{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

Hey Nichole, what happened with that outrageous HSG bill? did it get sorted out?
I agree with the other ladies and I think its smart to also talk to your dr.
So I just got a piece of good news. My insurance isn't paying anything for clomid. That's good news because I'm only paying $9 a month for 5 of the 50 milligram pills. So that's one less thing to worry about since insurance stops covering it in January.

My insurance doesn't cover it either.
Mine covered a little, but changed and as of January 1, 2014, it won't cover anything related to fertility. I'm nervous about what kund of costs we may face.
Mine covered $5000, but I dont know if that's annually or lifetime. Either way, it doesn't benefit me at all.
No, I'm still waiting to hear back about that grievance I filed. I got the bill so I'm planning to call and see what the frick is up because I refuse to pay it.
Oh, Marie...I forgot to add you to my post. I am also keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!! When are you going to start testing?

Lol no worries. i have been testing every day since I got the trigger shot just making sure the hCG is out of my system before counting a real bfp. It was so twisted seeing those positives from OD for days and days.:haha:
Ok- I am a little behind....

I wish I had someone to talk to in real life about all of this. I'm so sad and down about everything and need a girls night with chocolate, wine, and sappy movies. All my girlfriends are too busy with one thing or another and just dont understand. Sometimes I feel so alone with all of this. Thank god for you girls.

I completely agree. I am so glad that we ran into each other on MFP. :hugs:

STG- I am glad the paperwork came through :)

We just got a little bit of snow here- maybe 1-2 inches. It all looked so pretty until my dog ran all around the yard. She just loves snow, and she is crazy pumped about going outside now!

Fxed for you guys on this cycle!

Afm- I got results back from my Dr. this morning. On Friday at 11:30 my #'s were 185 and the on Monday at 3:45 our #'s were at 915. Dr. was very happy with that. Dh and I decided that we think we were going to wait until 1st week of Feb. before we announce anything to anyone besides our parents and siblings- we will see if we can keep quiet until then! We kept our original date for the ultrasound and so I am hopeful that we will be able to hear a little heartbeat on the 23rd.

Woohoo! Great results Kayla!!!!:happydance:

sorry about that (the whole train of thought was in my brain and made sense) - i do not want to walk a dog in the cold/rain, and since maine is cold for like 6 months, i do not want a dog. (although, in reality, i'm sure we'll get one at some point.)
in the summer months, i'm all "we should have a dog!". then it snows. ha.
i used to have a jack russell who enjoyed the snow quite a bit, until her little paws got too cold.

Lol I'm the same way but I guess I better start getting used to the cold. We are lookin to get out of Florida. Looking into Missouri or Arkansas.

Brownies sound good! I've eaten cake and biscuits today and it's weigh in tonight! :dohh:

Kayla those numbers are great! :happydance:

Glad your feeling better Sandy!

STG happy news about your paperwork!

Amelia how you feeling?

AFM - Temperature dipped this morning, cervix is HSO and my CM has gradually gone from watery to EWCM! Really hoping this is O time!!

It's my works Christmas Do on Saturday, I was going to drink but if I O I will not!!

Woohoo! BD Time!!! C'mon eggie!!!

goodluck BB!

OH had his appointment on Friday with a different urologist who works closely with Kaisers IVF/infertility clinic, who said that he believes the azoospermia is a result of the varicoceles. He doesn't think that he is 100% sterile, and that there is always a chance of one (or two, or a few hundred thousand) spermies in ejaculate at any given point, so not to lose hope. The varicoceles can be fixed through surgery (really easy, out patient procedure, home the same day). We should see a full recovery of sperm production within 3-6 months, if the varicocele was the issue. If it wasn't, they are confident that we can extract sperm from his testes to conceive successfully via IUI or IVF! They still have him on the vitamin regimen, and said to keep trying, there's no harm.

