) will help. It seemed to do the trick for our last pregnancy.. I just feel so damn broken. I mean I tell the world that it will be okay, we'll get pregnant or we'll adopt or something, but only part of me believes that. I need a little more Faith in God maybe for starters. I just want a little family so badly.. just like we all do! Sorry.. end of rambling post!

Thank you so much for the prayers and understanding, <3 I will pray the same for you. We will be prayer warriors. :hugs:

Too bad they can't give us 100% odds, then we could be worry free, lol. Thank you for your confidence and sharing that success story (makes me feel better), and I have a feeling it will all work out in the end for you, as well, and you will get your rainbow.

Sorry you are getting a temp drop and bleeding, boo witchlets! :( :hugs: I know exactly how you feel about having to tell DH. His body is totally fine and it's my body causing all the trouble and expense. And I know what you mean about feeling like maybe needing more Faith - I feel like God is telling me it will be all right in the end, but I want it to be all right because I get a baby, and it's hard to believe it will be all right (that I'll get a baby or find peace with wherever my journey takes me). It's such a hard journey to go through.

I'm so sorry Sandy :hugs: I feel the same way but we aren't failing. We are giving TTC one helluva fight and doing everything we can. Failures don't do that. Failures sit back and accept defeat. We will get pregnant one of these days and we will be the best mommas ever :hugs:

I've temped the last 2 days and it's dropped a big chunk so I'm expecting AF tomorrow. I'm stopping the progesterone today so hopefully af won't be delayed. I just want to move on to next cycle.

That's a good way to look at it Nichole! :thumbup::hugs:

I'm sorry you are getting a big ol' temp drop and are expecting the witch. :( :hugs: If AF is gonna get you, I hope it won't delay, so you can move on to that next cycle. FX'd.

FX'd for next cycle (or for beating the odds and AF not getting you and you getting a bfp anyway)!

Here's a question for everyone: Does anyone else have a tummy that looks like an early baby bump (whether you are thin or not)? Many of the ladies on my mothers side have it (even when younger, although it gets more pronounced as we age), and so do I, and I notice most early bump pictures on here look how I look now. I know there are plenty of other women with this kind of tummy, esp. if they have endo, but I wonder if I'm alone here on that one or not.

I feel like I have that. I've always carried most of my fat on my tummy. I'm not thin. I never have been, and I know and accept that I never will be. Hubby likes me just the way I am, and he always tells me that, BUT I would like my belly to not look so fat. I don't have endo that I'm aware of though.

I'm so sorry Sandy I feel the same way but we aren't failing. We are giving TTC one helluva fight and doing everything we can. Failures don't do that. Failures sit back and accept defeat. We will get pregnant one of these days and we will be the best mommas ever

I've temped the last 2 days and it's dropped a big chunk so I'm expecting AF tomorrow. I'm stopping the progesterone today so hopefully af won't be delayed. I just want to move on to next cycle.

Thanks, Nichole. I didn't think about it like that. I like you're outlook. And you're right-- we will. This waiting part just sucks. I'm sorry you're in the same boat as I am. :( Damn TTC. :hugs: I guess instead of complaining I should be thankful that the clomid seems to be working and my hormones seem to be doing what they should.. it could always be worse I guess. Maybe this is gonna be our lucky cycle. :) I just had my heart set on a Christmas BFP.. but hubby said, yeah, it would be neat, but wouldn't a New Year's BFP be awesome? Or maybe a Superbowl BFP. Or even Easter! He's so positive. I'd be lost without him. And you guys.

Aw, your DH is great like that! :thumbup: :)

Ah, I'm glad I'm not alone, thank you. :friends: (I've read the tummy is common in women with pcos, too, btw.)