He said that once the varicocele procedure has been done, we can also try clomid for both of us. It has some interesting, but positive effects on men with fertility issues, and we can make my O stronger, and easier for his sperm to reach.

So, PHEW! we're getting somewhere!

On another note, you may have seen on FB that our car got broken into Sunday night/Monday morning, and everything of mine is gone. Purse, wallet, computer, passport, make up bag, gym bag. you name it, its gone. SO mad.

That's great news!!!!!! I am so happy for you! Make a baby! Make a baby!!!

I'm wondering if you ladies can help me figure out whats going on with my body...TMI warning...

So Sunday I started spotting (cd 12) and have continued a steady spotting since then, like not enough to call it a period but continuous bright red blood but its kind of stringy/globby (like ewcm, but red) with occasional brown. What do you think is goin on? should I still try to BD this week? no pos OPK yet but im only on cd 14. I didnt know if maybe the progesterone could be the cause of it. Im so confused.

It could be ovulation. Some women spot during that time.

Mine has never covered anything to my knowledge.

Ditto :-(
Yea Marie I agree chart looks rocking!
Amelia-Good luck tomorrow!
AFM: I will probably go to bed shortly I have to work tomorrow extra early, so I won't probably be on.
Thanks girls! Praying for a darker test tomorrow!

Good night my dears! <3
FX for you Marie.

Ugh.. early work Katrina. Yuck!

Amelia, yes, good luck.

Clomid round 3 starts tomorrow.. can't wait the hot flashes! Haha. Gosh I hope it works this time. God's been hearing from me more lately..
Sandy have you been doing days 3-7 the whole time? I did 3-7 the first month and 5-9 the second. Just a thought. My doc said it didn't really matter but recommended 5-9 vs 3-7
It never rains, it bloody pours. 2013 has officially been the shittest year EVER!!

The exhaust light has just come on in my car, so bloody close to Christmas when we have no spare money! Thank goodness we've pretty much finished Christmas Shopping!!
Yes, I have done days 3-7 the other 2 times. I'm going to try it again this cycle, and if I don't get a BFP, I will probably change it up next cycle.

Bb, I hear you. We just got Hubby's truck out of the shop last week, $1000 later.. and mine has been in twice since August, too. When life gets hard, we remind ourselves that whatever happens, nothing is ever as bad as losing our little guy. It will get better. Only 20 days left of this year.. then we get a fresh start.
Man this must be our bad luck car week. The Dh and I decided we will wait to fix my car, just don't have the extra funding right now (and I haven't even started xmas shopping yet!!!). We have to repaint the entire bumper, worst part is it was someone that works in my district that hit me and they didn't leave me any information. BUT I know what the car looks like so I am going to do my own detective work.

This weekend I should probably start xmas shopping... I am the worst at getting people stuff. I hate it! Not the spending money part- the not knowing what to buy people. I hate getting people gifts they they will not use! I would rather someone tell me exactly what they want. With my Dh if he doesn't tell me what he wants for bday/xmas/etc., he gets nothing! lol ok usually just something little. This year we got the game consoles so we are done with xmas shopping for each other but we need to get things for our family members... any ideas? lol
We are doing one gift for each couple my parents, his parents, my brother and his fiance (23), my sister and her husband (30), and the a gift each for my niece (2) my nephew (7mo).

The only person we are done shopping for is his sister! lol
Do you prefer to be able to wrap something...because I was going to suggest a gift card to a nice restaurant that each couple likes.

I started doing my own little tradition last year since we bought a house, I have miniature stockings for each of my family members (mom, dad and 2 sisters) and I do a $15 gift card and a cute little $5-10 trinket along with some candy. Then I get each of them one gift that I can wrap and bring to put under their tree. I think last year I kept each gift around $20-30 and it was a huge success. With DH's family we usually just send money because they are all in Brazil and its hard to know what to buy for them then wrap and ship it to them.

I'll try to do some online browsing for you today if that helps...I love gifting!

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