When I'm not having a toady day (where I just feel unhappy with the way I look, even though yesterday I was happy with the way I look or fine with it) I actually like the way I look* (just my taste, I suppose - I always thought the ladies with tummies in paintings and pictures were pretty) until I start comparing myself to what the media presents as ideal or normal, now, and then I feel self conscious (not because I think flat tummies look better - they are no better or worse IMO, just different, and I find lots of different body shapes and sizes lovely and think the media could definitely stand to broaden it's definition of beauty) but because of the messages sent by the media that I am not normal or need improvement, which is hard not to let bother me. DH likes my body, as well, but on a toady day, or when the media gets to me, I have trouble not wishing for a flatter tummy. Although, regardless of the media, when I think about being PG I do wish for a flatter tummy so I could have a more striking transformation, LOL

What bothers me most now, is that one of the scars from my lap surgery is bigger than the other. I don't even mind the scars so much, but it bothers me they aren't even :dohh: :rofl:

*I still don't like the thinned hair on the top of my head, though, as I thought I looked better before and my hair was my favorite feature. I've been trying to make peace with it and appreciate it as another kind of beauty, but that's been a tough one for me. (Thinning hair is something most of the ladies on my dad's side of the family got around my age, and it's funny, I never noticed or thought it looked bad on them, but I don't like it on me.)

I've had a headache for nearly 2 days that is gradually getting worse :( I have searched high and low but can not find paracetamol anywhere. I can only find sinus capsule that have paracetamol in. They have something else in aswell that I think dried up EWCM so can't take them.

Sorry you are having a headache and can't find relief, BB! :hugs: Can't you find paracetamol in stores, even?

Stg, I DEF have a "baby bump" with no baby (I mean, I can't count it at the size of an Appleseed). I'm still taking my weekly pics, but I think it's gonna be like week twenty before there is a difference. I *may* post a reference pic for you guys over in the mamas thread, but we seriously have some skinny-Minnie's in our group! Not pregnant, I am a size 10-12. Yes, I work out, yes, I'm the healthiest I've ever been, but for me and my body, that does not equal a flat belly.
Firsttime, fwiw, keep in mind that I was on the negative side of those clomid stats. I mean, I am a clomid baby - how did it not work for me!? And at my last appt with my RE he said, "if it doesn't work after six cycles, it won't work". He wanted me to do aggressive IUI - shots, triggers, monitoring - and I just didn't think that was right for us at the time. But I DID make the switch to femara, again, against his medical advice. FIRST cycle - pregnant. I'm not saying the clomid won't work, but I am saying that if it doesn't, there are other ways. It *willi happen for you. And Nichole. I feel so sure of it. And let me tell you, I hated when ppl said that because there is no way to know that, but I just feeeel it. Hugs, ladies. Hugs!

Ah, I'm glad to be further not alone, thank you. :friends: Yes, please post your pics in the mamas thread! - I'm the same size as you (which is healthy for me and I worked hard to get up to per docs orders). I wanna see what will happen if I'm lucky enough to get PG, and viva la diversity!


Thanks Mirolee. I appreciate it. We will get there. Just not sure how or when quite yet.

One of the ladies that often follows along on our thread suggested insulin resistance as a problem, even with the clomid. I'm thinking she may be right. I had been on a low carb diet for 5-6 weeks and lost 20 pounds then I got my BFP. I am going to talk to hubby about it, and possibly call tomorrow and ask about metformin with the clomid. Getting ready to research it now.

That reminds me, I need to remember to ask about metaformin and diet at my IVF edu day calss, since I have reactive hypoglycemia. Note to self.

Definitely call and ask, Sandy :thumbup: Maybe it will be the thing to put you over the top, if you need it!


Glad you had a great weekend, Katrina! :flower: It looks so cozy and inviting!


AFM: Finally getting DH to sign the loan paperwork, now. Then I need to eat (so I have the energy to do battle with my computer if it doesn't want to play nice when I go to scan the paperwork back in), take my cabergoline, and scan and send.

Got our bunny day in today (just for fun, since I already O'd). :bunny: It looks like a Christmas card, outside, with all the snow, so we stayed in the warm house, today.
Katrina, that looks lovely!!

I'm FROZEN today!! We were out alllll day. In and out of the cold. Brrr. 20 degrees? I didn't miss you. Lol. Still better than sweating though.

I'm not bleeding very much. I don't know whether to count this as CD 1 or not.

I'm working on planning Christmas dinner. It just exploded from 5-7 to 14. Oh my. Lol. I think I'm going to take a PTO day Christmas Eve day to cook and clean.
Oh, forgot to mention, it's going great at the IVF goup I joined! :cloud9:
Sandy, if a liner won't hold it, I count it as cd1 light.

Good luck with the big Christmas dinner! :xmas14:
Thanks STG! I am too heavy. Ugh. I think the metformin might help lose some weight, which would be good. I bought some stuff to eat on a low carb diet at the grocery store today. It's gonna be tough, it always is, especially at holiday time when there are cookies and candy abound.. but I've got the motivation. I want a baby and I don't want a chubby face in family pictures.. and I would love to be a bit thinner when I do get pregnant so my belly shows better. :)
Good for you STG with getting everything in order! How exciting, I can't wait to hear that you've got your BFP :) so you mean 98% chance first time they try it? Jw I don't know much about IVF, but they actually put the fertilized egg directly into the uterus right? If so- how exciting!! I can't even imagine how you feel! Oh and it is so beautiful here today, too. We've got our tree up finally and it's so pretty outside. We made cookies and roast in the crockpot, and it's so cozy and warm and beautiful.. I just love this time of year :) (boo for going back to work though, I've got the Sunday blues :/)

And Sandy- Ik you said your doc refused the 100mg but did you tell them you have a short LP and are not Oing until wayyyy late? I'm not a doc but I do know a short LP and premature spotting may indicate low progesterone. And if you have a short LP it makes it hard to sustain a pregnancy, even if you've already conceived! I think Oing cd16-20 would be healthier and give you better chances of sustaining a pg, or maybe even prog cream like Nichole to keep a good environment for a blastocyst. Again not sure on everything but you might wanna ask about lengthening your LP bc it may be short due to Oing so late or whatnot and I'm sure there's something out there to fix that.. Ik lots of girls on here tried a bunch of crazy methods to lengthen LP. Ash & Amanda I think had foods/vits to help with that stuff. GL sweets and again sorry the witch is here, I know how crappy it feels. Don't give up, it will happen, like last time.. And you'll be so, so thankful.

Oh & I know how you feel, about questioning your faith, but you're doing wonderfully! Just keep praying selflessly and you will get what God knows you deserve before too long. Like when we were TTC I kept wondering why it wouldn't happen NOW.. And then was thankful when it eventually did happen that God gave us that time in between.. To test our faith (once again).. To give us time to heal.. To bring us closer, through struggling for a rainbow child. And even when gender time came around- I felt like He gave us a girl bc he knew it would do our hearts good to have a sweet girl to take care of, someone totally different to remind us that our little Jaxon wasn't being replaced. He will allow things to fall perfectly into place. Just like with what happened to us, like we've said multiple times, it was to make us better women. To help us reach our maximum potentials and to be the best warriors for Him that we can be (STG I'm a prayer warrior too ;)). I know that it's stinky now, and it still kind of is for me too. I just want this baby, alive and well, so bad. I feel like I'm at this standstill with my faith because I need a baby to move on. But we can't waste precious hours stopped in time, waiting, waiting. Trust me- I'm no pro either but just remember that *sooner rather than later* you'll wake up, POAS, and see those 2 pink lines and things will feel a little better. And you'll be a little bit more "okay" everyday. Enjoy your healing time and stay strong love. I'm glad you have an awesomely supportive DH too, that makes it so much easier. Oh and enjoy the holidays too, or at least try. Trust me, ours is quite bittersweet too this year :/ <3
Thanks Morgan. I'm going to call and talk to them tomorrow. My LP is 12 days, which isn't really all that short, is it? I also O'ed on CD 19 this time around, so maybe the Clomid is helping slowly? IDK. Like I said, I'm going to call tomorrow and talk to them. Christmas is VERY bittersweet; he would have been exactly 6 months old on Christmas. Exxxxtra bittersweet. Everything you say is right and true. Just trying to hang in there and wait until it's our turn. :) Like all the other ladies.
We were on the subject of tummies earlier and I just read a quote on Pinterest that I never thought of before..

"It's crazy how when we see an animals ribs, hip bones, and collar bones, we think of it as sad and abusive, but when we see it on a woman, it's a form of beauty."

I don't mean anything negative against any of those ladies who are skinny. We are all built differently and are beautiful in our own individual ways. It just struck me because I've never thought of it that way. I'm naturally not skinny, and I've always been very self conscious of that fact so I just wanted to share it.
Oh I thought you were Oing cd21+ so no- that is much better! I always O'd cd16-20!

As for LP, I think 12 is a little low, but okay.. & since you spotted even earlier, it might be a prog issue causing you to lose your lining too soon! FX'd the doc has some answers/ideas for you! It'll be your turn soon enough sweets. You, Nichole, Katrina, BB- just hang in there girls! Becoming a mama is hard :p

And p.s. I've always been thin but ever since marrying my DH he's said things like "oh! you can feel your bones" or that I don't have a booty- just "flapjacks" he says lol. I agree that not only me, but my DH too apparently, finds curviness attractive. I just recently started wishing I had some thickness instead of trying to be super thin, it really is beautiful (we're all beautiful, I just don't understand why skinny is idolized in the media) and Like STG said, if you look back in time, all the models were size 8.. Not 2! I'm going to make it a priority to teach our little girl that.. It's sad the ideas that are forced upon little ones these days. And heck, us too!
Trust me ribs aren't pretty they are gross. Mine are finally getting some cover on them. :)
Oh I thought you were Oing cd21+ so no- that is much better! I always O'd cd16-20!

As for LP, I think 12 is a little low, but okay.. & since you spotted even earlier, it might be a prog issue causing you to lose your lining too soon! FX'd the doc has some answers/ideas for you! It'll be your turn soon enough sweets. You, Nichole, Katrina, BB- just hang in there girls! Becoming a mama is hard :p

And p.s. I've always been thin but ever since marrying my DH he's said things like "ew you can feel your bones" or that I don't have a booty- just "flapjacks" he says lol. I agree that not only me, but my DH too apparently, finds curviness attractive. I just recently started wishing I had some thickness, it really is beautiful (we're all beautiful, I just don't understand why skinny is idolized in the media) and Like STG said, if you look back in time, all the models were size 8.. Not 2! I'm going to make it a priority to teach our little girl that.. It's sad the ideas that are forced upon little ones these days. And heck, us too!

I had been O'ing later, but this past cycle was CD 19. It caught me off guard being so early! Lol. Hopefully it will be then or sooner this cycle.

I don't want to be skinny. It isn't realistic. I just want to be healthy. :) I agree about the things the media portrays. Ugh. It's so sad.
Sorry for the BFNs ladies.

As far as the weight thing goes - As someone who you can usually see my ribs and hips I can say that even skinny people struggle with weight but in a different way. I've always been super skinny but proportionate at 4'11. It drives me crazy when people ask me how much I weigh. I would never walk up to an overweight person and ask them how much they weigh. It should go both ways. When I was a teenager, my crazy mothers side of the family all convinced each other that I was bulimic bc I was thin. I think it's hard both ways whether you are overweight or under and as long as you feel good in your own skin, no one else's opinion matters.
I agree with Rachel. But I think society is never happy, there never is a perfect body. I have always been skinny, not by any fault of my own just genetics I guess. I was always jealous of the girls who had butts and bbs. But I am more comfortable in my skin now and dh likes me for me. I still have people ask me how much I weigh and I find it very uncomfortable.
I was always a UK 10-12 before pregnancy but after joining Slimming World at the beginning of this year I am now a UK 8-10 although I feel much bigger and more wobbly! I really need to start exercising but just can not be bothered! I've been bad eating wise since my MC and can feel it creeping back on. I finally managed to get my bum back on plan yesterday!

I did some reading on decreased CM and I realised what it was, I have only been drinking decaf tea and nothing else. I drank a pint and a half of water yesterday afternoon and by the time we got down to :sex: I was much more moist :happydance:

My LP is only 12 days. It was 11. I can't understand how I can conceive and carry perfectly once and then not the next :(
Good for you STG with getting everything in order! How exciting, I can't wait to hear that you've got your BFP :) so you mean 98% chance first time they try it? Jw I don't know much about IVF, but they actually put the fertilized egg directly into the uterus right? If so- how exciting!! I can't even imagine how you feel! Oh and it is so beautiful here today, too. We've got our tree up finally and it's so pretty outside. We made cookies and roast in the crockpot, and it's so cozy and warm and beautiful.. I just love this time of year :) (boo for going back to work though, I've got the Sunday blues :/)

And Sandy- Ik you said your doc refused the 100mg but did you tell them you have a short LP and are not Oing until wayyyy late? I'm not a doc but I do know a short LP and premature spotting may indicate low progesterone. And if you have a short LP it makes it hard to sustain a pregnancy, even if you've already conceived! I think Oing cd16-20 would be healthier and give you better chances of sustaining a pg, or maybe even prog cream like Nichole to keep a good environment for a blastocyst. Again not sure on everything but you might wanna ask about lengthening your LP bc it may be short due to Oing so late or whatnot and I'm sure there's something out there to fix that.. Ik lots of girls on here tried a bunch of crazy methods to lengthen LP. Ash & Amanda I think had foods/vits to help with that stuff. GL sweets and again sorry the witch is here, I know how crappy it feels. Don't give up, it will happen, like last time.. And you'll be so, so thankful.

Oh & I know how you feel, about questioning your faith, but you're doing wonderfully! Just keep praying selflessly and you will get what God knows you deserve before too long. Like when we were TTC I kept wondering why it wouldn't happen NOW.. And then was thankful when it eventually did happen that God gave us that time in between.. To test our faith (once again).. To give us time to heal.. To bring us closer, through struggling for a rainbow child. And even when gender time came around- I felt like He gave us a girl bc he knew it would do our hearts good to have a sweet girl to take care of, someone totally different to remind us that our little Jaxon wasn't being replaced. He will allow things to fall perfectly into place. Just like with what happened to us, like we've said multiple times, it was to make us better women. To help us reach our maximum potentials and to be the best warriors for Him that we can be (STG I'm a prayer warrior too ;)). I know that it's stinky now, and it still kind of is for me too. I just want this baby, alive and well, so bad. I feel like I'm at this standstill with my faith because I need a baby to move on. But we can't waste precious hours stopped in time, waiting, waiting. Trust me- I'm no pro either but just remember that *sooner rather than later* you'll wake up, POAS, and see those 2 pink lines and things will feel a little better. And you'll be a little bit more "okay" everyday. Enjoy your healing time and stay strong love. I'm glad you have an awesomely supportive DH too, that makes it so much easier. Oh and enjoy the holidays too, or at least try. Trust me, ours is quite bittersweet too this year :/ <3

The more than 90% chance is only for ultimate success (cumulative, at the end of the 6 cycle package). It's a 36% chance per fresh IVF cycle, and 26% chance per frozen IVF cycle. I wish it was 98% chance per cycle!

And, yep, the fertilized egg goes directly into the uterus (they wait at least 3 days, but will sometimes wait 5 days to see which eggs make it to the blast stage by that point, and are the strongest and best candidates to be put back in).

Prayer warriors unite! :happydance:

And p.s. I've always been thin but ever since marrying my DH he's said things like "ew you can feel your bones" or that I don't have a booty- just "flapjacks" he says lol. I agree that not only me, but my DH too apparently, finds curviness attractive. I just recently started wishing I had some thickness, it really is beautiful (we're all beautiful, I just don't understand why skinny is idolized in the media) and Like STG said, if you look back in time, all the models were size 8.. Not 2! I'm going to make it a priority to teach our little girl that.. It's sad the ideas that are forced upon little ones these days. And heck, us too!

:hugs: Yes, we're all beautiful! *sings Everyone is Beautiful in There Own Way*

Regarding why skinny is idolized in the media: I think it's all tied to appearing wealthy and/or businesses wanting to make money. Once upon a time, plump women were in, because only the wealthy could afford to try and eat enough and relax enough to get plump, if they weren't naturally plump (because if you were poor then you were working in a field and not eating as much, and stuff like sugar was expensive back then). Now, it takes more money to attempt to be thin, if you aren't naturally thin, because less jobs require a high amount of physical labor and the food that is the cheapest is the most fattening. Of course, people also have a natural weight, and whatever fad is in, if they don't happen to fit it just going about their normal lives, there will be adds targeting them, because the companies want to make money and need the public to be convinced they are in need of their services. At the turn of the century (1900's) is when slenderness became fashionable, and although there have been variations in how thin was considered ideal and what was considered thin, it's kinda snowballed, and I think it's due to the increasing ability for advertisers to reach more people in more places, and for more people to have the time and money to pursue and buy.

I, too, am going to make sure to teach any children I have that beauty isn't one size fits all and comes in many forms and the media is full of guano for trying to come up with an ideal weight and/or shape for everyone. :winkwink:

Sorry for the BFNs ladies.

As far as the weight thing goes - As someone who you can usually see my ribs and hips I can say that even skinny people struggle with weight but in a different way. I've always been super skinny but proportionate at 4'11. It drives me crazy when people ask me how much I weigh. I would never walk up to an overweight person and ask them how much they weigh. It should go both ways. When I was a teenager, my crazy mothers side of the family all convinced each other that I was bulimic bc I was thin. I think it's hard both ways whether you are overweight or under and as long as you feel good in your own skin, no one else's opinion matters.

Oh, I feel you! :hugs: When I was skinny and had my ribs, hip bones, and collar bones showing (which was underweight for me and unhealthy due to the hypo) I got comments like that, and my grandma was convinced I was anorexic (but really I just didn't want to take the time to eat a lot because I'd rather be doing other things, and if I didn't have the hypo, then maybe I could have gotten away with my former eating habits without running the risk of being carted off to the hospital with a blood sugar of 20...but I need more fat reserves than I had, to help me not crash so fast and easy, and I need to eat what I consider a lot to keep from crashing at all). And both sides of my family have a high proportion of "feeders" (they want you to be stuffed at every meal, they are not happy until you have put yourself into a bloated food coma) and even today, they still want me to eat more than I do, even when I'm eating a healthy amount for me. So I feel you.

IA, there's nothing wrong with being thin, as long is it's right/healthy for that person, it's just the idea that everyone has to be thin, that is whack. And IA, the reverse is true, with the idea that everyone has to be whatever is considered normal, or if everyone has to be plump, or whatever. The problem is people or society trying to put people in cookie cutter boxes instead of treating them like individuals and taking it on a case by case basis.

I did some reading on decreased CM and I realised what it was, I have only been drinking decaf tea and nothing else. I drank a pint and a half of water yesterday afternoon and by the time we got down to :sex: I was much more moist :happydance:

My LP is only 12 days. It was 11. I can't understand how I can conceive and carry perfectly once and then not the next :(

BB, glad you solved the CM problem! :)

And I'm sorry there aren't definitive answers for you on why the m/c and that you have to go through this! :hugs: Maybe the first one was just lucky and had all the right stuff, and maybe the second one had some kind of chromosome thing that didn't keep it from implanting but kept it from sticking.


AFM: Got the loan paperwork signed and sent out, :) funds should arrive at the clinic in 24hrs (they need to arrive 1 week before AF/cd1, so by 12/14/13).

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